예제 #1
def populate_mock_db():
    # get_db_collection('restaurants').remove({})
    # get_db_collection('reviews').remove({})

    dishes = get_db_collection('dishes')
    for i in range(100):
        dish = {
            '_id': next_id('dishes'),
            'name': str(i % 10) + '-dish',
            'price': 1,
            'rating': 4.5,
            'num_ratings': 100,
            'restaurant_id': 'the-cobra-club-bushwick',
            'reviews': [],
            'tags': [],

    # restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')
    # for i in range(15):
    #   r = {
    #     '_id': i,
    #     'name': str(i) + 'r',
    #     'address': 'crazyshit',
    #     'rating': 4.5,
    #     'type': ['Mexican'],
    #   }
    #   restaurants.insert_one(r)

    dish = {
        '_id': next_id('dishes'),
        'name': 'sushi',
        'price': 15.99,
        'rating': 4.5,
        'num_ratings': 10,
        'restaurant_id': 'the-cobra-club-bushwick',
        'reviews': [],
        'tags': [],
    dish = {
        '_id': next_id('dishes'),
        'name': 'sushi',
        'price': 15.99,
        'rating': 4.5,
        'num_ratings': 10,
        'restaurant_id': 'shabu-house-san-francisco-3',
        'reviews': [],
        'tags': [],
예제 #2
def next_id(collection):
	Gets the next auto-incrementing id for the specified collection
    counters = get_db_collection('counters')
    result = counters.find_one_and_update({'_id': collection},
                                          {'$inc': {
                                              'seq': 1
    return result['seq']
예제 #3
def get_name_data():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        dishes = get_db_collection('dishes')
        restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')

        pipeline = [
                "$group": {
                    "_id": "$name",
                    "count": {
                        "$sum": 1
        dish_names = map(lambda d: d['_id'], list(dishes.aggregate(pipeline)))
        restaurant_names = map(lambda r: r['_id'],
        return jsonify({
            'dish_names': dish_names,
            'restaurant_names': restaurant_names
예제 #4
def get_dish_data():
    if request.method == 'GET':

        dish = request.args.get('text', 'sushi')
        sort_by = request.args.get('sort_by', 'rating')
        sort_dir = request.args.get('sort_dir', 'desc')
        location = request.args.get('location', 'New+York')
        distance = request.args.get('distance', '10')
        restaurant_id = request.args.get('restaurant_id', '')
        search_type = request.args.get('search_type', 'dish')
        # if True:
        #   dish = '5-dish'
        #   sort_by = 'rating'  # price, distance
        #   sort_dir = 'desc'
        #   location = '775 New York, Brooklyn, New York 11203'
        #   distance = 5
        #   search_type = 'dish'

        # get collections
        dishes = get_db_collection('dishes')
        restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')
        reviews = get_db_collection('reviews')
        images = get_db_collection('images')

        # filter restaurants by distance to specified location
        all_restaurants = restaurants.find()
        filtered_restaurants = filter_by_distance(all_restaurants, location,
        filtered_restaurants_ids = map(lambda r: r['_id'],
        print 'FOUND RESTAURANTS: \n' + str(filtered_restaurants_ids)

        dishes_list = []
        if search_type == 'dish':
            # query for dishes matching the specified name or tags and within the specified distance
            dishes_list = list(dishes.find({ 'name': dish, 'restaurant_id': { '$in': filtered_restaurants_ids } })\
              .sort(sort_by,  (pymongo.DESCENDING if sort_dir == 'desc' else pymongo.ASCENDING))\
        elif search_type == 'location':
            # query for dishes within the specified distance
            dishes_list = list(dishes.find({ 'restaurant_id': { '$in': filtered_restaurants_ids } })\
              .sort(sort_by,  (pymongo.DESCENDING if sort_dir == 'desc' else pymongo.ASCENDING))\
        elif search_type == 'restaurant':
            # query for dishes at this restaurant
            dishes_list = list(dishes.find({ 'restaurant_id': restaurant_id })\
              .sort(sort_by,  (pymongo.DESCENDING if sort_dir == 'desc' else pymongo.ASCENDING))\
            formatted_search_type = 'Restaurants'
            print 'INVALID SEARCH TYPE'

        # get associated restaurant data
        restaurant_ids = set(
            map(lambda dish: dish['restaurant_id'], dishes_list))
        restaurant_list = filter(
            lambda r: r
            if r['_id'] in restaurant_ids else None, filtered_restaurants)

        # get associated review data
        reviews_list = []
        for dish in dishes_list:
            review_ids = dish['reviews']
            dish_reviews = list(reviews.find({'_id': {'$in': review_ids}}))
            if dish_reviews:
                dish['popular_review_id'] = max(
                    dish_reviews, key=lambda r: r['votes'])['_id']
                reviews_list += dish_reviews
        # reviews_list = list(reviews.find({ '_id': { '$in': review_ids } }))

        # photo_ids = []
        # for r in reviews_list:
        #   photo_ids += [r['photo']]
        # photos_list = list(images.find({ '_id': { '$in': photo_ids } }))

        print 'FOUND DISHES: \n' + str(dishes_list)
        # print restaurant_list
        # print reviews_list
        # print photos_list

        # form response
        result = {
            'dishes': format_data_response(dishes_list),
            'restaurants': format_data_response(restaurant_list),
            'reviews': format_data_response(reviews_list),
            'num_results': len(dishes_list),
            'query': request.args,
            # 'photos': format_data_response(photos_list)
        return jsonify(result)

        return 'failed'
예제 #5
def downvote_review():
    review_id = request.form.get('review_id', '')

    reviews = get_db_collection('reviews')
    reviews.update({'_id': review_id}, {'$inc': {'votes': -1}})
    return 'success'
예제 #6
def submit_review():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        dish = request.form.get('dish', None)
        restaurant = request.form.get('restaurant', None)
        rating = int(request.form.get('rating', -1))
        review_text = request.form.get('review_text', '')
        user_id = request.form.get('user_id', None)
        price = request.form.get('price', -1)
        tags = ast.literal_eval(request.form.get('tags', '[]'))
        date = datetime.now()
        photo = request.files.get('photo', None)

        # validate input
        print dish, restaurant, rating, review_text, user_id, price, tags, date

        # if there is a valid photo, save it to the filesystem
        photo_url = None
        if photo and allowed_file(photo.filename):
            photo_url = secure_filename(photo.filename)
            photo.save(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], photo_url))

        # get collections
        dishes = get_db_collection('dishes')
        restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')
        reviews = get_db_collection('reviews')

        reviewed_restaurant = restaurants.find_one({'name': restaurant})
        if reviewed_restaurant:
            reviewed_restaurant_id = reviewed_restaurant['_id']
            reviewed_dish_id = None
            new_review_id = next_id('reviews')

            # update the dish with the new_review, or add it if it doesn't exist
            reviewed_dish = dishes.find_one({
            if reviewed_dish:
                reviewed_dish_id = reviewed_dish['_id']
                num_ratings = int(reviewed_dish['num_ratings'])

                update_result = dishes.update_one(
                    {'_id': reviewed_dish_id},
                        '$push': {
                            'reviews': new_review_id,  # add new_review
                            'tags': {
                                '$each': tags
                            }  # add tags
                        '$inc': {
                            'num_ratings': 1
                        },  # increment num_ratings values
                        '$set': {  # update running average of rating
                            (float(reviewed_dish['rating']) * int(num_ratings)
                             + int(rating)) / (int(num_ratings) + 1)
                print update_result.raw_result
                # add the dish
                new_dish = {
                    '_id': next_id('dishes'),
                    'name': dish,
                    'restaurant_id': reviewed_restaurant_id,
                    'price': price,
                    'reviews': [new_review_id],
                    'rating': rating,
                    'num_ratings': 1,
                    'tags': tags
                reviewed_dish_id = dishes.insert(new_dish)
                print 'added new dish ' + str(reviewed_dish_id)

            # construct review and insert it
            new_review = {
                '_id': new_review_id,
                'user_id': user_id,
                'dish_id': reviewed_dish_id,
                'restaurant_id': reviewed_restaurant_id,
                'rating': rating,
                'text': review_text,
                'date': date,
                'photo_url': photo_url,
                'votes': 0,

            print "ADDED REVIEW"
            print[r for r in reviews.find({'_id': new_review_id})]
        return 'success'
        return 'fail'
예제 #7
파일: populate_db.py 프로젝트: mzw4/brick
        term (str): The search term to query.
        location (str): The location of the business to query.
    response = search(term, location)
    businesses = response.get('businesses')

    if not businesses:
        print u'No businesses for {0} in {1} found.'.format(term, location)

    return businesses

if __name__ == "__main__":
	connection = get_db_connection('brick')
	restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')
	ny_food_response = query_api('food', 'new+york')
	sf_food_response = query_api('food', 'san+francisco')
	food_responses = ny_food_response + sf_food_response
	for entry in food_responses:
		location = entry['location']
		address = location['address'][0] + ' ' + location['city'] + ', ' + location['state_code'] + ' ' + location['postal_code']
		url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + to_url_param(address) + '&key=' + GOOGLE_API_KEY
		response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
		location = response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']
		latitude = location['lat']
		longitude = location['lng']

		categories = []
		for category in entry['categories']:
			categories += category
예제 #8
파일: populate_db.py 프로젝트: mzw4/brick
        term (str): The search term to query.
        location (str): The location of the business to query.
    response = search(term, location)
    businesses = response.get('businesses')

    if not businesses:
        print u'No businesses for {0} in {1} found.'.format(term, location)

    return businesses

if __name__ == "__main__":
    connection = get_db_connection('brick')
    restaurants = get_db_collection('restaurants')
    ny_food_response = query_api('food', 'new+york')
    sf_food_response = query_api('food', 'san+francisco')
    food_responses = ny_food_response + sf_food_response
    for entry in food_responses:
        location = entry['location']
        address = location['address'][0] + ' ' + location[
            'city'] + ', ' + location['state_code'] + ' ' + location[
        url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' + to_url_param(
            address) + '&key=' + GOOGLE_API_KEY
        response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
        location = response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']
        latitude = location['lat']
        longitude = location['lng']