def load_pose_data(json_filename, video_dir): print('Loading pose data...') track = {} with open(json_filename, 'r') as f: pose_data = json.load(f) for single_pose_data in tqdm(pose_data): # get image id image_id = single_pose_data['image_id'] # make new dict if image not exist if image_id not in track.keys(): track[image_id] = {} # get number of boxes number_of_boxes = len(track[image_id].keys()) # make new dict of box track[image_id][number_of_boxes + 1] = {} track[image_id][number_of_boxes + 1]['box_score'] = single_pose_data['score'] track[image_id][number_of_boxes + 1]['box_pos'] = get_box( single_pose_data['keypoints'], '{}/frames/{}'.format(video_dir, image_id)) track[image_id][number_of_boxes + 1]['box_pose_pos'] = np.array( single_pose_data['keypoints']).reshape(-1, 3)[:, 0:2].tolist() track[image_id][number_of_boxes + 1]['box_pose_score'] = np.array( single_pose_data['keypoints']).reshape(-1, 3)[:, -1].tolist() # Get number of boxes of each frame and creat a field for that data for image_id in track.keys(): track[image_id]['num_boxes'] = len(track[image_id]) print('---> Done.') return track
def show_camera(self): flag, self.image = if not flag: self.timer_video.stop() self.cap.release() self.g_binary.clear() self.g_events.clear() self.g_gray.clear() self.analyzer.clean() self.current_frame += 1 show = cv2.resize(self.image, IMG_SIZE) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB888) self.g_events.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) gray = cv2.cvtColor(show, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, gray.shape[1], gray.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8) self.g_gray.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage)) if self.current_frame <= self.history: fg_mask = fg_mask = np.zeros_like(fg_mask) else: fg_mask =, learningRate=0.01) th = cv2.threshold(fg_mask.copy(), 244, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1] th = cv2.erode(th, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (3, 3)), iterations=2) dilated = cv2.dilate(th, cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (8, 3)), iterations=2) image, contours, hier = cv2.findContours(dilated, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) status = self.analyzer.add(image) self.m.update_figure(self.analyzer.ys) if status: self.l_status.setText("FALL!") else: self.l_status.setText("NORMAL") info = utils.get_box(image) if info: x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = info image = cv2.rectangle(image, (x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max), 255, 2) show = cv2.resize(image, IMG_SIZE) showImage = QtGui.QImage(, show.shape[1], show.shape[0], QtGui.QImage.Format_Indexed8) self.g_binary.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(showImage))
def find_pairs(csp, removals): """Custom implementation of hidden pairs inference method""" for v1 in csp.variables: d1 = set(csp.curr_domains[v1]) for v2 in csp.neighbors[v1]: d2 = set(csp.curr_domains[v2]) if len(d1) == 2 and d1 == d2: others = [] if same_row(v1, v2): others = get_row(v1) elif same_col(v1, v2): others = get_col(v1) if same_box(v1, v2): others += get_box(v1) for v3 in set(others): if v3 != v1 and v3 != v2: for d in csp.curr_domains[v3]: if d in d1: csp.prune(v3, d, removals)
def main(): #K parameter for map@k k = 10 # Get images and denoise query set. print("Getting and denoising images...") qs = get_imgs("datasets/qst1_w5") db = get_imgs("datasets/DDBB") #gt_boxes = utils.get_pickle("datasets/qsd1_w5/frames.pkl") qs_denoised = [utils.denoise_image(img, "Median") for img in tqdm(qs)] print("Generating background masks") bg_masks = [utils.get_painting_mask(img, 0.1) for img in tqdm(qs)] frame_rectangles = [utils.get_frames_from_mask(mask) for mask in bg_masks] #Stan's method img_lines = [ag.get_all_lines(img) for img in qs] angles = [ag.get_horiz_angle(lines) for lines in img_lines] corrected_angles = [ ag.get_GTFORMAT_angle(single_angle) for single_angle in angles ] #Marc's method angles_opencv = [ utils.get_median_angle(image_rects) for image_rects in frame_rectangles ] boxes = [[utils.get_box(rectangle) for rectangle in image] for image in frame_rectangles] boxes_result = [[[angle, box] for box in image] for angle, image in zip(corrected_angles, boxes)] print("Recovering subimages") qs_split = [ utils.get_paintings_from_frames(img, rects) for img, rects in tqdm(zip(qs_denoised, frame_rectangles)) ] if SHOW_IMGS: for i, img in enumerate(tqdm(qs_split)): for j, painting in enumerate(img): #s = cv.imwrite(r"outputs\0%d%d.jpg"%(i,j), painting) cv.imshow("I: " + str(i) + " P: " + str(j), cv.resize(painting, (256, 256))) cv.waitKey(0) #print(s) # Get masks without background and without text box of query sets. print("\nGetting text bounding box masks...") qs_txt_infos = [[get_text_bb_info(painting) for painting in img] for img in tqdm(qs_split)] qs_txt_masks = [[single.mask for single in qs_txt_info] for qs_txt_info in qs_txt_infos] for qs_mask in qs_txt_masks: for single_mask in qs_mask: single_mask[single_mask < 255] = 0 single_mask[single_mask > 255] = 255 qs_masks = [[single_mask.astype("uint8") for single_mask in qs_mask] for qs_mask in qs_txt_masks] # Detect and describe keypoints in images. print("\nDetecting and describing keypoints...") dt_type = cv.ORB_create() qs_kps = [[ detect_keypoints(dt_type, painting, painting_mask) for painting, painting_mask in zip(img, mask) ] for img, mask in zip(qs_split, qs_masks)] qs_dps = [[ describe_keypoints(dt_type, painting, painting_kp) for painting, painting_kp in zip(img, kp) ] for img, kp in zip(qs_split, qs_kps)] db_kps = [detect_keypoints(dt_type, img) for img in tqdm(db)] db_dps = [ describe_keypoints(dt_type, img, kp) for img, kp in tqdm(zip(db, db_kps)) ] # Match images print("\nMatching images...") class Match: def __init__(self, summed_dist, idx): self.summed_dist = summed_dist self.idx = idx tops = [] dists = [] # For all query images dst_thr = 35 for qs_dp in tqdm(qs_dps): # Get all descriptor matches between a query image and all database images. matches_s = [[ match_descriptions(qs_single_painting_dp, db_dp) for qs_single_painting_dp in qs_dp ] for db_dp in db_dps] # Evaluate quality of matches matches_s_ev = [[ evaluate_matches(painting_match) for painting_match in match ] for match in matches_s] # Sort for lowest matches_s_cl = [[ Match(painting_summed_dist, idx) for painting_summed_dist in summed_dist ] for idx, summed_dist in enumerate(matches_s_ev)] partial_tops, partial_dists = utils.get_tops_from_matches( qs_dp, matches_s_cl, dst_thr, k) tops.append(partial_tops) dists.append(partial_dists) utils.dump_pickle("outputs/frames.pkl", boxes_result) utils.dump_pickle("outputs/result.pkl", tops) exit() comparing_with_ground_truth(tops, qs_txt_infos, k)
def main(): ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() limits = [ ( 'ExclusionContours_2HDMTypeI_tanb_vs_cba.root', '#bf{2HDM Type I, #it{m_{H}} = 200 GeV}', 1, 10, 26, -0.9, 0.9, 'cos(#beta-#alpha)', utils.h_to_zz_to + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + utils.lepp + utils.lepm, None ), ( 'ExclusionContours_2HDMTypeII_tanb_vs_cba.root', '#bf{2HDM Type II, #it{m_{H}} = 200 GeV}', 1, 10, 26, -0.9, 0.9, 'cos(#beta-#alpha)', utils.h_to_zz_to + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + utils.lepp + utils.lepm, None ), ( 'ExclusionContours_2HDMTypeI_tanb_vs_mH.root', '#bf{2HDM Type I, cos(#beta-#alpha) = -0.1}', 0.5, 18, 80, 200, 400, '#it{m_{H}} [GeV]', utils.h_to_zz_to + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + ' + ' + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + + utils.nubar, ( 320, 324, 31 ) ), ( 'ExclusionContours_2HDMTypeII_tanb_vs_mH.root', '#bf{2HDM Type II, cos(#beta-#alpha) = -0.1}', 0.5, 10, 35, 200, 400, '#it{m_{H}} [GeV]', utils.h_to_zz_to + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + ' + ' + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + + utils.nubar, ( 320, 324, 15.6 ) ), ] for file_name, mod_type, minY, maxY, max_maxY, minX, maxX, x_title, channel, patch_vals in limits: file = ROOT.TFile( 'inputs/' + file_name ) first_base_hist = file.Get( 'h_med' ) base_hist = ROOT.TH2F( first_base_hist.GetName() + '_extended', ';%s;tan#beta' % x_title, first_base_hist.GetXaxis().GetNbins(), first_base_hist.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), first_base_hist.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 100 * first_base_hist.GetYaxis().GetNbins(), first_base_hist.GetYaxis().GetXmin(), 1000 ) obs_name = 'obs' if 'tanb_vs_mH' in file_name: obs_name = 'obsc' types = [ utils.graph_info( 'n2sig', file, 5, 1, 1001 ), utils.graph_info( 'n1sig', file, 3, 1, 1001 ), utils.graph_info( 'p1sig', file, 5, 1, 1001 ), utils.graph_info( 'p2sig', file, ROOT.kWhite, 1, 1001 ), #utils.graph_info( 'med', file, ROOT.kWhite, 1001 ), utils.graph_info( 'medc', file, ROOT.kAzure + 2, 2 ), utils.graph_info( 'obsf', file, ROOT.kOrange + 10, 1, 3844 ), utils.graph_info( obs_name, file, ROOT.kBlack, 1 ), ] graphs = {} single_graphs = {} for item in types: for index in range( item.number ): full_name = 'h_%s_contour_%d' % (, index ) graphs[ full_name ] = ( utils.add_points( file.Get( full_name ), [] ), item ) single_graphs[ ] = graphs[ full_name ] canvas = ROOT.TCanvas( 'plot_' + file_name.replace( '.root', '' ), '', 600, 600 ) base_hist.Draw( 'axis' ) order = [ 'n2sig', 'n1sig', 'p1sig', 'p2sig', 'med', 'medc', 'obsf', obs_name ] for key1 in order: for key2, ( g, g_info ) in graphs.iteritems(): if key1 in key2: g.SetLineColor( g_info.color ) g.SetLineStyle( g_info.line ) g.SetLineWidth( 2 ) option = 'c' if g_info.fill: g.SetFillColor( g_info.color ) g.SetFillStyle( g_info.fill ) g.SetLineStyle( 1 ) g.SetLineColor( ROOT.kBlack ) option = 'fc' #if 'sig' in # option = '3' g.Draw( option ) base_hist.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( minX, maxX ) base_hist.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( minY, max_maxY ) #utils.get_bound( minY, maxY ) ) canvas.Update() the_box = utils.get_box( ROOT.gPad.GetUxmin(), ROOT.gPad.GetUxmax(), maxY, ROOT.gPad.GetUymax() ) base_hist.Draw( 'axis same' ) the_box.Draw( 'l' ) x_l1, y_l1, latex1 = utils.draw_latex( utils.lumi, False ) latex1.DrawLatex( x_l1, y_l1 - 0.105, channel ) latex1.SetTextSize( 20 ) #latex1.DrawLatex( x_l1, y_l1 - 0.16, '2HDM Type I, #it{m_{H}}=200 GeV' ) latex1.SetTextAlign( 22 ) latex1.DrawLatex( 0.535, y_l1 - 0.16, mod_type ) xLeg = 0.62 yLeg = 0.89 leg = utils.create_legend_2hdm( 3 ) leg.AddEntry( single_graphs[ obs_name ][ 0 ], 'Observed', 'l' ) leg.AddEntry( single_graphs[ 'n1sig' ][ 0 ], '#pm1#sigma band', 'f' ) leg.AddEntry( single_graphs[ 'medc' ][ 0 ], 'Expected', 'l' ) leg.AddEntry( single_graphs[ 'n2sig' ][ 0 ], '#pm2#sigma band', 'f' ) leg.AddEntry( None, '', '' ) leg.AddEntry( single_graphs[ 'obsf' ][ 0 ], 'Excluded', 'f' ) leg.Draw() #if patch_vals: # p_x1, p_x2, p_y = patch_vals # utils.patch_bar( p_x1, p_x2, p_y, p_y ) canvas.SetLogy() canvas )
def main(args): for sub in args.sub_dir: path = os.path.join(args.root_dir, sub) print(path) # remove existing txt files for annotation # utils.remove_annot_files(path) count_json = 0 count_img = 0 for _, _, f in os.walk(os.path.join(path, 'Annotations')): for file in f: if args.file_ext in file: if not file.endswith(('.json', '.xml')): continue # annotation_folder = Path(os.path.join(path, 'Annotation')) # annotation_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) # # image_folder = Path(os.path.join(path, 'JPEGImages')) # image_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) filename = file.replace(args.file_ext, '') if args.dataset_name == 'taco': if (args.file_ext == '.json'): filename = file.replace('.json', '') taco_list = utils.get_box_taco( os.path.join(path, 'Annotations'), filename) for file_name, box_list in taco_list: print(file_name) print(file_name[-4:]) success = utils.cut_label_taco( path, file_name, box_list, '{}_cut'.format(sub)) # print(success) # count_json += 1 if success: # utils.move_file_to_directories(path, 'Annotations', 'Annotations_success', file) # utils.move_file_to_directories(path, 'JPEGImages', 'JPEGImages_success', file.replace('.json', '.jpg')) count_img += 1 print(count_img) if (args.file_ext == '.xml'): pass else: if (args.file_ext == '.json'): filename = file.replace('.json', '') box_list = utils.get_box( os.path.join(path, 'Annotations'), filename) if (args.file_ext == '.xml'): box_list = utils.get_box_x( os.path.join(path, 'Annotations'), filename, args.file_ext) print(box_list) success = utils.cut_label_x(path, filename + '.jpg', box_list, 'images', '{}_cut'.format(sub)) print(success) count_json += 1 if success: # utils.move_file_to_directories(path, 'Annotations', 'Annotations_success', file) # utils.move_file_to_directories(path, 'JPEGImages', 'JPEGImages_success', file.replace('.json', '.jpg')) count_img += 1
def main(): ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch() line_width = 2 file = ROOT.TFile('inputs/graphs_llvv_graviton.root') exp = file.Get('median') exp.SetLineStyle(2) exp.SetLineWidth(line_width) exp.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) exp.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) obs = file.Get('observed') obs.SetLineStyle(1) obs.SetLineWidth(line_width) obs.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) obs.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) obs.SetMarkerSize(0.8) theory = file.Get('sm') #for i in range( 2 ): # theory.RemovePoint( 0 ) theory.SetLineStyle(1) theory.SetLineWidth(line_width) theory.SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + 1) theory.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) band_1 = file.Get('1sigma') band_1.SetFillColor(3) band_1.SetFillStyle(1001) band_2 = file.Get('2sigma') band_2.SetFillColor(5) band_2.SetFillStyle(1001) canvas = ROOT.TCanvas('plot_graviton', '', 800, 600) band_2.Draw('af') #band_2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( 1, 100000 ) band_2.GetYaxis().SetRangeUser(1, 30000) band_2.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#it{m(G_{#it{KK}})} [TeV]') band_2.GetYaxis().SetTitle('95% C.L. limit on ' + utils.grav_axis + ' [fb]') band_2 = utils.re_style(band_2) band_1.Draw('f') exp.Draw('l') obs.Draw('pl') theory.Draw('l') band_2.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(600, 2) box = utils.get_box(500, 1000, 200, 500) box.Draw() x_l1, y_l1, latex1 = utils.draw_latex(utils.lumi, False) latex1.DrawLatex( x_l1, y_l1 - 0.105, utils.g_to_zz_to + utils.lepp + utils.lepm + + utils.nubar) latex1.DrawLatex(x_l1, y_l1 - 0.16, '#it{k/#bar{M}_{Pl}} = 1') xLeg = 0.62 yLeg = 0.89 leg = utils.create_legend_limit(5) leg.AddEntry(obs, 'Observed ' + utils.cls + ' limit', 'pl') leg.AddEntry(exp, 'Expected ' + utils.cls + ' limit', 'l') leg.AddEntry(band_1, 'Expected #pm 1#sigma', 'f') leg.AddEntry(band_2, 'Expected #pm 2#sigma', 'f') leg.AddEntry(theory, utils.grav_axis, 'l') leg.Draw() #utils.patch_bar( 240. / 566., 247. / 566., 329. / 407., 329. / 407., True ) canvas.SetLogy()