def distillation_loss(self, logits, reprs, edges): """Calculate graph distillation losses, which include: regularization loss, loss for logits, and loss for representation. """ # Regularization for graph distillation (average across batch) loss_reg = (edges.mean(1) - self.gd_prior).pow(2).sum() * self.gd_reg loss_logit, loss_repr = 0, 0 for i, idx in enumerate(self.from_idx): w_distill = edges[i] + self.gd_prior[i] # add graph prior loss_logit += self.w_losses[0] * utils.distance_metric( logits[self.to_idx], logits[idx], self.metric, w_distill) loss_repr += self.w_losses[1] * utils.distance_metric( reprs[self.to_idx], reprs[idx], self.metric, w_distill) return loss_reg, loss_logit, loss_repr
def eval_target_images(self, netT, ims_np, opt_params, vis_epochs=10): n, nc, sz, sz_y = ims_np.shape assert (sz == sz_y), "Input must be square!" self.netZ = utils.latent_codes(, n) self.netZ.cuda() self.netT = netT self.dist = utils.distance_metric(sz, nc, self.net_params.force_l2) for epoch in range(opt_params.epochs): er = self.eval_epoch(epoch, ims_np, opt_params) print("NAM Eval Epoch: %d Error: %f" % (epoch, er)) if epoch % vis_epochs == 0: self.visualize(epoch, ims_np, "nam_eval_ims")
def predict(args, model, data_loader): distance = distance_metric(args.distance, model) prediction_results = [] with torch.no_grad(): # each batch represent one episode (support data + query data) for i, (data, target) in enumerate(data_loader): data = # split data into support and query data support_input = data[:args.N_way * args.N_shot, :, :, :] query_input = data[args.N_way * args.N_shot:, :, :, :] # create the relative label (0 ~ N_way-1) for query data label_encoder = { target[i * args.N_shot]: i for i in range(args.N_way) } query_label = torch.cuda.LongTensor([ label_encoder[class_name] for class_name in target[args.N_way * args.N_shot:] ]) # support and query latent support_latent = model(support_input) query_latent = model(query_input) # prototype proto = support_latent.reshape(args.N_way, args.N_shot, -1) proto = proto.permute(1, 0, 2) #(shot,way,z) proto_hallu = model.hallucinate(proto.mean(dim=0), args.hallu_m) proto_aug =, proto_hallu), dim=0) #(shot+m,way,z) proto_aug = proto_aug.mean(dim=0) #(way,z) #proto_aug = proto.mean(dim=0) # distances logits = distance(query_latent, proto_aug) _, indices = torch.topk(logits, k=1, dim=1) indices = indices.view(-1).cpu().numpy() prediction_results.append(indices) print(f"[{i}/{len(data_loader)}]", end=" \r") prediction_results = np.array(prediction_results) index = np.array([[i] for i in range(len(prediction_results))]) prediction_results = np.concatenate((index, prediction_results), axis=1) return prediction_results
def fit_to_target_domain(self, ims_np, opt_params, vis_epochs=10): n, nc, sz, sz_y = ims_np.shape assert (sz == sz_y), "Input must be square!" self.netZ = utils.encoderVAE(sz,, self.net_params.ndf, nc) self.netZ.cuda() self.netT = utils.transformer(sz, self.net_params.ngf, self.input_shape[2], nc) self.netT.cuda() self.dist = utils.distance_metric(sz, nc, self.net_params.force_l2) for epoch in range(opt_params.epochs): er, kl_er, rec_er = self.train_epoch(epoch, ims_np, opt_params) print("NAM Epoch: %d Error: %f KL: %f rec: %f" % (epoch, er, kl_er, rec_er)), 'nam_nets/netZ.pth'), 'nam_nets/netT.pth') if epoch % vis_epochs == 0: self.visualize(epoch, ims_np, "nam_train_ims")
def __init__(self, glo_params, vid_params, rn): self.netZ = model_video_orig._netZ(, vid_params.n) self.netZ.apply( model_video_orig.weights_init) # init the weights of the model self.netZ.cuda() # on GPU self.rn = rn = 0.01 self.data_loader = data_loader.DataLoader() self.netG = model_video_orig.netG_new( self.netG.apply(model_video_orig.weights_init) self.netG.cuda() num_devices = torch.cuda.device_count() if num_devices > 1: print("Using " + str(num_devices) + " GPU's") for i in range(num_devices): print(torch.cuda.get_device_name(i)) self.netG = nn.DataParallel(self.netG) if load: #Load point self.load_weights(counter, self.rn) self.vis_n = 100 fixed_noise = torch.FloatTensor(self.vis_n, 0, 1) # for visualize func - Igen self.fixed_noise = fixed_noise.cuda() self.nag_params = glo_params self.vid_params = vid_params self.blockResnext = 101 if VGG: self.dist_frame = utils.distance_metric(64, 3, glo_params.force_l2) elif LAP: self.lap_loss = lap.LapLoss(max_levels=3) else: self.dist = perceptual_loss_video._resnext_videoDistance( self.blockResnext)
def __init__(self, glo_params, image_params, rn): self.netZ = model._netZ(, image_params.n) self.netZ.apply(model.weights_init) self.netZ.cuda() self.rn = rn self.netG = model._netG(,[0],, glo_params.do_bn) self.netG.apply(model.weights_init) self.netG.cuda() # self.netG = nn.DataParallel(self.netG) self.vis_n = 64 fixed_noise = torch.FloatTensor(self.vis_n,, 1) self.fixed_noise = fixed_noise.cuda() self.glo_params = glo_params self.image_params = image_params # lap_criterion = pyr.MS_Lap(4, 5).cuda() self.dist = utils.distance_metric([0],, glo_params.force_l2)
valid_set = MiniImageNet_Dataset('../hw4_data/val/', valid_trans) valid_sampler = CategoriesSampler(valid_set.label, n_batch=args.n_batch, n_ways=args.valid_way, n_shot=args.shot + args.query) valid_loader = DataLoader(valid_set, batch_sampler=valid_sampler, num_workers=6, worker_init_fn=worker_init_fn) # model model = Conv4_Hallu().to(args.device) model.train() # distance F distance = distance_metric(args.distance, model) # optimizer optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) #lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=20, gamma=0.5) steplr_after = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR( optimizer, T_max=len(train_loader) * args.epochs, eta_min=1e-5) lr_scheduler = WarmupScheduler(optimizer, multiplier=1, total_epoch=args.warmup_epochs * len(train_loader), after_scheduler=steplr_after) best_acc = 0 train_loss, train_acc, valid_loss, valid_acc = [ Averager() for i in range(4)