def process_data(self): # fill empty share class with NA['crsp']['SHRCLS'] =['crsp']['SHRCLS'].fillna('NA') # add market cap column to crsp['crsp'].loc[:, 'mcap'] = np.abs(['crsp']['PRC']) *['crsp']['SHROUT'] # add the month end dates vs = [ utils.last_day_of_month(pd.to_datetime(uu)) for uu in['crsp'].date.unique() ] me_date_map = dict(zip(['crsp'].date.unique(), vs))['crsp'].loc[:, 'me_date'] = [ me_date_map[uu] for uu in['crsp'].date.values ] # redefine the datadate : move one quarter forward all_dates = list( set(['link'].datadate.values).union(['compustat'].datadate.values)) new_dates = [ utils.last_day_of_month(pd.Timestamp(x) + pd.DateOffset(days=80)) for x in all_dates ] date_map = dict(zip(all_dates, new_dates))['link'].loc[:, 'datadate'] = [ date_map[uu] for uu in['link'].datadate.values ]['compustat'].loc[:, 'datadate'] = [ date_map[uu] for uu in['compustat'].datadate.values ]
def data_for_country(self, country): last_day = last_day_of_month(self.year, self.month) query = Q(community_worker__country=country) query &= Q(created_date__lte=last_day) submissions = devices.models.SubmissionWorkerDevice.objects.medicines_submissions.filter(query).count() disbursements = models.Disbursement.objects.prior_to(self.year, self.month).filter(country=country) cost = disbursements.aggregate(Sum('amount'))['amount__sum'] if cost and submissions: return cost/submissions return 0.0
def open_file(self, filename, force_date = None): self._file_list = list() ds = None if os.linesep in filename: # already list of files (date range) return filename.split(os.linesep) mtype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] if mtype is None or 'xml' not in mtype: # assuming text file containing list of VFR files try: f = open(filename) i = 0 lines = for line in lines: if len(line) < 1 or line.startswith('#'): continue # skip empty or commented lines if not line.startswith('http://') and \ not line.startswith('20'): # determine date if missing if not force_date: if line.startswith('ST_Z'): date = yesterday() else: date = last_day_of_month() else: date = force_date line = date + '_' + line if not line.endswith('.xml.gz'): # add extension if missing line += '.xml.gz' if not os.path.exists(line): if not line.startswith('http://'): line = '' + line line = download_vfr(line) self._file_list.append(line) i += 1 VfrLogger.msg("%d VFR files will be processed..." % len(self._file_list)) except IOError: raise VfrError("Unable to read '%s'" % filename) f.close() else: # single VFR file self._file_list.append(filename) return self._file_list
def dashboardReportUser(): month = request.args.get('month') year = request.args.get('year') auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization') if auth_header: auth_token = auth_header.split(" ")[1] else: auth_token = '' response = jsonify({'message': 'Provide a valid auth token.'}), 401 if auth_token: secret_key = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', '') user = decode_auth_token(secret_key, auth_token) data = {} today = if user != 401: if year is None: year = today.year if month: start = dt.datetime(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=1).date() else: start = dt.datetime(year=int(year), month=today.month, day=1).date() end = last_day_of_month(start) totalOfficeHourUserYear = countOfficeHourUserYear( mongoClient, user['user_id'], today.year) totalOfficeHourUserMonthly = countOfficeHourUserMonthly( mongoClient, user['user_id'], str(start), str(end)) totalReportUserYear = countReportUserYear(mongoClient, user['user_id'], today.year) totalReportUserMonthly = countReportUserMonthly( mongoClient, user['user_id'], str(start), str(end)) array_report_user = arrayReportUser(totalReportUserYear, totalReportUserMonthly) array_office_hour_user = arrayOfficeHourUser( totalOfficeHourUserYear, totalOfficeHourUserMonthly) data.update(array_report_user) data.update(array_office_hour_user) response = jsonify(message="success", data=data, status=200) return response
def load_mcap_breakpoints(self): # FAMA FRENCH NYSE ME breakpoints ff_me_breakpoints = pd.read_csv( '{loc}'.format( loc=self.data_location), skiprows=[0], header=-1, names=['date', 'count'] + [5 * x for x in np.arange(1, 21)]).iloc[:-1] dts = [ utils.last_day_of_month(pd.Timestamp('%s-%s-01' % (x[:4], x[4:6]))) for x in ] ff_me_breakpoints.loc[:, 'date'] = dts self.mcap_breakpoints = ff_me_breakpoints[['date', 20]] self.mcap_breakpoints.columns = ['mcap_date', 'breakpt'] self.mcap_breakpoints.loc[:, 'breakpt'] = self.mcap_breakpoints[ 'breakpt'] * 1000 # to be consistent with the 'mcap' column
def parse_cmd(argv, flags, params, optdir): get_opt(argv, flags, params, optdir) if optdir['list']: if not optdir['dbname']: raise getopt.GetoptError("--dbname required") return 0 filename = optdir.get('filename', None) date = optdir.get('date', None) ftype = optdir.get('ftype', None) # check required options if not filename and not ftype: raise getopt.GetoptError("--file or --type required") if filename and ftype: raise getopt.GetoptError("--file and --type are mutually exclusive") if ftype and not date: if ftype.startswith('ST_Z'): date_list = [yesterday()] else: date_list = [last_day_of_month()] elif ftype and date and ':' in date: if ftype.startswith('ST_Z'): date_list = get_date_interval(date) else: raise getopt.GetoptError("Date interval is valid only for '--type ST_ZXXX'") else: date_list = [date] if optdir['overwrite'] and optdir.get('append', False): raise getopt.GetoptError("--append and --overwrite are mutually exclusive") if optdir['layer']: optdir['layer'] = optdir['layer'].split(',') if filename: # is file a valid VFR file filename = check_file(filename) else: # --date & --type flist = [] base_url = "" if ftype != 'ST_UVOH': base_url += "soucasna/" else: base_url += "specialni/" for d in date_list: fname = "%s_%s.xml.gz" % (d, ftype) url = base_url + fname if os.path.exists(fname): # use existing file flist.append(fname) else: # download file flist.append(download_vfr(url)) if not flist: raise getopt.GetoptError("Empty date range") filename = os.linesep.join(flist) if not filename: raise getopt.GetoptError("Invalid input file") return filename
def prior_to(self, year, month): last_day = last_day_of_month(year, month) query = Q(date__lte=last_day) return super(PriorToManager, self).get_query_set().filter(query)
def data_for_country(self, country): last_day = last_day_of_month(self.year, self.month) query = Q(community_worker__country=country) query &= Q(created_date__lte=last_day) submissions = devices.models.SubmissionWorkerDevice.objects.medicines_submissions.filter(query).count() return submissions
def dashboardAttendanceUser(): month = request.args.get('month') year = request.args.get('year') auth_header = request.headers.get('Authorization') if auth_header: auth_token = auth_header.split(" ")[1] else: auth_token = '' response = jsonify({'message': 'Provide a valid auth token.'}), 401 if auth_token: secret_key = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', '') user = decode_auth_token(secret_key, auth_token) data = {} if user != 401: today = if year is None: year = today.year if month: start = dt.datetime(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=1).date() else: month = today.month start = dt.datetime(year=int(year), month=int(month), day=1).date() end = last_day_of_month(start) dateRange = np.arange(np.datetime64(start), np.datetime64(end + timedelta(days=1)), dtype='datetime64[D]') listBusday = np.busdaycalendar(holidays=dateRange, weekmask=busmask_names) listWeekend = np.busdaycalendar(holidays=dateRange, weekmask=weekmask_names) listHoliday = getListHoliday(mongoClient, np, start.year, start.month) get_data_redis = redis_client.get( keys_redis(user['user_id'], 'attendances')) parse_query_date = dt.datetime.strptime( str(year) + '-' + str(month), '%Y-%m').date() if get_data_redis and parse_query_date < ).replace(day=1).date(): start_date = dt.datetime.strptime( str(start) + ' 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') end_date = dt.datetime.strptime( str(end) + ' 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') list_presence = [ data for data in json.loads(get_data_redis) if start_date <= parse_datetime(data['startDate']) <= end_date ] else: list_presence = getPresence(mongoClient, user['user_id'], str(start), str(end)) # Delete working days if there are holidays listBusday = np.array( list( filter(lambda x: x not in listHoliday, listBusday.holidays))) latePresence = len([ data for data in list_presence if parse_datetime( data['startDate']).date() not in listWeekend.holidays and max_time_presence < parse_datetime(data['startDate']).time() ]) permit = len([ data for data in list_presence if data['message'] in ['CUTI', 'SAKIT', 'IZIN'] ]) totalWfh = len( [data for data in list_presence if data['location'] == 'WFH']) totalWfo = len( [data for data in list_presence if data['location'] == 'WFO']) totalPerjadin = len([ data for data in list_presence if data['location'] == 'PERJADIN' ]) presence = len([ data for data in list_presence if parse_datetime(data['startDate']).date() in listBusday ]) presenceWeekend = len([ data for data in list_presence if parse_datetime( data['startDate']).date() in listWeekend.holidays ]) busDays = len(listBusday) weekEnd = len(listWeekend.holidays) #check no precene from today if parse_query_date >= dateRangeFromNow = np.arange(np.datetime64(start), np.datetime64(today + timedelta(days=1)), dtype='datetime64[D]') listBusdayFromNow = np.busdaycalendar( holidays=dateRangeFromNow, weekmask=busmask_names) listBusdayFromNow = np.array( list( filter(lambda x: x not in listHoliday, listBusdayFromNow.holidays))) noPresence = len(listBusdayFromNow) - presence else: noPresence = busDays - presence precentagePresence = round( float(presence - permit) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentageLatePresence = round( float(latePresence) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentagePermit = round(float(permit) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentageNoPresence = round( float(noPresence) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentagePresenceWeekend = round( float(presenceWeekend) / float(weekEnd) * 100, 2) precentageWfo = round(float(totalWfo) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentageWfh = round(float(totalWfh) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) precentagePerjadin = round( float(totalPerjadin) / float(busDays) * 100, 2) array_presence = arrayPresence(noPresence, precentageNoPresence, presence - permit, precentagePresence, presenceWeekend, precentagePresenceWeekend, latePresence, precentageLatePresence) array_permit = arrayPermit(permit, precentagePermit) array_location_user = arrayLocationUser(totalWfo, precentageWfo, totalWfh, precentageWfh, totalPerjadin, precentagePerjadin) data.update(array_presence) data.update(array_permit) data.update(array_location_user) response = jsonify(message="success", data=data, status=200) return response