def build_src_project(bindings, jamaicaoutput, targetdir, syscalls, interfaceResolver, debug, classrefs): """ Construct the software portion of the project. Copy the C source code for the Jamaica project, refactoring the functions that are implemented on the FPGA. Also copies the FPGA interface and build scripts. bindings: A map {id -> java method signature} that gives the ID of each hardware method. Generated from prepare_hls_project.build_from_functions jamaicaoutput: Absolute path of the jamaica builder output directory which contains the source C files targetdir: Absolute path to place output files """ if not os.path.isfile(join(jamaicaoutput, "Main__nc.o")): raise CaicosError("Cannot find file " + str(join(jamaicaoutput, "Main__nc.o")) + ". Ensure that the application has first be been built by Jamaica Builder.") mkdir(targetdir) copy_files(project_path("projectfiles", "juniper_fpga_interface"), join(targetdir, "juniper_fpga_interface")) copy_files(project_path("projectfiles", "malloc_preload"), join(targetdir, "malloc_preload")) refactor_src(bindings, jamaicaoutput, join(targetdir, "src"), debug) if debug: copy_files(project_path("debug_software"), join(targetdir, "src")) generate_interrupt_handler(join(targetdir, "src", "caicos_interrupts.c"), syscalls, interfaceResolver, classrefs) shutil.copy(join(jamaicaoutput, "Main__nc.o"), join(targetdir, "src")) shutil.copy(project_path("projectfiles", "include", "juniperoperations.h"), join(targetdir, "src")) shutil.copy(project_path("projectfiles", "scripts", ""), targetdir) make_executable([join(targetdir, "")])
def dsub(job_name, project, regions, machine_type, image, script, tasks, logging, preemptible=False, mount=None, env=None, after=None, dsub_shell_script=None, submit_jobs=False): cmd = [ 'dsub', '--provider', 'google-v2', '--project', project, '--regions', regions, '--machine-type', machine_type, '--image', image, '--name', job_name, '--script', script, '--tasks', tasks, '--logging', logging, '--disk-size', '100' ] if preemptible: cmd += ['--preemptible'] if mount is not None: cmd += ['--mount', mount] if env is not None: if isinstance(env, str): env = [env] for e in env: cmd += ['--env', e] if after is not None: cmd += ['--after', after]"# " + job_name + " submission cmd:") formatted_cmd = ' '.join(cmd).replace(' --', ' \\\n--') if dsub_shell_script is not None: with open(dsub_shell_script, 'w') as f: f.write('#!/bin/bash\n') f.write(formatted_cmd + '\n') make_executable(dsub_shell_script) if submit_jobs: if after is None: return run_command(cmd, stderr=None).strip() else: return run_command_bg(cmd)
def build_all(config): """ Build a JUNIPER project. Format of the config dictionary is described in the docstring for config_specification. """ utils.log().setLevel(logging.INFO) utils.remove_slots_from_classes(pycparser.c_ast) utils.remove_slots_from_classes(pycparser) try: if config.get("cleanoutput", "false").lower() == "true": if os.path.isdir(config["outputdir"]): for f in os.listdir(config["outputdir"]): shutil.rmtree(join(config["outputdir"], f), ignore_errors=True) mkdir(config["outputdir"]) # Determine output paths swdir = config.get("swoutputdir", join(config["outputdir"], "software")) boarddir = config.get("hwoutputdir", join(config["outputdir"], "hardware")) scriptsdir = config.get("scriptsoutputdir", join(config["outputdir"], "scripts")) hwdir = join(boarddir, "reconfig", config.get("hlsprojectname", "caicos")) if "astcache" in config: astcache.activate_cache(config["astcache"]) # Create board design log().info("Building board design for " + config["targetboard"] + " in " + str(boarddir) + "...") utils.copy_files(project_path("dynamic_board_designs", "common"), boarddir) utils.copy_files(project_path("dynamic_board_designs", config["targetboard"]), boarddir) # Build hardware project log().info("Building hardware project in " + str(hwdir) + "...") if config.get("dev_softwareonly", "false").lower() == "true": log().warning("dev_softwareonly is set. Generating software only.") bindings = __getfakebindings(config["signatures"]) else: bindings, syscalls, interfaceResolver, classrefs = prepare_hls_project.build_from_functions( config["signatures"], config.get("jamaicaoutputdir_hw", config["jamaicaoutputdir"]), hwdir, config.get("additionalhardwarefiles"), config["fpgapart"], config.get("notranslates", []), ) target = join(config["outputdir"], "") shutil.copyfile(project_path("projectfiles", "scripts", ""), target) make_executable( [ target, join(boarddir, ""), join(boarddir, ""), join(boarddir, "base", ""), ] ) # Build software project log().info("Building software project in " + str(swdir) + "...") prepare_src_project.build_src_project( bindings, config["jamaicaoutputdir"], swdir, syscalls, interfaceResolver, config.get("debug", False), classrefs, ) # Output templated contents = open(project_path("projectfiles", "templates", "")).read() subs = make_options[config["targetboard"]] subs["SUB_JAMAICATARGET"] = config["jamaicatarget"] template = Template(contents) fout = open(join(swdir, ""), "w") fout.write(template.safe_substitute(subs)) fout.close() # Output main makefile shutil.copyfile(project_path("projectfiles", "templates", "Makefile"), join(swdir, "Makefile")) # Output scripts folder mkdir(scriptsdir) for fn in ["cmd_template.bat", "", "", ""]: shutil.copyfile(project_path("projectfiles", "scripts", fn), join(scriptsdir, fn)) # Output kernel module copy_files(project_path("system_software", "host_kernel_module"), join(swdir, "host_kernel_module")) log().info("caicos done.") except CaicosError, e: log().error("A critical error was encountered:\n\t" + str(e))
def install(plugin, url, install_auto=None, install_dir=None): """ Installs a plugin to the default plugins directory given an url. Could have been named 'my_little_dirty_function'. :param url: Where to fetch the plugin from. :install_dir: The name of the directory to create in c-lightning's default plugins directory. """ # `lightningd` sets umask to 0 ! os.umask(22) # We dont support pre-v0.7.2.1 anyway reply = {"response": "", "format-hint": "simple"} reply["response"] += " " reply["response"] += "===== Installation log ======\n\n" # Check that we have been given a supported url if url.split("://")[0] not in {"http", "https"}: reply["response"] += "You did not pass a valid url,"\ " treating as a keyword\n" search_result = search(plugin, url) if search_result: if install_auto: if len(search_result) > 1: reply["response"] += "I cannot install the plugin"\ " automatically since I found"\ " two of them. Continuing.\n\n" else: return install(plugin, search_result[0]["url_download"]) reply["response"] += "You can install {} by running : ".format(url) reply["response"] += "`lightning-cli install_plugin {}`\n"\ .format(search_result[0]["url_download"]) if len(search_result) > 1: reply["response"] += "You can also install it via: " reply["response"] += ", ".join(r["url_download"] for r in search_result[1:]) else: reply["response"] += "No known plugin was found matching {}"\ .format(url) return reply # Create the plugin directory.. res_name = urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1] if not install_dir: install_dir = res_name.split('.')[0] install_path = os.path.join(plugin.plugins_path, install_dir) create_dir(install_path) reply["response"] += "Created {} directory\n".format(install_path) file_path = os.path.join(install_path, res_name) if os.path.exists(file_path): return "Destination {} already exists\n".format(file_path) # .. Then download it if "" in url and len(res_name.split('.')) == 1: install_folder_from_github(install_path, url) elif "" in url: if "/tree/" not in url: url += "/tree/master" *_, owner, repo, _, tree = url.split('/') api_endpoint = "" api_url = "{}/repos/{}/{}/git/trees/{}".format(api_endpoint, owner, repo, tree) dl_github_repo(install_path, api_url, url) else: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, file_path) make_executable(file_path) reply["response"] += "Downloaded file from {} to {}\n".format( url, file_path) # The common case where the plugin is in Python and has dependencies handle_requirements(install_path) # The case where the plugin is not written in a scripting language handle_compilation(install_path) # Finally get the executable file and make `lightningd` start it main_file = get_main_file(install_path) if main_file is not None: reply["response"] += "Made {} executable\n".format(main_file) else: reply["response"] += "Could not find a main file, hence not making"\ " anything executable\n" return reply reply["response"] += "\n" active_plugins = plugin.rpc.plugin_start(os.path.abspath(main_file)) if main_file in [p["name"] for p in active_plugins["plugins"]]: reply["response"] += "Started {}".format(main_file.split('/')[-1]) else: reply["response"] += "Timeout while trying to start {}.".format( main_file) return reply