def getWeightedAvg(a, neighbourArray): kernSize = 2 kernel = utils.gauss_kern(kernSize) pixVal = np.zeros((a.shape)) #initialising, pixel value for inpainting weightSum = np.zeros((a.shape)) #initialising, value for later normalisation #for pixels further away from the edges: maxNeighbours = np.max(neighbourArray) print np.max(neighbourArray) neighbours = ((-2, -2), (-2, -1), (-2, 0), (-2, 1), (-2, 2), (-1, -2), (-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (-1, 2), (0, -2), (0, -1), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, -2), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, -2), (2, -1), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)) a_reduced = a[2:-2, 2:-2].copy() maxNMask = ma.make_mask_none((a.shape)) maxNMask[np.where(neighbourArray == maxNeighbours)] = 1 print a_reduced.shape for hor_shift,vert_shift in neighbours: #if not np.any(a.mask): break a_shifted = np.roll(a_reduced, shift = hor_shift, axis = 1) a_shifted = np.roll(a_shifted, shift = vert_shift, axis = 0) idx=~a_shifted.mask*maxNMask[2:-2, 2:-2] weightSum = weightSum + kernel[2-vert_shift, 2-hor_shift] pixVal[idx] = pixVal[idx]+ a_shifted[idx]*kernel[2-vert_shift, 2-hor_shift] b = a.copy() b[idx] = np.divide(pixVal[idx], weightSum[idx]) edgesTop = a[0:2, :] edgesLeft = a[:, 0:2] edgesRight = a[:, -1:-3:-1] edgesBottom = a[-1:-3:-1, :] for i in range(0, 3): for j in range(0, a.shape[1]): if neighbourArray[i, j] == maxNeighbours: b[i, j] = getWeightedAvgEdges(inputArray, i, j) for i in range(a.shape[0] - 2, a.shape[0]): for j in range(0, a.shape[1]): if neighbourArray[i, j] == maxNeighbours: b[i, j] = getWeightedAvgEdges(inputArray, i, j) for i in range(0, a.shape[0]): for j in range(0, 3): if neighbourArray[i, j] == maxNeighbours: b[i, j] = getWeightedAvgEdges(inputArray, i, j) for i in range(0, a.shape[0]): for j in range(a.shape[1] - 2, a.shape[1]): if neighbourArray[i, j] == maxNeighbours: b[i, j] = getWeightedAvgEdges(inputArray, i, j) return b
def fill(inputArray, neighbourArray, tree): maxNeighbours = np.max(neighbourArray) kernSize = 2 kernel = utils.gauss_kern(kernSize) #print kernel for ind, x in np.ndenumerate(inputArray): if neighbourArray[ind] == maxNeighbours: #print ind, 'ind', x, 'mn' pts = np.array(([ind])) distances, indices = tree.query(pts, k = 25, p = 2) print distances, len(distances[0]) indices = indices[np.where((distances <= np.sqrt(8)))][1:] distances = distances[np.where((distances <= np.sqrt(8)))][1:] #print distances, 'DDD' pixelVal = 0 #value of the pixel being interpolated over nPixUsed = 0 #effective number of pixels used print len(indices), len(distances) print kernel for j in range(0, len(indices)-1): print distances[j], j, 'jth distance, j' if distances[j] == 0: weight = kernel[2, 2] elif distances[j] == 1: weight = kernel[2, 1] elif distances[j] == np.sqrt(2): weight = kernel[1, 1] elif distances[j] == 2: weight = kernel[2, 0] elif distances[j] == np.sqrt(5): weight = kernel[1, 0] elif distances[j] == np.sqrt(8): weight = kernel[0, 0] else: print 'wtf?', distances[j] if np.isfinite(inputArray[[indices][j][0],[indices][j][1]]): pixelVal+= inputArray[[indices][j][0],[indices][j][1]]*weight print pixelVal, 'pixval' nPixUsed+= weight inputArray[ind] = pixelVal/nPixUsed print inputArray[ind], pixelVal, nPixUsed return inputArray
def __init__(self, file_map, file_noise, psf, color_correction=1.0, beam_area=1.0, wavelength=None, fwhm=None): ''' This Class creates Objects for a set of maps/noisemaps/beams/TransferFunctions/etc., at each Wavelength. This is a work in progress! Issues: If the beam has a different pixel size from the map, it is not yet able to re-scale it. Just haven't found a convincing way to make it work. Future Work: Will shift some of the work into functions (e.g., read psf, color_correction) and increase flexibility. ''' #READ MAPS if file_map == file_noise: #SPIRE Maps have Noise maps in the second extension. cmap, hd = fits.getdata(file_map, 1, header=True) cnoise, nhd = fits.getdata(file_map, 2, header=True) else: #This assumes that if Signal and Noise are different maps, they are contained in first extension cmap, hd = fits.getdata(file_map, 0, header=True) cnoise, nhd = fits.getdata(file_noise, 0, header=True) #GET MAP PIXEL SIZE if 'CD2_2' in hd: pix = hd['CD2_2'] * 3600. else: pix = hd['CDELT2'] * 3600. #READ BEAMS #Check first if beam is a filename (actual beam) or a number (approximate with Gaussian) if isinstance(psf, six.string_types): beam, phd = fits.getdata(psf, 0, header=True) #GET PSF PIXEL SIZE if 'CD2_2' in phd: pix_beam = phd['CD2_2'] * 3600. elif 'CDELT2' in phd: pix_beam = phd['CDELT2'] * 3600. else: pix_beam = pix #SCALE PSF IF NECESSARY if np.round(10. * pix_beam) != np.round(10. * pix): raise ValueError("Beam and Map have different size pixels") scale_beam = pix_beam / pix pms = np.shape(beam) new_shape = (np.round(pms[0] * scale_beam), np.round(pms[1] * scale_beam)) #pdb.set_trace() kern = rebin(clean_nans(beam), new_shape=new_shape, operation='ave') #kern = rebin(clean_nans(beam),new_shape[0],new_shape[1]) else: kern = clean_nans(beam) self.psf_pixel_size = pix_beam else: sig = psf / 2.355 / pix #pdb.set_trace() #kern = gauss_kern(psf, np.floor(psf * 8.), pix) kern = gauss_kern(psf, np.floor(psf * 8.) / pix, pix) = clean_nans(cmap) * color_correction self.noise = clean_nans(cnoise, replacement_char=1e10) * color_correction if beam_area != 1.0: self.beam_area_correction(beam_area) self.header = hd self.pixel_size = pix self.psf = clean_nans(kern) self.rms = map_rms(, silent=False) if wavelength != None: add_wavelength(wavelength) if fwhm != None: add_fwhm(fwhm)
def stack_in_redshift_slices( cmap, hd, layers_radec, fwhm=None, psf_names=None, cnoise=None, mask=None, beam_area=None, err_ss=None, quiet=None): ''' The first iteration of the translation from IDL to Python. Looks like an IDL function. Suggest using wrappers like but highly recommend Pythonic: stack_libraries_in_layers function that can be found below. ''' w = WCS(hd) #FIND SIZES OF MAP AND LISTS cms = np.shape(cmap) zeromask = np.zeros(cms) size_cube = np.shape(layers_radec) nsrcmax = size_cube[0] nlists = int(size_cube[1]) ind_map_zero = np.where(np.isnan(cmap)) nzero = np.shape(ind_map_zero)[1] if np.sum(cnoise) == 0: cnoise=cmap*0.0 + 1.0 pix=hd["CD2_2"]*3600. if pix == 0: pix=hd["CDELT2"]*3600. #[STEP 0] - Calibrate maps if beam_area != None: cmap=cmap*beam_area*1e6 cnoise=noise*beam_area*1e6 # STEP 1 - Make Layers Cube layers=np.zeros([nlists,cms[0],cms[1]]) for s in range(nlists): ind_src = np.where(layers_radec[:,s,0] != 0) if np.shape(ind_src)[1] > 0: ra = layers_radec[ind_src,s,0] dec = layers_radec[ind_src,s,1] # CONVERT FROM RA/DEC to X/Y # DANGER!! NOTICE THAT I FLIP X AND Y HERE!! ty,tx = w.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) # CHECK FOR SOURCES THAT FALL OUTSIDE MAP ind_keep = np.where((tx[0] >= 0) & (np.round(tx[0]) < cms[0]) & (ty[0] >= 0) & (np.round(ty[0]) < cms[1])) nt0 = np.shape(ind_keep)[1] real_x=np.round(tx[0,ind_keep][0]).astype(int) real_y=np.round(ty[0,ind_keep][0]).astype(int) # CHECK FOR SOURCES THAT FALL ON ZEROS MAP if nzero > 0: tally = np.zeros(nt0) for d in range(nt0): if cmap[real_x[d],real_y[d]] != 0: tally[d]=1. ind_nz=np.where(tally == 1) nt = np.shape(ind_nz)[1] real_x = real_x[ind_nz] real_y = real_y[ind_nz] else: nt = nt0 for ni in range(nt): layers[s, real_x[ni],real_y[ni]]+=1.0 # STEP 2 - Convolve Layers and put in pixels radius = 1.1 sig = fwhm / 2.355 / pix flattened_pixmap = np.sum(layers,axis=0) total_circles_mask = circle_mask(flattened_pixmap, radius * fwhm, pix) #ind_fit = np.where(total_circles_mask >= 1) ind_fit = np.where((total_circles_mask >= 1) & (zeromask != 0)) nhits = np.shape(ind_fit)[1] cfits_maps = np.zeros([nlists,nhits]) #kern = gauss_kern(fwhm, np.floor(fwhm * 10), pix) pdb.set_trace() kern = gauss_kern(fwhm, np.floor(fwhm * 10)/pix, pix) for u in range(nlists): layer = layers[u,:,:] tmap = smooth_psf(layer, kern) #tmap[ind_fit] -= np.mean(tmap[ind_fit]) cfits_maps[u,:] = tmap[ind_fit] # STEP 3 - Regress Layers with Map (i.e., stack!) cmap[ind_fit] -= np.mean(cmap[ind_fit], dtype=np.float32) fit_params = Parameters() for iarg in range(nlists): fit_params.add('layer'+str(iarg),value= 1e-3*np.random.randn()) imap = cmap[ind_fit] ierr = cnoise[ind_fit] cov_ss_1d = minimize(simultaneous_stack_array_oned, fit_params, args=(np.ndarray.flatten(cfits_maps),), kws={'data1d':np.ndarray.flatten(imap),'err1d':np.ndarray.flatten(ierr)}) return cov_ss_1d
def replace_nans(array, max_iter, tol,kernel_size=1,method='localmean'): """Replace NaN elements in an array using an iterative image inpainting algorithm. The algorithm is the following: 1) For each element in the input array, replace it by a weighted average of the neighbouring elements which are not NaN themselves. The weights depends of the method type. If ``method=localmean`` weight are equal to 1/( (2*kernel_size+1)**2 -1 ) 2) Several iterations are needed if there are adjacent NaN elements. If this is the case, information is "spread" from the edges of the missing regions iteratively, until the variation is below a certain threshold. Parameters ---------- array : 2d np.ndarray an array containing NaN elements that have to be replaced max_iter : int the number of iterations kernel_size : int the size of the kernel, default is 1 method : str the method used to replace invalid values. Valid options are `localmean`. Returns ------- filled : 2d np.ndarray a copy of the input array, where NaN elements have been replaced. """ # cdef int i, j, I, J, it, n, k, l # cdef int n_invalids filled = np.empty( [array.shape[0], array.shape[1]], dtype=DTYPEf) kernel = np.empty( (2*kernel_size+1, 2*kernel_size+1), dtype=DTYPEf ) # cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim=1] inans # cdef np.ndarray[np.int_t, ndim=1] jnans # indices where array is NaN inans, jnans = np.nonzero( np.isnan(array) ) # number of NaN elements n_nans = len(inans) # arrays which contain replaced values to check for convergence replaced_new = np.zeros( n_nans, dtype=DTYPEf) replaced_old = np.zeros( n_nans, dtype=DTYPEf) # depending on kernel type, fill kernel array if method == 'localmean': print 'kernel_size', kernel_size for i in range(2*kernel_size+1): for j in range(2*kernel_size+1): kernel[i,j] = 1 print kernel, 'kernel' elif method == 'idw': kernel = utils.gauss_kern(2) print kernel, 'IDW kernel' else: raise ValueError( 'method not valid. Should be one of `localmean` or idw.') # fill new array with input elements #for i in range(array.shape[0]): # for j in range(array.shape[1]): # filled[i,j] = array[i,j] filled = array #why loop through the array? # make several passes # until we reach convergence for it in range(max_iter): print 'iteration', it # for each NaN element for k in range(n_nans): i = inans[k] j = jnans[k] # initialize to zero filled[i,j] = 0.0 n = 0 # loop over the kernel for I in range(2*kernel_size+1): for J in range(2*kernel_size+1): # if we are not out of the boundaries if i+I-kernel_size < array.shape[0] and i+I-kernel_size >= 0: if j+J-kernel_size < array.shape[1] and j+J-kernel_size >= 0: # if the neighbour element is not NaN itself. if filled[i+I-kernel_size, j+J-kernel_size] == filled[i+I-kernel_size, j+J-kernel_size] : # do not sum itself if I-kernel_size != 0 and J-kernel_size != 0: # convolve kernel with original array filled[i,j] = filled[i,j] + filled[i+I-kernel_size, j+J-kernel_size]*kernel[I, J] n = n + 1*kernel[I,J] #print n # divide value by effective number of added elements if n != 0: filled[i,j] = filled[i,j] / n replaced_new[k] = filled[i,j] else: filled[i,j] = np.nan # check if mean square difference between values of replaced #elements is below a certain tolerance print 'tolerance', np.mean( (replaced_new-replaced_old)**2 ) if np.mean( (replaced_new-replaced_old)**2 ) < tol: break else: for l in range(n_nans): replaced_old[l] = replaced_new[l] return filled
def stack_in_redshift_slices( cmaps, hd, layers_radec, wavelengths, fwhm=None, psf_names=None, cnoise=None, mask=None, beam_area=None, err_ss=None, zed=0.01, quiet=None): w = WCS(hd) #FIND SIZES OF MAP AND LISTS cms = np.shape(cmaps) # should be a cube nwv = cms[0] #zeromask = np.zeros(cms) size_cube = np.shape(layers_radec) nsrcmax = size_cube[0] nlists = int(size_cube[1]) ind_map_zero = np.where(np.isnan(cmaps)) nzero = np.shape(ind_map_zero)[1] if np.sum(cnoise) == 0: cnoise=cmaps*0.0 + 1.0 pix=hd["CD2_2"]*3600. if pix == 0: pix=hd["CDELT2"]*3600. for iwv in range(nwv): #[STEP 0] - Calibrate maps if beam_area != None: cmaps[iwv,:,:]=cmaps[iwv,:,:]*beam_area[iwv]*1e6 cnoise[iwv,:,:]=noise[iwv,:,:]*beam_area[iwv]*1e6 # STEP 1 - Make Layers Cube layers=np.zeros([nlists,cms[1],cms[2]]) for s in range(nlists): ind_src = np.where(layers_radec[:,s,0] != 0) if np.shape(ind_src)[1] > 0: ra = layers_radec[ind_src,s,0] dec = layers_radec[ind_src,s,1] ty,tx = w.wcs_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) # CHECK FOR SOURCES THAT FALL OUTSIDE MAP ind_keep = np.where((tx[0] >= 0) & (np.round(tx[0]) < cms[1]) & (ty[0] >= 0) & (np.round(ty[0]) < cms[2])) nt0 = np.shape(ind_keep)[1] real_x=np.round(tx[0,ind_keep][0]).astype(int) real_y=np.round(ty[0,ind_keep][0]).astype(int) # CHECK FOR SOURCES THAT FALL ON ZEROS MAP # THIS NEEDS COMPLETE OVERHAUL, PARTICULARLY WHEN INCLUDING DIFFERENT AREA MAPS!! if nzero > 0: tally = np.zeros(nt0) for d in range(nt0): if cmaps[0,real_x[d],real_y[d]] != 0: tally[d]=1. ind_nz=np.where(tally == 1) nt = np.shape(ind_nz)[1] real_x = real_x[ind_nz] real_y = real_y[ind_nz] else: nt = nt0 for ni in range(nt): layers[s, real_x[ni],real_y[ni]]+=1.0 # STEP 2 - Convolve Layers and put in pixels #all_map_layers = np.zeros(np.append(nwv,np.shape(layers))) cfits_flat = np.asarray([]) cfits_flat2= np.asarray([]) flat_maps= np.asarray([]) flat_noise= np.asarray([]) LenLayers= np.zeros([nwv]) radius = 1.1 for iwv in range(nwv): sig = fwhm[iwv] / 2.355 / pix flattened_pixmap = np.sum(layers,axis=0) total_circles_mask = circle_mask(flattened_pixmap, radius * fwhm[iwv], pix) ind_fit = np.where(total_circles_mask >= 1) # & zeromask != 0) nhits = np.shape(ind_fit)[1] LenLayers[iwv] = nhits kern = gauss_kern(fwhm[iwv], np.floor(fwhm[iwv] * 10), pix) for u in range(nlists): layer = layers[u,:,:] tmap = smooth_psf(layer, kern) tmap[ind_fit] -= np.mean(tmap[ind_fit]) cfits_flat = np.append(cfits_flat,np.ndarray.flatten(tmap[ind_fit])) lmap = cmaps[iwv] lnoise = cnoise[iwv] lmap[ind_fit] -= np.mean(lmap[ind_fit], dtype=np.float32) flat_maps = np.append(flat_maps,np.ndarray.flatten(lmap[ind_fit])) flat_noise = np.append(flat_noise,np.ndarray.flatten(lnoise[ind_fit])) # STEP 3 - Regress Layers with Map (i.e., stack!) fit_params = Parameters() fit_params.add('b',value= 2.0,vary=False) for iarg in range(nlists): fit_params.add('T'+str(iarg),value= 25.,vary=True,min=8.,max=80.) fit_params.add('L'+str(iarg),value= 1e12,min=0.,max=1e14) pdb.set_trace() cov_ss_1d = minimize(simultaneous_stack_sed_oned, fit_params, args=(cfits_flat,), kws={'data1d':flat_maps,'err1d':flat_noise,'wavelengths':wavelengths,'LenLayers':LenLayers,'zed':zed}) return cov_ss_1d
def getWeightedAvg(inputArray, y, x): kernSize = 2 kernel = utils.gauss_kern(kernSize) pixVal = 0 #initialising, pixel value for inpainting weightSum = 0 #initialising, value for later normalisation #4 adjacent pixels at dist 2 with weight = kernel[2, 0] try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-2, x]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-2, x] * kernel[2, 0] weightSum+= kernel[2, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+2, x]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+2, x] * kernel[2, 0] weightSum+= kernel[2, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y, x+2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y, x+2] * kernel[2, 0] weightSum+= kernel[2, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y, x-2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y, x-2] * kernel[2, 0] weightSum+= kernel[2, 0] except IndexError: pass #4 adjacent pixels at dist 1 with weight = kernel[2, 1] try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-1, x]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-1, x] * kernel[2, 1] weightSum+= kernel[2, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+1, x]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+1, x] * kernel[2, 1] weightSum+= kernel[2, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y, x+1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y, x+1] * kernel[2, 1] weightSum+= kernel[2, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y, x-1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y, x-1] * kernel[2, 1] weightSum+= kernel[2, 1] except IndexError: pass #4 diagonal pixels with weight = kernel[1, 1] try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-1, x-1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-1, x-1] * kernel[1, 1] weightSum+= kernel[1, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+1, x-1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+1, x-1] * kernel[1, 1] weightSum+= kernel[1, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+1, x+1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+1, x+1] * kernel[1, 1] weightSum+= kernel[1, 1] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-1, x+1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-1, x+1] * kernel[1, 1] weightSum+= kernel[1, 1] except IndexError: pass #4 diagonal pixels with weight = kernel[0, 0] try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-2, x-2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-2, x-2] * kernel[0, 0] weightSum+= kernel[0, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+2, x-2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+2, x-2] * kernel[0, 0] weightSum+= kernel[0, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+2, x+2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+2, x+2] * kernel[0, 0] weightSum+= kernel[0, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-2, x+2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-2, x+2] * kernel[0, 0] weightSum+= kernel[0, 0] except IndexError: pass #8 adjacent pixels with weight = kernel[1, 0] try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-2, x-1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-2, x-1] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+2, x-1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+2, x-1] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+2, x+1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+2, x+1] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-2, x+1]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-2, x+1] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass # -- just swapping 2 and 1 in y, x: try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-1, x-2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-1, x-2] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+1, x-2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+1, x-2] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y+1, x+2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y+1, x+2] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass try: if np.isfinite(inputArray[y-1, x+2]): pixVal+= inputArray[y-1, x+2] * kernel[1, 0] weightSum+= kernel[1, 0] except IndexError: pass return pixVal/weightSum
def __init__(self,file_map,file_noise,psf,color_correction=1.0,beam_area=1.0,wavelength=None,fwhm=None): ''' This Class creates Objects for a set of maps/noisemaps/beams/TransferFunctions/etc., at each Wavelength. This is a work in progress! Issues: If the beam has a different pixel size from the map, it is not yet able to re-scale it. Just haven't found a convincing way to make it work. Future Work: Will shift some of the work into functions (e.g., read psf, color_correction) and increase flexibility. ''' #READ MAPS if file_map == file_noise: #SPIRE Maps have Noise maps in the second extension. cmap, hd = fits.getdata(file_map, 1, header = True) cnoise, nhd = fits.getdata(file_map, 2, header = True) else: #This assumes that if Signal and Noise are different maps, they are contained in first extension cmap, hd = fits.getdata(file_map, 0, header = True) cnoise, nhd = fits.getdata(file_noise, 0, header = True) #GET MAP PIXEL SIZE if 'CD2_2' in hd: pix = hd['CD2_2'] * 3600. else: pix = hd['CDELT2'] * 3600. #READ BEAMS #Check first if beam is a filename (actual beam) or a number (approximate with Gaussian) if isinstance(psf, six.string_types): beam, phd = fits.getdata(psf, 0, header = True) #GET PSF PIXEL SIZE if 'CD2_2' in phd: pix_beam = phd['CD2_2'] * 3600. elif 'CDELT2' in phd: pix_beam = phd['CDELT2'] * 3600. else: pix_beam = pix #SCALE PSF IF NECESSARY if np.round(10.*pix_beam) != np.round(10.*pix): raise ValueError("Beam and Map have different size pixels") scale_beam = pix_beam / pix pms = np.shape(beam) new_shape=(np.round(pms[0]*scale_beam),np.round(pms[1]*scale_beam)) #pdb.set_trace() kern = rebin(clean_nans(beam),new_shape=new_shape,operation='ave') #kern = rebin(clean_nans(beam),new_shape[0],new_shape[1]) else: kern = clean_nans(beam) self.psf_pixel_size = pix_beam else: sig = psf / 2.355 / pix #pdb.set_trace() #kern = gauss_kern(psf, np.floor(psf * 8.), pix) kern = gauss_kern(psf, np.floor(psf * 8.)/pix, pix) = clean_nans(cmap) * color_correction self.noise = clean_nans(cnoise,replacement_char=1e10) * color_correction if beam_area != 1.0: self.beam_area_correction(beam_area) self.header = hd self.pixel_size = pix self.psf = clean_nans(kern) self.rms = map_rms(, silent=True) if wavelength != None: add_wavelength(wavelength) if fwhm != None: add_fwhm(fwhm)