def Billing(number, month, year, cvc, holder, plan, apikey): headers = {APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: get_apikey(apikey)} data = { 'number': number, 'month': month, 'year': year, 'cvc': cvc, 'holder': holder, 'plan': plan } res = + '/Billing', data=data, headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): json_data = json.loads(res.text.strip()) click.echo('Billing query completed', nl=False) click.secho(' successfully', fg='green', nl=False) click.echo('. Billing details:') for k, v in json_data.items(): click.echo(f'{k}: {v}')
def Logout(apikey): headers = {APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: get_apikey(apikey)} res = + '/Logout', headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) # if token has expired or the user was deleted, log out anyway if 'Token has expired' in res.text or 'that no longer exists' in res.text or not something_went_wrong( res): os.remove(APIKEY_FILE) click.secho('OK', fg='green')
def Account(apikey): headers = {APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: get_apikey(apikey)} res = r.get(ELECTRA_API_ADDRESS + '/Account', headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): json_data = json.loads(res.text.strip()) click.echo('Account info for user ', nl=False) click.secho(json_data['username'], bold=True, nl=False) click.echo(':') for k, v in json_data.items(): click.echo(f'{k}: {v}')
def ActualvsForecast(area, timeres, date, month, year, format, apikey): headers = {APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: get_apikey(apikey)} if date is None and month is None and year is None: click.secho('date, month or year must be provided', fg='red', err=True) exit(1) time_option = ('date', date) if date is not None else ( 'month', month) if month is not None else ('year', year) res = r.get(ELECTRA_API_ADDRESS + '/ActualvsForecast/' + area + '/' + timeres + '/' + time_option[0] + '/' + time_option[1] + ('?format=' + format if format is not None else ''), headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): click.echo(res.text.strip())
def Admin(newuser, moduser, deluser, userstatus, newdata, passw, email, quota, admin, source, apikey): headers = {APIKEY_HEADER_NAME: get_apikey(apikey)} if newuser is None and newdata is None and userstatus is None and moduser is None and deluser is None: click.secho('No admin action was chosen', fg='red', err=True) exit(1) if newuser is not None and (passw is None or email is None): click.secho( 'For a new user, a password (--passw) and an email (--email) must be provided', fg='red', err=True) exit(1) if moduser is not None and (passw is None and email is None and quota is None): click.secho( 'To modify a user, please provide at least one of the following:', fg='red', err=True) click.secho('A new password (--passw)', fg='red', err=True) click.secho('A new email (--email)', fg='red', err=True) click.secho('New quota (--quota)', fg='red', err=True) exit(1) if newdata is not None and source is None: click.secho('CSV file not provided (--source)', fg='red', err=True) exit(1) data = { 'username': newuser, 'password': passw, 'email': email, 'is_admin': admin } if quota is not None: data['quota'] = quota if newuser is not None: res = + '/Admin/users', headers=headers, data=data, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): click.echo('The new user ', nl=False) click.secho(newuser, bold=True, nl=False) click.echo(' has been ', nl=False) click.secho('successfully ', fg='green', nl=False) click.echo('added') elif moduser is not None: del data['username'] if passw is None: del data['password'] if email is None: del data['email'] res = r.put(ELECTRA_API_ADDRESS + '/Admin/users/' + moduser, headers=headers, data=data, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): json_data = json.loads(res.text.strip())['updated fields'] click.secho('Successfully', fg='green', nl=False) click.echo(' modified info of user ', nl=False) click.secho(moduser, bold=True) click.echo(' as follows:') for k, v in json_data.items(): click.echo(f'{k}: {v}') elif deluser is not None: click.echo('You are about to delete user ', nl=False) click.secho(deluser, bold=True, nl=False) click.echo('. This action is ', nl=False) click.secho('non reversible', bold=True, fg='red', blink=True, nl=False) click.echo('.') if click.confirm('Are you sure you want to continue?'): res = r.delete(ELECTRA_API_ADDRESS + '/Admin/users/' + deluser, headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): click.secho('OK', fg='green') else: click.echo('Aborted.') elif userstatus is not None: res = r.get(ELECTRA_API_ADDRESS + '/Admin/users/' + userstatus, headers=headers, verify=API_CERT_LOC) if not something_went_wrong(res): json_data = json.loads(res.text.strip()) click.echo('Info regarding user ', nl=False) click.secho(userstatus, bold=True, nl=False) click.echo(':') for k, v in json_data.items(): click.echo(f'{k}: {v}') else: # newdata with open(source, 'r') as f: try: utils.request_done = False animation = Thread( target=waiting, args=('Importing CSV to database, please wait...', )) animation.start() res = + '/Admin/' + newdata, headers=headers, files=dict(file=f), verify=API_CERT_LOC) except: res = None finally: utils.request_done = True animation.join() if not something_went_wrong(res): json_data = json.loads(res.text.strip()) click.secho('Successfully', fg='green', nl=False) click.echo(' uploaded data in table ', nl=False) click.secho(newdata, bold=True, nl=False) click.echo(':') for k, v in json_data.items(): click.echo(f'{k}\t{v}')