예제 #1
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def join(event, participants, player):
    if not isinstance(event, int):
        event = event['id']
    if not isinstance(player, int):
        player = player.id
    with u.curs() as cursor:
                f'insert into eventplayers (playerid,eventid) values ("{player}",{event});'
                f'select * from eventplayers where eventid={event};')
            position = poslist(cursor.fetchall()).index(player) + 1
            if position <= participants:
                    f'update eventplayers set position=true where eventid={event} and playerid={player}'
            return position
        except pymysql.IntegrityError as dupe:
            if 'Duplicate entry' in dupe.args[1]:
                return False  # Silently 'succeed' dupe issue
            elif 'foreign key constraint' in dupe.args[1]:
                return None  # Silently 'succeed' no event issue
                raise  # I only want to catch some things, and silently succeed them, everything else can f**k off up top
예제 #2
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def createevent(guild, channel, prole, srole=None, playercount=48):
    if not isinstance(guild, int):
        guild = guild.id
    if not isinstance(channel, int):
        channel = channel.id
    if not isinstance(prole, int):
        prole = prole.id
    if not srole:
        srole = prole
    elif not isinstance(srole, int):
        srole = srole.id
    with u.curs() as cursor:
                f'insert into events (guildid,channelid,playerrole,specrole,participants) values ("{guild}","{channel}","{prole}","{srole}",{playercount});'
        except pymysql.IntegrityError as dupe:
            if 'Duplicate entry' not in dupe.args[1]:
                raise  # I only want to catch duplicates, and silently succeed them, everything else can f**k off up top
                return False
        cursor.execute(f'select * from events where guildid="{guild}";')
        event = cursor.fetchone()
    return event
예제 #3
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def endevent(event):
    if not isinstance(event, int):
        event = event['id']
    with u.curs() as cursor:
        out = cursor.execute(f'delete from events where id={event};')
    return out  # True if event deleted, False if it failed (due to no event existing)
예제 #4
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def getplayers(event, spectators=True):
    if not isinstance(event, int):
        event = event['id']
    with u.curs() as cursor:
        if not cursor.execute(
                f'select * from eventplayers where eventid={event}{"" if spectators else " and position is true"};'
            return None  # Either no event or no players in event.
        return poslist(cursor.fetchall())
예제 #5
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def getevent(guild):
    if not isinstance(guild, int):
        guild = guild.id
    with u.curs() as cursor:
        cursor.execute(f'select * from events where guildid={guild}')
        result = cursor.fetchall()
    if len(result) > 1:
        raise Exception(
            'There is more than one running event in this guild!?!')
    if not result:
        return False  # No event found
    return result[0]
예제 #6
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def leave(
    event, player
):  # This shouldn't ever be needed, but I'll include it for debugging purposes.
    if not isinstance(event, int):
        event = event['id']
    if not isinstance(player, int):
        player = player.id
    with u.curs() as cursor:
        out = cursor.execute(
            f'delete from eventplayers where eventid={event} and playerid="{player}";'
        )  # Return True if left successfully, False if not in event or no event
    return out
예제 #7
파일: hge.py 프로젝트: zergling-man/Rinbot
def freeze(*, event=None, guild=None):
    if guild is not None and not isinstance(guild, int):
        guild = guild.id
    event = event or getevent(guild)['id']
    if not isinstance(event, int):
        event = event['id']
    with u.curs() as cursor:
        if not cursor.execute(
                f'update events set active=not active where id={event};'):
            return None  # No row was updated, so return "no event"
        cursor.execute(f'select active from events where id={event};')
        out = bool(cursor.fetchone()['active'])  # isPaused
    return out