def convertToCandidate(self, symbols, context): return list(map(lambda symbol: { 't': symbol['name'], 'i': getKind(self.vim, symbol['kind']), 'l': symbol['start']['line'], 'c': symbol['start']['offset'], 'f': symbol['file'] }, symbols))
def convertToCandidate(self, symbols): candidates = [] for symbol in symbols['childItems']: candidates.append({ 'text': symbol['text'], 'kindIcon': getKind(self.vim, symbol['kind']), 'lnum': symbol['spans'][0]['start']['line'], 'col': symbol['spans'][0]['start']['offset'] }) if 'childItems' in symbol and len(symbol['childItems']) > 0: for childSymbol in symbol['childItems']: candidates.append({ 'text': childSymbol['text'] + ' - ' + symbol['text'], 'kindIcon': getKind(self.vim, childSymbol['kind']), 'lnum': childSymbol['spans'][0]['start']['line'], 'col': childSymbol['spans'][0]['start']['offset'] }) return candidates
def convertToCandidate(self, symbols): cwd = os.getcwd() return list(map(lambda symbol: { 'text': symbol['name'], 'kindIcon': getKind(self.vim, symbol['kind']), 'lnum': symbol['start']['line'], 'col': symbol['start']['offset'], 'file': re.sub(cwd + '/', '', symbol['file']) }, symbols))
def _convert_detailed_completion_data(self, entry, padding=80): name = entry["name"] display_parts = entry["displayParts"] signature = "".join([p["text"] for p in display_parts]) # needed to strip new lines and indentation from the signature signature = re.sub("\s+", " ", signature) menu_text = re.sub( "^(var|let|const|class|\(method\)|\(property\)|enum|namespace|function|import|interface|type)\s+", "", signature) documentation = menu_text if "documentation" in entry and entry["documentation"]: documentation += "\n" + \ "".join([d["text"] for d in entry["documentation"]]) kind = getKind(self.vim, entry['kind'])[0].title() return ({ "word": name, "kind": kind, "menu": menu_text, "info": documentation })