def start_vspace(self, vspace): if vspace.text is None: drop = 1 else: drop = convert_str_to_int(vspace.text) self.html_file.write("\\vspace{%s\drop}\n" % drop) return
def _load_innate_ability_modifier(self, innate_node): ability_id = None ability_level = None # handle all the children for child in list(innate_node): tag = child.tag if tag == "abilityid": if ability_id is not None: raise Exception("Only one id per ability modifier!") else: ability_id = child.text.strip() elif tag == "level": ability_level = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname, child.sourceline)) if ability_id not in self.modified_abilities_lookup: raise Exception( "Unknown ability id: '%s' in archetype file: %s Line: %s\n" % (ability_id, self.fname, child.sourceline)) else: ability = self.modified_abilities_lookup[ability_id] ability_level = ability.get_modified_ability_level(ability_level) ability_level.set_innate() return
def parse(self, fname, bonus_element): for child in list(bonus_element): tag = child.tag if tag == "attr": self.attribute = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "value": try: self.bonus = convert_str_to_int(contents_to_string(child)) except ValueError as err: ValueError("%s (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (str(err), child.tag, fname, child.sourceline)) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, fname, child.sourceline)) return
def _load(self, archetype_node, fail_fast): # handle all the children for child in list(archetype_node): tag = child.tag if tag == "archetypetitle": if self.title is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.title = child.text.strip() elif tag == "archetypeid": if self.archetype_id is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.archetype_id = child.text.strip() elif tag == "archetypeac": if is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: = child.text.strip() elif tag == "archetypemove": if self.move is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.move = child.text.strip() elif tag == "inheritance": self._load_inheritance(inheritance=child) elif tag == "archetypedescription": if self.description is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.description = children_to_string(child) elif tag == "archetypeinitiative": if self.initiative is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) #raise Exception("Only one archetypeinitiative per file.") else: self.initiative = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "startingcash": if self.starting_cash is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.starting_cash = child.text elif tag == "startinggear": if self.starting_gear is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.starting_gear = normalize_ws(child.text) elif tag == "height": if self.height is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.height = parse_measurement_to_str(self.fname, child) elif tag == "weight": if self.weight is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.weight = parse_measurement_to_str(self.fname, child) elif tag == "appearance": if self.appearance is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.appearance = normalize_ws(child.text) elif tag == "age": if self.age is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.age = normalize_ws(child.text) elif tag == "aspectexamples": if self.aspect_examples is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.aspect_examples = child.text elif tag == "archetypetags": self.tags.load(child, fail_fast) elif tag == "archetypeinitialabilities": if self.initial_abilities is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.initial_abilities = children_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelprogressiontable": self.level_progression_table.load(child, fail_fast) elif tag == "abilitymodifiers": self._load_ability_modifiers(child) elif tag == "attrbonus": bonus = AttrBonus() bonus.parse(self.fname, child) self.attr_bonuses.append(bonus) elif tag == "attrmax": attr_max = AttrLimit() attr_max.parse(self.fname, AttrLimitType.MAX, child) self.attr_limits.append(attr_max) elif tag == "attrmin": attr_min = AttrLimit() attr_min.parse(self.fname, AttrLimitType.MIN, child) self.attr_limits.append(attr_min) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname, child.sourceline)) return
def load(self, archetype_node, fail_fast): # handle all the children for child in list(archetype_node): tag = child.tag if tag == "levelnumber": if self.level_number is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_number = int(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelresolve": if self.level_resolve is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_resolve = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelresolverefresh": if self.level_resolve_refresh is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_resolve_refresh = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelstamina": if self.level_stamina is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_stamina = normalize_ws(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelstaminarefresh": if self.level_stamina_refresh is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_stamina_refresh = normalize_ws( child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelhealth": if self.level_health is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_health = normalize_ws(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelhealthrefresh": if self.level_health_refresh is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_health_refresh = normalize_ws( child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levellore": if self.level_lore is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_lore = convert_str_to_int(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelmartial": if self.level_martial is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_martial = convert_str_to_int(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelgeneral": if self.level_general is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_general = convert_str_to_int(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "levelmagical": if self.level_magical is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_magical = convert_str_to_int(child.text.strip()) elif tag == "leveldescription": if self.level_description is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: if child.text is not None: self.level_description = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "newlevelabilities": if len(self.level_abilities) > 0: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: if child.text is not None: self.load_level_abilities(child) elif tag == "newlevelpromotions": if len(self.level_promotions) > 0: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: if child.text is not None: self.load_level_promotions(child) elif tag == "levelmagicpool": if self.level_magic_pool is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_magic_pool = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelmagicrefresh": if self.level_magic_refresh is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_magic_refresh = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelfate": if self.level_fate is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_fate = contents_to_string(child) elif tag == "levelfaterefresh": if self.level_fate_refresh is not None: raise NonUniqueTagError(tag, self.fname, child.sourceline) else: self.level_fate_refresh = contents_to_string(child) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname, child.sourceline)) return
def _load_ability_group_modifier(self, ability_group_modifier): ability_group_id = None lore_point_modifier = 0 martial_point_modifier = 0 general_point_modifier = 0 magical_point_modifier = 0 successes_modifier = 0 attempts_modifier = 0 failures_modifier = 0 # handle all the children for child in list(ability_group_modifier): tag = child.tag if tag == "abilitygroupid": if ability_group_id is not None: raise Exception("Only one id per ability group modifier!") else: ability_group_id = child.text.strip() # if ability_group_id not in self.modified_ability_groups_lookup: # raise Exception("UNKNOWN ABILITY GROUP ID (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % # (ability_group_id, self.fname, child.sourceline)) elif tag == "lorepointmodifier": lore_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "martialpointmodifier": martial_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "generalpointmodifier": general_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "magicalpointmodifier": magical_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "successesmodifier": successes_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "failuresmodifier": failures_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "attemptsmodifier": attempts_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname, child.sourceline)) # modified_ability_group = self.modified_ability_groups_lookup[ability_group_id] # modified_ability_group.lore_point_modifier = lore_point_modifier # modified_ability_group.martial_point_modifier = martial_point_modifier # modified_ability_group.general_point_modifier = general_point_modifier # modified_ability_group.magical_point_modifier = magical_point_modifier # modified_ability_group.successes_modifier = successes_modifier # modified_ability_group.attempts_modifier = attempts_modifier # modified_ability_group.failures_modifier = failures_modifier ## assert self.ability_id is not None ## return ability_modifier return
def _load_ability_modifier(self, ability_modifier): ability_id = None lore_point_modifier = 0 martial_point_modifier = 0 general_point_modifier = 0 magical_point_modifier = 0 successes_modifier = 0 attempts_modifier = 0 failures_modifier = 0 # parse ability level modifiers last. ability_level_modifier_elements = [] # handle all the children for child in list(ability_modifier): tag = child.tag if tag == "abilityid": if ability_id is not None: raise Exception("Only one id per ability modifier!") else: ability_id = child.text.strip() elif tag == "lorepointmodifier": lore_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "martialpointmodifier": martial_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "generalpointmodifier": self.general_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "magicalpointmodifier": self.magical_point_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "abilitylevelmodifier": ability_level_modifier_elements.append(child) elif tag == "successesmodifier": successes_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "failuresmodifier": failures_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "attemptsmodifier": attempts_modifier = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN XML TAG (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname, child.sourceline)) # if ability_id not in self.modified_abilities_lookup: # raise Exception("UNKNOWN ABILITY (%s) File: %s Line: %s\n" % # (ability_id, self.fname, child.sourceline)) # modified_ability = self.modified_abilities_lookup[ability_id] # modified_ability.martial_point_modifier = martial_point_modifier # modified_ability.lore_point_modifier = lore_point_modifier # modified_ability.general_point_modifier = general_point_modifier # modified_ability.magical_point_modifier = magical_point_modifier # modified_ability.successes_modifier = successes_modifier # modified_ability.failures_modifier = failures_modifier # modified_ability.attempts_modifier = attempts_modifier # # handle # for child in ability_level_modifier_elements: # modified_ability.load_ability_level_modifier(child) return
def _load(self, monster_element): # handle all the children for child in list(monster_element): tag = child.tag if tag == "monstertitle": if self.title is not None: raise Exception( "Only one monstertitle per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.title = child.text elif tag == "monsterid": if self.monster_id is not None: raise Exception( "Only one monsterid per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: # check for duplicates! monster_id = child.text monster_location = self._get_location(child) if monster_id in self._ids: raise Exception( "Monster id: %s appears in two places %s and %s" % (monster_id, monster_location, self._ids[monster_id])) else: self._ids[monster_id] = monster_location # save the id! self.monster_id = monster_id elif tag == "monstertag": self.tags.append(child.text) elif tag == "monstermove": self.move = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "monsterhealth": = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "monsterstamina": self.stamina = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "monsterresolve": self.resolve = child.text print "set resolve pool to [%s]" % self.resolve #sys.exit() elif tag == "monstermagic": self.magic_pool = child.text elif tag == "monsteraspect": self.aspects.append(child.text) elif tag == "monsterinitiativebonus": self.initiative_bonus = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "ac": = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "strength": if self.strength is not None: raise Exception( "Only one strength per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.strength = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "endurance": if self.endurance is not None: raise Exception( "Only one endurance per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.endurance = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "agility": if self.agility is not None: raise Exception("Only one agility per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.agility = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "speed": if self.speed is not None: raise Exception("Only one speed per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.speed = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "luck": if self.luck is not None: raise Exception("Only one luck per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.luck = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "willpower": if self.willpower is not None: raise Exception( "Only one strength per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.willpower = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "perception": if self.perception is not None: raise Exception( "Only one perception per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: self.perception = convert_str_to_int(child.text) elif tag == "abilitylevelid": ability_level_id = child.text self.ability_level_ids.append(ability_level_id) elif tag == "monsterclass": self.monster_class = MonsterClass.load(child.text) if self.monster_class == MonsterClass.NONE: raise Exception("Unknown monster class: (%s) %s in %s\n" % (child.tag, child.text, self.fname)) elif tag == "monsterdescription": if self.description is not None: raise Exception( "Only one monsterdescription per monster. (%s) %s\n" % (child.tag, str(child))) else: #self.description = get_text(child) #self.description = node_to_string(child) self.description = children_to_string(child) elif tag is COMMENT: # ignore comments! pass else: raise Exception("UNKNOWN (%s) in file %s\n" % (child.tag, self.fname)) self.validate() return