예제 #1
    def to_svg(self, open_inkscape=False, filename=None):
        """Generate SVG file from vertex ROI masks.
        # Generate temp filename if not provided
        if filename is None:
            filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".svg",
                                       prefix=self.subject + "-rois-")

        mpts, mpolys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject,
        svgmpts = mpts[:, :2].copy()
        svgmpts -= svgmpts.min(0)
        svgmpts *= 1024 / svgmpts.max(0)[1]
        svgmpts[:, 1] = 1024 - svgmpts[:, 1]

        npts = len(mpts)
        svgroipack = get_roipack(filename, mpts, mpolys)

        # Add default layers
        # Add curvature
        from matplotlib import cm
        curv = VertexData(np.hstack(get_curvature(self.subject)), self.subject)
        fp = cStringIO.StringIO()
        curvim = quickflat.make_png(fp,

        # Add thickness

        # Add ROI boundaries
        svg = etree.parse(svgroipack.svgfile, parser=parser)

        # Find boundary vertices for each ROI
        lsurf, rsurf = [
            Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "fiducial")
        flsurf, frsurf = [
            Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat")
        valids = [set(np.unique(flsurf.polys)), set(np.unique(frsurf.polys))]

        # Construct polygon adjacency graph for each surface
        polygraphs = [lsurf.poly_graph, rsurf.poly_graph]
        for roi in self.rois.keys():
            print("Adding %s.." % roi)
            masks = self.rois[roi].left, self.rois[roi].right
            mmpts = svgmpts[:len(masks[0])], svgmpts[len(masks[0]):]
            roilayer = _make_layer(_find_layer(svg, "rois"), roi)
            for valid, pgraph, surf, mask, mmp in zip(valids, polygraphs,
                                                      [lsurf, rsurf], masks,
                if mask.sum() == 0:

                # Find bounds
                inbound, exbound = surf.get_boundary(np.nonzero(mask)[0])

                # Find polys
                allbpolys = np.unique(surf.connected[inbound +
                selbpolys = surf.polys[allbpolys]
                inpolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, inbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape)
                expolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, exbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape)
                badpolys = np.logical_or(inpolys.all(1), expolys.all(1))
                boundpolys = np.logical_and(
                    np.logical_or(inpolys, expolys).all(1), ~badpolys)

                # Walk around boundary
                boundpolyinds = set(allbpolys[np.nonzero(boundpolys)[0]])

                bgraph = nx.Graph()
                pos = dict()
                for pa in boundpolyinds:
                    for pb in set(pgraph[pa]) & boundpolyinds:
                        edge = pgraph[pa][pb]["verts"]
                        validverts = list(valid & edge)
                        pos[edge] = mmp[validverts].mean(0)

                cc = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(bgraph)
                if len(cc) > 1:
                    edges = reduce(set.symmetric_difference, [
                            map(lambda l: tuple(sorted(l)),
                                zip(c, c[1:] + [c[0]]))) for c in cc
                    eg = nx.from_edgelist(edges)
                    cycles = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(eg)
                    longest = np.argmax(map(len, cycles))
                    path_order = cycles[longest]
                    path_order = cc[0]
                path_points = [
                    for p in zip(path_order[:-1], path_order[1:])

                # Store poly
                path = "M %f %f L" % tuple(path_points[0])
                path += ", ".join(["%f %f" % p for p in path_points[1:]])
                path += "Z "

                # Insert into SVG
                svgpath = etree.SubElement(roilayer, "path")
                    "style"] = "fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opactiy:1"
                svgpath.attrib["d"] = path
                #svgpath.attrib["sodipodi:nodetypes"] = "c" * len(pts)

        with open(svgroipack.svgfile, "w") as xml:
            xml.write(etree.tostring(svg, pretty_print=True))
예제 #2
파일: rois.py 프로젝트: gallantlab/pycortex
    def to_svg(self, open_inkscape=False, filename=None):
        """Generate SVG file from vertex ROI masks.
        # Generate temp filename if not provided
        if filename is None:
            filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".svg", prefix=self.subject+"-rois-")
        mpts, mpolys = surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat", merge=True, nudge=True)
        svgmpts = mpts[:,:2].copy()
        svgmpts -= svgmpts.min(0)
        svgmpts *= 1024 / svgmpts.max(0)[1]
        svgmpts[:,1] = 1024 - svgmpts[:,1]
        npts = len(mpts)
        svgroipack = get_roipack(filename, mpts, mpolys)

        # Add default layers
        # Add curvature
        from matplotlib import cm
        curv = VertexData(np.hstack(get_curvature(self.subject)), self.subject)
        fp = io.BytesIO()
        curvim = quickflat.make_png(fp, curv, height=1024, with_rois=False, with_labels=False,
                                    with_colorbar=False, cmap=cm.gray,recache=True)
        svgroipack.add_roi("curvature", binascii.b2a_base64(fp.read()), add_path=False)

        # Add thickness

        # Add ROI boundaries
        svg = etree.parse(svgroipack.svgfile, parser=parser)

        # Find boundary vertices for each ROI
        lsurf, rsurf = [Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "fiducial")]
        flsurf, frsurf = [Surface(*pp) for pp in surfs.getSurf(self.subject, "flat")]
        valids = [set(np.unique(flsurf.polys)), set(np.unique(frsurf.polys))]

        # Construct polygon adjacency graph for each surface
        polygraphs = [lsurf.poly_graph, rsurf.poly_graph]
        for roi in self.rois.keys():
            print("Adding %s.." % roi)
            masks = self.rois[roi].left, self.rois[roi].right
            mmpts = svgmpts[:len(masks[0])], svgmpts[len(masks[0]):]
            roilayer = _make_layer(_find_layer(svg, "rois"), roi)
            for valid, pgraph, surf, mask, mmp in zip(valids, polygraphs,
                                                      [lsurf, rsurf], masks, mmpts):
                if mask.sum() == 0:
                # Find bounds
                inbound, exbound = surf.get_boundary(np.nonzero(mask)[0])
                # Find polys
                allbpolys = np.unique(surf.connected[inbound+exbound].indices)
                selbpolys = surf.polys[allbpolys]
                inpolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, inbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape)
                expolys = np.in1d(selbpolys, exbound).reshape(selbpolys.shape)
                badpolys = np.logical_or(inpolys.all(1), expolys.all(1))
                boundpolys = np.logical_and(np.logical_or(inpolys, expolys).all(1), ~badpolys)

                # Walk around boundary
                boundpolyinds = set(allbpolys[np.nonzero(boundpolys)[0]])

                bgraph = nx.Graph()
                pos = dict()
                for pa in boundpolyinds:
                    for pb in set(pgraph[pa]) & boundpolyinds:
                        edge = pgraph[pa][pb]["verts"]
                        validverts = list(valid & edge)
                        pos[edge] = mmp[validverts].mean(0)

                cc = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(bgraph)
                if len(cc) > 1:
                    # Need to deal with this later: map/reduce calls not python3 compatible
                    edges = reduce(set.symmetric_difference,
                                   [set(map(lambda l:tuple(sorted(l)), zip(c, c[1:]+[c[0]]))) for c in cc])
                    eg = nx.from_edgelist(edges)
                    cycles = nx.cycles.cycle_basis(eg)
                    #longest = np.argmax(map(len, cycles))
                    longest = np.argmax([len(x) for x in  cycles]) # python3 compatible
                    path_order = cycles[longest]
                    path_order = cc[0]
                path_points = [tuple(pos[frozenset(p)]) for p in zip(path_order[:-1],

                # Store poly
                path = "M %f %f L" % tuple(path_points[0])
                path += ", ".join(["%f %f"%p for p in path_points[1:]])
                path += "Z "

                # Insert into SVG
                svgpath = etree.SubElement(roilayer, "path")
                svgpath.attrib["style"] = "fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opactiy:1"
                svgpath.attrib["d"] = path
                #svgpath.attrib["sodipodi:nodetypes"] = "c" * len(pts)
        with open(svgroipack.svgfile, "w") as xml:
            xml.write(etree.tostring(svg, pretty_print=True))
예제 #3
    def sliding_window_conv_detect(warped_binary,
        if return_debug_img:
            debug_image = np.dstack(
                (warped_binary, warped_binary, warped_binary)) * 255

        nonzero = np.nonzero(warped_binary)
        nonzero_x = nonzero[1]
        nonzero_y = nonzero[0]

        img_h, img_w = warped_binary.shape[0:2]

        # Create empty lists to receive left and right lane pixel indices
        left_lane_inds = []
        right_lane_inds = []

        # the 1-D convolutional weights, [1, 1, ..., 1]
        conv_weight = np.ones(window_width)

        # First find the two starting positions for the left and right lane by using np.sum
        # to get the vertical image slice and then np.convolve the vertical image slice with the window template

        # Sum quarter bottom of image to get slice, could use a different ratio
        l_histogram = np.sum(warped_binary[int(3 * img_h / 4):, :int(img_w /
        l_center = np.argmax(np.convolve(conv_weight,
                                         l_histogram)) - window_width / 2
        win_top = img_h - window_height
        win_bottom = img_h
        left_win_left = max(0, int(l_center - window_width / 2))
        left_win_right = min(int(l_center + window_width / 2), img_w)
        good_left_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_top) & (nonzero_y < win_bottom) &
                          (nonzero_x >= left_win_left) &
                          (nonzero_x < left_win_right)).nonzero()[0]

        r_histogram = np.sum(warped_binary[int(3 * img_h / 4):,
                                           int(img_w / 2):],
        r_center = np.argmax(np.convolve(
            conv_weight, r_histogram)) - window_width / 2 + int(img_w / 2)
        right_win_left = max(0, int(r_center - window_width / 2))
        right_win_right = min(int(r_center + window_width / 2), img_w)
        good_right_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_top) & (nonzero_y < win_bottom) &
                           (nonzero_x >= right_win_left) &
                           (nonzero_x < right_win_right)).nonzero()[0]

        if return_debug_img:
            cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (left_win_left, win_top),
                          (left_win_right, win_bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
            cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (right_win_left, win_top),
                          (right_win_right, win_bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)

        win_area = window_width * window_height
        # the max distance between current and previous center
        max_dist = 0.8 * window_width
        # Go through each layer looking for max pixel locations
        for level in range(1, int(img_h / window_height)):
            # convolve the window into the vertical slice of the image
            win_top = int(img_h - (level + 1) * window_height)
            win_bottom = int(img_h - level * window_height)
            layer_histogram = np.sum(warped_binary[win_top:win_bottom, :],
            layer_conv_signal = np.convolve(conv_weight, layer_histogram)
            # Find the best left centroid by using past left center as a reference
            # Use window_width/2 as offset because convolution signal reference is at right side of window,
            # not center of window
            offset = window_width / 2
            l_min_index = int(max(l_center + offset - margin, 0))
            l_max_index = int(
                min(l_center + offset + margin, warped_binary.shape[1]))
            l_argmax = np.argmax(layer_conv_signal[l_min_index:l_max_index])
            if layer_conv_signal[l_min_index + l_argmax] > (win_area / 50):
                l_center_candidate = l_min_index + l_argmax - offset
                # if the candidata center is far away from previous, adjust it to get close to previous one
                diff_with_prev = l_center_candidate - l_center
                if diff_with_prev > 0:
                    if diff_with_prev < max_dist:
                        l_center = l_center_candidate
                        l_center = (l_center + min(
                            l_center_candidate, l_center + max_dist * 2)) / 2
                elif diff_with_prev < 0:
                    if diff_with_prev > -max_dist:
                        l_center = l_center_candidate
                        l_center = (l_center + max(
                            l_center_candidate, l_center - max_dist * 2)) / 2

            left_win_left = max(0, int(l_center - offset))
            left_win_right = min(int(l_center + offset), img_w)
            good_left_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_top) & (nonzero_y < win_bottom)
                              & (nonzero_x >= left_win_left) &
                              (nonzero_x < left_win_right)).nonzero()[0]

            # Find the best right centroid by using past right center as a reference
            r_min_index = int(max(r_center + offset - margin, 0))
            r_max_index = int(
                min(r_center + offset + margin, warped_binary.shape[1]))
            r_argmax = np.argmax(layer_conv_signal[r_min_index:r_max_index])
            if layer_conv_signal[r_min_index + r_argmax] > (win_area / 50):
                r_center_candidate = r_min_index + r_argmax - offset
                # if the candidata center is far away from previous, adjust it to get close to previous one
                diff_with_prev = r_center_candidate - r_center
                if diff_with_prev > 0:
                    if diff_with_prev < max_dist:
                        r_center = r_center_candidate
                        r_center = (r_center + min(
                            r_center_candidate, r_center + max_dist * 2)) / 2
                elif diff_with_prev < 0:
                    if diff_with_prev > -max_dist:
                        r_center = r_center_candidate
                        r_center = (r_center + max(
                            r_center_candidate, r_center - max_dist * 2)) / 2
            right_win_left = max(0, int(r_center - offset))
            right_win_right = min(int(r_center + offset), img_w)
            good_right_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_top) &
                               (nonzero_y < win_bottom) &
                               (nonzero_x >= right_win_left) &
                               (nonzero_x < right_win_right)).nonzero()[0]

            if return_debug_img:
                cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (left_win_left, win_top),
                              (left_win_right, win_bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)
                cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (right_win_left, win_top),
                              (right_win_right, win_bottom), (0, 255, 0), 2)

        # Concatenate the arrays of indices
        left_lane_inds = np.concatenate(left_lane_inds)
        right_lane_inds = np.concatenate(right_lane_inds)
        # Extract left and right line pixel positions
        leftx = nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]
        lefty = nonzero_y[left_lane_inds]
        rightx = nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]
        righty = nonzero_y[right_lane_inds]

        # Fit a second order polynomial to each
        left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)
        right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

        # calculate the radius of curvature is in meters
        y_in_pixels = np.linspace(0, warped_binary.shape[0] - 1,
                                  warped_binary.shape[0] // 5)
        left_x_in_pixels = left_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + left_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + left_fit[2]
        right_x_in_pixels = right_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + right_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + right_fit[2]
        left_curvature, right_curvature = get_curvature(
            y_in_pixels, left_x_in_pixels, right_x_in_pixels,

        # the center offset in meters
        lane_center_x_in_pixel = (left_x_in_pixels[-1] +
                                  right_x_in_pixels[-1]) / 2.0
        image_center_x = warped_binary.shape[1] / 2.0
        center_offset = get_center_offset(
            lane_center_x_in_pixel, image_center_x,

        result = Result()
        result.l_fit = left_fit
        result.r_fit = right_fit
        result.l_curvature = left_curvature
        result.r_curvature = right_curvature
        result.center_offset = center_offset

        if return_debug_img:
                        nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]] = [255, 0, 0]
                        nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]] = [0, 0, 255]
            result.debug_image = debug_image

        return result
예제 #4
    def detect_based_prev_result(warped_binary,
        nonzero = warped_binary.nonzero()
        nonzero_y = np.array(nonzero[0])
        nonzero_x = np.array(nonzero[1])

        l_center_x = prev_left_fit[0] * (
            nonzero_y**2) + prev_left_fit[1] * nonzero_y + prev_left_fit[2]
        l_left_margin = l_center_x - margin
        l_right_margin = l_center_x + margin
        left_lane_inds = ((nonzero_x > l_left_margin) &
                          (nonzero_x < l_right_margin))

        r_center_x = prev_right_fit[0] * (
            nonzero_y**2) + prev_right_fit[1] * nonzero_y + prev_right_fit[2]
        r_left_margin = r_center_x - margin
        r_right_margin = r_center_x + margin
        right_lane_inds = ((nonzero_x > r_left_margin) &
                           (nonzero_x < r_right_margin))

        # min_pts = 10
        # if len(left_lane_inds) < min_pts or len(right_lane_inds) < min_pts:
        #     return None

        # extract left and right line pixel positions
        leftx = nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]
        lefty = nonzero_y[left_lane_inds]
        # Fit a second order polynomial to the left lane
        left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)

        # extract left and right line pixel positions
        rightx = nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]
        righty = nonzero_y[right_lane_inds]
        # Fit a second order polynomial to the right lane
        right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

        # calculate the radius of curvature is in meters
        y_in_pixels = np.linspace(0, warped_binary.shape[0] - 1,
                                  warped_binary.shape[0] // 5)
        left_x_in_pixels = left_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + left_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + left_fit[2]
        right_x_in_pixels = right_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + right_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + right_fit[2]
        left_curvature, right_curvature = get_curvature(
            y_in_pixels, left_x_in_pixels, right_x_in_pixels,

        # the center offset in meters
        lane_center_x_in_pixel = (left_x_in_pixels[-1] +
                                  right_x_in_pixels[-1]) / 2.0
        image_center_x = warped_binary.shape[1] / 2.0
        center_offset = get_center_offset(
            lane_center_x_in_pixel, image_center_x,

        result = Result()
        result.l_fit = left_fit
        result.r_fit = right_fit
        result.l_curvature = left_curvature
        result.r_curvature = right_curvature
        result.center_offset = center_offset
        # Create an image to draw on and an image to show the selection window
        if return_debug_img:
            focused_region_img = np.dstack(
                (warped_binary, warped_binary, warped_binary)) * 255

            # Color in left and right line pixels
                               nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]] = [255, 0, 0]
                               nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]] = [0, 0, 255]

            # # Generate x and y values for plotting
            ploty = np.linspace(0, warped_binary.shape[0] - 1,
            left_fitx = left_fit[0] * ploty**2 + left_fit[
                1] * ploty + left_fit[2]
            right_fitx = right_fit[0] * ploty**2 + right_fit[
                1] * ploty + right_fit[2]
            # Generate a polygon to illustrate the search window area
            # And recast the x and y points into usable format for cv2.fillPoly()
            l_left_pts = np.array(
                [np.transpose(np.vstack([left_fitx - margin, ploty]))])
            l_right_pts = np.array([
                np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([left_fitx + margin, ploty])))
            left_line_pts = np.hstack((l_left_pts, l_right_pts))

            r_left_pts = np.array(
                [np.transpose(np.vstack([right_fitx - margin, ploty]))])
            r_right_pts = np.array([
                np.flipud(np.transpose(np.vstack([right_fitx + margin,
            right_line_pts = np.hstack((r_left_pts, r_right_pts))

            search_area_img = np.zeros_like(focused_region_img)
            # Draw the lane onto the warped blank image
            cv2.fillPoly(search_area_img, np.int_([left_line_pts]),
                         (0, 255, 0))
            cv2.fillPoly(search_area_img, np.int_([right_line_pts]),
                         (0, 255, 0))
            debug_image = cv2.addWeighted(focused_region_img, 1,
                                          search_area_img, 0.3, 0)

            result.debug_image = debug_image

        return result
예제 #5
    def sliding_window_detect(warped_binary,
        if return_debug_img:
            debug_image = np.dstack(
                (warped_binary, warped_binary, warped_binary)) * 255
        img_h, img_w = warped_binary.shape[0:2]
        # Take a histogram of the bottom 2/3 of the image
        histogram = np.sum(warped_binary[int(img_h * 2 / 3):, :], axis=0)
        # Find the peak of the left and right halves of the histogram
        # These will be the starting point for the left and right lines
        mid_point = np.int(histogram.shape[0] / 2)
        leftx_base = np.argmax(histogram[:mid_point])
        rightx_base = np.argmax(histogram[mid_point:]) + mid_point

        # Identify the x and y positions of all nonzero pixels in the image
        nonzero = warped_binary.nonzero()
        nonzero_y = np.array(nonzero[0])
        nonzero_x = np.array(nonzero[1])
        # Current positions to be updated for each window
        leftx_current = leftx_base
        rightx_current = rightx_base
        # Create empty lists to receive left and right lane pixel indices
        left_lane_inds = []
        right_lane_inds = []

        n_windows = int(img_h / window_height)
        # Step through the windows one by one
        for window in range(n_windows):
            # Identify window boundaries in x and y (and right and left)
            win_y_low = warped_binary.shape[0] - (window + 1) * window_height
            win_y_high = warped_binary.shape[0] - window * window_height
            win_xleft_low = leftx_current - margin
            win_xleft_high = leftx_current + margin
            win_xright_low = rightx_current - margin
            win_xright_high = rightx_current + margin

            if return_debug_img:
                cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (win_xleft_low, win_y_low),
                              (win_xleft_high, win_y_high), (0, 255, 0), 2)
                cv2.rectangle(debug_image, (win_xright_low, win_y_low),
                              (win_xright_high, win_y_high), (0, 255, 0), 2)

            # Identify the nonzero pixels in x and y within the window
            good_left_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_y_low) &
                              (nonzero_y < win_y_high) &
                              (nonzero_x >= win_xleft_low) &
                              (nonzero_x < win_xleft_high)).nonzero()[0]
            good_right_inds = ((nonzero_y >= win_y_low) &
                               (nonzero_y < win_y_high) &
                               (nonzero_x >= win_xright_low) &
                               (nonzero_x < win_xright_high)).nonzero()[0]
            # Append these indices to the lists

            # If you found > minpix pixels, recenter next window on their mean position
            if len(good_left_inds) > min_num_pixels:
                leftx_current = np.int(np.mean(nonzero_x[good_left_inds]))
            if len(good_right_inds) > min_num_pixels:
                rightx_current = np.int(np.mean(nonzero_x[good_right_inds]))

        # Concatenate the arrays of indices
        left_lane_inds = np.concatenate(left_lane_inds)
        right_lane_inds = np.concatenate(right_lane_inds)

        # Extract left lane pixel positions
        leftx = nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]
        lefty = nonzero_y[left_lane_inds]
        # Fit a second order polynomial to the left lane
        left_fit = np.polyfit(lefty, leftx, 2)

        # Extract left lane pixel positions
        rightx = nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]
        righty = nonzero_y[right_lane_inds]
        # Fit a second order polynomial to the right lane
        right_fit = np.polyfit(righty, rightx, 2)

        # calculate the radius of curvature is in meters
        y_in_pixels = np.linspace(0, img_h - 1, img_h // 5)
        left_x_in_pixels = left_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + left_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + left_fit[2]
        right_x_in_pixels = right_fit[0] * y_in_pixels**2 + right_fit[
            1] * y_in_pixels + right_fit[2]
        left_curvature, right_curvature = get_curvature(
            y_in_pixels, left_x_in_pixels, right_x_in_pixels,

        # the center offset in meters
        lane_center_x_in_pixel = (left_x_in_pixels[-1] +
                                  right_x_in_pixels[-1]) / 2.0
        image_center_x = img_w / 2.0
        center_offset = get_center_offset(
            lane_center_x_in_pixel, image_center_x,

        result = Result()
        result.l_fit = left_fit
        result.r_fit = right_fit
        result.l_curvature = left_curvature
        result.r_curvature = right_curvature
        result.center_offset = center_offset

        if return_debug_img:
                        nonzero_x[left_lane_inds]] = [255, 0, 0]
                        nonzero_x[right_lane_inds]] = [0, 0, 255]
            result.debug_image = debug_image

        return result
예제 #6

print data_slice_resampled.tail()

# Convert timestamp to floats
    'time_as_float'] = data_slice_resampled.timestamp.values.astype(float)

# Create an intermediate numpy array.
x = data_slice_resampled[['time_as_float', 'smooth_close']].values

# Calculate Curvature
b = u.get_curvature(x)

# Use a temp data-frame to store the results of the curvature calculations.
tmp_df = b

# Normalize the results of curvature solution.
tmp_df[:, [-1]] = normalize(tmp_df[:, -1, None], norm='max', axis=0)

# Add the solution data to our main data-frame.
data_slice_resampled['solution'] = tmp_df[:, 1]

# ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
# ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the candlestick plotter.
trace_candlestick = go.Candlestick(