예제 #1
    def _get_data(self):
        from single_factor import OperationRevenueGrowth, EstimateNetRevenueGrowRateFY16M, FreeCashFlowPerShare, GrossIncomeRatio, ROC, EffectiveTaxRate, PS
        factor_list = [
            OperationRevenueGrowth, EstimateNetRevenueGrowRateFY16M,
            FreeCashFlowPerShare, GrossIncomeRatio, ROC, EffectiveTaxRate, PS
        date_one_year = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -1, ql.Years)
        date_two_year = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -2, ql.Years)
        df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
        df_Revenue_growth_one_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(
            self.code_list, [OperationRevenueGrowth], date_one_year)
        df_Revenue_growth_one_year.rename(columns={'营业收入增长率': '营业收入增长率_去年'},
        df_FreeCashFlowPerShare_one_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(
            self.code_list, [FreeCashFlowPerShare], date_one_year)
            columns={'每股企业自由现金流': '每股企业自由现金流_去年'}, inplace=True)
        df_FreeCashFlowPerShare_two_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(
            self.code_list, [FreeCashFlowPerShare], date_two_year)
            columns={'每股企业自由现金流': '每股企业自由现金流_前年'}, inplace=True)
        df_temp = df['市销率'] * df['销售毛利率'] * 10.0  # 边际获利乘数即:销售毛利率*10

        df = pd.concat([
            df, df_Revenue_growth_one_year, df_FreeCashFlowPerShare_one_year,
            df_FreeCashFlowPerShare_two_year, df_temp
        df.rename(columns={0: '高估/低估指数'}, inplace=True)
        df = df.dropna()
        return df
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import NetProfitGrowRateV2, NetProfit, Revenue,PE
     factor_list = [NetProfitGrowRateV2, NetProfit,PE]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     date_temp = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -3, ql.Months)
     df_temp = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, [NetProfitGrowRateV2, Revenue], date_temp)
     df_temp.rename(columns={'净利润增长率': '净利润增长率_3个月前'}, inplace=True)
     df_temp_1 = df['净利润增长率'] - df_temp['净利润增长率_3个月前']
     df = pd.concat([df, df_temp, df_temp_1], axis=1)
     df.rename(columns={0: '差值'}, inplace=True)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import PB, PE, DividendYield, PriceFreeCashFlowPerShare, LongTermLiabilityToWorkCapital
     factor_list = [PB, DividendYield, PriceFreeCashFlowPerShare, LongTermLiabilityToWorkCapital]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     # 五年PE值获取
     df_PE = []
     for i in range(5):
         date_temp = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -i, ql.Years)
         df_temp = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, [PE], date_temp)
         df_temp.rename(columns={'市盈率PE': '市盈率_'+str(i)}, inplace=True)
     df = pd.concat([df]+df_PE, axis=1)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import LCap, CurrentRatio, ROE, FreeCashFlowPerShare, OperationRevenueGrowth, NetProfitGrowRateV2
     factor_list = [LCap, CurrentRatio, ROE, OperationRevenueGrowth, NetProfitGrowRateV2]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     # 五年自由现金流量
     df_PE = []
     for i in range(5):
         date_temp = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -i, ql.Years)
         df_temp = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, [FreeCashFlowPerShare], date_temp)
         df_temp.rename(columns={'每股企业自由现金流指标': '每股企业自由现金流指标_' + str(i)}, inplace=True)
     df = pd.concat([df] + df_PE, axis=1)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import DebetToAsset, CFPS, MarketValueToFreeCashFlow, NetProfitGrowRateV2, DividendYield, PE, InventoryTurnRatio
     factor_list = [DebetToAsset, CFPS, MarketValueToFreeCashFlow, NetProfitGrowRateV2, DividendYield, PE]
     factor_InvTurn_now = [InventoryTurnRatio]
     factor_InvTurn_one_year = [InventoryTurnRatio]
     date_one_year = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -1, ql.Years)
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     # 存货增长率与营收增长率的比较判断数据,使用存货周转率判断
     df_invturn_now = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_InvTurn_now, self.date)
     df_invturn_now.rename(columns={'存货周转率': '存货周转率_今年'}, inplace=True)
     df_invturn_one_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_InvTurn_one_year, date_one_year)
     df_invturn_one_year.rename(columns={'存货周转率': '存货周转率_去年'}, inplace=True)
     df = pd.concat([df, df_invturn_now, df_invturn_one_year], axis=1)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
예제 #6
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import InventoryTurnRatio
     factor_list = [InventoryTurnRatio]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     last_year = self._get_last_year_date(self.date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, last_year)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0存货周转率分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '存货周转率为%.2f次;上年同期为%.2f次;同比增长为%.2f%%。'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df_last_year.iloc[:, 0],
                    growth * 100.0)
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import ClosePrice, PE, DividendYield, NetTangibleAssetPerShare, NetLiquidAssetPerShare, TotalLiability, NetLiquidAsset, NetTangibleAsset, CurrentRatio, NetProfitGrowRateV2, PE_MAX
     factor_list = [ClosePrice, PE, DividendYield, NetTangibleAssetPerShare, NetLiquidAssetPerShare, TotalLiability, NetLiquidAsset, NetTangibleAsset, CurrentRatio, NetProfitGrowRateV2]
     # factor_list = [PE_MAX] # 待添加到上述列表,条件筛选不完整
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     date_temp_1 = get_trading_date_from_now(self.date, -3, ql.Days)  # 取3天前国债收益率
     yield_data = w.wss("TB" + str(self.N) + "Y.WI", "close", "tradeDate=" + str(date_temp_1) + ";priceAdj=U;cycle=D").Data[0][0]
     df = df.dropna()
     return df, yield_data
예제 #8
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import AccRecTurnRatioV2
     factor_list = [AccRecTurnRatioV2]
     code = [self.code]
     date = self._get_last_year_end(self.date)
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, date)
     date_last = self._get_last_year_date(date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, date_last)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0应收账款率分析(数据截止' + date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '应收账款周转率为%.2f次;上年同期为%.2f次;同比增长为%.2f%%。'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df_last_year.iloc[:, 0],
                    growth * 100.0)
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #9
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import AssetTurnoverRatio
     factor_list = [AssetTurnoverRatio]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     last_year = self._get_last_year_date(self.date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, last_year)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0管理层面分析_效率分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '总资产周转率本年为%.2f次;上年同期为%.2f次;同比增长率为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df_last_year.iloc[:, 0],
                    growth * 100.0)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df, growth)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #10
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import ROE
     factor_list = [ROE]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     last_year = self._get_last_year_date(self.date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, last_year)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0业绩分析(资本回报率ROE)(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '资本回报为ROE%.2f%%;上年同期为%.2f%%;同比增长率为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values,
                    growth * 100.0)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #11
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import NonCurrentAssetRatio
     factor_list = [NonCurrentAssetRatio]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     date_last = self._get_last_year_date(self.date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, date_last)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0资产结构分析(数据截止' + date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '公司非流动资产占比为%.2f%%;上年同期为%.2f%%;同比增长为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df_last_year.iloc[:, 0],
                    growth * 100.0)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #12
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import DebetToAsset, TotalAsset
     factor_list = [DebetToAsset, TotalAsset]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     last_year = self._get_last_year_date(self.date)
     df_last_year = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, last_year)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     df_last_year.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df_last_year.iloc[:, 0])
     growth = (df.iloc[:, 0].values - df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
               ) / df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values
     text = '\0\0管理层面分析_效率分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '总资产规模为%.2f亿元;资产负债率为%.2f%%;上年同期为%.2f%%;同比增长为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 1].values / 100000000.0,
                    df.iloc[:, 0].values * 100.0,
                    df_last_year.iloc[:, 0].values * 100.0, growth * 100.0)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #13
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import RevenueGrowthRate, EstimateNetRevenueGrowRateFY16M
     factor_list = [RevenueGrowthRate, EstimateNetRevenueGrowRateFY16M]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     text = '\0\0营业收入分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '营业收入增长率为%.2f%%;分析师一致预期营业收入增长率为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values, df.iloc[:, 1].values)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #14
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import OperateCashFlow, CashFlowCoverRatio
     factor_list = [OperateCashFlow, CashFlowCoverRatio]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     text = '\0\0现金流分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '经营活动现金流为%.2f亿元;' + '利润现金保障倍数为%.2f倍;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values / 100000000.0, df.iloc[:,
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #15
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import SellExpense, SellExpenseRevenue, SellExpenseGrowth
     factor_list = [SellExpense, SellExpenseRevenue, SellExpenseGrowth]
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     df.iloc[:, 2] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 2])
     text = '\0\0经营理念分析——销售费用(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '销售费用为为%.2f亿元;销售费用占营业收入的比重为:%.2f%%;销售费用增长率为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values / 100000000.0, df.iloc[:, 1].values
                    * 100.0, df.iloc[:, 2].values * 100)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #16
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import RDExpense, RDExpenseRevenue
     factor_list = [RDExpense, RDExpenseRevenue]
     code = [self.code]
     date = self._get_last_year_end(self.date)
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, date)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     text = '\0\0经营理念分析——研发费用(数据截止' + date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '研发费用为%.2f亿元:占营业收入为%.2f%%。'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values / 100000000.0,
                    df.iloc[:, 1].values * 100.0)
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     if np.isnan(df.iloc[:, 0].values):
         return []
         return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #17
 def _get_summary(self, df):
     from single_factor import RevenueGrowthRate
     factor_list = [RevenueGrowthRate]
     code = [self.code]
     rev_growth = get_factor_from_wind_v2(
         code, factor_list, self.date).iloc[:, 0].values / 100.0
     sellexp_growth = df.iloc[:, 2]
     diff = (rev_growth - sellexp_growth)[0]
     if diff >= 0.03:
         text_summary = "销售费用的增长慢于销售收入增长,预期公司毛利率具有一定的增长潜力。"
     elif diff < -0.03:
         text_summary = "销售费用的增长快于销售收入增长,预期公司毛利率增长不乐观。"
     elif diff < 0.03 and diff > -0.03:
         text_summary = "销售费用的增长与销售收入增长基本持平,预期公司经营稳定。"
     elif np.isnan(diff):
         text_summary = "公司缺失相关数据,无法分析。"
         text_summary = "Warining: recoding is needed!"
     return text_summary
예제 #18
 def output(self):
     from single_factor import NetProfit, NetProfitGrowRateV2, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M
     factor_list = [
         NetProfit, NetProfitGrowRateV2, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M
     code = [self.code]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list, self.date)
     df.iloc[:, 0] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 0])
     df.iloc[:, 1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 1])
     df.iloc[:, 2] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, 2])
     text = '\0\0净利润增长分析(数据截止' + self.date + '):'
     para_1 = rl_text(text)
     text = '公司净利润为%.2f亿元;净利润增长率为%.2f%%;分析师一致预期净利润增长率为%.2f%%;'
     text = text % (df.iloc[:, 0].values / 100000000.0,
                    df.iloc[:, 1].values, df.iloc[:, 2].values)
     text_summary = self._get_summary(df)
     text = text + text_summary
     para_2 = rl_text(text)
     return [para_1, para_2, rl_text('\0')]
예제 #19
 def _get_summary(self, df):
     from single_factor import NetProfit
     factor_list = [NetProfit]
     code = [self.code]
     netprofit = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code, factor_list,
                                         self.date).iloc[:, 0].values
     if df.iloc[:, 0].values < 0.0 and netprofit < 0.0:
         text_summary = "此时利润现金保障倍数无实际含义,公司目前整体亏损,公司主营业务经营活动并无现金流入,整体现金流情况较差。"
     elif df.iloc[:, 0].values < 0.0 and netprofit > 0.0:
         text_summary = "利润现金保障倍数为负值,财务报表中提现公司仍然盈利,但经营活动现金流为负值,说明公司造血能力较差," \
     elif df.iloc[:, 0].values > 0.0 and netprofit < 0.0:
         text_summary = "企业经营活动现金流为正,但是公司整体亏损,说明公司在主营业务经营活动正常运转," \
     elif df.iloc[:, 0].values > 0.0 and netprofit > 0.0:
         if df.iloc[:, 1].values > 0.85:  # 利润现金保障倍数
             text_summary = "净利润和经营现金流都为正数,企业健康发展,运营正常,自身能够产生充足经营现金流,公司产生的净利润是有足够的现金流支持。"
         elif df.iloc[:, 1].values <= 0.85 and df.iloc[:, 1].values > 0.5:
             text_summary = "净利润和经营现金流都为正数,企业经营活动能够正常运转,但是经营活动现金流入水平较低,公司产生的净利润是有一定的现金流支持,公司经营管理水平有待改善。"
         elif df.iloc[:, 1].values <= 0.5 and df.iloc[:, 1].values > 0.0:
             text_summary = "净利润和经营现金流都为正数,企业经营活动处于正常运转,但是经营活动现金流入水平偏低,公司产生的净利润缺乏足够的现金流支持,公司经营管理水平有待提高。"
         text_summary = "Warining: recoding is needed!"
     return text_summary
예제 #20
        df = pd.concat(result_df_list, axis=0)
        return df

class 因子行业去极值(因子去极值):
    def get_factor_df(self):
        df = self.factor_df
        code_list = list(df.index.values)  # 股票的代码
        factor_list = list(df.columns.values)  # 因子名称的代码
        SW1_df = SW1Industry(self.date, code_list).get_factor()
        df = pd.concat([df, SW1_df], axis=1).dropna()  # 去除缺失行业因子的股票
        # 根据行业分组进行因子标准化
        df_group_by = df.groupby('申万一级行业')
        result_df_list = []
        for industry, df_industry in df_group_by:
            df_industry = df_industry[factor_list]
            df_industry = self._deextreme_value(df_industry)
        df = pd.concat(result_df_list, axis=0)
        return df

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # code_list = w.wset("sectorconstituent", "date=2018-10-30;windcode=000300.SH").Data[1]
    code_list = ['000002.SZ', '600000.SH']
    factor_df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(code_list, [VOL10, RSI, PE],
                                        '2018-10-30')  # 故意引入错误数据
    factor_df = 加入行业编码(factor_df, '2018-10-30').get_factor_df()
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import SteadyProfitAcc, InventoryTurnRatio,PB
     factor_list = [SteadyProfitAcc, InventoryTurnRatio, PB]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
예제 #22
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import EstimatePEFY1, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M, PB
     factor_list = [EstimatePEFY1, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M, PB]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
예제 #23
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import DilutedEPS, ForecastEarningGrowth_FY1_3M
     factor_list = [DilutedEPS, ForecastEarningGrowth_FY1_3M]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df
예제 #24
 def _get_data(self):
     from single_factor import DilutedEPS, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M
     factor_list = [DilutedEPS, EstimateNetProfitGrowRateFY16M]
     df = get_factor_from_wind_v2(self.code_list, factor_list, self.date)
     df = df.dropna()
     return df