예제 #1
n = 10  # repeat the CV procedure 10 times to get more precise results

nFeatures = X.shape[0]
niter = 10
SEED = 42
rnd = np.random.RandomState(SEED)
cct = 0
# xtrain = rf.getRFX(X)
# xtest = rf.getRFX_test(X_test)
# for j in range(xtest.shape[0]):
#     mini = np.min(xtest[j,:])
#     if mini == 0:
#         cct += 1

print "utils train test..."
util_train, util_test = utils.getTrainTest()

if (CreateSub == 0):

    # print "total rows with 0s: ", cct
    cv = cross_validation.ShuffleSplit(nFeatures, n_iter=niter, test_size=0.3, random_state=rnd)
    mean_auc = 0.0; i = 0
    for train, test in cv:
        print "======================================= CROSS VALIDATION LOOP: ", (i+1)
        num_train = len(train)
        xtrain = X.ix[train]; ytrain = y.values[train]
        xtest = X.ix[test]; ytest = y.values[test]
        xtrain = rf.getRFX(xtrain)
        xtest = rf.getRFX_test(xtest)
        #xtrain = utils.get_numerical_features(xtrain, test=False)
예제 #2
n = 10  # repeat the CV procedure 10 times to get more precise results

nFeatures = X.shape[0]
niter = 10
SEED = 42
rnd = np.random.RandomState(SEED)
cct = 0
# xtrain = rf.getRFX(X)
# xtest = rf.getRFX_test(X_test)
# for j in range(xtest.shape[0]):
#     mini = np.min(xtest[j,:])
#     if mini == 0:
#         cct += 1

print "utils train test..."
util_train, util_test, util_train_nsp, util_test_nsp = utils.getTrainTest()

# blendTrain = np.empty((num_train, 3))
# blendTest  = np.zeros((X_test.shape[0],5))
# blendTestTemp1 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))
# blendTestTemp2 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))
# blendTestTemp3 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))
# blendTestTemp4 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))
# blendTestTemp5 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))
# blendTestTemp6 =  np.empty((X_test.shape[0],10))

n_folds = 10
verbose = True
shuffle = False

skf = list(StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds))