예제 #1
def RandomWalkMetHastings(img, AS, fMap, sigma, N):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    #Split array to quickly go through pixels
    pUsed = utils.nonNan(AS)
    values, points = utils.seperateArray(AS, pUsed)

    for i in range(values.size):
        y, x = points[i]
        yPrev = y = int(y)
        xPrev = x = int(x)
        for j in range(N):
            xProp = utils.walkIndex(xPrev, imW - 1, sigma)
            yProp = utils.walkIndex(yPrev, imH - 1, sigma)

            # Ratio of new point compared to previous on feature map
            α = min((fMap[yProp][xProp]) / (fMap[yPrev][xPrev]), 1)

            # Random int between 1 and 0
            r = random.uniform(0, 1)
            # Check proposal
            if r < α:
                # Check if point is used
                if math.isnan(AS[yProp][xProp]):
                    yPrev = yProp
                    xPrev = xProp
        AS[y][x] = np.nan
        AS[yPrev][xPrev] = img[yPrev][xPrev]
    nearestAS = utils.nInterp2D(pUsed, AS)
    #nearestAS = AS
    return nearestAS
예제 #2
def MetHastings(img, pixels, fMap, N):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    #Define AS value array and Feature Map
    #fMap = np.zeros((imH, imW))
    AS = np.empty((imH, imW))
    AS[:] = np.nan

    #Pixels sampled
    pCount = 0

    #Set initial Met Hastings position
    rX = random.randint(0, imW - 1)
    rY = random.randint(0, imH - 1)
    nX = rX
    nY = rY
    n = img[rY][rX]
    AS[rY][rX] = n
    pCount += 1

    #Determine if the iteration succeeded in finding a good candidate
    accept = False

    #Loop through other pixels
    while pCount < pixels:
        accept = False
        for i in range(N):
            # Random x and y Values
            rX = random.randint(0, imW - 1)
            rY = random.randint(0, imH - 1)

            # Ratio of new point compared to previous on feature map
            α = min((fMap[rY][rX]) / (fMap[nY][nX]), 1)

            # Random int between 1 and 0
            r = random.uniform(0, 1)
            if r < α:
                # Check if pixel is used
                if math.isnan(AS[rY][rX]):
                    nX = rX
                    nY = rY
                    n = img[rY][rX]
                    accept = True

        if accept:
            # Check if pixel is used
            if math.isnan(AS[nY][nX]):
                AS[nY][nX] = n
                pCount += 1

    nearestAS = utils.nInterp2D(pixels, AS)
    #nearestAS = AS
    return nearestAS
def uniformS(img, nPixels):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    if(nPixels > imH * imW):
        nPixels = imH * imW

    US = np.empty((imH, imW))
    US[:] = np.nan

    US = utils.uniformSpread(img, nPixels, US)

    uniformNearest = utils.nInterp2D(nPixels, US)
    return uniformNearest
예제 #4
def randomAS(img, ROI, pixels, roiPort):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    AS = np.empty((imH, imW))
    AS[:] = np.nan

    if pixels > imH * imW:
        print("Error: Pixel allocation is too large")
        pixels = imH * imW

    # Round ROI pixels
    newROIP = round(pixels * roiPort)

    totROI = 0

    #Total ROI pixels
    for r in ROI:
        x, y, w, h = r
        totROI += w * h

    if newROIP > totROI:
        newROIP = totROI

    pCount = 0
    for r in ROI:
        x, y, w, h = r
        #Portion of total ROI
        ROIPort = (w * h) / (totROI)
        nPixels = newROIP * ROIPort
        while pCount < nPixels:
            rX = random.randint(x, x + w - 1)
            rY = random.randint(y, y + h - 1)

            if math.isnan(AS[rY][rX]):
                AS[rY][rX] = img[rY][rX]
                pCount += 1

    while pCount < pixels:
        rX = random.randint(0, imW - 1)
        rY = random.randint(0, imH - 1)

        if math.isnan(AS[rY][rX]):
            AS[rY][rX] = img[rY][rX]
            pCount += 1

    nearestAS = utils.nInterp2D(pixels, AS)
    return nearestAS
def uniformAS(img, ROI, nPixels, rPort):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    if(nPixels > imH * imW):
        nPixels = imH * imW

    AS = np.empty((imH, imW))
    AS[:] = np.nan

    #Can be an input
    bPort = 1 - rPort

    rPixels = round(nPixels * rPort)
    bPixels = round(nPixels * bPort)

    #Pixels Remaining
    pRem = 0

    #Total pixels in ROI
    roiSum = 0
    for r in ROI:
        x, y, w, h = r
        roiSum += ((w + 1) * (h + 1))

    for r in ROI:
        x, y, w, h = r
        roiPort = ((w + 1) * (h + 1))/roiSum
        roiPixels = round(roiPort * rPixels)

        #Add on the remainding pixels
        roiPixels += pRem
        AS[y:y+h, x:x+w] = utils.uniformSpread(img[y:y+h, x:x+w], roiPixels, AS[y:y+h, x:x+w])

        pRem = roiPixels - utils.nonNan(AS[y:y+h, x:x+w])

    bPixels += pRem
    AS = utils.uniformSpread(img, bPixels, AS)
    pUsed = utils.nonNan(AS)
    uniformNearest = utils.nInterp2D(pUsed, AS)
    #uniformNearest = AS
    return uniformNearest
예제 #6
def randomS(img, pixels):
    imH, imW = img.shape

    RS = np.empty((imH, imW))
    RS[:] = np.nan

    if pixels > imH * imW:
        print("Error: Pixel allocation is too large")
        pixels = imH * imW

    pCount = 0
    while pCount < pixels:
        rX = random.randint(0, imW - 1)
        rY = random.randint(0, imH - 1)

        if math.isnan(RS[rY][rX]):
            RS[rY][rX] = img[rY][rX]
            pCount += 1

    nearestRS = utils.nInterp2D(pixels, RS)
    return nearestRS