def get_pair_mentions_features(self, m1, m2): ''' Features for pair of mentions (same speakers, speaker mentioned, string match)''' features_ = {"00_SameSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m1.speaker == m2.speaker else 0, "01_AntMatchMentionSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m2.speaker_match_mention(m1) else 0, "02_MentionMatchSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m1.speaker_match_mention(m2) else 0, "03_HeadsAgree": 1 if m1.heads_agree(m2) else 0, "04_ExactStringMatch": 1 if m1.exact_match(m2) else 0, "05_RelaxedStringMatch": 1 if m1.relaxed_match(m2) else 0, "06_SentenceDistance": m2.utterances_sent - m1.utterances_sent, "07_MentionDistance": m2.index - m1.index - 1, "08_Overlapping": 1 if (m1.utterances_sent == m2.utterances_sent and m1.end > m2.start) else 0, "09_M1Features": m1.features_, "10_M2Features": m2.features_, "11_DocGenre": self.genre_} pairwise_features = [np.array([features_["00_SameSpeaker"], features_["01_AntMatchMentionSpeaker"], features_["02_MentionMatchSpeaker"], features_["03_HeadsAgree"], features_["04_ExactStringMatch"], features_["05_RelaxedStringMatch"]]), encode_distance(features_["06_SentenceDistance"]), encode_distance(features_["07_MentionDistance"]), np.array(features_["08_Overlapping"], ndmin=1), m1.features, m2.features, self.genre] return (features_, np.concatenate(pairwise_features, axis=0))
def set_mentions_features(self): ''' Compute features for the extracted mentions ''' doc_embedding = self.embed_extractor.get_document_embedding(self.utterances) if self.embed_extractor is not None else None for mention in self.mentions: one_hot_type = np.zeros((4,)) one_hot_type[mention.mention_type] = 1 features_ = {"01_MentionType": mention.mention_type, "02_MentionLength": len(mention)-1, "03_MentionNormLocation": (mention.index)/len(self.mentions), "04_IsMentionNested": 1 if any((m is not mention and m.utterances_sent == mention.utterances_sent and m.start <= mention.start and mention.end <= m.end) for m in self.mentions) else 0} features = np.concatenate([one_hot_type, encode_distance(features_["02_MentionLength"]), np.array(features_["03_MentionNormLocation"], ndmin=1, copy=False), np.array(features_["04_IsMentionNested"], ndmin=1, copy=False) ], axis=0) (spans_embeddings_, words_embeddings_, spans_embeddings, words_embeddings) = self.embed_extractor.get_mention_embeddings(mention, doc_embedding) mention.features_ = features_ mention.features = features mention.spans_embeddings = spans_embeddings mention.spans_embeddings_ = spans_embeddings_ mention.words_embeddings = words_embeddings mention.words_embeddings_ = words_embeddings_
def get_pair_mentions_features(self, m1, m2, doc_id, fileCsv, fileId, fileLabel, fileFeature, setID): ''' Features for pair of mentions (same speakers, speaker mentioned, string match)''' features_ = { "00_SameSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m1.speaker == m2.speaker else 0, "01_AntMatchMentionSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m2.speaker_match_mention(m1) else 0, "02_MentionMatchSpeaker": 1 if self.consider_speakers and m1.speaker_match_mention(m2) else 0, "03_HeadsAgree": 1 if m1.heads_agree(m2) else 0, "04_ExactStringMatch": 1 if m1.exact_match(m2) else 0, "05_RelaxedStringMatch": 1 if m1.relaxed_match(m2) else 0, "06_SentenceDistance": m2.utterances_sent - m1.utterances_sent, "07_MentionDistance": m2.index - m1.index - 1, "08_Overlapping": 1 if (m1.utterances_sent == m2.utterances_sent and m1.end > m2.start) else 0, "09_M1Features": m1.features_, "10_M2Features": m2.features_, "11_DocGenre": self.genre_ } pairwise_features = [ np.array([ features_["00_SameSpeaker"], features_["01_AntMatchMentionSpeaker"], features_["02_MentionMatchSpeaker"], features_["03_HeadsAgree"], features_["04_ExactStringMatch"], features_["05_RelaxedStringMatch"] ]), encode_distance(features_["06_SentenceDistance"]), encode_distance(features_["07_MentionDistance"]), np.array(features_["08_Overlapping"], ndmin=1), m1.features, m2.features, self.genre ] folderIndexMention = "/home/hung/git/neuralcoref/unite/index/" #folderFeatureMention="/home/hung/git/neuralcoref/feature_mentions/" strFileM1 = "".join( [folderIndexMention, str(doc_id), "_", str(m1.index), ".txt"]) strFileM2 = "".join( [folderIndexMention, str(doc_id), "_", str(m2.index), ".txt"]) #strFileFeat="".join([folderFeatureMention,str(m1.index),"_",str(m2.index),".txt"]) if not os.path.isfile(strFileM1): strWriteM1 = u"".join([ str(doc_id), "\n", str(m1.index), "\n", str(m1.gold_label), "\n", str(m1.start), "\n", str(m1.end), "\n", str(m1).encode('utf8'), "\n" ]) text_file = open(strFileM1, "w") text_file.write(strWriteM1) text_file.close() if not os.path.isfile(strFileM2): strWriteM2 = u"".join([ str(doc_id), "\n", str(m2.index), "\n", str(m2.gold_label), "\n", str(m2.start), "\n", str(m2.end), "\n", str(m2).encode('utf8'), "\n" ]) text_file = open(strFileM2, "w") text_file.write(strWriteM2) text_file.close() finalResult = np.concatenate(pairwise_features, axis=0) strId = "".join( [str(doc_id), "_", str(m1.index), "_", str(m2.index), ".txt"]).replace("\n", " ").strip() if strId not in setID: setID.add(strId) strPairLabel = "0" if m1.gold_label == m2.gold_label: strPairLabel = "1" #strWriteFeat=u"".join([str(m1.index),"\n",str(m1.gold_label),"\n",str(m2.index),"\n",str(m2.gold_label),"\n",strPairLabel,"\n",str(finalResult).replace("\n", " "),"\n"]) strFeat = "".join([str(doc_id), ",", strId, ","]) for i in range(len(finalResult)): strFeat = "".join([strFeat, str(finalResult[i]), ","]) strFeat = "".join([strFeat, strPairLabel]) #strFeat=str(finalResult).replace("\n", " ") fileId.write("".join([strId, "\n"])) fileLabel.write("".join([strPairLabel, "\n"])) fileFeature.write("".join([strFeat, "\n"])) fileCsv.write("".join([strFeat, "\n"])) #print(m1.gold_label+" "+m2.gold_label+" "+strPairLabel) #print('m1 '+' '+str(m1)+' '+str(m1.start)+' '+str(m1.end)+' '+str(m1.index)+' '+str(m1.gold_label)+' abc') #print('m2 '+' '+str(m2)+' '+str(m2.start)+' '+str(m2.end)+' '+str(m2.index)+' '+str(m2.gold_label)+' abc') #print('pair'+str(np.concatenate(pairwise_features, axis=0))) #abc = raw_input("What is your name? ") return (features_, finalResult)
def __getitem__(self, mention_idx, debug=False): """ Return: Definitions: P is the number of antecedent per mention (number of pairs for the mention) S = 250 is the size of the span vector (averaged word embeddings) W = 8 is the number of words in a mention (tuned embeddings) Fp = 70 is the number of features for a pair of mention Fs = 24 is the number of features of a single mention if there are some pairs: inputs = (spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features) targets = (labels, costs, true_ants, false_ants) else: inputs = (spans, words, features) targets = (labels, costs, true_ants) inputs: Tuple of spans => (S,) 250 words => (W,) 8 features => (Fs,) 70 + if there are potential antecedents (P > 0): ant_spans => (P, S) or nothing if no pairs (P,250) ant_words => (P, W) or nothing if no pairs (P,8) ana_spans => (P, S) or nothing if no pairs ana_words => (P, W) or nothing if no pairs pair_features => (P, Fp) or nothing if no pairs targets: Tuple of labels => (P+1,) costs => (P+1,) true_ant => (P+1,) + if there are potential antecedents (P > 0): false_ant => (P+1,) """ features_raw, label, pairs_length, pairs_start_index, spans, words = self.mentions[ mention_idx] pairs_start_index = np.asscalar(pairs_start_index) pairs_length = np.asscalar(pairs_length) # Build features array (float) from raw features (int) #Fs共24个特征 ### SIZE_FS_COMPRESSED size of the features for a mention as stored in numpy arrays分割成4,11,1,1, assert features_raw.shape[0] == SIZE_FS_COMPRESSED ##24* features = np.zeros((SIZE_FS, )) features[features_raw[0]] = 1 ##features_raw[1]进行one-hot features[4:15] = encode_distance(features_raw[1]) features[15] = features_raw[2].astype(float) / features_raw[3].astype( float) features[16] = features_raw[4] features[features_raw[5] + 17] = 1 if pairs_length == 0: spans = torch.from_numpy(spans).float() words = torch.from_numpy(words) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() inputs = (spans, words, features) if self.no_targets: return inputs true_ant = torch.zeros(1).long() # zeros = indices of true ant costs = torch.from_numpy((1 - label) * self.costs['FN']).float() label = torch.from_numpy(label).float() targets = (label, costs, true_ant) if debug: print("inputs shapes: ", [a.size() for a in inputs]) print("targets shapes: ", [a.size() for a in targets]) return inputs, targets ##ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features start = pairs_start_index end = pairs_start_index + pairs_length pairs = self.pairs[start:end] assert len(pairs) == pairs_length assert len( pairs[0] ) == 3 # pair[i] = (pairs_ant_index, pairs_features, pairs_labels) pairs_ant_index, pairs_features_raw, pairs_labels = list(zip(*pairs)) pairs_features_raw = np.stack(pairs_features_raw) pairs_labels = np.squeeze(np.stack(pairs_labels), axis=1) # Build pair features array (float) from raw features (int) assert pairs_features_raw[0, :].shape[0] == SIZE_FP_COMPRESSED pairs_features = np.zeros((len(pairs_ant_index), SIZE_FP)) pairs_features[:, 0:6] = pairs_features_raw[:, 0:6] pairs_features[:, 6:17] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 6]) pairs_features[:, 17:28] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 7]) pairs_features[:, 28] = pairs_features_raw[:, 8] # prepare antecent features ant_features_raw = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][0][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ant_features = np.zeros((pairs_length, SIZE_FS - SIZE_GENRE)) ant_features[:, ant_features_raw[:, 0]] = 1 ant_features[:, 4:15] = encode_distance(ant_features_raw[:, 1]) ant_features[:, 15] = ant_features_raw[:, 2].astype( float) / ant_features_raw[:, 3].astype(float) ant_features[:, 16] = ant_features_raw[:, 4] pairs_features[:, 29:46] = ant_features # Here we keep the genre ana_features = np.tile(features, (pairs_length, 1)) pairs_features[:, 46:] = ana_features ant_spans = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][4][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ant_words = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][5][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ##np.tile(A,B)重复A B次,B可以是列表 ana_spans = np.tile(spans, (pairs_length, 1)) ana_words = np.tile(words, (pairs_length, 1)) ##将ndarray转换成tensor ant_spans = torch.from_numpy(ant_spans).float() ant_words = torch.from_numpy(ant_words) ana_spans = torch.from_numpy(ana_spans).float() ana_words = torch.from_numpy(ana_words) pairs_features = torch.from_numpy(pairs_features).float() labels_stack = np.concatenate((pairs_labels, label), axis=0) assert labels_stack.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) labels = torch.from_numpy(labels_stack).float() spans = torch.from_numpy(spans).float() words = torch.from_numpy(words) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() inputs = (spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features) if self.no_targets: return inputs if label == 0: costs = np.concatenate( (self.costs['WL'] * (1 - pairs_labels), [self.costs['FN']])) # Inverse labels: 1=>0, 0=>1 else: costs = np.concatenate( (self.costs['FL'] * np.ones_like(pairs_labels), [0])) assert costs.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) costs = torch.from_numpy(costs).float() true_ants_unpad = np.flatnonzero(labels_stack) if len(true_ants_unpad) == 0: raise ValueError("Error: no True antecedent for mention") true_ants = np.pad(true_ants_unpad, (0, len(pairs_labels) + 1 - len(true_ants_unpad)), 'edge') assert true_ants.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) true_ants = torch.from_numpy(true_ants).long() false_ants_unpad = np.flatnonzero(1 - labels_stack) assert len(false_ants_unpad) != 0 false_ants = np.pad(false_ants_unpad, (0, len(pairs_labels) + 1 - len(false_ants_unpad)), 'edge') assert false_ants.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) false_ants = torch.from_numpy(false_ants).long() targets = (labels, costs, true_ants, false_ants) if debug: print("Mention", mention_idx) print("inputs shapes: ", [a.size() for a in inputs]) print("targets shapes: ", [a.size() for a in targets]) return inputs, targets
def __getitem__(self, mention_idx, debug=False): # add lru cache """ Return: Definitions: P is the number of antecedent per mention (number of pairs for the mention) S = 250 is the size of the span vector (averaged word embeddings) W = 8 is the number of words in a mention (tuned embeddings) Fp = 70 is the number of features for a pair of mention Fs = 24 is the number of features of a single mention if there are some pairs: inputs = (spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features) targets = (labels, costs, true_ants, false_ants) else: inputs = (spans, words, features) targets = (labels, costs, true_ants) inputs: Tuple of spans => (S,) words => (W,) features => (Fs,) + if there are potential antecedents (P > 0): ant_spans => (P, S) or nothing if no pairs ant_words => (P, W) or nothing if no pairs ana_spans => (P, S) or nothing if no pairs ana_words => (P, W) or nothing if no pairs pair_features => (P, Fp) or nothing if no pairs targets: Tuple of labels => (P+1,) costs => (P+1,) true_ant => (P+1,) + if there are potential antecedents (P > 0): false_ant => (P+1,) """ #print("PRINTING ALL ARR AT MENTIONS IDX") #for key, arr in sorted(self.datas.items()) : # print("<----------------->") # print(key) # #print((arr)) # print(type(arr)) # print(arr[mention_idx]) # #print(arr[mention_idx].shape) # print("<---------------->") #nangool = input("ALL ARR PRINTED") #mentions_tuples = [arr[mention_idx,:] for key, arr in sorted(self.datas.items()) if key.startswith("mentions")] #print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") #for arr in mentions_idx_tuples : # print(arr.shape) #print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") #print(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>") #print(mentions_idx_tuples) #print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<") #mentions_tuples = list(zip(*(arr[mention_idx,:] for key, arr in sorted(self.datas.items()) if key.startswith(u"mentions")))) #print("`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````") #for tup in mentions_tuples : # print(tup) # print(tup.shape) # print(tup.shape[0]) #print("``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````") #mentions_tuples = list(zip(*mentions_idx_tuples)) #print("//////////////////////////////////////////////////////") #print(mentions_tuples) #print(mentions_tuples[0]) #print("///////////////////////////////////////////////////////") #assert [arr.shape[0] for arr in mentions_tuples[0]] == [6, 1, 1, 1, 250, 8] # Cf order of FEATURES_NAMES in #assert [arr.shape[0] for arr in mentions_tuples] == [6, 1, 1, 1, 250, 8] # Cf order of FEATURES_NAMES in #features_raw, label, pairs_length, pairs_start_index, spans, words = mentions_tuples#self.mentions[mention_idx] features_raw, label, pairs_length, pairs_start_index, spans, words = self.mentions[ mention_idx] pairs_start_index = np.asscalar(pairs_start_index) pairs_length = np.asscalar(pairs_length) # Build features array (float) from raw features (int) assert features_raw.shape[0] == SIZE_FS_COMPRESSED features = np.zeros((SIZE_FS, )) features[features_raw[0]] = 1 features[4:15] = encode_distance(features_raw[1]) features[15] = features_raw[2].astype(float) / features_raw[3].astype( float) features[16] = features_raw[4] features[features_raw[5] + 17] = 1 if pairs_length == 0: spans = torch.from_numpy(spans).float() words = torch.from_numpy(words) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() inputs = (spans, words, features) if self.no_targets: return inputs true_ant = torch.zeros(1).long() # zeros = indices of true ant costs = torch.from_numpy((1 - label) * self.costs['FN']).float() label = torch.from_numpy(label).float() targets = (label, costs, true_ant) if debug: print("inputs shapes: ", [a.size() for a in inputs]) print("targets shapes: ", [a.size() for a in targets]) return inputs, targets start = pairs_start_index end = pairs_start_index + pairs_length #pairs = list(zip(*(arr[start:end] for key, arr in sorted(self.datas.items()) if key.startswith(u"pairs")))) #assert [arr.shape[0] for arr in pairs[0]] == [1, 9, 1] # Cf order of FEATURES_NAMES in pairs = self.pairs[start:end] assert len(pairs) == pairs_length assert len( pairs[0] ) == 3 # pair[i] = (pairs_ant_index, pairs_features, pairs_labels) pairs_ant_index, pairs_features_raw, pairs_labels = list(zip(*pairs)) pairs_features_raw = np.stack(pairs_features_raw) pairs_labels = np.squeeze(np.stack(pairs_labels), axis=1) # Build pair features array (float) from raw features (int) assert pairs_features_raw[0, :].shape[0] == SIZE_FP_COMPRESSED pairs_features = np.zeros((len(pairs_ant_index), SIZE_FP)) pairs_features[:, 0:6] = pairs_features_raw[:, 0:6] pairs_features[:, 6:17] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 6]) pairs_features[:, 17:28] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 7]) pairs_features[:, 28] = pairs_features_raw[:, 8] # prepare antecent features ant_features_raw = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][0][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) #ant_features_raw = np.concatenate([arr[]]) ant_features = np.zeros((pairs_length, SIZE_FS - SIZE_GENRE)) ant_features[:, ant_features_raw[:, 0]] = 1 ant_features[:, 4:15] = encode_distance(ant_features_raw[:, 1]) ant_features[:, 15] = ant_features_raw[:, 2].astype( float) / ant_features_raw[:, 3].astype(float) ant_features[:, 16] = ant_features_raw[:, 4] pairs_features[:, 29:46] = ant_features # Here we keep the genre ana_features = np.tile(features, (pairs_length, 1)) pairs_features[:, 46:] = ana_features ant_spans = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][4][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ant_words = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][5][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ana_spans = np.tile(spans, (pairs_length, 1)) ana_words = np.tile(words, (pairs_length, 1)) ant_spans = torch.from_numpy(ant_spans).float() ant_words = torch.from_numpy(ant_words) ana_spans = torch.from_numpy(ana_spans).float() ana_words = torch.from_numpy(ana_words) pairs_features = torch.from_numpy(pairs_features).float() labels_stack = np.concatenate((pairs_labels, label), axis=0) assert labels_stack.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) labels = torch.from_numpy(labels_stack).float() spans = torch.from_numpy(spans).float() words = torch.from_numpy(words) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() inputs = (spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features) del spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features if self.no_targets: return inputs if label == 0: costs = np.concatenate( (self.costs['WL'] * (1 - pairs_labels), [self.costs['FN']])) # Inverse labels: 1=>0, 0=>1 else: costs = np.concatenate( (self.costs['FL'] * np.ones_like(pairs_labels), [0])) assert costs.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) costs = torch.from_numpy(costs).float() true_ants_unpad = np.flatnonzero(labels_stack) if len(true_ants_unpad) == 0: raise ValueError("Error: no True antecedent for mention") true_ants = np.pad(true_ants_unpad, (0, len(pairs_labels) + 1 - len(true_ants_unpad)), 'edge') assert true_ants.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) true_ants = torch.from_numpy(true_ants).long() false_ants_unpad = np.flatnonzero(1 - labels_stack) assert len(false_ants_unpad) != 0 false_ants = np.pad(false_ants_unpad, (0, len(pairs_labels) + 1 - len(false_ants_unpad)), 'edge') assert false_ants.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) false_ants = torch.from_numpy(false_ants).long() targets = (labels, costs, true_ants, false_ants) del labels, costs, true_ants, false_ants if debug: print("Mention", mention_idx) print("inputs shapes: ", [a.size() for a in inputs]) print("targets shapes: ", [a.size() for a in targets]) #lknvf = input("HEY I REACHED THE END OF THIS FUNCTION THAT SHOULDN'T BE HAPPENING") return inputs, targets
def run_coref_on_mentions(self, mentions): ''' Run the coreference model on a mentions list ''' best_ant = {} best_score = {} n_ant = 0 #print(mentions) #inp = np.empty((SIZE_SINGLE_IN, len(mentions))) #print("SHAPE OF INP SHAPE") #print(inp.shape) #yur = input() #for i, mention_idx in enumerate(mentions): # mention =[mention_idx] # print(mention) # frio = input("mention extraced from data") # print(type(mention)) # shah = input("mention type") # print() # print("mention embedding", mention.embedding.shape) # inp[:len(mention.embedding), i] = mention.embedding # inp[:len(mention.embedding), i] = mention.features # inp[:len(mention.embedding), i] = mention_idx_list = [] mentions_spans = [] mentions_words = [] mentions_features = [] pairs_ant_idx = [] pairs_features = [] pairs_labels = [] mentions_labels = [] mentions_pairs_start = [] mentions_pairs_length = [] mentions_location = [] mentions_stories = [] n_mentions = 0 total_pairs = 0 #print(mentions) #oven_sotry = input('MENTIONS PRINTED') #if debug: print("mentions", self.mentions, str([m.gold_label for m in self.mentions])) # create 2 for loops, one for single pairs and one for pairs for mention_idx, antecedents_idx in list(, self.max_dist, self.max_dist_match)): n_mentions += 1 doc_id = 1 mention =[mention_idx] # let's create the story story_embeds = [] raw_utterances = self.get_utterances() for utt_index in range(mention.utterance_index): utt_dealt = raw_utterances[utt_index] for token in utt_dealt: # since mention_words_idx works on Mention, we convert every token into a mention token_word_idx = word_idx_finder(self.embed_extractor, token.text) #story_embeds.append(token_embed.tolist()) story_embeds.append(token_word_idx) final_utt_dealt = raw_utterances[mention.utterance_index] for token_index in range(mention.start): token_word_idx = word_idx_finder( self.embed_extractor, final_utt_dealt[token_index].text) #story_embeds.append(token_embed.tolist()) story_embeds.append(token_word_idx) mentions_stories.append(story_embeds) mention_idx_list.append(mention_idx) mentions_spans.append(mention.spans_embeddings) w_idx = mention_words_idx(self.embed_extractor, mention) if w_idx is None: print("error in",, self.part, mention.utterance_index) mentions_words.append(w_idx) mentions_features.append( self.get_single_mention_features_conll(mention)) mentions_location.append([ mention.start, mention.end, mention.utterance_index, mention_idx, doc_id ]) ants = [[ant_idx] for ant_idx in antecedents_idx] # Some display functions #tuy = input() #print("************************************************************************************************") #print("MENTION IDX,",mention_idx) #print("MENTION REFRED,",mention) #print("MENTION SPANS,",mention.spans_embeddings.shape) #print("MENTION FEATURES,",self.get_single_mention_features_conll(mention)) #print("MENTION LOCATION,",[mention.start,mention.end,mention.utterance_index,mention_idx,doc_id]) #print("ANTS ,",ants) #print("*************************************************************************************************") #hua = input() no_antecedent = not any( ant.gold_label == mention.gold_label for ant in ants) or mention.gold_label is None if antecedents_idx: pairs_ant_idx += [idx for idx in antecedents_idx] pairs_features += [ self.get_pair_mentions_features_conll(ant, mention) for ant in ants ] ant_labels = [0 for ant in ants] if no_antecedent else [ 1 if ant.gold_label == mention.gold_label else 0 for ant in ants ] pairs_labels += ant_labels mentions_labels.append(1 if no_antecedent else 0) mentions_pairs_start.append(total_pairs) total_pairs += len(ants) mentions_pairs_length.append(len(ants)) out_dict = { FEATURES_NAMES[0]: mentions_features, FEATURES_NAMES[1]: mentions_labels, FEATURES_NAMES[2]: mentions_pairs_length, FEATURES_NAMES[3]: mentions_pairs_start, FEATURES_NAMES[4]: mentions_spans, FEATURES_NAMES[5]: mentions_words, #FEATURES_NAMES[6]: pairs_ant_idx if pairs_ant_idx else None, FEATURES_NAMES[6]: pairs_ant_idx if pairs_ant_idx else list(), #FEATURES_NAMES[7]: pairs_features if pairs_features else None, FEATURES_NAMES[7]: pairs_features if pairs_features else list(), #FEATURES_NAMES[8]: pairs_labels if pairs_labels else None, FEATURES_NAMES[8]: pairs_labels if pairs_labels else list(), FEATURES_NAMES[9]: mentions_stories } gathering_dict = dict((feat, None) for feat in FEATURES_NAMES) n_mentions_list = [] pairs_ant_index = 0 pairs_start_index = 0 for n, p, arrays_dict in tqdm([(n_mentions, total_pairs, out_dict)]): #print(out_dict) #pizza_hut = input('OUT DICT PRINTED') #print(arrays_dict) #dominoes = input('ARRAYS DICT PRINTED') for f in FEATURES_NAMES: if gathering_dict[f] is None: gathering_dict[f] = arrays_dict[f] else: if f == FEATURES_NAMES[6]: array = [a + pairs_ant_index for a in arrays_dict[f]] elif f == FEATURES_NAMES[3]: array = [a + pairs_start_index for a in arrays_dict[f]] else: array = arrays_dict[f] gathering_dict[f] += array pairs_ant_index += n pairs_start_index += p n_mentions_list.append(n) mention_feature_dict = dict() pairs_feature_dict = dict() train_phase = True for feature in FEATURES_NAMES[:10]: print("Building numpy array for", feature, "length", len(gathering_dict[feature])) if feature != "mentions_spans": #array = np.array(gathering_dict[feature]) # check if we are dealing with length of memories if feature == "mentions_stories" or feature == "pairs_stories": gathering_array = [] max_story_len = 200 for story in gathering_dict[feature]: #print(len(story[0])) #print(len(story[1])) #random_pause = input() if len(story) > 200: final_story = story[-200:] else: number_to_append = max(0, max_story_len - len(story)) #number_to_append = min(number_to_append,50) final_story = story + number_to_append * [0] #print(final_story) #print(len(final_story)) #random_pause = input() gathering_array.append(final_story) array = np.array(gathering_array) print(array.shape) else: array = np.array(gathering_dict[feature]) if array.ndim == 1: print("expand_dims for feature, ", feature) array = np.expand_dims(array, axis=1) else: array = np.stack(gathering_dict[feature]) # check_numpy_array(feature, array, n_mentions_list) print("Saving numpy", feature, "size", array.shape) #array_save = input() if feature.startswith("mentions"): mention_feature_dict[feature] = array if feature.startswith("pairs"): pairs_feature_dict[feature] = array # zip it with pairs dict self.mentions = list( zip(*(arr for key, arr in sorted(mention_feature_dict.items())))) self.pairs = list( zip(*(arr for key, arr in sorted(pairs_feature_dict.items())))) #print("LEN OF PAIRS IS,",len(self.pairs)) #jsk = input("PRINTING THE PAIRS") #print(self.pairs) #sdghr = input("ALL PAIRS PRINTED") #print("MENTION PAIRS LENGTH IS,",mention_feature_dict['mentions_pairs_length']) #victoria = input() for i in range(len(mention_feature_dict[FEATURES_NAMES[0]])): mention_idx = mention_idx_list[i] features_raw = mention_feature_dict['mentions_features'][i, :] #print("FEATUERES_RAW_PRINTED_is,",features_raw) label = mention_feature_dict['mentions_labels'][i, :] pairs_length = mention_feature_dict['mentions_pairs_length'][i, :] pairs_start_index = mention_feature_dict[ 'mentions_pairs_start_index'][i] mentions_stories = mention_feature_dict['mentions_stories'][i] spans = mention_feature_dict['mentions_spans'][i, :] words = mention_feature_dict['mentions_words'][i, :] pairs_start_index = np.asscalar(pairs_start_index) pairs_length = np.asscalar(pairs_length) # Build features array (float) from raw features (int) assert features_raw.shape[0] == SIZE_FS_COMPRESSED features = np.zeros((SIZE_FS, )) features[features_raw[0]] = 1 features[4:15] = encode_distance(features_raw[1]) features[15] = features_raw[2].astype( float) / features_raw[3].astype(float) features[16] = features_raw[4] features[features_raw[5] + 17] = 1 #print("====================================<>============================================") #print("TYPE OF SPANS,",type(spans)) #print("TYPE OF WORDS,",type(words)) #print("TYPE OF FEATURES,",type(features)) #print("====================================<>============================================") spans = spans[np.newaxis, :] print("PRINTING SHAPE OF WORDS") print(words.shape) words = words[np.newaxis, :] features = features[np.newaxis, :] mentions_stories = mentions_stories[np.newaxis, :] spans = torch.from_numpy(spans).float() words = torch.from_numpy(words) features = torch.from_numpy(features).float() mentions_stories = torch.from_numpy(mentions_stories) #print(mentions_stories.size()) #print(words.size()) #kake = input("size of mentions stories is ") # inputs for the single mentions #print("SINGLE SCORES COMPUTING") single_inputs = (spans, words, features, mentions_stories) score = self.coref_model.get_multiple_single_score( single_inputs).tolist()[0][0] #print("PRINTING SINGLE SCORE") #print(score) #sgbet = input("SINGLE SCORE PRINTED") self.mentions_single_scores[mention_idx] = score best_score[mention_idx] = score - 50 * (self.greedyness - 0.5) #print("SINGLE SCORES COMPUTED") if pairs_length == 0: continue start = pairs_start_index end = pairs_start_index + pairs_length pairs = self.pairs[start:end] #print("START IS,",start) #print("END IS,",end) #print("PAIRS LENGTH,",pairs_length) #print("LEN OF PAIRS IS,",len(pairs)) assert len(pairs) == pairs_length assert len( pairs[0] ) == 3 # pair[i] = (pairs_ant_index, pairs_features, pairs_labels) pairs_ant_index, pairs_features_raw, pairs_labels = list( zip(*pairs)) pairs_features_raw = np.stack(pairs_features_raw) pairs_labels = np.squeeze(np.stack(pairs_labels), axis=1) # Build pair features array (float) from raw features (int) assert pairs_features_raw[0, :].shape[0] == SIZE_FP_COMPRESSED pairs_features = np.zeros((len(pairs_ant_index), SIZE_FP)) pairs_features[:, 0:6] = pairs_features_raw[:, 0:6] pairs_features[:, 6:17] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 6]) pairs_features[:, 17:28] = encode_distance(pairs_features_raw[:, 7]) pairs_features[:, 28] = pairs_features_raw[:, 8] # prepare antecent features # printing antecedent features #hsya = input("PRINTING DATA MENTIONS") #print( #uba = input("PRINTED DATA MENTIONS") ant_features_raw = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][0][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ant_features = np.zeros((pairs_length, SIZE_FS - SIZE_GENRE)) ant_features[:, ant_features_raw[:, 0]] = 1 ant_features[:, 4:15] = encode_distance(ant_features_raw[:, 1]) ant_features[:, 15] = ant_features_raw[:, 2].astype( float) / ant_features_raw[:, 3].astype(float) ant_features[:, 16] = ant_features_raw[:, 4] pairs_features[:, 29:46] = ant_features # Here we keep the genre ana_features = np.tile(features, (pairs_length, 1)) pairs_features[:, 46:] = ana_features ant_spans = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][4][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ant_words = np.concatenate([ self.mentions[np.asscalar(idx)][6][np.newaxis, :] for idx in pairs_ant_index ]) ana_spans = np.tile(spans, (pairs_length, 1)) ana_words = np.tile(words, (pairs_length, 1)) ant_spans = ant_spans[np.newaxis, :] ant_words = ant_words[np.newaxis, :] ana_spans = ana_spans[np.newaxis, :] ana_words = ana_words[np.newaxis, :] pairs_features = pairs_features[np.newaxis, :] ant_spans = torch.from_numpy(ant_spans).float() ant_words = torch.from_numpy(ant_words) ana_spans = torch.from_numpy(ana_spans).float() ana_words = torch.from_numpy(ana_words) pairs_features = torch.from_numpy(pairs_features).float() labels_stack = np.concatenate((pairs_labels, label), axis=0) assert labels_stack.shape == (pairs_length + 1, ) labels = torch.from_numpy(labels_stack).float() # inputs for the pairs of mentions pairs_inputs = (spans, words, features, ant_spans, ant_words, ana_spans, ana_words, pairs_features, mentions_stories) #print("PAIRS INPUT CREATED") score = self.coref_model.get_multiple_pair_score( pairs_inputs).tolist()[0][:-1] #print("SCORES GOT IS ") #print(score) #hutys = input("SCORES PRINTED") for ant_idx, s in zip(pairs_ant_idx, score): self.mentions_pairs_scores[mention_idx][ant_idx] = s if s > best_score[mention_idx]: best_score[mention_idx] = s best_ant[mention_idx] = ant_idx if mention_idx in best_ant: n_ant += 1 self._merge_coreference_clusters(best_ant[mention_idx], mention_idx) #score = self.coref_model.get_multiple_single_score(inp.T) #score = self.coref_model(tuple(mentions_spans,mentions_words,mentions_features # find a way to access the mention_idx return (n_ant, best_ant)