async def start(self): # Edit to dungeon selection embed await self.setup_msg.edit(embed=self.dungeonembed) def dungeon_check(m): return == and == and m.content.isdigit( ) # Wait for author to select a dungeon while True: try: msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=60, check=dungeon_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: embed = discord.Embed( title="Timed out!", description="You didn't choose a dungeon in time!", await self.setup_msg.clear_reactions() return await self.setup_msg.edit(embed=embed) if msg.content.isdigit(): if int(msg.content) == -1: embed = discord.Embed( title="Cancelled!", description="You chose to cancel this afk creation.", await self.setup_msg.clear_reactions() return await self.setup_msg.edit(embed=embed) if 0 < int(msg.content) < 57: break await self.ctx.send("Please choose a number between 1-56!", delete_after=7) # Grab dungeon info from utils self.dungeon_info = utils.dungeon_info(int(msg.content)) self.dungeontitle = self.dungeon_info[0] self.emojis = self.dungeon_info[1] try: await msg.delete() except discord.NotFound: pass await self.start_afk()
def dungeon_select(hc=False, manual_log=False): descrip = "Please select a dungeon type by typing the number corresponding to the dungeon for which you would like to start a raid.\n" \ "To start a random dungeon headcount type: `(0)` <:defaultdungeon:682212333182910503> Random Dungeons." if hc else \ "Please select the dungeon type of the raid you did." if manual_log else \ "Please select a dungeon type by typing the number corresponding to the dungeon for which you would like to start a raid.\nType `-1` to cancel." embed = discord.Embed(title="Dungeon Selection", description=descrip, dungeons = utils.dungeon_info() endgame = "" realmrelated = "" midtier = "" lowtier = "" other = "" mini = "" events = "" for i, d in enumerate(dungeons.values(), 1): if i < 10: endgame += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" elif i < 19: realmrelated += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" elif i < 29: midtier += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" elif i < 39: lowtier += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" elif i < 47: other += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" elif i < 57: mini += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" else: events += f"`({i})` {d[1][0]} {d[0]}\n" embed.add_field(name="Endgame Dungeons", value=endgame, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Realm-Related Dungeons", value=realmrelated, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Mid-Tier Dungeons", value=midtier, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Low-Tier Dungeons", value=lowtier, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Misc. Dungeons", value=other, inline=True) embed.add_field(name="Mini Dungeons", value=mini, inline=True) # embed.add_field(name="Events", value=events) return embed
async def start(self): await self.setup_msg.edit(embed=self.dungeonembed) def dungeon_check(m): return == and == and m.content.isdigit( ) while True: try: msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=60, check=dungeon_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: embed = discord.Embed( title="Timed out!", description="You didn't choose a dungeon in time!", await self.setup_msg.clear_reactions() return await self.setup_msg.edit(embed=embed) if -1 < int(msg.content) < 56 or 60 < int(msg.content) < 62: break await self.ctx.send( "Please choose a number between 0-55 or 61-62!", delete_after=7) self.keyed_run = False num = int(msg.content) if num == 0: self.dungeontitle = "Random Dungeons" self.emojis = utils.rand_dungon_keys() self.thumbnail = "" await msg.delete() await self.setup_msg.delete() embed = embeds.headcount_base(self.dungeontitle,, False, self.emojis, [], thumbnail=self.thumbnail) embed.description = f"React to {self.emojis[0]} to participate in the run!\nIf you have keys, react to the appropriate emojis " \ f"below!" hcmsg = await self.hcchannel.send( f"@here Headcount for `{self.dungeontitle}` {self.emojis[0]} started by " f"{} for {}", embed=embed) for emoji in self.emojis[:20]: await hcmsg.add_reaction(emoji) msg1 = await self.hcchannel.send("More Keys:") for emoji in self.emojis[20:40]: await msg1.add_reaction(emoji) msg2 = await self.hcchannel.send("Even More Keys:") for emoji in self.emojis[40:]: await msg2.add_reaction(emoji) return elif num == 61: self.dungeontitle = "Realm Clearing" self.emojis = [ "<:defaultdungeon:682212333182910503>", "<:trickster:682214467483861023>", "<:Warrior_1:585616162407186433>", "<:ninja_3:585616162151202817>" ] self.rusher_emojis = ["<:planewalker:682212363889279091>"] self.hc_color = discord.Color.from_rgb(20, 125, 236) self.thumbnail = "" elif num == 62: self.dungeontitle = "Fame Train" self.emojis = [ "<:fame:682209281722024044>", "<:sorcerer:682214487490560010>", "<:necromancer:682214503106215966>", "<:sseal:683815374403141651>", "<:puri:682205769973760001>" ] self.rusher_emojis = [] self.hc_color = discord.Color.from_rgb(233, 127, 33) self.thumbnail = "" else: self.dungeon_info = utils.dungeon_info(int(msg.content)) self.keyed_run = True self.dungeontitle = self.dungeon_info[0] self.emojis = self.dungeon_info[1] self.confirmreactions = self.dungeon_info[2] self.rusher_emojis = self.dungeon_info[3] self.hc_color = self.dungeon_info[4] self.thumbnail = self.dungeon_info[5] await msg.delete() await self.setup_msg.delete() afkmsg = await self.hcchannel.send( f"@here Headcount for `{self.dungeontitle}` {self.emojis[0]} started by {} for {}", embed=embeds.headcount_base(self.dungeontitle,, self.keyed_run, self.emojis, self.rusher_emojis, self.thumbnail, self.hc_color)) if 0 < num < 61: embed = discord.Embed( title="Headcount", description=f"{} - your headcount for" f" `{self.dungeontitle}` has been started!\nTo convert this headcount into an " "afk check, press the 🔀 button.", else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Headcount", description=f"{} - your headcount for" f" `{self.dungeontitle}` has been started!", hcmsg = await self.ctx.send(embed=embed) for e in self.emojis: await afkmsg.add_reaction(e) for e in self.confirmreactions: await afkmsg.add_reaction(e) for e in self.rusher_emojis: await afkmsg.add_reaction(e) if 0 < num < 61: await hcmsg.add_reaction("🔀") while True: def check(react, usr): return not and == and usr == and str( react.emoji) == '🔀' try: reaction, user = await self.client.wait_for( 'reaction_add', timeout=3600, check=check) # Wait max 1 hour except asyncio.TimeoutError: embed.description = f"{} - your headcount for `{self.dungeontitle}` has been started!\n" \ f"Conversion to an afk check timed out. Try starting a new headcount/afk." await hcmsg.edit(embed=embed) return await hcmsg.clear_reactions() if in self.client.raid_db[]['leaders']: await self.ctx.send( "You cannot start another AFK while an AFK check is still up or a run log has not been " "completed.", delete_after=10) await reaction.remove() continue embed = discord.Embed( title="Location Selection", description= "Please type the location you'd like to set for this run.") setup_msg = await self.ctx.send(embed=embed) def location_check(m): return == and == try: msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=600, check=location_check ) # Wait max 10 Minutes except asyncio.TimeoutError: continue location = msg.content await msg.delete() afk = AfkCheck(self.client, self.ctx, location, self.raidnum, self.inraiding, self.invet, self.inevents, self.raiderrole, self.rlrole, self.hcchannel, self.vcchannel, setup_msg) await afk.convert_from_headcount( afkmsg, self.dungeon_info, self.dungeontitle, self.emojis, self.raidnum, self.inraiding, self.invet, self.inevents, self.raiderrole, self.rlrole, self.hcchannel, self.vcchannel)
async def logrun(self, ctx, member: utils.MemberLookupConverter = None, number=1): if not member: member = setup = VCSelect(self.client, ctx, manual_log=True) data = await setup.start() if isinstance(data, tuple): (raidnum, inraiding, invet, inevents, raiderrole, rlrole, hcchannel, vcchannel, setup_msg) = data else: return try: await setup_msg.delete() except discord.NotFound: pass r_msg = await ctx.send(embed=embeds.dungeon_select(manual_log=True)) def dungeon_check(m): return == and == and m.content.isdigit( ) while True: try: msg = await self.client.wait_for('message', timeout=60, check=dungeon_check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: embed = discord.Embed( title="Timed out!", description="You didn't choose a dungeon in time!", await r_msg.clear_reactions() return await r_msg.edit(embed=embed) if msg.content.isdigit(): if 0 < int(msg.content) < 57: break await ctx.send("Please choose a number between 1-56!", delete_after=7) await r_msg.delete() dungeon_info = utils.dungeon_info(int(msg.content)) try: await msg.delete() except discord.NotFound: pass dungeontitle = dungeon_info[0] emojis = dungeon_info[1] guild_db = self.client.guild_db.get( logrun = LogRun(self.client,,, ctx.guild, emojis, [], dungeontitle, [], guild_db.get(sql.gld_cols.rlroleid), hcchannel, events=inevents, vialreacts=[], helmreacts=[], shieldreacts=[], swordreacts=[], numruns=number, runleader=member) await logrun.start()