def _two_cluster_min_dist(cur_points, other_points): ''' >>> cur_points = np.array([ (1, 1), (2, 4), (6, 2), (3, -1) ]) >>> other_points = np.array([ (3, 2), (6, 1), (1, -3), (5.5, -2.5) ]) >>> Tree._two_cluster_min_dist(cur_points, other_points) (1.0, [array([6, 2]), array([ 6., 1.])]) ''' min_dist = utl.euclideanDistance(cur_points[0], other_points[0]) min_point = [ cur_points[0], other_points[0] ] for cp in cur_points: for op in other_points: # tmp_dist = ( (cp[0] - op[0]) ** 2 + (cp[1] - op[1]) ** 2 ) ** 0.5 tmp_dist = utl.euclideanDistance(cp, op) if tmp_dist < min_dist: # print("tmp_dist = {}, min_dist = {}".format(tmp_dist, min_dist)) min_dist = tmp_dist min_point = [cp, op] # # plt.clf() # plt.plot(cur_points[:, 0], cur_points[:, 1], 'ko') # plt.plot(other_points[:, 0], other_points[:, 1], 'k+') # plt.plot(min_point[0][0], min_point[0][1], 'bo') # plt.plot(min_point[1][0], min_point[1][1], 'yo') # return min_dist, min_point
def isDuplicate(self, random_node): if random_node.orientation is None: return (utils.euclideanDistance(self.current_coords, random_node.current_coords) < 0.5) return ((utils.euclideanDistance(self.current_coords, random_node.current_coords) < 0.5) and (abs(self.orientation - random_node.orientation) < 30))
def actionMove(current_node, next_action, goal_position, clearance, plotter=plt, viz_please=False): Xi, Yi = current_node.getXYCoords() Thetai = current_node.orientation UL, UR = next_action mc = current_node.movement_cost t = 0 r = 0.038 L = 0.354 dt = 0.1 Xn = Xi Yn = Yi Thetan = math.radians(Thetai) # Xi, Yi,Thetai: Input point's coordinates # Xs, Ys: Start point coordinates for plot function # Xn, Yn, Thetan: End point coordintes while t < 1: t = t + dt Xs = Xn Ys = Yn Xn += 0.5 * r * (UL + UR) * math.cos(Thetan) * dt Yn += 0.5 * r * (UL + UR) * math.sin(Thetan) * dt Thetan += (r / L) * (UR - UL) * dt if viz_please: plotter.plot([Xs, Xn], [Ys, Yn], color="blue") mc += utils.euclideanDistance((Xs, Ys), (Xn, Yn)) # if the intermediate step hits a boundary if (Yn < MIN_COORDS[1]) or (Yn >= MAX_COORDS[1]) or (Xn < MIN_COORDS[0]) or (Xn >= MAX_COORDS[0]): return None # if the intermediate step hits an obstacle if (obstacles.withinObstacleSpace((Xn, Yn), radius=a_star.ROBOT_RADIUS, clearance=clearance)): return None cc = (Yn, Xn) pc = current_node.current_coords ori = math.degrees(Thetan) pori = current_node.orientation gc = utils.euclideanDistance(cc, goal_position) ret_val = node.Node(current_coords=cc, parent_coords=pc, orientation=ori, parent_orientation=pori, action=next_action, movement_cost=mc, goal_cost=gc) return ret_val
def actionMove(data, row_step, col_step, goal_position=None): if ((data.current_coords[0] + row_step) < 0) or ( (data.current_coords[0] + row_step) >= input_map_dummy.shape[0] ) or ((data.current_coords[1] + col_step) < 0) or ( (data.current_coords[1] + col_step) >= input_map_dummy.shape[1]): return None current_coords = (data.current_coords[0] + row_step, data.current_coords[1] + col_step) parent_coords = data.current_coords if (np.abs(row_step) + np.abs(col_step)) == 1: movement_cost = data.movement_cost + 1 elif (np.abs(row_step) + np.abs(col_step)) == 2: movement_cost = data.movement_cost + np.sqrt(2) else: print("WRONG movement values!!") return None if goal_position is None: goal_cost = None else: goal_cost = utils.euclideanDistance(current_coords, goal_position) ret_val = node.Node(current_coords, parent_coords, movement_cost, goal_cost) return ret_val
def calc_wards_dist(cls_a, cls_b): centroid_a = np.mean(cls_a, axis=0) centroid_b = np.mean(cls_b, axis=0) size_a = len(cls_a) size_b = len(cls_b) dist = utl.euclideanDistance(centroid_a, centroid_b) scale = ( (2 * size_a * size_b) / (size_a + size_b) ) ** 0.5 return scale * dist
def findClosestNode(rrt_nodes, rand_node): closest_dist = 99999 closest_node = None for rrt_node in rrt_nodes: node_dist = utils.euclideanDistance(point_1=rrt_node.getXYCoords(), point_2=rand_node.getXYCoords()) if node_dist < closest_dist: closest_dist = node_dist closest_node = rrt_node return (closest_node, closest_dist)
def is_close_enough(cur_points, other_points): cur_rep = np.mean(cur_points, axis=0) other_rep = np.mean(other_points, axis=0) ''' ================================================== [10, 5, 3, 2.5, 2] ''' threshold = utl.euclideanDistance(cur_rep, other_rep) / 3 min_dist, min_point = Tree._two_cluster_min_dist(cur_points, other_points) print("threshold = {}, min_dist = {}".format(threshold, min_dist)) # plt.clf() # # plt.plot(cur_points[:, 0], cur_points[:, 1], 'ko') # plt.plot(other_points[:, 0], other_points[:, 1], 'k+') # # plt.plot(cur_rep[0], cur_rep[1], 'ro') # plt.plot(other_rep[0], other_rep[1], 'g+') # # plt.plot(min_point[0][0], min_point[0][1], 'bo') # plt.plot(min_point[1][0], min_point[1][1], 'yo') # # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') # # plt.axis([0, 500, 0, 500]) # ''' ================================================== [10, 5, 0] ''' if min_dist <= (threshold+5): # return True # else: # plt.clf() # # plt.plot(cur_points[:, 0], cur_points[:, 1], 'ko') # plt.plot(other_points[:, 0], other_points[:, 1], 'k+') # # plt.plot(cur_rep[0], cur_rep[1], 'ro') # plt.plot(other_rep[0], other_rep[1], 'g+') # # plt.plot(min_point[0][0], min_point[0][1], 'bo') # plt.plot(min_point[1][0], min_point[1][1], 'yo') # # plt.axes().set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') # # plt.axis([0, 500, 0, 500]) # return False
def findClosestWayPoint(ref_point, point_list): rx, ry = ref_point min_dist = 99999 closest_wp_idx = -1 for i in range(len(point_list)): dist = utils.euclideanDistance(point_1=ref_point, point_2=point_list[i]) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist closest_wp_idx = i return (min_dist, closest_wp_idx)
def isDuplicate(self, random_node, dist_thresh, orient_thresh): """ Determines whether the specified random node is a duplicate of the current node. :param random_node: The node to match the current object with :type random_node: Node :param dist_thresh: The distance threshold for duplicacy :type dist_thresh: float :param orient_thresh: The orientation threshold for duplicacy :type orient_thresh: float :returns: True if duplicate, False otherwise. :rtype: boolean """ if random_node.orientation is None: return (utils.euclideanDistance( self.current_coords, random_node.current_coords) < dist_thres) return ( (utils.euclideanDistance(self.current_coords, random_node.current_coords) < dist_thresh) and (abs(self.orientation - random_node.orientation) < orient_thresh))
def hitsObstacle(start_node, goal_node, step_size=0.1): sn_x, sn_y = start_node.getXYCoords() gn_x, gn_y = goal_node.getXYCoords() theta = np.arctan2((gn_y - sn_y), (gn_x - sn_x)) nn_x, nn_y = sn_x, sn_y while (utils.euclideanDistance(point_1=(nn_x, nn_y), point_2=(gn_x, gn_y)) > 0.001): # next node nn_x = nn_x + (step_size * np.cos(theta)) nn_y = nn_y + (step_size * np.sin(theta)) if obs.withinObstacleSpace(point=(nn_x, nn_y), radius=main.DRONE_RADIUS, clearance=main.DRONE_RADIUS / 2): return True return False
def newOdom(msg, args): """ Callback Function for Subscriber to get Robot's Current Location :param msg: Robots Odometry :type msg: nav_msgs/Odometry :param args: (path_list, cmd_vel publisher) :type args: tuple """ global x global y global theta global intermediate_goal global path_itr path_list = args[0] cmd_vel_pub = args[1] x = msg.pose.pose.position.x y = msg.pose.pose.position.y rot_q = msg.pose.pose.orientation roll, pitch, theta = euler_from_quaternion( (rot_q.x, rot_q.y, rot_q.z, rot_q.w)) if utils.euclideanDistance((intermediate_goal.x, intermediate_goal.y), (x, y)) < 0.2: intermediate_goal.x, intermediate_goal.y = path_list[ path_itr].getXYCoords() path_itr += 1 if path_itr >= len(path_list): speed = Twist() speed.linear.x = 0.0 speed.angular.z = 0.0 cmd_vel_pub.publish(speed) rospy.signal_shutdown( "Reached the last node of the path_list!!! Yayyy!")
def pseudoDistance(clustering): # for each cluster, returns the estimated pairwise distances of every point to every point in the cluster distances = [] total = 0.0 count = 0 startTime = time.time() for cluster in clustering: # print "Cluster Size:", len(cluster.members) ''' print "Starting True Similarities" startTime = time.time() trueSimilarities = map(lambda r: map(lambda c: 1-c, r) ,utils.pairwise(cluster.members, lambda x,y: x.similarity(y))) endTime = time.time() print "Done. Elapsed Time:", endTime-startTime ''' #Order Matters here. ''' namedSims = map(lambda x:, [] + cluster.members) distToCenter = map(lambda x: [1-i[1] for i in x], namedSims) euclid = utils.pairwise(distToCenter, lambda x,y: utils.euclideanDistance(x,y)) distances.append(euclid) ''' vectors = map(lambda x:, [] + cluster.members) distToCenter = map(lambda x: map(lambda i: 1-i, x), vectors) euclid = utils.pairwise(distToCenter, lambda x,y: utils.euclideanDistance(x,y)) distances.append(euclid) endTime = time.time() print "Done. Elapsed Time:", endTime-startTime return distances
def aStar(start_pos, goal_pos, robot_radius, clearance, step_size, theta=30, duplicate_step_thresh=0.5, duplicate_orientation_thresh=30): start_r, start_c = start_pos goal_r, goal_c = goal_pos start_node = node.Node(current_coords=(start_r, start_c), parent_coords=None, orientation=0, parent_orientation=None, movement_cost=0, goal_cost=utils.euclideanDistance( start_pos, goal_pos)) goal_node = node.Node(current_coords=(goal_r, goal_c), parent_coords=None, orientation=None, parent_orientation=None, movement_cost=None, goal_cost=0) # Saving a tuple with total cost and the state node minheap = [((start_node.movement_cost + start_node.goal_cost), start_node)] heapq.heapify(minheap) # defining the visited node like this avoids checking if two nodes are duplicate. because there is only 1 position to store the visited information for all the nodes that lie within this area. visited = {} visited[(utils.valRound(start_r), utils.valRound(start_c), 0)] = start_node # marking the start node as visited viz_visited_coords = [start_node] while len(minheap) > 0: _, curr_node = heapq.heappop(minheap) # if curr_node.isDuplicate(goal_node): if curr_node.goal_cost < (1.5 * step_size): print("Reached Goal!") print("Current node:---") curr_node.printNode() print("Goal node:---") goal_node.printNode() # backtrack to get the path path = actions.backtrack(curr_node, visited) # path = None # FOR NOW FOR DEBUGGING PURPOSES return (path, viz_visited_coords) # for row_step, col_step in movement_steps: for angle in range(-60, 61, theta): # Action Move # next_node = actions.actionMove(curr_node, row_step, col_step) next_node = actions.actionMove( current_node=curr_node, theta_step=angle, linear_step=step_size, goal_position=goal_node.current_coords) if next_node is not None: # if hit an obstacle, ignore this movement if obstacles.withinObstacleSpace( (next_node.current_coords[1], next_node.current_coords[0]), robot_radius, clearance): continue # Check if the current node has already been visited. # If it has, then see if the current path is better than the previous one # based on the total cost = movement cost + goal cost node_state = (utils.valRound(next_node.current_coords[0]), utils.valRound(next_node.current_coords[1]), utils.orientationBin(next_node.orientation, theta)) if node_state in visited: # if current cost is a better cost # if (next_node.movement_cost + next_node.goal_cost) < (visited[node_state].movement_cost + visited[node_state].goal_cost): if (next_node < visited[node_state]): visited[ node_state].current_coords = next_node.current_coords visited[ node_state].parent_coords = next_node.parent_coords visited[node_state].orientation = next_node.orientation visited[ node_state].parent_orientation = next_node.parent_orientation visited[ node_state].movement_cost = next_node.movement_cost visited[node_state].goal_cost = next_node.goal_cost h_idx = utils.findInHeap(next_node, minheap) if (h_idx > -1): minheap[h_idx] = ((next_node.movement_cost + next_node.goal_cost), next_node) else: # visited.append(next_node) visited[node_state] = next_node heapq.heappush(minheap, ((next_node.movement_cost + next_node.goal_cost), next_node)) viz_visited_coords.append(next_node) heapq.heapify(minheap)
def blendImageAndBackground_KeepBlurLevel(image, mask, background, xIni=0, yIni=0, scaleFactor=1, rotAngle=0, flipHor=False, saveIntermediateImages=False, folderSaveIntermImages=''): # A paths were passed instead of loaded images if isinstance(image, str) and os.path.isfile(image) == True: imagePath = image image = cv2.imread(image) if isinstance(mask, str) and os.path.isfile(mask) == True: maskPath = mask mask = cv2.imread(mask) if isinstance(background, str) and os.path.isfile(background) == True: backgroundPath = background background = cv2.imread(background) if saveIntermediateImages: _, fil = utils.splitPathFile(imagePath) fol = folderSaveIntermImages + '/' + fil.replace( '.png', '').replace('.jpg', '') # if folder exists, delete it if os.path.isdir(fol): shutil.rmtree(fol, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(fol) # Flip horizontally if flipHor == True: image = cv2.flip(image, 0) mask = cv2.flip(mask, 0) # Rotate counter-clockwise by the angle (in degrees) w, h, channels = image.shape rotMatrix = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), rotAngle, 1) image = cv2.warpAffine(image, rotMatrix, (w, h)) mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, rotMatrix, (w, h)) # Rescale image and mask image = cv2.resize(image, None, fx=scaleFactor, fy=scaleFactor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) mask = cv2.resize(mask, None, fx=scaleFactor, fy=scaleFactor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # Before rotating the mask, the values are either 0 or 255. After rotation, some of these values # are changed. Therefore, we need to threshold _, mask = cv2.threshold(mask, 127, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/mask.png', mask, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) mask_inv_bin = (255 - mask) / 255 mask_inv_bin = mask_inv_bin.astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/mask_inv.png', mask_inv_bin*255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) # Get binary mask mask_bin = mask / 255 mask_bin = mask_bin.astype(np.uint8) # Blend shoe with mask imgMaskBlended = ObjectDatabase.blendImageAndMask(image, mask) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/imgMaskBlended.png', imgMaskBlended, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) # Obtain 2 layers: # layer_1 => layer between mask_bin and enlarged by 5 iterations # layer_2 => layer between enlarged by 7 iterations and 3 iterations _, mask_larger_2, _, _ = utils.enlargeMask(mask, 3) _, mask_larger_1_bin, _, layer_1 = utils.enlargeMask(mask, 5) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/mask_larger_1.png', mask_larger_1_bin*255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) layer_1 = 1 - layer_1 # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/layer_1.png', layer_1*255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) _, mask_larger_3, _, _ = utils.enlargeMask(mask, 7) layer_2_bin = np.subtract(mask_larger_2, mask_larger_3) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/layer_2.png', layer_2_bin*255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) layer_2_bin_inv = 1 - layer_2_bin # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/layer_2_bin_inv.png',layer_2_bin_inv*255 , [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) # It's necessary to get width and height once the image was rescaled rsz_rows, rsz_cols, rsz_channels = image.shape # Get blur level of the region of the background: min_x = xIni min_y = yIni max_x = xIni + rsz_cols max_y = yIni + rsz_rows # print('min_x: %s' % str(min_x)) # print('min_y: %s' % str(min_y)) # print('max_x: %s' % str(max_x)) # print('max_y: %s' % str(max_y)) # print('scaleFactor: %s' % str(scaleFactor)) # print('image.shape: %s' % str(image.shape)) # print('mask.shape: %s' % str(mask.shape)) # print('background: %s' % str(background.shape)) # define region background without shoe roiBackground = background[min_y:max_y, min_x:max_x, :] # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/roiBackground.png', roiBackground, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) # print('roiBackground: %s' % str(roiBackground.shape)) blurLevelReference = utils.blur_measurement(roiBackground) # print('blurLevelReference: %s' % str(blurLevelReference)) # backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment is used as reference only backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment = np.multiply(roiBackground, mask_inv_bin) backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment = backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment + imgMaskBlended # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment.png', backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) blurImageNoTreatment = utils.blur_measurement( backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment) # print("blur without treatment: %s" % str(blurImageNoTreatment)) dist = utils.euclideanDistance(blurImageNoTreatment, blurLevelReference) # print('dist: %f' % dist) rsz_rows, rsz_cols, rsz_channels = imgMaskBlended.shape layer_1_with_background = np.multiply(layer_1, roiBackground) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/layer_1_with_background.png', layer_1_with_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) layer_2_with_background = np.multiply(layer_2_bin, roiBackground) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/layer_2_with_background.png', layer_2_with_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) shoes_background = np.add(imgMaskBlended, layer_1_with_background) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/shoes_background.png', shoes_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask = np.multiply(roiBackground, mask_larger_1_bin) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask.png', backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) if saveIntermediateImages: fh = open(os.path.join(fol, 'log.txt'), "a") fh.write( "\nBlur vector of image without treatment (backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment.png): %s" % str(blurImageNoTreatment)) fh.write('\nBlur vector of reference (roiBackground.png): %s' % str(blurLevelReference)) fh.write( '\nDistance blur (backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment and roiBackground): %f' % utils.euclideanDistance(blurImageNoTreatment, blurLevelReference)) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'mask.png'), mask, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'mask_inv.png'), mask_inv_bin * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'imgMaskBlended.png'), imgMaskBlended, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'mask_larger_1.png'), mask_larger_1_bin * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'layer_1.png'), layer_1 * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'layer_2.png'), layer_2_bin * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'layer_2_bin_inv.png'), layer_2_bin_inv * 255, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'roiBackground.png'), roiBackground, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment.png'), backgroundWithShoeNoTreatment, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'layer_1_with_background.png'), layer_1_with_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'layer_2_with_background.png'), layer_2_with_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'shoes_background.png'), shoes_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, 'backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask.png'), backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) iteration = 0 returnImage = roiBackground while True: # print('iteration: %d' % iteration) blurred_R = cv2.GaussianBlur(shoes_background[:, :, 2], (3, 3), 0) blurred_G = cv2.GaussianBlur(shoes_background[:, :, 1], (3, 3), 0) blurred_B = cv2.GaussianBlur(shoes_background[:, :, 0], (3, 3), 0) blurredShoeBackground = cv2.merge( (blurred_B, blurred_G, blurred_R)) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/blurredShoeBackground.png', blurredShoeBackground, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) ghostyBackgroundWithShoe = np.add(backgroundWithLarge1ShoeMask, blurredShoeBackground) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/ghostyBackgroundWithShoe.png', ghostyBackgroundWithShoe, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) prebackgroundWithShoe = np.multiply(ghostyBackgroundWithShoe, layer_2_bin_inv) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/prebackgroundWithShoe.png', prebackgroundWithShoe, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) finalImage = layer_2_with_background + prebackgroundWithShoe # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/finalImage.png', finalImage, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) blurLevel = utils.blur_measurement(finalImage) # print('blurLevel: %s' % str(blurLevel)) distLoop = utils.euclideanDistance(blurLevel, blurLevelReference) # print('dist: %f' % distLoop) # cv2.imwrite('/media/rafael/Databases/databases/VDAO/teste.png', shoes_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) # Distance was increased or did not change, break loop if distLoop >= dist: if saveIntermediateImages: fh.write("\nStopping... Distance increased to %f" % distLoop) break else: #continue loop dist = distLoop shoes_background = np.multiply(finalImage, 1 - mask_larger_1_bin) iteration = iteration + 1 if saveIntermediateImages: fh.write( "\nBlur vector of image loop %d (%d_finalImage.png): %s" % (iteration, iteration, str(blurLevel))) fh.write( '\nDistance blur (%d_finalImage and roiBackground): %f' % (iteration, distLoop)) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(fol, '%d_shoes_background.png' % iteration), shoes_background, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(fol, '%d_blurredShoeBackground.png' % iteration), blurredShoeBackground, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(fol, '%d_ghostyBackgroundWithShoe.png' % iteration), ghostyBackgroundWithShoe, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite( os.path.join(fol, '%d_prebackgroundWithShoe.png' % iteration), prebackgroundWithShoe, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(fol, '%d_finalImage.png' % iteration), finalImage, [cv2.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0]) returnImage = finalImage if saveIntermediateImages: fh.close() return returnImage, [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y]
def EuclideanModel(train_users, dev_users, test_users): subjects = train_users["user_id"].unique() #Se calcula la media de cada usuario agrupando el dataframe de train groupby = train_users.groupby("user_id").mean().copy() #Se incluye la columna del usuario train_users = groupby.reset_index() users_evaluation_dev = [] #Se hace el cálculo para cada usuario for subject in subjects: #Media del vector del usuario actual mean_vector = train_users.loc[train_users.user_id == subject, "ft_1":"ft_60"] #Para cada registro del subdataset de test for index, row in dev_users.iterrows(): temp_obj = {} #userid del del registro actual del subdataset de test current_user_id = row[0] #Vector de tiempo del registro actual del subdataset de test current_data = row[1:] temp_obj["user_model"] = subject temp_obj["user_id"] = current_user_id temp_obj["score"] = euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data) temp_obj["std_score"] = euclideanStandardization( euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)) #temp_obj["std_score"] = standardizationMinMax(euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)) if subject == current_user_id: temp_obj["y_test"] = "genuine" else: temp_obj["y_test"] = "impostor" users_evaluation_dev.append(temp_obj) users_evaluation_dev = pd.DataFrame(users_evaluation_dev) #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como genuinos por los modelos genuine_scores_dev = list( users_evaluation_dev.loc[users_evaluation_dev.y_test == "genuine", "std_score"]) #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como impostores por los modelos impostor_scores_dev = list( users_evaluation_dev.loc[users_evaluation_dev.y_test == "impostor", "std_score"]) #Calculo del ERR y del umbral de decisión global err_dev, thresh_dev = evaluate_EER_Thresh_Distance(genuine_scores_dev, impostor_scores_dev) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- users_evaluation_test = [] #Se hace el cálculo para cada usuario for subject in subjects: #Media del vector del usuario actual mean_vector = train_users.loc[train_users.user_id == subject, "ft_1":"ft_60"] #Para cada registro del subdataset de test for index, row in test_users.iterrows(): temp_obj = {} #userid del del registro actual del subdataset de test current_user_id = row[0] #Vector de tiempo del registro actual del subdataset de test current_data = row[1:] temp_obj["user_model"] = subject temp_obj["user_id"] = current_user_id temp_obj["score"] = euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data) temp_obj["std_score"] = euclideanStandardization( euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)) #temp_obj["std_score"] = standardizationMinMax(euclideanDistance(mean_vector, current_data)) if subject == current_user_id: temp_obj["y_test"] = "genuine" else: temp_obj["y_test"] = "impostor" users_evaluation_test.append(temp_obj) users_evaluation_test = pd.DataFrame(users_evaluation_test) # OJO, aca se esta usando el score como umbral, si usaramos el score estandarizado, deberiamos de cambiar el sentido de la comparación users_evaluation_test['y_pred'] = np.where( users_evaluation_test['std_score'] >= thresh_dev, 'genuine', 'impostor') #Obtenemos los y_test y y_pred de nuestros resultados y_test_test = users_evaluation_test.loc[:, "y_test"] y_pred_test = users_evaluation_test.loc[:, "y_pred"] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como genuinos por los modelos genuine_scores_test = list( users_evaluation_test.loc[users_evaluation_test.y_test == "genuine", "std_score"]) #Obtenemos la listas de scores de los registros que deberian de catalogarse como impostores por los modelos impostor_scores_test = list( users_evaluation_test.loc[users_evaluation_test.y_test == "impostor", "std_score"]) thresh_x, thresh_y, _ = find_fpr_and_tpr_given_a_threshold_Distance( genuine_scores_test, impostor_scores_test, thresh_dev) thresh_std = round(thresh_dev.tolist(), 3) return y_test_test, y_pred_test, genuine_scores_test, impostor_scores_test, thresh_std, thresh_x, thresh_y
def rrtPlannedPath(start_node, goal_node, robot_radius, plotter, write=False): step_size = robot_radius # *2 rrt_nodes = {start_node.getXYCoords(): start_node} step_node = start_node itr = 0 while (not utils.sameRegion(step_node, goal_node, GOAL_REACH_THRESH)) and (itr < MAX_ITER): # print("Iteration number:", itr) itr += 1 # get random node in the direction of the goal node 40% of the times. rand_node = rrt.getRandomNode(x_lim=X_LIM, y_lim=Y_LIM, curr_node=start_node, goal_node=goal_node, goal_probability=0.6) if plotter is not None: utils.plotPoint(rand_node.getXYCoords(), plotter, radius=0.03, color='red') closest_node, _ = rrt.findClosestNode(rrt_nodes.values(), rand_node) step_node = rrt.getStepNode(closest_node, rand_node, step_size) if plotter is not None: utils.plotPoint(step_node.getXYCoords(), plotter, radius=0.04, color='blue') cn_x, cn_y = closest_node.getXYCoords() sn_x, sn_y = step_node.getXYCoords() plotter.plot([cn_x, sn_x], [cn_y, sn_y], color='blue') # # plt.pause(0.5) if rrt.hitsObstacle(start_node=closest_node, goal_node=step_node, step_size=(robot_radius / 2)): if plotter is not None: utils.plotPoint(step_node.getXYCoords(), plotter, radius=0.04, color='red') cn_x, cn_y = closest_node.getXYCoords() sn_x, sn_y = step_node.getXYCoords() plotter.plot([cn_x, sn_x], [cn_y, sn_y], color='red') # # plt.pause(0.5) continue if plotter is not None: utils.plotPoint(step_node.getXYCoords(), plotter, radius=0.04, color='green') cn_x, cn_y = closest_node.getXYCoords() sn_x, sn_y = step_node.getXYCoords() plotter.plot([cn_x, sn_x], [cn_y, sn_y], color='green') # # plt.pause(0.5) rrt_nodes.update({step_node.getXYCoords(): step_node}) if plotter is not None: plt.pause(0.05) if write: plt.savefig('./frames/' + str(itr) + '.png') # Reached Goal if utils.sameRegion(step_node, goal_node, GOAL_REACH_THRESH): print("Reached Goal!") print("Number of iterations:", itr) goal_node.parent_coords = closest_node.getXYCoords() goal_node.distance = utils.euclideanDistance( point_1=closest_node.getXYCoords(), point_2=goal_node.getXYCoords()) rrt_nodes.update({goal_node.getXYCoords(): goal_node}) # rrt_nodes.append(goal_node) path = rrt.backtrack(rrt_nodes, goal_node) print("path:", len(path), "rrt_nodes:", len(rrt_nodes)) return (path, rrt_nodes, itr) return (None, None, None)
def a_star(start_rc, goal_rc, orientation, rpm1=10, rpm2=20, clearance=0.2, viz_please=False): """ A-star algorithm given the start and the goal nodes. :param start_rc: The start position :type start_rc: tuple :param goal_rc: The goal position :type goal_rc: tuple :param orientation: The orientation :type orientation: number :param rpm1: The rpm 1 :type rpm1: number :param rpm2: The rpm 2 :type rpm2: number :param clearance: The clearance :type clearance: number :param viz_please: Whether to visualize or not :type viz_please: boolean :returns: Returns path nodes and the list of visited nodes. :rtype: tuple """ """ Inputs """ start_node = node.Node(current_coords=start_rc, parent_coords=None, orientation=0, parent_orientation=None, action=None, movement_cost=0, goal_cost=utils.euclideanDistance( start_rc, goal_rc)) print("-----------------------") print("Start Node:") start_node.printNode() print("-----------------------") goal_node = node.Node(current_coords=goal_rc, parent_coords=None, orientation=None, parent_orientation=None, action=None, movement_cost=None, goal_cost=0) """ Initializations """ action_set = [(0, rpm1), (rpm1, 0), (0, rpm2), (rpm2, 0), (rpm1, rpm2), (rpm2, rpm1), (rpm1, rpm1), (rpm2, rpm2)] min_heap = [((start_node.movement_cost + start_node.goal_cost), start_node) ] heapq.heapify(min_heap) visited = {} visited.update({ (utils.getKey(start_rc[0], start_rc[1], start_node.orientation)): start_node }) visited_viz_nodes = [start_node] """ Initialize the plot figures if the visualization flag is true. Also mark the start and the goal nodes. """ if viz_please: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set(xlim=(an.MIN_COORDS[0], an.MAX_COORDS[0]), ylim=(an.MIN_COORDS[1], an.MAX_COORDS[1])) # ax.set(xlim=(-5, 5), ylim=(-5, 5)) ax.set_aspect('equal') obstacles.generateMap(plotter=ax) viz.markNode(start_node, plotter=ax, color='#00FF00', marker='o') viz.markNode(goal_node, plotter=ax, color='#FF0000', marker='^') plt.ion() """ Run the loop for A-star algorithm till the min_heap queue contains no nodes. """ while (len(min_heap) > 0): _, curr_node = heapq.heappop(min_heap) # Consider all the action moves for all the selected nodes. for action in action_set: new_node = an.actionMove(current_node=curr_node, next_action=action, goal_position=goal_rc, clearance=clearance) # Check if all the nodes are valid or not. if (new_node is not None): """ Check if the current node is a goal node. """ if new_node.goal_cost < GOAL_REACH_THRESH: print("Reached Goal!") print("Final Node:") new_node.printNode() visited_viz_nodes.append(new_node) path = an.backtrack(new_node, visited) print("------------------------") if viz_please: viz.plot_curve(new_node, plotter=ax, color="red") viz.plotPath(path, rev=True, pause_time=0.5, plotter=ax, color="lime", linewidth=4) plt.ioff() return (path, visited_viz_nodes) """ Mark node as visited, Append to min_heap queue, Update if already visited. """ node_key = (utils.getKey(new_node.current_coords[0], new_node.current_coords[1], new_node.orientation)) if node_key in visited: if new_node < visited[node_key]: visited[node_key] = new_node min_heap.append( ((new_node.movement_cost + new_node.goal_cost), new_node)) else: if viz_please: viz.plot_curve(new_node, plotter=ax, color="red") plt.pause(0.001) visited.update({node_key: new_node}) min_heap.append( ((new_node.movement_cost + new_node.goal_cost), new_node)) visited_viz_nodes.append(new_node) # Heapify the min heap to update the minimum node in the list. heapq.heapify(min_heap)
def rrt(start_coords, goal_coords, radius, clearance): x_start, y_start = start_coords x_goal, y_goal = goal_coords start_node = node.Node(current_coords=start_coords, parent_coords=None, distance=None) goal_node = node.Node(current_coords=goal_coords, parent_coords=None, distance=None) print(start_node.printNode()) print(goal_node.printNode()) tree = [] path = [] # tree.append(start_node) tree.append([0, start_node.current_coords, (0, 0)]) N = 0 while (N < MAX_ITER): print("N:", N) x_random = (np.random.uniform(X_LIM[0], X_LIM[1]), np.random.uniform(Y_LIM[0], Y_LIM[1])) # print("x_random", x_random) ########################################## #put a check if x_random is repeated ########################################## # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<Before updating the distance<<<<") # print("tree", tree) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<After updating the distance<<<<<") for i in tree: # while True: distance = utils.euclideanDistance(point_1=i[1], point_2=x_random) i[0] = distance # print("tree", i) heapq.heapify(tree) # Finding the node in the tree which is the nearest to the x_random min_node = heapq.heappop(tree) # print("len(tree)", len(tree)) heapq.heappush(tree, [min_node[0], min_node[1], min_node[2]]) # sys.exit(0) # print("min node", min_node) # print("next_node", next_node) # print("distance", distance) # path.append(add_node) # tree.append([min_node[0], x_random, min_node[1]]) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<After apending the latest x random<<<<<") # print("tree", tree) # if the random node is within the step size if min_node[0] <= STEP_SIZE: # create a node with this value and add it to the path obstacle_status = obstacles.withinObstacleSpace( point=min_node[1], radius=radius, clearance=clearance) if (obstacle_status == False): add_node = node.Node(current_coords=x_random, parent_coords=min_node[1], distance=min_node[0]) path.append(add_node) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<_before<<<<<<<<<,") # print("len(tree)", len(tree)) heapq.heappush(tree, [ add_node.distance, add_node.current_coords, add_node.parent_coords ]) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<after<<<<<<<<<<,") # print("len(tree)", len(tree)) # tree.append([add_node.distance, add_node.current_coords, add_node.parent_coords]) else: # Find an intermediate point in between a and b x1, y1 = min_node[1] x2, y2 = x_random slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) theta = math.atan(slope) x_near = (x1 + (STEP_SIZE * math.cos(theta)), y1 + (STEP_SIZE * math.sin(theta))) obstacle_status = obstacles.withinObstacleSpace( point=min_node[1], radius=radius, clearance=clearance) if (obstacle_status == False): add_node = node.Node(current_coords=x_near, parent_coords=min_node[1], distance=STEP_SIZE) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<_before<<<<<<<<<,") # print("len(tree)", len(tree)) path.append(add_node) heapq.heappush(tree, [ add_node.distance, add_node.current_coords, add_node.parent_coords ]) # print("<<<<<<<<<<<<<_before<<<<<<<<<,") # print("len(tree)", len(tree)) # tree.append([add_node.distance, add_node.current_coords, add_node.parent_coords]) goal_status = utils.goal_reached( current_node=add_node, goal_node=goal_node, goal_reach_threshold=GOAL_REACH_THRESH) if (goal_status): print("Reached Goal!") return path, goal_node # break N += 1 # print("-------------------") # print(path) return path, goal_node