예제 #1
    def __init__(self, input, transposed=True):
        Initialize the matrix reader.

        The `input` refers to a file on local filesystem, which is expected to
        be in the sparse (coordinate) Matrix Market format. Documents are assumed
        to be rows of the matrix (and document features are columns).

        `input` is either a string (file path) or a file-like object that supports
        `seek()` (e.g. gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File).
        logger.info("initializing corpus reader from %s" % input)
        self.input, self.transposed = input, transposed
        with utils.file_or_filename(self.input) as lines:
                header = utils.to_unicode(next(lines)).strip()
                if not header.lower().startswith('%%matrixmarket matrix coordinate real general'):
                    raise ValueError("File %s not in Matrix Market format with coordinate real general; instead found: \n%s" %
                                    (self.input, header))
            except StopIteration:

            self.num_docs = self.num_terms = self.num_nnz = 0
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
                line = utils.to_unicode(line)
                if not line.startswith('%'):
                    self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz = map(int, line.split())
                    if not self.transposed:
                        self.num_docs, self.num_terms = self.num_terms, self.num_docs

        logger.info("accepted corpus with %i documents, %i features, %i non-zero entries" %
                     (self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz))
예제 #2
    def __iter__(self):
        Iteratively yield vectors from the underlying file, in the format (row_no, vector),
        where vector is a list of (col_no, value) 2-tuples.

        Note that the total number of vectors returned is always equal to the
        number of rows specified in the header; empty documents are inserted and
        yielded where appropriate, even if they are not explicitly stored in the
        Matrix Market file.
        with utils.file_or_filename(self.input) as lines:

            previd = -1
            for line in lines:
                docid, termid, val = utils.to_unicode(
                    line).split()  # needed for python3
                if not self.transposed:
                    termid, docid = docid, termid
                docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(
                )  # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
                assert previd <= docid, "matrix columns must come in ascending order"
                if docid != previd:
                    # change of document: return the document read so far (its id is prevId)
                    if previd >= 0:
                        yield previd, document

                    # return implicit (empty) documents between previous id and new id
                    # too, to keep consistent document numbering and corpus length
                    for previd in xrange(previd + 1, docid):
                        yield previd, []

                    # from now on start adding fields to a new document, with a new id
                    previd = docid
                    document = []

                ))  # add another field to the current document

        # handle the last document, as a special case
        if previd >= 0:
            yield previd, document

        # return empty documents between the last explicit document and the number
        # of documents as specified in the header
        for previd in xrange(previd + 1, self.num_docs):
            yield previd, []
예제 #3
    def __iter__(self):
        Iteratively yield vectors from the underlying file, in the format (row_no, vector),
        where vector is a list of (col_no, value) 2-tuples.

        Note that the total number of vectors returned is always equal to the
        number of rows specified in the header; empty documents are inserted and
        yielded where appropriate, even if they are not explicitly stored in the
        Matrix Market file.
        with utils.file_or_filename(self.input) as lines:

            previd = -1
            for line in lines:
                docid, termid, val = utils.to_unicode(line).split()  # needed for python3
                if not self.transposed:
                    termid, docid = docid, termid
                docid, termid, val = int(docid) - 1, int(termid) - 1, float(
                    val)  # -1 because matrix market indexes are 1-based => convert to 0-based
                assert previd <= docid, "matrix columns must come in ascending order"
                if docid != previd:
                    # change of document: return the document read so far (its id is prevId)
                    if previd >= 0:
                        yield previd, document

                    # return implicit (empty) documents between previous id and new id
                    # too, to keep consistent document numbering and corpus length
                    for previd in xrange(previd + 1, docid):
                        yield previd, []

                    # from now on start adding fields to a new document, with a new id
                    previd = docid
                    document = []

                document.append((termid, val,))  # add another field to the current document

        # handle the last document, as a special case
        if previd >= 0:
            yield previd, document

        # return empty documents between the last explicit document and the number
        # of documents as specified in the header
        for previd in xrange(previd + 1, self.num_docs):
            yield previd, []
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, input, transposed=True):
        Initialize the matrix reader.

        The `input` refers to a file on local filesystem, which is expected to
        be in the sparse (coordinate) Matrix Market format. Documents are assumed
        to be rows of the matrix (and document features are columns).

        `input` is either a string (file path) or a file-like object that supports
        `seek()` (e.g. gzip.GzipFile, bz2.BZ2File).
        logger.info("initializing corpus reader from %s" % input)
        self.input, self.transposed = input, transposed
        with utils.file_or_filename(self.input) as lines:
                header = utils.to_unicode(next(lines)).strip()
                if not header.lower().startswith(
                        '%%matrixmarket matrix coordinate real general'):
                    raise ValueError(
                        "File %s not in Matrix Market format with coordinate real general; instead found: \n%s"
                        % (self.input, header))
            except StopIteration:

            self.num_docs = self.num_terms = self.num_nnz = 0
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines):
                line = utils.to_unicode(line)
                if not line.startswith('%'):
                    self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz = map(
                        int, line.split())
                    if not self.transposed:
                        self.num_docs, self.num_terms = self.num_terms, self.num_docs

            "accepted corpus with %i documents, %i features, %i non-zero entries"
            % (self.num_docs, self.num_terms, self.num_nnz))