예제 #1
def signup():
    an_error_has_ocurred = False
    username = request.form.get('username')
    password = request.form.get('password')
    repeat_password = request.form.get('password-repeat')
    errors = {}

    if not username or not utils.validate_data(username, 'username'):
        errors['username_error'] = 'Use alphanumeric characters (3 to 20) only'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

    elif User.exist(username=username):
        errors['username_error'] = 'This username is already on use'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

    if not password or not utils.validate_data(password, 'password'):
        errors['password_error'] = 'Use alphanumeric characters (3 to 20) only'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

    elif not repeat_password or repeat_password != password:
        errors['repeat_password_error'] = 'The passwords do not match'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

    if not an_error_has_ocurred:
        new_user = User(username=username, hashed_password=utils.encrypt_password(password))

        response = make_response(redirect('/'))
        response.set_cookie('user-token', utils.gen_secure_cookie(new_user.id))
        return response

    return render_template('index.html', username=username, **errors)
예제 #2
def login():
    user = None
    an_error_has_ocurred = False
    username = request.form.get('username')
    password = request.form.get('password')
    errors = {}

    if not username or not utils.validate_data(username, 'username'):
        errors['username_error'] = 'Incorrect username'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

    elif not User.exist(username=username):
        errors['username_error'] = 'This user does not exist'
        an_error_has_ocurred = True

        user = User.get(username=username)

        if not password:
            errors['password_error'] = 'Please, introduce the password'
            an_error_has_ocurred = True

        elif not utils.check_password(password, str(user.hashed_password)):
            errors['password_error'] = 'Wrong password'
            an_error_has_ocurred = True

    if not an_error_has_ocurred:
        response = make_response(redirect('/'))
        response.set_cookie('user-token', utils.gen_secure_cookie(user.id))
        return response

    return render_template('index.html', username=username, **errors)