def print_unsubscribe_button(chat_id): buttons = [InlineKeyboardButton(text="Unsubscribe", callback_data="_STOP")] custom_keyboard = [buttons] utils.get_bot().send_message(chat_id, 'To unsubscribe click the button', reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( custom_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
def notify_about_termins(chat_id, buro, termin, created_at): """ Checks for available termins and prints them if any """ department = Buro.get_buro_by_id(buro) if department is None: return bot = utils.get_bot() appointments = worker.get_available_appointments(department, termin, user_id=str(chat_id)) if appointments is None: bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=f'Seems like appointment title <{termin}> is not accepted by the buro <%s> any more\n' 'Please check of issues on Github and create one if not reported yet ' '(\n' 'In the meantime, we\'ve removed this subscription in order to prevent sending ' 'more of such useless messages :( Please come back later' % department.get_name()) job_storage.remove_subscription(chat_id) if len(appointments) > 0: for caption, date, time in appointments: bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='The nearest appointments at %s are on %s:\n%s' % ( caption, date, '\n'.join(time))) bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='Please book your appointment here: %s' % department.get_frame_url()) print_unsubscribe_button(chat_id)
def setup_bot(**kwargs): global logger logger = telebot.logger telebot.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) bot = utils.get_bot() @bot.message_handler(commands=['start']) def start(message): bot.send_message(, const.START_TEXT) @bot.message_handler(func=lambda message: True) def message_receiver(message): if message.text: info(message.text) chat_id = try: url, time_from, time_to = Parser(message.text).all() try: stream_url = youtube_lookup(url) except Exception as e: exception(e) raise exceptions.InputValidationException( "There was something wrong with the link you sent.") redis_queue.enqueue(, chat_id, stream_url, time_from, time_to) _len = len( status_text = \ f"Your video is currently in position #{_len} in queue." \ if _len else "Your video will start processing immediately." bot.send_message(chat_id, f"Thank you for your request! {status_text}") except ( exceptions.InputValidationException, exceptions.ForbiddenUserOperation, ) as e: bot.send_message(chat_id, e) except Exception as e: bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Oops! Something went wrong.') raise e bot.remove_webhook() bot.set_webhook(url=f'{env("WEB_APP_DOMAIN")}/{env("TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN")}') def handle_update(update): bot.process_new_updates([update]) return handle_update
def main(): """Start the bot.""" # Create the Updater and pass it your bot's token. # Make sure to set use_context=True to use the new context based callbacks # Post version 12 this will no longer be necessary updater = Updater(bot=utils.get_bot(), use_context=True) dp = updater.dispatcher dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start)) dp.add_handler(CommandHandler("end", end)) dp.add_handler(MessageHandler(Filters.text, echo)) # log all errors dp.add_error_handler(error) # Start the Bot DEBUG = True if os.getenv("DEBUG") else False BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv("TG_TOKEN") if DEBUG: updater.start_polling() # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully. updater.idle() else:'Starting bot in production webhook mode') HOST_URL = os.environ.get("HOST_URL") if HOST_URL is None: logger.critical('HOST URL is not set!') sys.exit(-1) updater.start_webhook(listen="", port='8443', url_path=BOT_TOKEN)"https://{}/{}".format(HOST_URL, BOT_TOKEN))
def notify_about_termins(chat_id, buro, termin, created_at): """ Checks for available termins and prints them if any """ department = Buro.get_buro_by_id(buro) if department is None: return bot = utils.get_bot() appointments = worker.get_available_appointments(department, termin, user_id=str(chat_id)) if appointments is None: bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text= f'Seems like appointment title <{termin}> is not accepted by the buro <%s> any more\n' 'Please create issue on Github (' % department.get_name()) if len(appointments) > 0: for caption, date, time in appointments: bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text='The nearest appointments at %s are on %s:\n%s' % (caption, date, '\n'.join(time))) bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='Please book your appointment here: %s' % department.get_frame_url()) print_unsubscribe_button(chat_id)
def remove_subscription(chat_id, automatic=False): if not scheduler.get_job(chat_id): return scheduler.remove_job(chat_id) if automatic: utils.get_logger().info( f'[{chat_id}] Subscription removed since it\'s expired', extra={'user': chat_id}) utils.get_bot().send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text= 'Subscription was removed since it was created more than a week ago' ) else: utils.get_logger().info(f'[{chat_id}] Subscription removed by request', extra={'user': chat_id}) utils.get_bot().send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text='You were unsubscribed successfully')
def download(chat_id, stream_url, time_from, time_to): try: video_name = str(uuid4()) download_stream(stream_url, time_from, time_to, video_name) get_bot().send_video( chat_id, open(f'{video_name}.mp4', 'rb'), supports_streaming=True, ) except Exception as e: get_bot().send_message( chat_id, 'Sorry, something was wrong with your video.') raise e finally: silently_delete(video_name)
def get_logs_handler(update, context): chat = utils.get_chat(context, update) chat_id = bot = utils.get_bot(context, update)'get_logs_handler -> {chat_id}') if utils.is_admin(chat_id): try: f = open('deliver_bot.log', 'rb') bot.send_document( chat_id=chat_id, document=f ) except Exception as ex: logger.warning(f'{ex}')
def main(player_x, player_y, max_turns, map_file, map_width, map_height, fps, box_density, chopp_density, laptop_density, room_width, room_height, room_box_density, room_chopp_density, room_laptop_density, rooms, drunk_factor, nerd_factor, dance_frames): if not map_file: map_ = build_map(map_width, map_height, room_width, room_height, box_density=box_density, chopp_density=chopp_density, laptop_density=laptop_density, room_box_density=room_box_density, room_chopp_density=room_chopp_density, room_laptop_density=room_laptop_density, rooms=rooms) add_things_randomly( map_, { PLAYER_X: 1, PLAYER_Y: 1, }, ) game = Game( players={ PLAYER_X: get_bot(player_x, PLAYER_X, player_y, map_), PLAYER_Y: get_bot(player_y, PLAYER_Y, player_x, map_), }, max_turns=max_turns, map_=map_, visualizer=MapVisualizer(map_, fps=fps, dance_frames=dance_frames), drunk_factor=drunk_factor, nerd_factor=nerd_factor, )
def get_db_handler(update, context): chat = utils.get_chat(context, update) chat_id = bot = utils.get_bot(context, update)'get_db_handler -> {chat_id}') if utils.is_admin(chat_id): try: f_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'admin/db.sqlite') f = open(f_path, 'rb') bot.send_document( chat_id=chat_id, document=f ) except Exception: pass
def main(): """Start the bot.""" # Create the Updater and pass it your bot's token. # Make sure to set use_context=True to use the new context based callbacks # Post version 12 this will no longer be necessary updater = Updater(bot=get_bot(), use_context=True) dp = updater.dispatcher conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', main_handler, pass_user_data=True), CommandHandler('stats', stat_handler, pass_user_data=True)], states={ MAIN: [CallbackQueryHandler(main_handler, pass_user_data=True)], SELECTING_TERMIN_TYPE: [CallbackQueryHandler(termin_type_handler, pass_user_data=True)], QUERING_TERMINS: [CallbackQueryHandler(quering_termins_handler, pass_user_data=True)], SCHEDULE_APPOINTMENT: [CallbackQueryHandler(interval_handler, pass_user_data=True)], SELECT_INTERVAL: [MessageHandler(Filters.text, interval_handler)], }, fallbacks=[CommandHandler('start', main_handler)], allow_reentry=True ) dp.add_handler(conv_handler) dp.add_error_handler(error) job_storage.init_scheduler() # Start the Bot if DEBUG:'Starting bot in debug polling mode') updater.start_polling() # Run the bot until you press Ctrl-C or the process receives SIGINT, # SIGTERM or SIGABRT. This should be used most of the time, since # start_polling() is non-blocking and will stop the bot gracefully. updater.idle() else:'Starting bot in production webhook mode') HOST_URL = os.environ.get("HOST_URL") if HOST_URL is None: logger.critical('HOST URL is not set!') sys.exit(-1) updater.start_webhook(listen="", port='8443', url_path=BOT_TOKEN)"https://{}/{}".format(HOST_URL, BOT_TOKEN))
def get_report_handler(update, context): chat = utils.get_chat(context, update) chat_id = bot = utils.get_bot(context, update)'get_report_handler -> {chat_id}') db.export_orders_to_file() if utils.is_admin(chat_id): try: f = open('orders.csv', 'rb') bot.send_document( chat_id=chat_id, document=f ) except Exception as ex: logger.warning(f'{ex}') pass
def order_cancel_handler(update, context): message = utils.get_message(update, context) bot = utils.get_bot(update, context) bot.delete_message( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id ) message.reply_text('Ваш заказ отменен') utils.send_message_to_admin(, f"Заказ {context.user_data['order_id']} *отменен*") utils.update_order_status( context.user_data['order_id'], 'cancelled' ) context.user_data.clear() return CHOOSING_CATEGORY
def order_confirm_handler(update, context): message = utils.get_message(update, context) bot = utils.get_bot(update, context) bot.delete_message( chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id ) message.reply_text( config.text['thank_you'], reply_markup=utils.get_start_kb() ) utils.send_message_to_admin(, f"Заказ {context.user_data['order_id']} *подтвержден*") utils.update_order_status( context.user_data['order_id'], 'confirmed' ) context.user_data.clear() return CHOOSING_CATEGORY
async def unfurl(cls, triggers: [str], msg: Message) -> [Embed]: discord_logo = "" embed_list = [] for trigger in triggers: (guild_id, channel_id, message_id) = trigger.split("/") # Cast id values to int guild_id = int(guild_id) channel_id = int(channel_id) message_id = int(message_id) # Find message bot = utils.get_bot() message_channel = bot.get_channel(channel_id) if message_channel is None: return linked_message = await message_channel.fetch_message(message_id) if linked_message is None: return """ Make the Embed """ embed = Embed() embed.url = f"{guild_id}/{channel_id}/{message_id}" embed.colour = EMBED_COLORS['discord'] # Count embeds/attachments if len(linked_message.embeds) > 0: embed.add_field(name="Embeds", value=f"{len(linked_message.embeds)}", inline=True) if len(linked_message.attachments) > 0: embed.add_field(name="Attachments", value=f"{len(linked_message.attachments)}", inline=True) # Set image from attachments or embeds for attach in linked_message.attachments: if attach.height: # Non-null height attribute indicates attachment is an image embed.set_image(url=attach.url) break else: # If the attachments didn't work, try embeds for message_embed in linked_message.embeds: if message_embed.type == "image": embed.set_image(url=message_embed.url) break # Set message text text = utils.trim_to_len(linked_message.content, 2048) if len(text) == 0: # If message empty, check embeds if len(linked_message.embeds) > 0: embed_as_text = utils.embed_to_str(linked_message.embeds[0]) text = utils.trim_to_len(f"**Message contained embed**\n```\n{embed_as_text}\n```", 2048) elif embed.image.url is Embed.Empty: # Description doesn't need to be modified if an image is attached text = "```(Message was empty)```" embed.description = text # Try and use author's nickname if author is a Member object if isinstance(, Member): embed.title = \ if is None \ else else: embed.title = if embed.set_thumbnail( # Collapse Reactions to a single list if linked_message.reactions: react_str = " ".join( [f"{reaction.emoji} **{reaction.count}**" for reaction in linked_message.reactions]) embed.add_field(name="Reactions", value=utils.trim_to_len(react_str, 1024)) # Add timestamp to footer if linked_message.edited_at: timestamp = linked_message.edited_at verb = "Edited" else: timestamp = linked_message.created_at verb = "Sent" embed.set_footer(text=f"{verb} at {timestamp.strftime('%H:%M %Y-%m-%d')}", icon_url=discord_logo) embed_list.append(embed) return embed_list