def new_message_cb(self, conversation, msg): sender_addr = msg.get_sender_addr() # safe == False because messages sent by me also go through this path sender = user_from_addr(, sender_addr, safe=False) if sender: sender_nick = sender.get('nick') if get_debug_mode() and sender.get('hops') != None: sender_nick += ':%d' % sender.get('hops') else: sender_nick = TP_NICK_DEFAULT if not self.has_storebutton(conversation): store, button = self.new_storebutton(conversation) if conversation.is_community(): notificationmsg = 'Chat activity on %s community' % conversation.tag() self.notification.notify(notificationmsg) else: self.notification.user_notify(sender, 'has spoken to you') else: store, button = self.get_storebutton(conversation) ctime = int(msg.get_ctime()[0]) tstr = iso_date_time(t=ctime, dispdate=False, dispsecs=False) msgid = msg.get_msgid() children = conversation.get_children(msgid, []) # NOTE: first column is of type gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT because # glib strings are not binary safe icon = None if msg.error: icon = self.warning_icon row_data = [msgid, tstr, '<' + sender_nick + '> ', msg.get_msg(), icon] # if message has children it is sorted to the list such # that it is inserted before all its children if children: row = None for row in store: if row[self.COL_MSGID] in children: break store.insert_before(row.iter, row_data) else: riter = store.append(row_data) if self.active_conversation == conversation and self.atbottom: self.chat_tw.scroll_to_cell(store.get_path(riter)) # announce activity on conversation return self.activity(conversation)
def append_log(self, msg, highpri, icon, cb, ctx=None): if icon == None: if highpri: icon = self.important_icon else: icon = self.information_icon else: icon = icon.scale_simple(32, 32, gtk.gdk.INTERP_BILINEAR) msg = '%s: %s' %(iso_date_time(), msg) msg = self.main_gui.pretty_line(msg) riter = self.event_list.append((icon, msg, cb, ctx)) if self.atbottom: self.event_view.scroll_to_cell(self.event_list.get_path(riter))
def msgtime(meta): return iso_date_time(meta.get('timestart'))