def upload_shape(shapepath): """ Upload file to database :param shapepath: path to the shapefile :return: None """ conn = None cur = None try: # first create the sqlstring with inserts # call PGSQL2SHP with some parameters, -s 4326 to set lat/lon srid, -I to create a spatial index on the geometry column params = [ settings.SHP2PGSQL, "-s", "4326", "-I", shapepath, settings.STATES_TABLE_NAME ] sqlstring, info = utils.run_tool(params) if not sqlstring: raise Exception("cannot upload file to database") #then use the sqlstring conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sqlstring) conn.commit() finally: if cur: cur.close() if conn: conn.close()
def check_table(schemaname=settings.DEFAULT_SCHEMA, tablename=settings.STATES): """ Check if the table exercise.states is already in the database :param schemaname: :param tablename: :return: True if table exists otherwise False """ conn = None cur = None try: conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("""SELECT to_regclass('%s.%s');""", (AsIs(schemaname), AsIs(tablename))) result = cur.fetchone()[0] return (True if result else False) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: if conn: conn = None if cur: cur = None
def add_all_points(map, marker=settings.MARKER, color=settings.MARKER_COLOR): """ Add all the points to the map :param map: a matplotlib map object :param marker: a font-awesome marker :return: """ conn = None curr = None try: conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() # if the point is inside this will return (True,) otherwise None cur.execute("""select lon, lat, label,size from %s""", (AsIs(settings.BOOKMARKS_TABLE_NAME), )) result = cur.fetchall() #iterate and add point for rs in result: s = get_class_size(rs[3]) location=[rs[1], rs[0]], popup=rs[2], icon=DivIcon( # icon_size=(150,36), icon_anchor=(0, 0), html='<i class="fa ' + marker + ' ' + s + '" style="color:' + color + '" aria-hidden="true"></i>')).add_to(map) except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: if cur: cur = None if conn: conn = None
def add_all_points(plt,map, sizemult=3): """ Add all the points to the map :param plt: a matplotlib plot object :param map: a matplotlib map object :param sizemult: multiplier to scale the marker size :return: """ conn = None curr = None try: conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() # if the point is inside this will return (True,) otherwise None cur.execute("""select lon, lat, label,size from %s""", (AsIs(settings.BOOKMARKS_TABLE_NAME),)) result = cur.fetchall() #iterate and add point for rs in result: x_, y_ = map(rs[0], rs[1]) if rs[2]: plt.text(x_, y_, rs[2], fontsize=8, fontweight='bold', ha='center', va='bottom', color='k') map.plot(x_, y_, "r*", markersize=rs[3]*sizemult) return plt except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: if cur: cur = None if conn: conn = None
def get_geojson(): """ Download geojson from the database :return: None """ # check the file was already downloaded global GEOJSON if GEOJSON: return GEOJSON conn = None cur = None try: conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute( """SELECT row_to_json(fc) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) As features FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type , ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json(lp) As properties FROM %s As lg INNER JOIN (SELECT gid,name FROM %s) As lp ON lg.gid = lp.gid ) As f) As fc;""", (AsIs( settings.STATES_TABLE_NAME), AsIs(settings.STATES_TABLE_NAME))) result = cur.fetchone()[0] #print(result) #make the result global GEOJSON = result except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: if conn: conn = None if cur: cur = None
def upload_point(x, y, label=""): """ Check the user input for a point, if inside USA, if OK add it to the database Crop nummber to 4 digits, define the marker size based on the bigger number of digits :param x: point longitude (wgs84) as string :param y: point latitude (wgs84) as string :param label: point label :return: ("longitude","latitude", size) ; coordinates are cropped to 4 decimal digits, size will be the bookmark size """ conn = None cur = None try: # check the point is inside the usa, both point and states must be WGS84 conn = utils.pgconnect(**settings.DEFAULT_CONNECTION) cur = conn.cursor() #if the point is inside this will return (True,) otherwise None cur.execute( """select result from (select st_contains(s.geom,ST_GeomFromText('POINT(%s %s)', 4326)) as result from %s as s) as subquery where result is true""", (AsIs(x), AsIs(y), AsIs(settings.STATES_TABLE_NAME))) result = cur.fetchone() #print(result) if result: # if result is not None #check numbers size, crop to 4 digits, define the marker size # size symbol size = None # store number of decimal digits lx = 0 ly = 0 # convert numbers to string #x = str(x);y = str(y) if ',' in x or ',' in y: raise Exception("decimal numbers should not contain ','") # check the number of decimal digits and crop to 4 if '.' in x: # do only for float number lx = len(x.split('.')[1]) # get decimals if lx > 4: # crop size to 4 x = x[:(4 - lx)] lx = 4 if '.' in y: # do only for float number ly = len(y.split('.')[1]) if ly > 4: y = y[:(4 - ly)] ly = 4 # select a symbol size according # for the size take the bigger number of digits of the two numbers ndigits = max([lx, ly]) if ndigits == 0: size = 5 elif ndigits == 1: size = 4 elif ndigits == 2: size = 3 elif ndigits == 3: size = 2 elif ndigits == 4: size = 1 #upload to database cur.execute( """INSERT INTO %s(lat,lon,label,size) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s) RETURNING id""", (AsIs(settings.BOOKMARKS_TABLE_NAME), y, x, label, size)) #id = cur.fetchone()[0] #print(id) cur.execute( """UPDATE %s SET geom = ST_PointFromText('POINT(' || lon || ' ' || lat || ')', 4326)""", (AsIs(settings.BOOKMARKS_TABLE_NAME), )) conn.commit() else: raise Exception("the point is not inside USA") except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) else: return x, y, size #return the cropped coordinates and marker size finally: if cur: cur = None if conn: conn = None