def __init__(self, year, calendar='julian'): """ :param year: any year. :param calendar: julian or gregorian calendar system. """ self.__year = year self.__calendar = calendar self.__julian_date_easter = convert_julian_to_julian_day( *get_pascha(self.__year)) self.__style = u'от Адама.' if calendar == 'julian' else u'н. ст.'
def get_resurrection_day(self): """Get date of the Orthodox Resurrection day.""" result = '' if self.__calendar == 'julian': day, month, year = convert_julian_day_to_julian_am( self.__julian_date_easter) result = [u'%d %s %d года %s' % ( day, MONTH_JULIAN_WORD[month], year, self.__style)] elif self.__calendar == 'gregorian': day, month, year = convert_julian_to_gregorian( *get_pascha(self.__year)) result = [u'%d %s по %s' % (day, MONTH_WORD[month], self.__style)] return dict( headline=u'Пасха', result=result )