예제 #1
    def forward(self, X):  # X.shape=(N,C,H,W)
        col_weights = self.weights.tensor.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0).reshape(
            (-1, self.out_channels))
        self.col_image = im2col(X, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
        conv_ret = self.col_image @ col_weights + self.bias.tensor
        conv_ret = conv_ret.reshape(
            (X.shape[0], self.out_channels,
             (X.shape[2] - self.kernel_size) // self.stride + 1,
             (X.shape[3] - self.kernel_size) // self.stride + 1))

        def backward(D):
            self.weights.gradient += (self.col_image.T @ D.transpose(
                3, 1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, self.out_channels)).reshape(
            self.bias.gradient += D.transpose(3, 1, 2, 0).reshape(
                -1, self.out_channels).sum(axis=0)
            pad_D = np.pad(D, ((0, 0), (0, 0),
                               (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1),
                               (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1)),
            flip_W = self.weights.tensor[::-1]
            flip_W = flip_W.swapaxes(1, 2)
            col_flip_W = flip_W.reshape((-1, self.in_channels))
            col_pad_D = im2col(pad_D, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
            dX = col_pad_D @ col_flip_W
            dX = dX.reshape(X.shape)
            return dX

        return conv_ret, backward
def NLM_affinity(y, sample_indices):
    start = time.time()
    M, N = y.shape[:2]
    h = 3.
    ksz = 7
    kRad = int((ksz - 1) / 2)

    img = np.pad(y, (kRad, kRad), 'symmetric')
    G = matlab_style_gauss2D((ksz, ksz), 1.2)
    G = G.reshape(ksz**2, 1)
    G = G / np.sum(G)

    Z = im2col(img.T, [ksz, ksz])
    Z = Z * np.repeat(G, M * N).reshape(ksz**2, M * N)

    AB = np.empty((len(sample_indices), M * N), dtype=np.float64)
    for i, idx in enumerate(sample_indices):
        ind_x, ind_y = num2xy(idx, M, N)
        loc_p = [ind_x + kRad, ind_y + kRad]
        yp = img[loc_p[0] - kRad:loc_p[0] + kRad + 1,
                 loc_p[1] - kRad:loc_p[1] + kRad + 1]
        Zc = yp.T.reshape(ksz**2) * G.reshape(ksz**2)
        Zc = np.repeat(Zc, M * N).reshape(ksz**2, M * N)
        Ker = np.exp(-np.sum((Zc - Z)**2, axis=0) / h**2)
        AB[i, :] = Ker
    logger.info('Affinity function NLM done in {0}s'.format(time.time() -
    return AB
예제 #3
	def forward(self, V):
		self.in_act = V 

		## We shall use the technique of im2Col as detailed in the notes for the course 
		## CS231n. However, there are still speed-ups to be had if we could link 
		## numpy with the BLAS Library 

		A = Vol(self.out_sx, self.out_sy, self.out_depth, 0.0)
		input_vol = V.w 
		input_vol = input_vol.reshape(V.depth, V.sx, V.sy)

		inputim2col = im2col(input_vol, [self.filter_sx, self.filter_sy], self.stride)

		##Create the filter matrix 
		filtercol = np.zeros((self.out_depth,self.filter_sx*self.filter_sy*self.in_depth))
		for i in xrange(self.out_depth):
			filtercol[i] = self.filters[i].w.flatten()
		##Perform the convolution step 

		convolve = np.dot(filtercol, inputim2col)
		##Adding biases 
		##Could be done in a neater fashion
		for i in xrange(self.out_depth):
			convolve[i] += self.biases.w[i]
		A.w = convolve.flatten()
		self.out_act = A 
		return self.out_act
예제 #4
	def forward(self, X):

		# pad X so that X.shape = (batch_size, input_depth, input_height, input_width)
		X = np.pad(X, ((0,0), (0,0), (self.pad1,self.pad2), (self.pad1,self.pad2)), \
		assert X.shape == self.input_shape

		# W_blocks.shape = (output_depth, filter_size**2 * input_depth)
		# X_blocks.shape = (filter_size**2 * input_depth, 
		#				    output_height * output_width * batch_size)
		# outputs.shape = (output_depth, output_height * out_width * batch_size)
		W_blocks = np.reshape(self.W, (self.output_depth, -1))
		X_blocks = im2col(X, self.filter_size, self.filter_size, \
							 0, self.stride)
		outputs = np.dot(W_blocks, X_blocks) + self.b
		outputs = np.reshape(outputs, (self.output_depth, self.output_height, \
								  self.output_width, self.batch_size))
		outputs = outputs.transpose(3, 0, 1, 2)

		self.X_blocks = X_blocks

		print('X.shape=', X.shape, 'FILTER SIZE=', self.filter_size)
		print('H2=', self.output_height, 'W2=', self.output_width)
		print('STRIDE=', self.stride, 'total+pad=', self.total_pad)
		print('W_Blocks.shape=', W_blocks.shape)
		print('X_blocks.shape=', X_blocks.shape)
		print('outputs shape=', outputs.shape)

		return outputs
예제 #5
    def forward(self, feature_map):
        # feature_map : R(batch_size,in_channels,in_width,in_height)
        batch_size, in_channels, height, width = feature_map.shape

        self.in_c = in_channels
        self.in_h = height
        self.in_w = width

        if self.padding > 0:
            padding_h = height + 2 * self.padding
            padding_w = width + 2 * self.padding
            padding_feat = torch.zeros(
                (batch_size, in_channels, padding_h, padding_w),
            padding_feat[:, :, self.padding:self.padding + height,
                         self.padding:self.padding + width] = feature_map
            feature_map = padding_feat

        h_steps = (height - self.kernel_size +
                   2 * self.padding) // self.stride + 1
        v_steps = (width - self.kernel_size +
                   2 * self.padding) // self.stride + 1

        self.feat_mat = im2col(feature_map, self.kernel_size, h_steps, v_steps,
                               self.in_channels, self.stride)
        self.kernel_mat = kernel2row(self.kernel)

        outmap = torch.matmul(self.kernel_mat, self.feat_mat)
        outmap = outmap.view(
            (self.out_channels, batch_size, h_steps, v_steps)).permute(
                (1, 0, 2, 3))

        return outmap
예제 #6
def max_pool_forward_im2col(x, pool_param):
    An implementation of the forward pass for max pooling based on im2col.

    This isn't much faster than the naive version, so it should be avoided if
    N, C, H, W = x.shape
    pool_height, pool_width = pool_param['pool_height'], pool_param[
    stride = pool_param['pool_stride']

    assert (H - pool_height) % stride == 0, 'Invalid height'
    assert (W - pool_width) % stride == 0, 'Invalid width'

    out_height = (H - pool_height) / stride + 1
    out_width = (W - pool_width) / stride + 1

    x_split = x.reshape(N * C, 1, H, W)
    x_cols = im2col(x_split, pool_height, pool_width, padding=0, stride=stride)
    x_cols_argmax = np.argmax(x_cols, axis=0)
    x_cols_max = x_cols[x_cols_argmax, np.arange(x_cols.shape[1])]
    out = x_cols_max.reshape(out_height, out_width, N, C).transpose(2, 3, 0, 1)

    cache = (x, x_cols, x_cols_argmax, pool_param)
    return out, cache
예제 #7
    def calc_gradient(self, error):
        self.error = error
        error_col = self.error.reshape(self.batch_size, self.out_channels, -1)
        # print('self.col_images.shape:', self.col_images.shape)
        # print('error_col.shape:', error_col.shape)
        # print('error.shape:', error.shape)

        for batch_i in range(self.batch_size):
            self.weight_gradient += np.dot(error_col[batch_i],
        # 将对应的维度相加,需要将N和最后求和
        self.bias_gradient += np.sum(error_col,
                                     axis=(0, 2)).reshape(self.bias.shape)
        # 反向传播计算上一层error

        error_pad = np.pad(self.error,
                           ((0, 0), (0, 0),
                            (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1),
                            (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1)),
        # print('error_pad.shape:', error_pad.shape)
        # print('error:', error)
        # print('error_pad:', error_pad)

        weight_flip = self.weight[:, :, ::-1, ::-1]
        weight_flip = np.swapaxes(weight_flip, 0, 1)
        weight_flip_col = weight_flip.reshape(self.in_channels, -1)
        # print('weight_flip_col.shape:', weight_flip_col.shape)

        next_error = np.zeros(
            (self.batch_size, self.in_channels, self.input_h, self.input_w))
        for batch_i in range(self.batch_size):
            # 输入的第i个图像C_in*H_in*W_in
            error_pad_image_batch_i = error_pad[batch_i, :]
            error_pad_image_batch_i_col = im2col(error_pad_image_batch_i,
                                                 self.kernel_size, self.stride)
            # print('error_pad_image_batch_i_col.shape:', error_pad_image_batch_i_col.shape)
            next_error[batch_i] = np.reshape(
                (self.in_channels, self.input_h, self.input_w))

        # print('error_pad_image_col.shape:', error_pad_image_col.shape)
        # print('error_pad_image_col.shape:', error_pad_image_col.shape)
        # next_error = np.dot(error_pad_image_col, np.transpose(weight_flip_col)).reshape(self.batch_size, self.in_channels, self.input_h, self.input_w)
        # print('next_error.shape:', next_error.shape)
        # conv_out[batch_i] = np.reshape(np.dot(weight_col, np.transpose(image_batch_i_col)) + self.bias,
        #                                (self.out_channels, self.out_h, self.out_w))

        return next_error
예제 #8
 def forward(self, x):
     self._ims = []
     self._cols = []
     new_rows = []
     for row in x:
         im = row.reshape((1,self.im_rect[0],self.im_rect[1]))
         col = utils.im2col(im, self.pool_rect, self.pool_stride)
         new_row = utils.max_pool(col)
     return np.array(new_rows)
    def forward(self, inputs):
        assert (inputs.shape == (self.inputs_depth, self.inputs_height,

        self.X_col = im2col(inputs, self.X_col_indices)
        W_row = self.weights.reshape(
            (self.outputs_depth, self.k * self.k * self.inputs_depth))
        res = np.dot(W_row, self.X_col.T) + self.biases
        self.outputs = res.reshape(
            (self.outputs_depth, self.outputs_height, self.outputs_width))

        return self.outputs
예제 #10
 def forward(self, x):
     self._ims = []
     self._cols = []
     new_rows = []
     for row in x:
         im = row.reshape((1, self.im_rect[0], self.im_rect[1]))
         col = utils.im2col(im, self.pool_rect, self.pool_stride)
         new_row = utils.max_pool(col)
     return np.array(new_rows)
예제 #11
    def denoise(self, noise_im) -> torch.Tensor:
            noise_im: [b, c, h, w]
            clean_im: [b, c, h, w]
            restored_im: [b, c, h, w]
        # half quadratic split
        restored_im = noise_im.clone()
        for beta in self.betas:
            for t in range(self.num_iters):
                restored_imcol = im2col(
                    restored_im, 8, 8, self.stride
                )  # matlab style im2col, output shape = [batch, c, patch_size**2, num_patches],

                # GMM prior
                p_y_z, mean_noise_imcol, GMM_noisy_covs = self.prior(
                    noise_imcol=restored_imcol, noise_sd=beta**(-0.5))

                # weiner filtering: update z in Equa. 5
                max_index = torch.argmax(p_y_z, dim=1)
                Xhat = torch.zeros_like(restored_imcol)
                for b in range(Xhat.shape[0]):
                    for i in range(self.GMM["nmodels"]):
                        index = torch.nonzero((max_index[b] - i) == 0,
                                              as_tuple=False)[:, 0]
                        B = torch.matmul(self.GMM["covs"][i],
                                         restored_imcol[b, :, :, index])
                        solution = torch.matmul(GMM_noisy_covs[i].inverse(), B)
                        Xhat[b, :, :, index] = solution

                Xhat += mean_noise_imcol
                restored_imcol = Xhat

                I1 = torch.zeros_like(restored_im)
                for b in range(I1.shape[0]):
                    I1[b] = avg_col2im(restored_imcol[b], noise_im.shape[2],
                                       noise_im.shape[3], self.stride)

                # update Xhat in Equa. 4
                restored_im = noise_im * self.lamb / (
                    self.lamb + beta * 8**2) + (beta * 8**2 /
                                                (self.lamb + beta * 8**2)) * I1

                psnr1 = 10 * torch.log10(1 / torch.mean(
                    (restored_im - self.clean_im)**2))
                print(f"[beta={beta:.3f}, iter={t}] PSNR={psnr1.item():.3f}")

        torch.clamp_(restored_im, min=0, max=1)

        return restored_im
예제 #12
    def forward(self, x):
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        self.img_shape = x.shape
        im_col = im2col(x, self.pool_h, self.pool_w, self.stride, self.padding)
        im_col = im_col.reshape(-1, self.pool_h*self.pool_w)
        self.argmax = im_col.argmax(axis=1)
        out = im_col.max(axis=1)

        out_h, out_w = get_conv_result_shape(
            H, W, self.pool_h, self.pool_w, self.stride, self.padding)
        out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        self.out_shape = out.shape
        return out
예제 #13
  def __convolution(self, inputs, stride=1, padding=0):
        Description: Convolution layer

    new_size = (np.shape(inputs)[1] - self.kernel_size + 2 * padding) / stride + 1

    tile_col = im2col(inputs, self.kernel_size, stride, padding)

    kernel_col = np.reshape(self.kernel_count, -1)

    result = np.dot(tile_col, kernel_col)

    return np.reshape(self.kernel_count, new_size, new_size)
예제 #14
    def forward(self, x):
        :param x: (N, C_in, H_in, W_in) 通道*高度*宽度
        self.input_map = x

        if not self.init_params:
            self.init_params = True
            weights_scale = math.sqrt(
                reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, self.input_map.shape) /

            self.weight = np.random.standard_normal(
                size=(self.in_channels, self.out_channels, self.kernel_size,
                      self.kernel_size)) / weights_scale
            self.bias = np.random.standard_normal(size=(self.out_channels,
                                                        1)) / weights_scale

        self.batch_size, _, self.input_h, self.input_w = x.shape

        self.out_h = (self.input_h - self.kernel_size) / self.stride + 1
        self.out_w = (self.input_w - self.kernel_size) / self.stride + 1
        # print('out_h:', self.out_h)
        # print('out_w:', self.out_w)

        # 图像转换为矩阵,N*(H*W)*(C*K*K)
        self.col_images = []

        weight_col = self.weight.reshape(self.out_channels, -1)
        # N * C_out * H_out * W_out
        conv_out = np.zeros(
            (self.batch_size, self.out_channels, self.out_h, self.out_w))
        for batch_i in range(self.batch_size):
            # 输入的第i个图像C_in*H_in*W_in
            image_batch_i = x[batch_i, :]
            image_batch_i_col = im2col(image_batch_i, self.kernel_size,

            # print(image_batch_i_col.shape)
            # print(weight_col.shape)
            conv_out[batch_i] = np.reshape(
                np.dot(weight_col, np.transpose(image_batch_i_col)) +
                self.bias, (self.out_channels, self.out_h, self.out_w))

        self.col_images = np.array(self.col_images)

        return conv_out
예제 #15
 def forward(self, x):
     N, C, H, W = x.shape
     out_h = int(1 + (H - self.pool_h) / self.stride)
     out_w = int(1 + (W - self.pool_w) / self.stride)
     col = im2col(x, self.pool_h, self.pool_w, self.stride, self.pad)
     col = col.reshape(-1, self.pool_h*self.pool_w)
     arg_max = np.argmax(col, axis=1)
     out = np.max(col, axis=1)
     out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, C).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
     self.x = x
     self.arg_max = arg_max
     return out
예제 #16
    def forward(self, x):
        FN, C, FH, FW = self.W.shape
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        out_h = int(1 + (H + 2 * self.pad - FH) / self.stride)
        out_w = int(1 + (W + 2 * self.pad - FW) / self.stride)

        col = im2col(x, FH, FW, self.stride, self.pad)
        col_W = self.W.reshape(FN, -1).T  # 滤波器的展开

        out = np.dot(col, col_W) + self.b
        out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)

        self.x = x
        self.col = col
        self.col_W = col_W

        return out
예제 #17
    def forward(self, x):
        FN, C, FH, FW = self.par['w'].shape
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        out_h = 1 + int((H + 2*self.pading - FH) / self.strid)
        out_w = 1 + int((W + 2*self.pading - FW) / self.strid)

        col = im2col(x, FH, FW, self.strid, self.pading)
        col_W = self.par['w'].reshape(FN, -1).T

        out = np.dot(col, col_W) + self.par['b']
        out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)

        self.x = x
        self.col = col
        self.col_W = col_W

        return out
예제 #18
 def backward(D):
     self.weights.gradient += (self.col_image.T @ D.transpose(
         3, 1, 2, 0).reshape(-1, self.out_channels)).reshape(
     self.bias.gradient += D.transpose(3, 1, 2, 0).reshape(
         -1, self.out_channels).sum(axis=0)
     pad_D = np.pad(D, ((0, 0), (0, 0),
                        (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1),
                        (self.kernel_size - 1, self.kernel_size - 1)),
     flip_W = self.weights.tensor[::-1]
     flip_W = flip_W.swapaxes(1, 2)
     col_flip_W = flip_W.reshape((-1, self.in_channels))
     col_pad_D = im2col(pad_D, self.kernel_size, self.stride)
     dX = col_pad_D @ col_flip_W
     dX = dX.reshape(X.shape)
     return dX
예제 #19
  def __avg_pool(self, inputs, size, stride, padding):
        (Copy & paste of the max pool code with np.mean instead of np.argmax)
        Description: Average pool layer
            inputs -> The input of size [batch_size] x [filter] x [shape_x] x [shape_y]
            size -> The size of the tiling
            stride -> The applied translation at each step
            padding -> The padding (padding with 0 so the last column isn't left out)

    inp_sp = np.shape(inputs)
    tile_col = im2col(reshaped, size, stride=stride, padding=padding)
    max_ids = np.mean(tile_col, axis=0)
    result = tile_col[max_ids, range(max_ids.size)]
    new_size = (inp_sp[2] - size + 2 * padding) / stride + 1
    result = np.reshape(result, (new_size, new_size, inp_sp[0]))
    return np.transpose(result, (2, 0, 1))
예제 #20
 def forward(self, x):
     FN, C, FH, FW = self.W.shape
     if x.ndim == 3:
         x = x.reshape((1,) + x.shape)
     N, C, H, W = x.shape
     out_h = 1 + int((H + 2*self.pad - FH) / self.stride)
     out_w = 1 + int((W + 2*self.pad - FW) / self.stride)
     col = im2col(x, FH, FW, self.stride, self.pad)
     col_W = self.W.reshape(FN, -1).T
     out = np.dot(col, col_W) + self.b
     out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
     self.x = x
     self.col = col
     self.col_W = col_W
     return out
예제 #21
    def forward(self, feature_map):
        batch_size = feature_map.shape[0]
        in_channels = feature_map.shape[1]
        in_height = feature_map.shape[2]
        in_width = feature_map.shape[3]

        self.in_height = in_height
        self.in_width = in_width

        self.in_channels = in_channels

        out_width = in_width // self.kernel_size
        out_height = in_height // self.kernel_size

        self.out_width = out_width
        self.out_height = out_height

        self.cut_in_h = self.out_height * self.kernel_size
        self.cut_in_w = self.out_width * self.kernel_size

        out_channels = in_channels

        feat_mat = im2col(feature_map[:, :, :self.cut_in_h, :self.cut_in_w],
                          stride=self.kernel_size)  # R(ic*k*k,bt*oh*ow)
        feat_mat = feat_mat.view(out_channels, self.kernel_size**2, -1)

        out_map, self.max_ind = feat_mat.max(dim=1)
        # print(feat_mat)
        # print("feat_mat\n")
        # print(self.max_ind)
        # print("max_ind\n")

        out_map = out_map.view(out_channels, batch_size, out_height,
                               out_width).transpose(1, 0).contiguous()

        return out_map
예제 #22
    def forward(self, x):
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        OH = (H + 2*self.pad - self.FH)//self.stride + 1
        OW = (W + 2*self.pad - self.FW)//self.stride + 1
        col = im2col(x, self.FH, self.FW, self.stride, self.pad)
        # save for backward
        self.x_shape = x.shape
        self.col = col

        # NOTES
        # W.shape: (C*FH*FW, FN)  wherein, each filter is a column
        # b.shape: (FN,)
        # col.shape: (N*OH*OW, C*FH*FW)
        # y.shape: (N*OH*OW, FN)
        # after reshape: (N, OH, OW, FN)
        # after transpose(N, FN, OH, OW)
        # FN (filter nums) == OC (output channels)
        y = np.dot(col, self.W) + self.b
        y = y.reshape(N, OH, OW, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        return y
예제 #23
    def forward(self, x):
        FN, FC, FH, FW = self.W.shape

        if(x.ndim == 3):
            C, H, W = x.shape
            x = x.reshape(1, C, H, W)

        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        self.xshape = x.shape
        self.x = x

        out_h, out_w = get_conv_result_shape(
            H, W, FH, FW, self.stride, self.padding)
        im_col = im2col(x, FH, FW, self.stride, self.padding)
        self.im_col = im_col
        W_col = self.W.reshape((FN, -1))

        out = im_col.dot(W_col.T)+self.b
        out = out.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, -1).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)

        return out
예제 #24
    def backward(self, dl_out, lr):
        batch_size, out_c, out_h, out_w = dl_out.shape
        padding_h = (
            self.in_h -
            1) * self.stride + self.kernel_size - 2 * self.padding - out_h
        padding_w = (
            self.in_w -
            1) * self.stride + self.kernel_size - 2 * self.padding - out_w

        padding_h //= 2
        padding_w //= 2

        padding_dout = torch.zeros(
            (batch_size, out_c, out_h + 2 * padding_h, out_w + 2 * padding_w),
        padding_dout[:, :, padding_h:padding_h + out_h,
                     padding_w:padding_w + out_w] = dl_out
        rotated_kernels = self.kernel.transpose(1, 0).flip(2).flip(
            3)  # (oc, ic, k, k) -> (ic, oc, k, k)

        padding_dout2col = im2col(padding_dout, self.kernel_size, self.in_w,
                                  self.in_h, self.out_channels, self.stride)
        rotated_kernels2row = kernel2row(rotated_kernels)

        dl_in = torch.matmul(rotated_kernels2row,
                             padding_dout2col)  # (ic, batch_size*in_h*in_w)
        dl_in = dl_in.reshape((self.in_channels, batch_size, self.in_h,
                               self.in_w)).transpose(1, 0)

        dl_out = dl_out.permute(1, 0, 2,
                                3).contiguous().view(self.out_channels, -1)
        feat_mat = self.feat_mat.transpose(1, 0)

        dl_k = torch.matmul(dl_out, feat_mat) / batch_size
        dl_k = dl_k.view((self.out_channels, self.in_channels,
                          self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size))

        self.kernel -= lr * dl_k

        return dl_in
예제 #25
    def forward(self, x):
        N, C, H, W = x.shape
        out_h = (H + 2*self.pad - self.pool_h)//self.stride + 1
        out_w = (W + 2*self.pad- self.pool_w)//self.stride + 1

        # x.shape: (N, C, H, W)
        # col.shape: (N*out_h*out_w, C*pool_h*pool_w)
        # after reshape: (N*out_h*out_w*C, pool_h*pool_w)
        col = im2col(x, self.pool_h, self.pool_w, self.stride, self.pad)
        col = col.reshape(-1, self.pool_h*self.pool_w)
        # save for backward
        self.x_shape = x.shape
        self.argmax = np.argmax(col, axis=1)

        # col.shape: (N*out_h*out_w*C, pool_h*pool_w)
        # after np.max: (N*out_h*out_w*C,)
        # after reshape: (N, out_h, out_w, C)
        # after transpose: (N, C, out_h, out_W)
        # so y.shape: (N, C, out_h, out_w)
        col = np.max(col, axis=1)
        y = col.reshape(N, out_h, out_w, C).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
        return y
예제 #26
  def __max_pool(self, inputs, size, stride, padding):
        Description: Max pool layer
            inputs -> The input of size [batch_size] x [filter] x [shape_x] x [shape_y]
            size -> The size of the tiling
            stride -> The applied translation at each step
            padding -> The padding (padding with 0 so the last column isn't left out)

    inp_sp = np.shape(inputs)
    # We reshape it so every filter is considered an image.
    tile_col = im2col(reshaped, size, stride=stride, padding=padding)
    # We take the max of each column
    max_ids = np.argmax(tile_col, axis=0)
    # We get the resulting 1 x 10240 vector
    result = tile_col[max_ids, range(max_ids.size)]

    new_size = (inp_sp[2] - size + 2 * padding) / stride + 1

    result = np.reshape(result, (new_size, new_size, inp_sp[0]))

    # Make it from 16 x 16 x 10 to 10 x 16 x 16
    return np.transpose(result, (2, 0, 1))
예제 #27
def EPLL_half_quadratic_split(noise_image,
    """EPLL framework
        noise_image(numpy.array): the image with noise
        lamb(float/numpy.array):  the parameter lambda from Equation (2) in the paper, if it is matrix, it should have
                                  same size as image
        patch_size(int): the size of patches to extract. patch should be square
        I(numpy.array): the original image I, used only for PSNR calculations and comparisons
    #print result to log or not
    print_log = log is not None

    #The real image noise standard deviation
    counts = patch_size**2
    real_noise_sd = np.sqrt(1 / (lamb / counts))

    PSNR = []
    PSNR_I1 = []
    #If log loss function is given, compute the loss in each iteration
    cost_list = []
    cal_cost = log_fuction is not None

    #simple guess of beta, in case the auto-estimation doesn't work for some reason
    beta = abs(betas[0] / 4)

    #initialize with the noise image
    clean_image = noise_image
    k = 1
    sd = np.Inf

    #iteration along all the beta
    for betaa in betas:
        #if betaa<0, estimate beta automatically.
        if betaa < 0:
            old_sd = sd
            sd, _ = estimate_noiseSD_using_Kurts(clean_image)
            if print_log:
                log.info("sd is %0.4f, beta is %0.4f *(1/real_noise_sd**2) " %
                         (sd, (1 / sd**2) / (1 / real_noise_sd**2)))
                print("sd is %0.4f, beta is %0.4f *(1/real_noise_sd**2) " %
                      (sd, (1 / sd**2) / (1 / real_noise_sd**2)))

            if np.isnan(sd) or sd > old_sd:
                beta = beta * 4
                sd = beta**-0.5
                beta = 1 / sd**2

            beta = betaa

        # iteration for T times.
        for i in range(T):
            #get overlapping image patch z from current estimation
            z, _, _ = utils.im2col(clean_image, patch_size)
            #compute current cost
            if cal_cost:
                    0.5 * np.sum(lamb * np.square(clean_image - noise_image)) -
                if print_log:
                    log.info("Cost is %0.4f" % cost_list[-1])
                    print("Cost is %0.4f" % cost_list[-1])

            #compute MAP estimation on z
            clean_z = prior(z, patch_size, beta**-0.5, noise_image.shape)
            #average the pixels in the cleaned patches in z
            I1 = utils.scol2im(clean_z, patch_size, I.shape, "average")
            #close form solution of new estimate image for denoising and inpainting(A is Identity matrix
            clean_image = (noise_image * lamb) / (lamb + beta * counts) + (
                beta * counts * I1) / (lamb + beta * counts)

            PSNR.append(20 * np.log10(1 / np.std(clean_image - I)))
            PSNR_I1.append(20 * np.log10(1 / np.std(I1 - I)))
            if print_log:
                log.info("PSNR is %0.4f I1 PSNR: %0.4f" %
                         (PSNR[-1], PSNR_I1[-1]))
                print("PSNR is %0.4f I1 PSNR: %0.4f" % (PSNR[-1], PSNR_I1[-1]))

            k += 1

    clean_image = clean_image.reshape(noise_image.shape)

    # clip values to be between 1 and 0, hardly changes performance
    clean_image[clean_image > 1] = 1
    clean_image[clean_image < 0] = 0
    return clean_image, PSNR, PSNR_I1, cost_list
    # create save dir
    if not os.path.exists(save_path):
    patch_size = 8
    I = (imread('new.jpg')) / 255
    mask = (imread('new_mask.png')) / 255.

    if len(I.shape) == 3:
        I = rgb2ycbcr(I) / 255.

    #find which patches are occluded for faster performance
    noiseI = np.copy(I)
    mask_index = mask > 0
    tt = noiseI[:, :, 0]
    tt[mask_index] = -999.0
    ttt, _, _ = im2col(tt, patch_size)
    exclude_list = [
        np.sum(ttt[i] == -999.0) != ttt.shape[1] for i in range(ttt.shape[0])

    GMM_path = "GSModel_8x8_200_2M_noDC_zeromean"
    GS = GMM_from_learned_model(GMM_path)

    # change prior if needed
    def denoise_GMM_prior(z, patch_size, noiseSD, imsize):
        return aprxMAPGMM(z, patch_size, noiseSD, imsize, GS, exclude_list)

    prior = denoise_GMM_prior
    # change log function if needed
    log_fuction = lambda Z: GMM_log_p(Z, GS)
예제 #29
 def forward(self, x):
     self._im = x.reshape((x.shape[0],self.im_rect[0],self.im_rect[1]))
     self._t0 = utils.im2col(self._im, self.fit_rect, self.fit_stride)
     self._t1 = np.dot(self.weights, self._t0)
     self._t2 = self._t1 + self.biases
     return self.fact(self._t2)
예제 #30
 def forward(self, x):
     self._im = x.reshape((x.shape[0], self.im_rect[0], self.im_rect[1]))
     self._t0 = utils.im2col(self._im, self.fit_rect, self.fit_stride)
     self._t1 = np.dot(self.weights, self._t0)
     self._t2 = self._t1 + self.biases
     return self.fact(self._t2)