예제 #1
def binary_consensus(instance, pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive):
    Binary consensus from [MMR 13]. It takes an input vi and will finally write the decided value into _decide_ channel.
    :param pid: my id number
    :param N: the number of parties
    :param t: the number of byzantine parties
    :param vi: input value, an integer
    :param decide: deciding channel
    :param broadcast: broadcast channel
    :param receive: receive channel
    #print "********************Sisi step 5: BA,pid: %s, instance: %d******************"%(pid, instance)
    # Messages received are routed to either a shared coin, the broadcast, or AUX
    coinQ = Queue(1)
    bcQ = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))
    auxQ = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))

    def _recv():
        while True:  #not finished[pid]:
            (i, (tag, m)) = receive()
            if tag == 'B':
                # Broadcast message
                r, msg = m
                             (i, msg)), 'binary_consensus.bcQ[%d].put' % r,
                    (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast,
                     receive)).start()  # In case they block the router
            elif tag == 'C':
                # A share of a coin
                    Greenlet(coinQ.put, (i, m)), 'binary_consensus.coinQ.put',
                    (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()
            elif tag == 'A':
                # Aux message
                r, msg = m
                             (i, msg)), 'binary_consensus.auxQ[%d].put' % r,
                    (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(_recv), 'binary_consensus._recv',
                   (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

    def brcast_get(r):
        def _recv(*args, **kargs):
            return bcQ[r].get(*args, **kargs)

        return _recv

    received = [defaultdict(set), defaultdict(set)]

    coin = shared_coin(instance, pid, N, t,
                       makeBroadcastWithTag('C', broadcast), coinQ.get)

    def getWithProcessing(r, binValues, callBackWaiter):
        def _recv(*args, **kargs):
            sender, v = auxQ[r].get(*args, **kargs)
            assert v in (0, 1)
            assert sender in range(N)
            # Check if conditions are satisfied
            threshold = N - t  # 2*t + 1 # N - t
            if True:  #not finished[pid]:
                if len(binValues) == 1:
                    if len(received[binValues[0]]
                           [r]) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                        # Check passed
                elif len(binValues) == 2:
                    if len(received[0][r].union(received[1][r])
                           ) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                    elif len(received[0][r]
                             ) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                    elif len(received[1][r]
                             ) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
            return sender, v

        return _recv

    round = 0
    est = vi
    decided = False
    decidedNum = 0

    callBackWaiter = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))

    while True:  # checkFinishedWithGlobalState(N): <- for distributed experiment we don't need this
        round += 1
        # Broadcast EST
        # TODO: let bv_broadcast receive
        bvOutputHolder = Queue(2)  # 2 possible values
        binValues = []

        def bvOutput(m):
            if not m in binValues:

        def getRelease(channel):
            def _release():
                             channel), 'binary_consensus.garbageCleaner',
                    (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

            return _release

        br1 = greenletPacker(
                    pid, N, t,
                    makeBroadcastWithTagAndRound('B', broadcast, round),
                    brcast_get(round), bvOutput, getRelease(bcQ[round])), est),
            'binary_consensus.bv_broadcast(%d, %d, %d)' % (pid, N, t),
            (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive))
        w = bvOutputHolder.get()  # Wait until output is not empty

        broadcast(('A', (round, w)))
                loopWrapper(getWithProcessing(round, binValues,
            'binary_consensus.loopWrapper(getWithProcessing(round, binValues, callBackWaiter))',
            (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

        values = callBackWaiter[round].get(
        )  # wait until the conditions are satisfied
        s = coin(round)
        # Here corresponds to a proof that if one party decides at round r,
        # then in all the following rounds, everybody will propose r as an estimation. (Lemma 2, Lemma 1)
        # An abandoned party is a party who has decided but no enough peers to help him end the loop.
        # Lemma: # of abandoned party <= t
        if decided and decidedNum == s:  # infinite-message fix
        if len(values) == 1:
            if values[0] == s:
                # decide s
                if not decided:
                    globalState[pid] = "%d" % s
                    decided = True
                    decidedNum = s

                # mylog('[%d] advances rounds from %d caused by values[0](%d)!=s(%d)' % (pid, round, values[0], s), verboseLevel=-1)
            est = values[0]
            # mylog('[%d] advances rounds from %d caused by len(values)>1 where values=%s' % (pid, round, repr(values)), verboseLevel=-1)
            est = s
예제 #2
def binary_consensus(instance, pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive):
    Binary consensus from [MMR 13]. It takes an input vi and will finally write the decided value into _decide_ channel.
    :param pid: my id number
    :param N: the number of parties
    :param t: the number of byzantine parties
    :param vi: input value, an integer
    :param decide: deciding channel
    :param broadcast: broadcast channel
    :param receive: receive channel
    # Messages received are routed to either a shared coin, the broadcast, or AUX
    coinQ = Queue(1)
    bcQ = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))
    auxQ = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))

    def _recv():
        while True:  #not finished[pid]:
            (i, (tag, m)) = receive()
            if tag == 'B':
                # Broadcast message
                r, msg = m
                greenletPacker(Greenlet(bcQ[r].put, (i, msg)),
                    'binary_consensus.bcQ[%d].put' % r, (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start() # In case they block the router
            elif tag == 'C':
                # A share of a coin
                greenletPacker(Greenlet(coinQ.put, (i, m)),
                    'binary_consensus.coinQ.put', (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()
            elif tag == 'A':
                # Aux message
                r, msg = m
                greenletPacker(Greenlet(auxQ[r].put, (i, msg)),
                      'binary_consensus.auxQ[%d].put' % r, (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(_recv), 'binary_consensus._recv', (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

    def brcast_get(r):
        def _recv(*args, **kargs):
            return bcQ[r].get(*args, **kargs)

        return _recv

    received = [defaultdict(set), defaultdict(set)]

    coin = shared_coin(instance, pid, N, t, makeBroadcastWithTag('C', broadcast), coinQ.get)

    def getWithProcessing(r, binValues, callBackWaiter):
        def _recv(*args, **kargs):
            sender, v = auxQ[r].get(*args, **kargs)
            assert v in (0, 1)
            assert sender in range(N)
            # Check if conditions are satisfied
            threshold = N - t  # 2*t + 1 # N - t
            if True: #not finished[pid]:
                if len(binValues) == 1:
                    if len(received[binValues[0]][r]) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                        # Check passed
                elif len(binValues) == 2:
                    if len(received[0][r].union(received[1][r])) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                    elif len(received[0][r]) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
                    elif len(received[1][r]) >= threshold and not callBackWaiter[r].full():
            return sender, v

        return _recv

    round = 0
    est = vi
    decided = False
    decidedNum = 0

    callBackWaiter = defaultdict(lambda: Queue(1))

    while True: # checkFinishedWithGlobalState(N): <- for distributed experiment we don't need this
        round += 1
        # Broadcast EST
        # TODO: let bv_broadcast receive
        bvOutputHolder = Queue(2)  # 2 possible values
        binValues = []

        def bvOutput(m):
            if not m in binValues:

        def getRelease(channel):
            def _release():
                greenletPacker(Greenlet(garbageCleaner, channel),
                    'binary_consensus.garbageCleaner', (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()
            return _release

        br1 = greenletPacker(Greenlet(
                pid, N, t, makeBroadcastWithTagAndRound('B', broadcast, round),
                brcast_get(round), bvOutput, getRelease(bcQ[round])),
            est), 'binary_consensus.bv_broadcast(%d, %d, %d)' % (pid, N, t), (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive))
        w = bvOutputHolder.get()  # Wait until output is not empty

        broadcast(('A', (round, w)))
        greenletPacker(Greenlet(loopWrapper(getWithProcessing(round, binValues, callBackWaiter))),
            'binary_consensus.loopWrapper(getWithProcessing(round, binValues, callBackWaiter))',
                    (pid, N, t, vi, decide, broadcast, receive)).start()

        values = callBackWaiter[round].get()  # wait until the conditions are satisfied
        s = coin(round)
        # Here corresponds to a proof that if one party decides at round r,
        # then in all the following rounds, everybody will propose r as an estimation. (Lemma 2, Lemma 1)
        # An abandoned party is a party who has decided but no enough peers to help him end the loop.
        # Lemma: # of abandoned party <= t
        if decided and decidedNum == s:  # infinite-message fix
        if len(values) == 1:
            if values[0] == s:
                # decide s
                if not decided:
                    globalState[pid] = "%d" % s
                    decided = True
                    decidedNum = s

                # mylog('[%d] advances rounds from %d caused by values[0](%d)!=s(%d)' % (pid, round, values[0], s), verboseLevel=-1)
            est = values[0]
            # mylog('[%d] advances rounds from %d caused by len(values)>1 where values=%s' % (pid, round, repr(values)), verboseLevel=-1)
            est = s
예제 #3
def mv84consensus(pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive):
    Implementation of the multivalue consensus of [TURPIN, COAN, 1984]
    This will achieve a consensus among all the inputs provided by honest parties,
    or raise an alert if failed to achieve one.
    :param pid: my id number
    :param N: the number of parties
    :param t: the number of byzantine parties
    :param vi: input value, an integer
    :param broadcast: broadcast channel
    :param receive: receive channel
    :return: decided value or 0 (default value if failed to reach a concensus)
    # initialize v and p (same meaning as in the paper)
    mv84v = defaultdict(lambda: 'Empty')
    mv84p = defaultdict(lambda: False)
    # Initialize the locks and local variables
    mv84WaiterLock = Queue()
    mv84WaiterLock2 = Queue()
    mv84ReceiveDiff = set()
    mv84GetPerplex = set()
    reliableBroadcastReceiveQueue = Queue()

    def _listener():  # Hard-working Router for this layer
        while True:
            sender, (tag, m) = receive()
            if tag == 'V':
                mv84v[sender] = m
                if m != vi:
                    if len(mv84ReceiveDiff) >= (N - t) / 2.0:
                # Fast-Stop: We don't need to wait for the rest (possibly)
                # malicious parties.
                if len(mv84v.keys()) >= N - t:
            elif tag == 'B':
                mv84p[sender] = m
                if m:
                    if len(mv84GetPerplex) >= N - 2 * t:
                # Fast-Stop: We don't need to wait for the rest (possibly)
                # malicious parties.
                if len(mv84p.keys()) >= N - t:
            else:  # Re-route the msg to inner layer
                reliableBroadcastReceiveQueue.put((sender, (tag, m)))

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(_listener), 'mv84consensus._listener',
                   (pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive)).start()

    makeBroadcastWithTag('V', broadcast)(vi)
    perplexed = mv84WaiterLock.get()  # See if I am perplexed

    makeBroadcastWithTag('B', broadcast)(perplexed)
    alert = mv84WaiterLock2.get() and 1 or 0  # See if we should alert

    decideChannel = Queue(1)
        Greenlet(binary_consensus, pid, N, t, alert, decideChannel, broadcast,
        (pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive)).start()
    agreedAlert = decideChannel.get()

    if agreedAlert:
        return 0  # some pre-defined default consensus value
        return vi
예제 #4
def mv84consensus(pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive):
    Implementation of the multivalue consensus of [TURPIN, COAN, 1984]
    This will achieve a consensus among all the inputs provided by honest parties,
    or raise an alert if failed to achieve one.
    :param pid: my id number
    :param N: the number of parties
    :param t: the number of byzantine parties
    :param vi: input value, an integer
    :param broadcast: broadcast channel
    :param receive: receive channel
    :return: decided value or 0 (default value if failed to reach a concensus)
    # initialize v and p (same meaning as in the paper)
    mv84v = defaultdict(lambda: 'Empty')
    mv84p = defaultdict(lambda: False)
    # Initialize the locks and local variables
    mv84WaiterLock = Queue()
    mv84WaiterLock2 = Queue()
    mv84ReceiveDiff = set()
    mv84GetPerplex = set()
    reliableBroadcastReceiveQueue = Queue()

    def _listener():  # Hard-working Router for this layer
        while True:
            sender, (tag, m) = receive()
            if tag == 'V':
                mv84v[sender] = m
                if m != vi:
                    if len(mv84ReceiveDiff) >= (N - t) / 2.0:
                # Fast-Stop: We don't need to wait for the rest (possibly)
                # malicious parties.
                if len(mv84v.keys()) >= N - t:
            elif tag == 'B':
                mv84p[sender] = m
                if m:
                    if len(mv84GetPerplex) >= N - 2 * t:
                # Fast-Stop: We don't need to wait for the rest (possibly)
                # malicious parties.
                if len(mv84p.keys()) >= N - t:
            else:  # Re-route the msg to inner layer
                    (sender, (tag, m))

    greenletPacker(Greenlet(_listener), 'mv84consensus._listener', (pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive)).start()

    makeBroadcastWithTag('V', broadcast)(vi)
    perplexed = mv84WaiterLock.get()  # See if I am perplexed

    makeBroadcastWithTag('B', broadcast)(perplexed)
    alert = mv84WaiterLock2.get() and 1 or 0  # See if we should alert

    decideChannel = Queue(1)
    greenletPacker(Greenlet(binary_consensus, pid, N, t, alert, decideChannel, broadcast, reliableBroadcastReceiveQueue.get),
        'mv84consensus.binary_consensus', (pid, N, t, vi, broadcast, receive)).start()
    agreedAlert = decideChannel.get()

    if agreedAlert:
        return 0  # some pre-defined default consensus value
        return vi