def load_data(self, data): """ Load the full patch and mask Parameters: data -- the dictionary include the attribute of 'image', 'mask', 'name', as created by "" file. """ self.image_name = data[ 'name'] # here the name is set as the name of input patch. self.img = data['image'] self.mask = data['mask'] if self.mask.shape != self.img.shape: raise ValueError('The loaded mask shape has to be', self.img.shape) sha = tuple(range(self.img.ndim)) re_sha = sha[-1:] + sha[:-1] self.img_ = u.np_to_torch(np.transpose( self.img, re_sha)[np.newaxis]).type(self.dtype) self.mask_ = u.np_to_torch( np.transpose(self.mask, re_sha)[np.newaxis]).type(self.dtype) self.coarse_img_ = self.img_ * self.mask_ # compute std on coarse data for skipping all-zeros patches input_std = torch.std(self.img_ * self.mask_).item() return input_std
def load_data(): train_data = np.load(TRAIN_DATA_PATH) test_data = np.load(TEST_DATA_PATH) train_xy_torch = np_to_torch(train_data) test_xy_torch = np_to_torch(test_data) xtrain = train_xy_torch[:, :, :-1] ytrain = torch.reshape(train_xy_torch[:, -1, -1], (train_xy_torch.shape[0], 1)) xtest = test_xy_torch[:, :, :-1] ytest = torch.reshape(test_xy_torch[:, -1, -1], (test_xy_torch.shape[0], 1)) return xtrain, ytrain, xtest, ytest
def build_input(self): # build a noise tensor data_shape = self.img.shape[:-1] self.input_ = u.get_noise(shape=(1, self.args.inputdepth) + data_shape, noise_type=self.args.noise_dist).type( self.dtype) self.input_ *= self.args.noise_std if self.args.filter_noise_with_wavelet: self.input_ = u.np_to_torch( u.filter_noise_traces( self.input_.detach().clone().cpu().numpy(), np.load(os.path.join(self.args.imgdir, 'wavelet.npy')))).type(self.dtype) if self.args.data_forgetting_factor != 0: # build decimated data tensor data_ = self.img_ * self.mask_ # how many times we can repeat the data in order to fill the input depth? num_rep = int(np.ceil(self.args.inputdepth / self.args.imgchannel)) # repeat data along the channel dim and crop to the input depth size data_ = data_.repeat([1, num_rep] + [1] * len(data_shape))[:, :self.args.inputdepth] # normalize data to noise std data_ *= torch.std(self.input_) / torch.std(data_) self.add_data_ = data_ self.add_data_weight = np.logspace( 0, -4, self.args.data_forgetting_factor) self.input_old = self.input_.detach().clone() self.add_noise_ = self.input_.detach().clone() print( colored('The input shape is %s' % str(tuple(self.input_.shape)), 'cyan'))
def load_data(): train_data = np.load(TRAIN_DATA_PATH) test_data = np.load(TEST_DATA_PATH) train_xy, valid_xy = train_test_split(train_data, test_size=0.2, shuffle=True, random_state=0) train_xy_torch = np_to_torch(train_xy) valid_xy_torch = np_to_torch(valid_xy) test_xy_torch = np_to_torch(test_data) xtrain = train_xy_torch[:, :, :-1] ytrain = torch.reshape(train_xy_torch[:, -1, -1], (train_xy_torch.shape[0], 1)) xvalid = valid_xy_torch[:, :, :-1] yvalid = torch.reshape(valid_xy_torch[:, -1, -1], (valid_xy_torch.shape[0], 1)) xtest = test_xy_torch[:, :, :-1] ytest = torch.reshape(test_xy_torch[:, -1, -1], (test_xy_torch.shape[0], 1)) return xtrain, ytrain, xvalid, yvalid, xtest, ytest
def get_minibatches(self, batch_size=64, shuffle=True, drop_reminder=True, use_torch=False, device='cpu'): idx = np.arange(len(self.X)) if shuffle: np.random.shuffle(idx) if drop_reminder: n_batches = len(idx) // batch_size else: n_batches = np.ceil(len(idx) / batch_size).astype(np.int32) for b in range(n_batches): li = b*batch_size ri = min((b+1)*batch_size, len(idx)) current_idx = idx[li:ri] xbatch = np.concatenate(self.X[current_idx]) ybatch = self.y[current_idx] sbatch = np.concatenate([[s]*len(self.X[c]) for s,c in enumerate(current_idx)]) if use_torch: yield np_to_torch(xbatch, dtype=torch.long, device=device), \ np_to_torch(sbatch, dtype=torch.long, device=device), \ np_to_torch(ybatch, dtype=torch.float32, device=device) else: yield xbatch, sbatch, ybatch
def pre_process(self, image, target=True): if self.mode in ['SR', 'hybrid']: # apply downsampling, this part is the same as deep image prior if target: image_pil = utils.np_to_pil( utils.torch_to_np((image.cpu() + 1) / 2)) LR_size = [ image_pil.size[0] // self.factor, image_pil.size[1] // self.factor ] img_LR_pil = image_pil.resize(LR_size, Image.ANTIALIAS) image = utils.np_to_torch(utils.pil_to_np(img_LR_pil)).cuda() image = image * 2 - 1 else: image = self.downsampler((image + 1) / 2) image = image * 2 - 1 # interpolate to the orginal resolution via bilinear interpolation image = F.interpolate(image, scale_factor=self.factor, mode='bilinear') n, _, h, w = image.size() if self.mode in ['colorization', 'hybrid']: # transform the image to gray-scale r = image[:, 0, :, :] g = image[:, 1, :, :] b = image[:, 2, :, :] gray = 0.2989 * r + 0.5870 * g + 0.1140 * b image = gray.view(n, 1, h, w).expand(n, 3, h, w) if self.mode in ['inpainting', 'hybrid']: # remove the center part of the image hole = min(h, w) // 3 begin = (h - hole) // 2 end = h - begin self.begin, self.end = begin, end mask = torch.ones(1, 1, h, w).cuda() mask[0, 0, begin:end, begin:end].zero_() image = image * mask return image
def init_params_with_data(self, dataset, config, device=None, subset=None): balance_by_domain = config.balance_batches_by_domain assert 'init_params' in config init_params = config.init_params # The code here repeats the steps in forward above, but adds the steps necessary for initialization. # I chose to keep these two methods separate to leave the forward small and easy to read. with torch.no_grad(): x, meta, _ = dataset.get_data_and_meta(subset) speaker_ids = meta['speaker_id'] domain_ids = meta['domain_id'] x_torch = utils.np_to_torch(x, device) if init_params.get("random"): self.lda_stage.init_random(init_params.get('stdev',0.1)) else: self.lda_stage.init_with_lda(x, speaker_ids, init_params, sec_ids=domain_ids) x2_torch = self.lda_stage(x_torch) x2 = x2_torch.cpu().numpy() if hasattr(self,'si_stage1'): if self.si_input == 'main_input': si_input_torch = x_torch si_input = x else: si_input_torch = x2_torch si_input = x2 if init_params.get("random"): self.si_stage1.init_random(init_params.get('stdev',0.1)) else: self.si_stage1.init_with_lda(si_input, speaker_ids, init_params, sec_ids=domain_ids, complement=True) s2_torch = self.si_stage1(si_input_torch) if init_params.get('init_si_stage2_with_domain_gb', False): # Initialize the second stage of the si-extractor to be a gaussian backend that predicts # the posterior of each domain. In this case, the number of domains has to coincide with the # dimension of the side info vector assert self.si_dim == len(np.unique(domain_ids)) self.si_stage2.init_with_lda(s2_torch.cpu().numpy(), domain_ids, init_params, sec_ids=speaker_ids, gaussian_backend=True) else: # This is the only component that is initialized randomly unless otherwise indicated by the variable "init_si_stage2_with_domain_gb" self.si_stage2.init_random(init_params.get('w_init', 0.5), init_params.get('b_init', 0.0), init_params.get('type', 'normal')) if hasattr(self,'shift_selector'): # Initialize the shifts as the mean of the lda outputs weighted by the si si_torch = self.si_stage2(s2_torch) si = si_torch.cpu().numpy() if init_params.get("random"): self.shift_selector.init_random(init_params.get('stdev',0.1)) else: self.shift_selector.init_with_weighted_means(x2, si) x2_torch -= self.shift_selector(si_torch) x2 = x2_torch.cpu().numpy() if init_params.get("random"): self.plda_stage.init_random(init_params.get('stdev',0.1)) else: self.plda_stage.init_with_plda(x2, speaker_ids, init_params, domain_ids=domain_ids) # Since the training data is usually large, we cannot create all possible trials for x3. # So, to create a bunch of trials, we just create a trial loader with a large batch size. # This means we need to rerun lda again, but it is a small price to pay for the # convenience of reusing the machinery of trial creation in the TrialLoader. loader = ddata.TrialLoader(dataset, device, seed=0, batch_size=2000, num_batches=1, balance_by_domain=balance_by_domain, subset=subset) x_torch, meta_batch = next(loader.__iter__()) x2_torch = self.lda_stage(x_torch) scrs_torch = self.plda_stage(x2_torch) same_spk_torch, valid_torch = utils.create_scoring_masks(meta_batch) scrs, same_spk, valid = [v.detach().cpu().numpy() for v in [scrs_torch, same_spk_torch, valid_torch]] if init_params.get("random"): self.cal_stage.init_random(init_params.get('stdev',0.1)) else: self.cal_stage.init_with_logreg(scrs, same_spk, valid, config.ptar, std_for_mats=init_params.get('std_for_cal_matrices',0)) dummy_durs = torch.ones(scrs.shape[0]).to(device) dummy_si = torch.zeros(scrs.shape[0], self.si_dim).to(device) llrs_torch = self.cal_stage(scrs_torch, dummy_durs, dummy_si) mask = np.ones_like(same_spk, dtype=int) mask[~same_spk] = -1 mask[~valid] = 0 return compute_loss(llrs_torch, mask=utils.np_to_torch(mask, device), ptar=config.ptar, loss_type=config.loss)
def _np_to_torch(self, x): return utils.np_to_torch(x, self.device)
def __init__(self, emb_file, meta_file=None, meta_is_dur_only=False, device=None): """ Args: emb_file (string): File with embeddings and sample ids in npz format meta_file (string): File with metadata for each id we want to store from the file above. Should contain: sample_id speaker_id session_id domain_id * The speaker id is a unique string identifying the speaker * The session id is a unique string identifying the recording session from which the audio sample was extracted (ie, if a waveform is split into chunks as a pre- processing step, the chunks all belong to the same session, or if several mics were used to record a person speaking all these recordings belong to the same session). This information is used by the loader to avoid creating same-session trials which would mess up calibration. * The domain id is a unique string identifying the domain. Domains should correspond to disjoint speaker sets. This information is also used by the loader. Only same- domain trials are created since cross-domain trials would never include target trials and would likely result in very easy impostor trials. """ if meta_file is not None: print("Loading data from %s\n with metadata file %s" % (emb_file, meta_file)) else: print("Loading data from %s without metadata" % emb_file) if emb_file.endswith(".npz"): data_dict = np.load(emb_file) elif emb_file.endswith(".h5"): with h5py.File(emb_file, 'r') as f: data_dict = {'ids': f['ids'][()], 'data': f['data'][()]} else: raise Exception("Unrecognized format for embeddings file %s" % emb_file) embeddings_all = data_dict['data'] if type(data_dict['ids'][0]) == np.bytes_: ids_all = [i.decode('UTF-8') for i in data_dict['ids']] elif type(data_dict['ids'][0]) == np.str_: ids_all = data_dict['ids'] else: raise Exception( "Bad format for ids in embeddings file %s (should be strings)" % emb_file) self.idx_to_str = dict() self.meta = dict() if meta_file is None: fields = ('sample_id', ) formats = ('O', ) self.meta_raw = np.array( ids_all, np.dtype({ 'names': fields, 'formats': ('O', ) })) else: if meta_is_dur_only: fields, formats = zip(*[('sample_id', 'O'), ('duration', 'float32')]) else: fields, formats = zip( *[('sample_id', 'O'), ('speaker_id', 'O'), ('session_id', 'O'), ('domain_id', 'O'), ('duration', 'float32')]) self.meta_raw = np.loadtxt( meta_file, np.dtype({ 'names': fields, 'formats': formats })) # Convert the metadata strings into indices print(" Converting metadata strings into indices") for field, fmt in zip(fields, formats): if fmt == 'O': # Convert all the string fields into indices names, nmap = np.unique(self.meta_raw[field], return_inverse=True) if field == 'sample_id' and len(names) != len(self.meta_raw): raise Exception( "Metadata file %s has repeated sample ids" % meta_file) # Index to string and string to index maps self.idx_to_str[field] = dict(zip(np.arange(len(names)), names)) self.idx_to_str[field + "_inv"] = dict( zip(names, np.arange(len(names)))) self.meta[field] = np.array(nmap, dtype=np.int32) else: self.meta[field] = self.meta_raw[field] self.meta = utils.AttrDict(self.meta) # Subset the embeddings to only those in the metadata file name_to_idx = dict(zip(ids_all, np.arange(len(ids_all)))) keep_idxs = np.array( [name_to_idx.get(n, -1) for n in self.meta_raw['sample_id']]) if np.any(keep_idxs == -1): raise Exception( "There are %d sample ids (out of %d in the metadata file %s) that are missing from the embeddings file %s.\nPlease, remove those files from the metadata file and try again" % (np.sum(keep_idxs == -1), len( self.meta_raw), meta_file, emb_file)) self.embeddings = embeddings_all[keep_idxs] self.ids = np.array(ids_all)[keep_idxs] if device is not None: # Move the embeddings and the durations to the device self.embeddings = utils.np_to_torch(self.embeddings, device) if 'duration' in self.meta: self.meta['duration'] = utils.np_to_torch( self.meta['duration'], device) print("Done. Loaded %d embeddings from %s" % (len(self.embeddings), emb_file), flush=True)