예제 #1
def encode_video(input_file_path, output_file_name):
    We first obtain the video via http, encode it, and then upload it back
    server_url = get_config_option("Download Settings", "server_url")
    root_dir = get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "root_dir")
    file_path, input_file_name = os.path.split(input_file_path)
    url = urljoin(server_url, input_file_path.lstrip("\\"))

    logging.info("Downloading {0}".format(url))
        urllib.urlretrieve(url, input_file_name)
        logging.info("Finished downloading {0}".format(url))
    except IOError:
        delay = random.randrange(40) 
        logging.info("Seems like server is overloaded. Retrying in {0} seconds.".format(delay))
        urllib.urlretrieve(url, input_file_name)
        logging.info("Finished downloading {0}".format(url))

    ffmpeg_args = ["ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", input_file_name, "-an","-c:v", "libx264", "-b:v", "1024k", output_file_name]
    if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
        logging.info("Linux detected. Modifying command")
        ffmpeg_args[0] = 'avconv'
        ffmpeg_args = " ".join(ffmpeg_args)
    if not check_call(ffmpeg_args, shell=True):
        ftp = FTP(host=get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "host"), user=get_config_option("FTP Settings", "username") , passwd=get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "password"))
        full_path = re.split("/", file_path)
        for d in full_path:
            except error_perm:
        f = open(output_file_name, 'rb')
        logging.info("Starting upload of {0} as {1}".format(output_file_name, input_file_name))
        ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + input_file_name, f)
        logging.info("Finished upload of {0} as {1}".format(output_file_name, input_file_name))
        #Remove files after encoding them
        except OSError:
            logging.info("Failed to remove {0}".format(input_file_name))
            logging.info("Removed {0}".format(input_file_name))

        except OSError:
            logging.info("Failed to remove {0}".format(output_file_name))
            logging.info("Removed {0}".format(output_file_name))
예제 #2
 def __init__( self, path ):
     self._steps = []
     config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
     config.read( path )
     self._path = path
     self._platforms = []
     found = True
     stepNum = 0
     while found:
         sec = "Step{0}".format( stepNum )
         if not config.has_section( sec ):
             found = False
         stepNum += 1
         installscript = utils.makeAbsolutePath( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "installscript", None, sec ), os.path.dirname( path ) )
         checkerTestDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "checkerTestDir", None, sec )
         checkerTestDir = utils.makeAbsolutePath( checkerTestDir, os.path.dirname( path ) ) if checkerTestDir else ""
         timeout = int( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "timeout", 60 * 60, sec ) )
         self._steps.append( Step( installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout ) )
     self._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
     self._targetDirectory = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "targetDirectory", "" )
     self._maintenanceToolLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "maintenanceToolLocation", "" )
     platforms = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "platforms" )
     if platforms != None:
         self._platforms = platforms.split( ',' )
예제 #3
 def __init__( self, path ):
     self._steps = []
     config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
     config.read( path )
     self._path = path
     self._platforms = []
     found = True
     stepNum = 0
     while found:
         sec = "Step{0}".format( stepNum )
         if not config.has_section( sec ):
             found = False
         stepNum += 1
         installscript = utils.makeAbsolutePath( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "installscript", None, sec ), os.path.dirname( path ) )
         checkerTestDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "checkerTestDir", None, sec )
         checkerTestDir = utils.makeAbsolutePath( checkerTestDir, os.path.dirname( path ) ) if checkerTestDir else ""
         timeout = int( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "timeout", 60 * 60, sec ) )
         self._steps.append( Step( installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout ) )
     self._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
     self._targetDirectory = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "targetDirectory", "" )
     self._maintenanceToolLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "maintenanceToolLocation", "" )
     platforms = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "platforms" )
     if platforms != None:
         self._platforms = platforms.split( ',' )
예제 #4
def generate_jobs(abs_dir):

    ftp = get_ftp_connection()
    if abs_dir is not None:
        root = abs_dir
        num_jobs = 1
        #TODO: Actually implement the date feature
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root):
            if len(files):
                file_list = []
                    ftp.cwd("/" + get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "root_dir")) 
                    formatted_dir = os.path.splitdrive(root)[1]
                    formatted_dir = formatted_dir.replace("\\", "/")
                    formatted_dir = formatted_dir[1:] #We need to cut off the leading slash
                    file_list = ftp.nlst()
                except error_perm:
                    # Occurs if there is no directory of the name we are looking for
                    print (formatted_dir + "NOT FOUND")
                except error_temp:
                    print "Seems like FTP connection was lost. Reconnecting"
                    ftp = get_ftp_connection()
                for f in files:
                   if f.endswith('.avi'):
                        the_file = os.path.join(root, f)
                        the_path = os.path.splitdrive((the_file))
                        final_path = the_path[1].replace("\\", "/")
                        if not clean_old and num_jobs % 10 == 0:
                            print "Sleeping for 10 minutes"
                        if f not in file_list:
                            if not clean_old:
                                print("{0} -> Adding {1} to list" .format(num_jobs, final_path))
                                encode_video.delay(final_path, "OUTPUT_" + f)
                                num_jobs += 1 #Dont increment unless we actually added a job
                            print("{0} ALREADY EXISTS REMOTELY. REMOVING LOCALLY." .format(final_path))
                            os.remove(os.path.join(root, f))
            elif not os.listdir(root):
                print("{0} is empty. Removing directory").format(root)
예제 #5
  options.vmx = args[0]
except IndexError:
  options.vmx = None

options.ostype = None
options.guestTempDir = None

config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
if options.config:
    print("** Reading config: " + options.config )
    config.read( options.config )
    print("** No config given")
options.username = utils.get_config_option( config, options.username, "username", "nokia" )
options.password = utils.get_config_option( config, options.password, "password", "nokia" )
options.script = utils.get_config_option( config, options.script, "script", "guest.py" )
options.python = utils.get_config_option( config, options.python, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
options.snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, options.snapshot, "snapshot", "base" )
options.vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun" )
options.vmx = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmx, "vmx" )
options.guestTempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, options.guestTempDir, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
options.ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, options.ostype, "os", "windows" )

check_option( options.vmx, "vmx-file" )

# Search the PATH and the a few extra locations for 'vmrun'
if not options.vmrun:
    options.vmrun = utils.findVMRun()
예제 #6
def get_ftp_connection():
    ftp = FTP(host=get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "host"), user=get_config_option("FTP Settings", "username") , passwd=get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "password"))
    return ftp
예제 #7
def fromVMRunAndPath(vmrun, path):
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()

    hostType = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "type", "", "Host")
    hostLocation = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "location", "",
    hostUsername = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "username", "",
    hostPassword = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "password", "",

    vmxVal = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "vmx")
    if not len(hostType) == 0:
        vmx = utils.makeAbsolutePath(vmxVal, os.path.dirname(path))
        vmx = vmxVal

    username = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "username", "nokia")
    password = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "password", "nokia")
    tempDir = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "tempDir",
    ostype = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "os", "windows")

    vm = VirtualMachine(vmrun, vmx, username, password, tempDir, ostype)
    vm._name = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "name",
    vm._snapshot = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "snapshot", "base")
    vm._python = utils.get_config_option(config, None, "python",
    vm._hostType = hostType
    vm._hostLocation = hostLocation
    vm._hostUsername = hostUsername
    vm._hostPassword = hostPassword
    return vm
예제 #8
파일: run-test.py 프로젝트: olear/qtifw
  options.vmx = args[0]
except IndexError:
  options.vmx = None

options.ostype = None
options.guestTempDir = None

config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
if options.config:
    print("** Reading config: " + options.config )
    config.read( options.config )
    print("** No config given")
options.username = utils.get_config_option( config, options.username, "username", "nokia" )
options.password = utils.get_config_option( config, options.password, "password", "nokia" )
options.script = utils.get_config_option( config, options.script, "script", "guest.py" )
options.python = utils.get_config_option( config, options.python, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
options.snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, options.snapshot, "snapshot", "base" )
options.vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun" )
options.vmx = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmx, "vmx" )
options.guestTempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, options.guestTempDir, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
options.ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, options.ostype, "os", "windows" )

check_option( options.vmx, "vmx-file" )

# Search the PATH and the a few extra locations for 'vmrun'
if not options.vmrun:
    options.vmrun = utils.findVMRun()
예제 #9
optionParser.add_option("-c", "--checkerInstallation", dest="checkerInstallation", help="checker installation to use for post-installation checks", metavar="CHECKERINSTALLATION" )
(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()

    configpath = utils.makeAbsolutePath( args[0], os.getcwd() )
except IndexError:
    optionParser.print_usage( sys.stderr )
    sys.exit( 1 )

config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
config.read( configpath )

#make an unary functor to create absolute paths
abspath = partial( utils.makeAbsolutePath, relativeTo=os.path.dirname( configpath ) )

vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun", utils.findVMRun() )
useGui = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "gui", "true" ).lower() == "true"
createErrorSnapshots = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "createErrorSnapshots", "true" ).lower() == "true"
hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
hostUsername = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "", "Host" )
hostPassword = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "", "Host" )

cdashHost = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "host", "", "CDash" )
cdashLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "CDash" )
cdashProject = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "project", "", "CDash" )

if vmrun == None:
    die( "Could not find vmrun executable. Please specify it in the config file (vmrun=...) or via the --vmrun option" )

checkerInstallation = utils.get_config_option( config, options.checkerInstallation, "checkerInstallation" )
def fromVMRunAndPath( vmrun, path ):
    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    config.read( path )

    hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
    hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
    hostUsername = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "", "Host" )
    hostPassword = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "", "Host" )

    vmxVal = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "vmx" )
    if not len( hostType ) == 0:
        vmx = utils.makeAbsolutePath( vmxVal, os.path.dirname( path ) )
        vmx = vmxVal

    username = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "nokia" )
    password = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "nokia" )
    tempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
    ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "os", "windows" )
    vm = VirtualMachine( vmrun, vmx, username, password, tempDir, ostype )
    vm._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
    vm._snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "snapshot", "base" )
    vm._python = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
    vm._hostType = hostType
    vm._hostLocation = hostLocation
    vm._hostUsername = hostUsername
    vm._hostPassword = hostPassword
    return vm
예제 #11
from subprocess import check_call
from ftplib import FTP,error_perm
from urlparse import urljoin
from celery import Celery
import os
import sys
import urllib
import re
import logging
import random
import time
from utils import get_config_option

logging.basicConfig(format= '%(asctime)s ' + "Encoder " +  '%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
app = Celery('tasks', broker=get_config_option('General', 'broker_url'))

def encode_video(input_file_path, output_file_name):
    We first obtain the video via http, encode it, and then upload it back
    server_url = get_config_option("Download Settings", "server_url")
    root_dir = get_config_option("FTP Settings" , "root_dir")
    file_path, input_file_name = os.path.split(input_file_path)
    url = urljoin(server_url, input_file_path.lstrip("\\"))

    logging.info("Downloading {0}".format(url))
        urllib.urlretrieve(url, input_file_name)
        logging.info("Finished downloading {0}".format(url))
    except IOError: