예제 #1
 def joint_distance_in_space(self, joint_a, joint_b):
     return np.linalg.norm(joint_to_array(joint_a) - joint_to_array(joint_b))
예제 #2
 def joint_line_angle_relative_to_plane(self, joint_a, joint_b, plane_normal):
     # http://www.vitutor.com/geometry/distance/line_plane.html
     line = joint_to_array(joint_b) - joint_to_array(joint_a)
     return np.arcsin(np.dot(line, plane_normal) / (np.linalg.norm(line) * np.linalg.norm(plane_normal))) / np.pi
예제 #3
 def joint_angle_relative_to_joint(self, root, appendage_a, appendage_b):
     # inverse of cosine law -- translate the vectors to the root by subtracting out the root, then using an inverted dot product forumla isolating for the angle
     root = joint_to_array(root)
     a = joint_to_array(appendage_a) - root
     b = joint_to_array(appendage_b) - root
     return np.arccos(np.dot(a, b) / (np.linalg.norm(a) * np.linalg.norm(b))) / np.pi