def makePlot(ratios, saveName, yTile): newCan = TCanvas('can', 'can', 500, 500) newCan.SetGrid() leg = prepareLegend('topRight') leg.SetHeader('Track p_{T} [GeV]') for i, plot in enumerate(ratios): plot.SetMinimum(0) plot.SetMaximum(1.5) if i == 0: plot.Draw('Phist') else: plot.Draw('Psame hist') plot.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4) plot.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Ratio ' + yTile) plot.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 4) leg.AddEntry(plot, plot.GetName().split('_')[-1], 'lp') leg.Draw() newCan.SaveAs('ratios/' + saveName + '.pdf')
def drawMultigraph(legendPosition, title, saveName, geometries, graphDict): newCan = TCanvas("newCan" + title + rand_uuid(), "", 500, 500) newCan.SetLeftMargin(0.15) smallestYvalue = 999.0 largestYvalue = -11.0 theGraph = TMultiGraph(rand_uuid(), rand_uuid()) leg = prepareLegend(legendPosition) for geometry in geometries: # find min and max of the TGraphs ... kinda defeats the point of the multigraph ... but yeah ... minX = Double(0.) minY = Double(0.) maxY = Double(0.) dummy = graphDict[geometry].GetPoint(0, minX, minY) dummy = graphDict[geometry].GetPoint(graphDict[geometry].GetN() - 1, minX, maxY) if float(minY) < smallestYvalue: smallestYvalue = minY if float(maxY) > largestYvalue: largestYvalue = maxY theGraph.Add(graphDict[geometry], 'p') theGraph.SetTitle(title) leg.AddEntry(graphDict[geometry], '{0} mm'.format(geometry), 'lp') theGraph.Draw('a') theGraph.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.75) leg.Draw() newCan.SaveAs(saveName) # Draw with log y theGraph.GetHistogram().SetMinimum(smallestYvalue / 5) theGraph.GetHistogram().SetMaximum(largestYvalue * 5) newCan.SetLogy(1) saveName = saveName.replace(".pdf", "_log.pdf") newCan.SaveAs(saveName)
def main(inputFile, outputDirBase): outputDirBase = appendSlash(outputDirBase) checkDir(outputDirBase) # open file iFile = TFile.Open(inputFile) ptRanges = [ #[0,2], [2, 5], [6, 10], [11, 30], [31, 50] ] etaRanges = [[0, 0.2], [0.2, 0.4], [0.4, 0.8], [0.8, 1.0], [1.0, 1.2], [1.2, 1.4], [1.4, 1.6], [1.6, 1.8], [1.8, 2.0]] parameters = { 'ptRes': { 'title': 'p_{T} resolution', 'units': '', 'label': '#deltap_{T}/p_{T}' }, 'z0Res': { 'title': 'z0 resolution', 'units': '[mm]', 'label': '#deltaz_{0}' }, 'ptResRaw': { 'title': 'p_{T} resolution', 'units': '[GeV]', 'label': '#deltap_{T}' }, #'d0Res' : {'title' : 'd0 resolution' , 'units' : '[mm]', 'label': '#deltad_{0}'}, ##'phiRes' : {'title' : '#phi resolution', 'units' : '[deg]', 'label' : '#delta#phi'}, ##'CtgThetaRes': {'title' : 'cot(#theta) resolution', 'units' : '', 'label' : '#deltacot(#theta)'}, } branchNames = [ #"TruthTrack", "Track", #"PBMatchedTracks", "TracksFromHit30", "SmearedTracksFromHits", #"PBMatchedHitTracks", ] for branch in branchNames: outputDir = appendSlash(outputDirBase + branch) checkDir(outputDir) for par in parameters.keys(): ############################################## # Make 1d resolution plot across all eta range ############################################## basicCan = TCanvas(branch + par + "basicCan", "", 500, 500) basicRes = iFile.Get(branch + '_' + par) basicRes.Fit( "gaus", "MQ" ) # M: "improve fit", Q: "quiet" (no printing), O: "Don't draw fit or histo theFit = basicRes.GetFunction("gaus") basicCan.SetLogy() basicRes.Draw() theFit.Draw('same') basicCan.SaveAs(outputDir + par + '_basic.pdf') ########################################################## # Make proper resolution plots in pT and eta slices from 3D plot ########################################################## plotName = branch + '_' + par + '_pt_eta' resPlot = iFile.Get(plotName) if not is_TH3(resPlot): print plotName print 'ERROR, {0} is not of type TH3, it is {1}'.format( resPlot.GetName(), type(resPlot)) sys.exit() # Create legend #leg = prepareLegend('bottomRight') leg = prepareLegend('topLeft') leg.SetHeader('Track p_{T} [GeV]') # Fit resolution, extract sigma graphs = [] for n, ptRange in enumerate(ptRanges): graphs.append(TGraphErrors()) for i, etaRange in enumerate(etaRanges): xposition = (etaRange[0] + etaRange[1]) / 2.0 fitResults = extractResolution(resPlot, ptRange, etaRange, par, outputDir) yVal = fitResults['Sigma'][0] yErr = fitResults['Sigma'][1] if par == "phiRes": # want phi resolution to be in degrees (to compare with tkLayout) yVal *= 180.0 / PI yErr *= 180.0 / PI graphs[n].SetPoint(i, xposition, yVal) graphs[n].SetPointError(i, 0, yErr) graphs[n].SetMarkerColor(colours[n]) graphs[n].SetLineColor(colours[n]) graphs[n].SetMarkerStyle(markers[n]) leg.AddEntry(graphs[n], '{0} < pT < {1}'.format(ptRange[0], ptRange[1]), 'lp') # Draw graphs can = TCanvas(branch + par + 'can', 'can', 500, 500) can.SetGrid() can.SetLogy() mg = TMultiGraph() for g in graphs: mg.Add(g, 'p') # set plot title plotHeader = '{0} from Delphes'.format(parameters[par]['title']) plotHeader = '' xTitle = '#eta' yTitle = '{0} {1}'.format(parameters[par]['label'], parameters[par]['units']) mg.SetTitle('{0};{1};{2}'.format(plotHeader, xTitle, yTitle)) mg.Draw('a') leg.Draw() # Change the axis limits mg.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) mgMin = mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().GetXmin() mgMax = mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().GetXmax() if mgMax / 10 < mgMin or True: mg.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetRangeUser( mgMin * 0.5, mgMax * 5) # make space for legend can.SaveAs(outputDir + par + '_graphs.pdf')
def numberOfTracks(ifile, PILEUP, geometry, PT=None): can = TCanvas("can", "can", 500, 500) # get histograms if PT: nRecoTracks = ifile.Get("nRecoTracksPt{0}_{1}".format(PT, geometry)) nRecoTracksMatched = ifile.Get("nRecoTracksMatchedPt{0}_{1}".format( PT, geometry)) nDelphesHits = ifile.Get("nDelphesHitsPt{0}_{1}".format(PT, geometry)) else: nRecoTracks = ifile.Get("nRecoTracks_" + str(geometry)) nRecoTracksMatched = ifile.Get("nRecoTracksMatched_" + str(geometry)) nDelphesHits = ifile.Get("nDelphesHits_" + str(geometry)) # stats baseHistogram = nDelphesHits.Clone() # styling baseHistogram.Draw() can.Update() ymax2 = gPad.GetUymax() xaxis = baseHistogram.GetXaxis() yaxis = baseHistogram.GetYaxis() xaxis.SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) yaxis.SetTitle("Frequency") xaxis.SetTitle("Number of tracks") baseHistogram.SetLineColor( baseHistogram.SetMarkerSize(0) baseHistogram.SetTitle("Triplet spacing {1} mm, Pileup {0}".format( PILEUP, geometry)) x_range = (0, 5000) if PILEUP == 0: x_range = (0, 500) REBIN = 1 elif PILEUP == 100: x_range = (0, 2000) REBIN = 1 elif PILEUP == 200: x_range = (1000, 3000) REBIN = 10 else: REBIN = 1 if PT: x_range = (0, 500) baseHistogram.Rebin(REBIN) baseHistogram.Draw( ) # draw again to make sure everything taken into account ... # Add legend and other plots leg = prepareLegend("topRight") addLegendEntry(leg, baseHistogram, "Hits") addPlot(nRecoTracks,, REBIN, leg, "Reco") addPlot(nRecoTracksMatched,, REBIN, leg, "Reco matched") leg.Draw() xaxis.SetRangeUser(x_range[0], x_range[1]) yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, baseHistogram.GetMaximum() * 1.3) if PT: can.SaveAs(outputDir + "trackComparrison_pu{0}_geometry{1}_Pt{2}.pdf".format( PILEUP, geometry, PT)) can.SaveAs(outputDir + "trackComparrison_pu{0}_geometry{1}_Pt{2}.eps".format( PILEUP, geometry, PT)) else: can.SaveAs( outputDir + "trackComparrison_pu{0}_geometry{1}.pdf".format(PILEUP, geometry)) can.SaveAs( outputDir + "trackComparrison_pu{0}_geometry{1}.eps".format(PILEUP, geometry)) #efficiencyHist = nRecoTracksMatched.Clone() #efficiencyHist.Divide(nDelphesHits) #efficiency = efficiencyHist.GetMean() #efficiencyError = efficiencyHist.GetMeanError() #print '{0} pm {1}'.format(efficiency, efficiencyError) # Calculate mean efficiency efficiency = nRecoTracksMatched.GetMean() / nDelphesHits.GetMean() efficiencyError = efficiency * math.sqrt( (nRecoTracksMatched.GetMeanError() / nRecoTracksMatched.GetMean())**2 + (nDelphesHits.GetMeanError() / nDelphesHits.GetMean())**2) #print '{0} pm {1}'.format(efficiency, efficiencyError) # Calculate mean fake rate nFakesMean = nRecoTracks.GetMean() - nRecoTracksMatched.GetMean() nFakesError = math.sqrt(nRecoTracks.GetMeanError()**2 + nRecoTracksMatched.GetMean()**2) fakeRate = nFakesMean / (nRecoTracks.GetMean()) fakeRateError = fakeRate * math.sqrt( (nFakesError / nFakesMean)**2 + (nRecoTracks.GetMeanError() / nRecoTracks.GetMean())) fakeRateError = 0 return [efficiency, efficiencyError, fakeRate, fakeRateError]
def fakeRates(ifile, PILEUP, geometries, label): ''' Create plot of fake rate as a function of <label> (e.g. pT) Fake rate = number of fakes / number of reco tracks [in a given pT bin] (i.e. the fraction of reconstructed tracks that are fake) ''' can = TCanvas("can", "can", 500, 500) fakeRates = {} leg = prepareLegend('topLeft') for geometry in geometries: nReco = ifile.Get("recoTrack{0}_{1}".format(label, geometry)).Clone() nReco.Sumw2() nRecoFake = ifile.Get("recoTrack{0}_fake_{1}".format( label, geometry)).Clone() nRecoFake.Sumw2() if label == "Pt": REBIN = 10 elif label == "Eta": REBIN = 2 nReco.Rebin(REBIN) nRecoFake.Rebin(REBIN) # rebin for variable bin widths nReco = rebin_plot(nReco, binsarray) nRecoFake = rebin_plot(nRecoFake, binsarray) fakeRate = TGraphAsymmErrors(nRecoFake, nReco) #fakeRate = nRecoFake.Clone() #fakeRate.Divide(nReco) fakeRates[geometry] = fakeRate xaxis = fakeRate.GetXaxis() yaxis = fakeRate.GetYaxis() if label == "Pt": xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 100) xaxis.SetTitle("Reconstructed Track p_{T} [GeV]") elif label == "Eta": xaxis.SetRangeUser(-2.5, 2.5) xaxis.SetTitle("Reconstructed Track #eta") # y-range if PILEUP > 700: yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 0.3) else: yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 0.05) yaxis.SetTitleOffset(1.5) yaxis.SetTitle("Fake Rate") fakeRate.SetTitle("Pileup {0}".format(PILEUP)) leg.AddEntry(fakeRate, "{0} mm".format(geometry), "lp") fakeRate.SetMarkerColor(cols[geometry]) fakeRate.SetLineColor(cols[geometry]) if geometry == 10: fakeRate.Draw("APE") else: fakeRate.Draw("PEsame") leg.Draw() can.SaveAs(outputDir + "fakeRate_{0}_pu{1}.pdf".format(label, PILEUP)) can.SaveAs(outputDir + "fakeRate_{0}_pu{1}.eps".format(label, PILEUP))
def fakeRatePerSpacing(path, geometry, pileups, label="Pt"): ''' Create plot of fake rate as a function of <label> (e.g. pT) for a given triplet spacing, varying pileup ''' can = TCanvas("can" + rand_uuid(), "can", 500, 500) fakeRates = {} leg = prepareLegend('topRight') leg = TLegend(0.725, 0.725, .98, .98) leg.SetTextSize(TEXT_SIZE) leg.SetHeader('ttbar + pileup') counter = 0 for pu in pileups: #print 'getting input histograms' fName = path + "hits_ttbar_pu{0}_multiGeometry.root".format(pu) ifile = TFile.Open(fName) nReco = ifile.Get("recoTrack{0}_{1}".format(label, geometry)).Clone() nReco.Sumw2() nRecoFake = ifile.Get("recoTrack{0}_fake_{1}".format( label, geometry)).Clone() nRecoFake.Sumw2() # rebin and create fake rate #print 'rebin' nReco = rebin_plot(nReco, binsarray) nRecoFake = rebin_plot(nRecoFake, binsarray) #print 'create rate' fakeRate = TGraphAsymmErrors(nRecoFake, nReco) fakeRate.SetName(fakeRate.GetName() + rand_uuid()) fakeRates[pu] = fakeRate #print 'style' xaxis = fakeRate.GetXaxis() yaxis = fakeRate.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 100) xaxis.SetTitle("Reconstructed Track p_{T} [GeV]") yaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 0.05) yaxis.SetTitleOffset(1.5) yaxis.SetTitle("Fake Rate") fakeRate.SetTitle('') myText(0.25, 0.9, 'Triplet spacing: 30 mm', TEXT_SIZE) # colour if counter == 0: icol = elif counter == 1: icol = elif counter == 2: icol = fakeRate.SetMarkerColor(icol) fakeRate.SetLineColor(icol) leg.AddEntry(fakeRate, "#LT#mu#GT = {0}".format(pu), "lp") if counter == 0: fakeRate.Draw("APE") else: fakeRate.Draw("PE same") #fakeRate.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.75) fakeRate.GetHistogram().GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(Y_AXIS_OFFSET) counter += 1 leg.Draw() can.SaveAs('fakeRate{0}mm.pdf'.format(geometry)) can.SaveAs('fakeRate{0}mm.eps'.format(geometry))
def efficiency(ifile, PILEUP, geometries, label="Pt"): ''' Plot reconstruction efficiency for different triplet spacing ''' can = TCanvas("can", "can", 500, 500) leg = prepareLegend("bottomRight") #leg = prepareLegend("bottomLeft") ratios = {} for geometry in geometries: #print 'pu, geo', PILEUP, geometry # Number of matched tracks in given pT bin denominatorLabel = "nHits{0}_{1}".format(label, geometry) nHitsPt = ifile.Get(denominatorLabel).Clone() nHitsPt.Sumw2() #drawAndSave(nHitsPt, "nHitsPt.pdf") # Number of true tracks as a function of pT #recoTrackPt_true = ifile.Get("recoTrackPt_true_{0}".format(geometry)).Clone() numeratorLabel = "recoTrackHit{0}_true_{1}".format(label, geometry) recoTrackPt_true = ifile.Get(numeratorLabel).Clone() recoTrackPt_true.Sumw2() #print denominatorLabel, numeratorLabel #drawAndSave(recoTrackPt_true, "recoTrackPt_true.pdf") # Rebin REBIN = 1 recoTrackPt_true.Rebin(REBIN) nHitsPt.Rebin(REBIN) #binInfo(nHitsPt, recoTrackPt_true) # Reconstruction efficiency UseTGraph = False UseTGraph = True if UseTGraph: recoEfficiency = TGraphAsymmErrors(recoTrackPt_true, nHitsPt) else: recoEfficiency = recoTrackPt_true.Clone() recoEfficiency.Divide(nHitsPt) recoEfficiency.SetTitle("Pileup {0}".format(PILEUP)) recoEfficiency.SetMarkerColor(cols[geometry]) recoEfficiency.SetLineColor(cols[geometry]) yaxis = recoEfficiency.GetYaxis() xaxis = recoEfficiency.GetXaxis() if label == "Pt": xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, 50) yaxis.SetRangeUser(0.8, 1.1) xaxis.SetTitle("Track (hit) p_{T} [GeV]") elif label == "EtaPt2": xaxis.SetRangeUser(-3, 3) xaxis.SetTitle("Track (hit) #eta") #yaxis.SetRangeUser(0.8, 1.1) yaxis.SetTitle("Reconstruction efficiency") ratios[geometry] = recoEfficiency if geometry == 10: if UseTGraph: recoEfficiency.Draw("APEl") else: recoEfficiency.Draw("PEl") else: recoEfficiency.Draw("PElsame") for geometry in geometries: leg.AddEntry(ratios[geometry], "{0} mm".format(geometry), 'lp') leg.Draw() can.SaveAs(outputDir + "efficiency_{0}_pu{1}.pdf".format(label, PILEUP)) can.SaveAs(outputDir + "efficiency_{0}_pu{1}.eps".format(label, PILEUP))
def main(): pileup = ["py8_pp_minbias_pu0.root"] signals = [ "mg_pp_tth_pu0.root", #"mg_pp_tt_nlo_pu0.root", "mg_pp_hh_pu0.root", ] toPlot = { #"allTrackEta": {'xrange' : [-10, 10], 'xtitle' : 'Truth Track #eta', 'logy' : 1}, "track1Eta": { 'xrange': [-6, 6], 'xtitle': 'Truth Track 1 #eta', 'logy': 1 }, #"allTrackPt": {'xrange' : [0, 100], 'xtitle' : 'Truth Track p_{T} [GeV]', 'logy' : 1}, "track1Pt": { 'xrange': [0, 150], 'xtitle': 'Truth Track 1 p_{T} [GeV]', 'logy': 1 }, "track2Pt": { 'xrange': [0, 100], 'xtitle': 'Truth Track 2 p_{T} [GeV]', 'logy': 1 }, "track3Pt": { 'xrange': [0, 100], 'xtitle': 'Truth Track 3 p_{T} [GeV]', 'logy': 1 }, "track4Pt": { 'xrange': [0, 100], 'xtitle': 'Truth Track 4 p_{T} [GeV]', 'logy': 1 } } colz = { "py8_pp_minbias_pu0.root": { 'col':, 'leg': 'Minbias' }, "mg_pp_tth_pu0.root": { 'col':, 'leg': 'ttH' }, "mg_pp_tt_nlo_pu0.root": { 'col': colours.purple, 'leg': 'ttbar' }, "mg_pp_hh_pu0.root": { 'col':, 'leg': 'HH' } } # open f*****g files files = {} for f in signals + pileup: files[f] = TFile.Open(STORE + f) can = TCanvas("can", "can", 500, 500) for plot in toPlot.keys(): storedPlots = {} counter = 0 leg = prepareLegend('topRight') for sig in pileup + signals: style = colz[sig] fName = STORE + sig #print 'opening', fName #print 'getting plot', plot h = files[sig].Get("TruthTrack_" + plot) h.Rebin(2) ''' if sig == 'py8_pp_minbias_pu0.root': h.Rebin(10) else: h.Rebin(2) ''' storedPlots[sig] = h h.SetMarkerColor(style['col']) h.SetLineColor(style['col']) xaxis = h.GetXaxis() yaxis = h.GetYaxis() xaxis.SetRangeUser(*toPlot[plot]['xrange']) xaxis.SetTitle(toPlot[plot]['xtitle']) yaxis.SetTitle('Frequency') print yaxis.GetXmin(), h.GetMinimum() #yaxis.SetRangeUser(yaxis.GetXmin(), yaxis.GetXmax()*1.1) # increase y range by 10% h.SetMaximum(h.GetMaximum() * 4) h.SetMinimum(1e-3) leg.AddEntry(h, style['leg'], 'lp') myText(0.2, 0.8, '#sqrt{s}=100 TeV', TEXT_SIZE) can.SetLogy(toPlot[plot]['logy']) if counter == 0: h.Draw('hist e2') else: h.Draw('hist e2 same') counter += 1 leg.Draw() can.SaveAs("particleProperties/" + plot + '.pdf') can.SaveAs("particleProperties/" + plot + '.eps') ''' counter = 0 for sig in signals: print type(storedPlots[sig]) if counter == 0: storedPlots[sig].Draw() else: storedPlots[sig].Draw('same') ''' print ''
def main(): trackParameters = ['z0res'] # variableMap.keys() testing tripletSpacings = [20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50] # Layer spacings to consider barrelLayers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Triplet in barrel layer? region = 'triplet' # could be tracker, outer, inner scattering = "withMS" # Make canvas and style newCan = TCanvas('can', 'can', 800, 600) newCan.SetLogy() newCan.SetGrid() #barrelLayers = [1] #tripletSpacings = [50] # make plots for each tracker layout for variable in trackParameters: for layer in barrelLayers: for spacing in tripletSpacings: # open the ROOT File, get the canvas path = RESULTS_PATH + '/results_FCCtriplet_{0}barrel{1}mm/'.format( layer, spacing) fName = "{0}_{1}_{2}_Pt000".format( variable, region, scattering) # Note also can have P000 (for momentum) f = TFile.Open(path + fName + '.root') tempCan = f.Get(fName) # Extract possible momentum values from list of primitives primList = tempCan.GetListOfPrimitives() primNames = [x.GetName() for x in primList] momentumValues = [ float(x.split('_')[-1]) for x in primNames if 'eta' in x ] print momentumValues puGraphs = [] fracGraphs = [] leg = prepareLegend('topRight') leg.SetHeader('Track p_{T} [GeV]') for prim in primList: if is_profile(prim): # For each primitive (TProfile) make two new plots: # One for effective pileup, and another for fraction of tracks unambiguously assigned to the PV # TODO: incorporate timing resolution? # Extract existing plot information mColor = prim.GetMarkerColor() mStyle = prim.GetMarkerStyle() mSize = prim.GetMarkerSize() / 2.0 graphData = extractBinInfo(prim) pprint(graphData) puGraphs.append(TGraphErrors()) puGraphs[-1].SetMarkerColor(mColor) puGraphs[-1].SetMarkerStyle(mStyle) puGraphs[-1].SetMarkerSize(mSize) puGraphs[-1].SetLineColor(mColor) fracGraphs.append(TGraphErrors()) fracGraphs[-1].SetMarkerColor(mColor) fracGraphs[-1].SetMarkerStyle(mStyle) fracGraphs[-1].SetMarkerSize(mSize) fracGraphs[-1].SetLineColor(mColor) trackPt = prim.GetName().split('_')[-1] leg.AddEntry(puGraphs[-1], trackPt, 'lp') counter = 0 for ibin in range(1, prim.GetNbinsX() + 1): resolution = graphData[ibin]['yvalue'] error = graphData[ibin]['error'] eta = graphData[ibin]['xvalue'] effPU = resolution / Z_VERTEX_SPACING effPUerr = error / Z_VERTEX_SPACING puGraphs[-1].SetPoint(ibin, eta, effPU) puGraphs[-1].SetPointError(ibin, 0, effPUerr) try: fracTracks = 1.0 / effPU fracTracksErr = effPUerr fracGraphs[-1].SetPoint( counter, eta, fracTracks) counter += 1 #fracGraphs[-1].SetPointError(ibin, 0, fracTracksErr) except ZeroDivisionError: continue # don't add point if 0 puGraphs[-1].Draw( 'AP' ) # due to the mysteries of ROOTs drawing, one needs to do this first, for no reason fracGraphs[-1].Draw('AP') newCan.SaveAs(prim.GetName() + '.pdf') # declare multigraphs effectivePU = TMultiGraph() fractionTracks = TMultiGraph() # Add graphs to multigraph for g in puGraphs: effectivePU.Add(g, 'p') for g in fracGraphs: fractionTracks.Add(g, 'lp') # Drawing for fraction of tracks plot newCan.SetLogy(0) fractionTracks.SetTitle( 'Fracton of tracks being unambiguously assigned to the PV @95% CL: #sigma_{z}^{Gauss}=75 mm <#mu>=1000; #eta;Fraction' ) fractionTracks.Draw('a') leg.Draw() fractionTracks.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser( 0, 4) # won't be respected since no pointes here. Thanks ROOT newCan.SaveAs('plots/fracTracks_{0}barrel{1}mm.pdf'.format( layer, spacing)) # Drawing for effective pileup plot newCan.SetLogy(1) location = 'L={0}, S={1}'.format(layer, spacing) effectivePU.SetTitle( 'Effective pile-up@ 95% CL: #sigma_{z}^{Gauss}=75 mm <#mu>=1000 ' + location + ';#eta;Effective pile-up') effectivePU.Draw('a') newCan.Update() effectivePU.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 4) effectivePU.Draw('a') leg.Draw() effectivePU.GetHistogram().GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 4) newCan.SaveAs('plots/effPu_{0}barrel{1}mm.pdf'.format( layer, spacing)) f.Close()
def main(): ifile = TFile.Open( '/Users/Will/Documents/fcc/trackerSW/delphes/output_ttbar_mu1000.root') colourDef = Colours() truthTrackPt = ifile.Get('truthTrack100') truthTrackPt.Rebin(REBIN) #truthTrackPt = TH1D('tracks', '', 100, 0, 100) ''' for bin in range(truthTrackPt_1000.GetNbinsX()): if bin > 100: continue truthTrackPt.SetBinContent(bin, truthTrackPt_1000.GetBinContent(bin)) truthTrackPt_1000.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0,200) truthTrackPt_1000.Draw() truthTrackPt.SetLineColor(kGreen) truthTrackPt.Draw('same') can.SaveAs('test.pdf') ''' can = TCanvas('can', 'can', 500, 500) line = TF1('line', '1', 0, 100) line.SetLineColor(kGray) tGraphs = {} leg = prepareLegend('bottomRight', [0.7, 0.15, 0.9, 0.35]) for i in range(0, 6): ptCut = (i + 1) * 5 hName = 'truthTrackPt{0}'.format(ptCut) print hName ptAfterCut = ifile.Get(hName) ptAfterCut.SetLineColor(kRed) ptAfterCut.Rebin(REBIN) can.SetLogy() truthTrackPt.Draw() ptAfterCut.Draw('same') can.SaveAs(OUTPUT_DIR + 'tracksPt{0}.pdf'.format(ptCut)) # to make turn on to TGraphAsymmErrors(numerator, denominator) ratio = TGraphAsymmErrors(ptAfterCut, truthTrackPt) can.SetLogy(0) ratio.Draw('AP') line.Draw('same') xaxis = ratio.GetXaxis() xaxis.SetRangeUser(0, ptCut * 3) xaxis.SetTitle('Truth track p_{T} [GeV]') yaxis = ratio.GetYaxis() yaxis.SetTitle('Efficiency') can.SaveAs(OUTPUT_DIR + 'turnOnPt{0}.pdf'.format(ptCut)) tGraphs[ptCut] = ratio # now draw series of TGraphs ptCuts = [5, 10, 15, 20] colours = [,,, colourDef.purple ] for i, cut in enumerate(ptCuts): gr = tGraphs[cut] gr.SetLineColor(colours[i]) gr.SetMarkerColor(colours[i]) leg.AddEntry(gr, 'p_{T} > ' + str(cut) + ' GeV') if i == 0: gr.Draw('APl') gr.SetMinimum(0) gr.GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 45) line.Draw('same') gr.Draw('Psame') else: gr.Draw('Plsame') leg.Draw() can.SaveAs(OUTPUT_DIR + 'trackTurnOn.pdf')
def main(verbose): branchesToCompare = [ ('TruthTrack', 'TracksFromHit30', 'truth'), ('Track', 'SmearedTracksFromHits', 'smeared'), ('PBMatchedTracks', 'PBMatchedHitTracks', 'PBmatched'), ] plots = ['track1Pt', 'track2Pt', 'track3Pt', 'track4Pt'] for branchPair in branchesToCompare: for plot in plots: can = TCanvas("can" + plot + branchPair[0], "can", 500, 500) rightmargin = 0.1 leftmargin = 0.2 ## Define upper pad upperPad = TPad("upperPad", "upperPad", 0, 0.3, 1, 1) PLOT_MARGINS_WITH_RATIO = (0.125, 0.05, 0.025, 0.1) upperPad.SetMargin(*PLOT_MARGINS_WITH_RATIO) upperPad.Draw() ## Define lower pad lowerPad = TPad("lowerPad", "lowerPad", 0, 0, 1, 0.3) lowerPad.SetTopMargin(0) lowerPad.Draw() PLOT_RATIO_MARGINS = (0.125, 0.05, 0.325, 0.05) lowerPad.SetMargin(*PLOT_RATIO_MARGINS) # general plot settings RATIO_Y_TITLE = 'Ratio' xTitle = plot + ' [GeV]' yTitle = 'Frequency' xRange = [0, 100] # Extract histograms sample = 'mg_pp_hh' pileup = 0 iFileName = '/atlas/data4/userdata/wfawcett/delphes/results/fromLHE/{0}_pu{1}.root'.format( sample, pileup) iFile = TFile.Open(iFileName, "READ") h0 = iFile.Get("{0}_{1}".format(branchPair[0], 'track1Pt')) h1 = iFile.Get("{0}_{1}".format(branchPair[1], 'track1Pt')) REBIN = 2 h0.Rebin(REBIN) h1.Rebin(REBIN) # histogram marker styling h0.SetLineColor(9) h0.SetMarkerStyle(22) h0.SetMarkerColor(9) h1.SetLineColor(2) h1.SetMarkerColor(2) h1.SetMarkerStyle(20) # histogram axis styling x_axis = h0.GetXaxis() y_axis = h0.GetYaxis() x_axis.SetTitle(xTitle) # Get rid of title in case of ratio x_axis.SetLabelOffset(999) x_axis.SetTitleOffset(999) y_axis.SetTitle(yTitle) x_axis.SetRangeUser(xRange[0], xRange[1]) #legend leg = prepareLegend('topRight') leg.AddEntry(h0, branchPair[0], 'lp') leg.AddEntry(h1, branchPair[1], 'lp') # Drawing h0.Draw('hits') h1.Draw('same') leg.Draw() # lower pad ratio = plt.ratio_histogram(h0, h1, RATIO_Y_TITLE) ratio.SetLineColor(1) ratio.SetMarkerColor(1) ratio_y_axis = ratio.GetYaxis() ratio_x_axis = ratio.GetXaxis() ratio_x_axis.SetTitleSize(0.13) PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_TITLE_OFFSET_RATIO = 0.425 ratio_x_axis.SetTitleOffset(PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_TITLE_OFFSET_RATIO) ratio_x_axis.SetLabelOffset(0.01) ratio_x_axis.SetTitleOffset(1) ratio_x_axis.SetLabelSize(0.12) PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SIZE = 0.12 ratio_y_axis.SetTitleSize(PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SIZE) ratio_y_axis.SetLabelSize(PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SIZE) ratio_y_axis.SetTitleOffset(PLOT_RATIO_Y_AXIS_TITLE_OFFSET_RATIO) ratio_y_axis.SetNdivisions(5, 5, 0) ratio_y_axis.SetRangeUser(0.5, 1.5) ratio.Draw() can.SaveAs('branchComparrison/{0}_{1}.pdf'.format( branchPair[2], plot)) '''
def main(verbose): BDTMode = False DeltaKappaMode = not BDTMode #pileups = range(0, 1100, 100) pileups = [100, 200, 1000] spacings = [ "Tracks10", "Tracks20", "Tracks30", "Tracks40", "Tracks50", ] colourMap = { "Tracks10":, "Tracks20":, "Tracks30":, "Tracks40":, "Tracks50": colours.grey } bdtCuts = [ -0.7, -0.6, -0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 ] deltaKappaCuts = range(20, 301, 25) deltaKappaCuts = [ float(x) / 100000.0 for x in range(25, 201, 25) ] # would limit to 301, but already a harsher cut is implemented if BDTMode: cutList = bdtCuts else: cutList = deltaKappaCuts for PILEUP in pileups: can = TCanvas("can" + rand_uuid(), "can", 500, 500) theGraphs = {} leg = prepareLegend("bottomLeft") for spacing in spacings: print 'Drawing for spacing', spacing counter = 0 theGraphs[spacing] = TGraph() theGraphs[spacing].SetMarkerColor(colourMap[spacing]) theGraphs[spacing].SetLineColor(colourMap[spacing]) theGraphs[spacing].SetMaximum(1) theGraphs[spacing].SetMinimum(0.995) theGraphs[spacing].SetMarkerStyle(20) leg.AddEntry(theGraphs[spacing], spacing, 'lp') print "Cut\t<efficiency>\t1-<fake rate>" for cut in cutList: if BDTMode: jFileName = "/atlas/data4/userdata/wfawcett/delphes/results/processedTracks_ROCscan_BDTspecific_{0}/hits_ttbar_pu{1}_multiGeometry.json".format( cut, PILEUP) else: jFileName = "/atlas/data4/userdata/wfawcett/delphes/results/processedTracks_ROCscan_deltaKappa_{0}/hits_ttbar_pu{1}_multiGeometry.json".format( cut, PILEUP) #print 'reading', jFileName # load json file with open(jFileName) as data_file: trackDict = json.load(data_file) # want to plot efficiency and fake rejection for tracks with pT > 2 trackInfo = trackDict[spacing] # number of tracks surviving nFakesPt2 = float(trackInfo["FakeSurviving"]["Pt2"]) nTruesPt2 = float(trackInfo["TrueSurviving"]["Pt2"]) # fake rate is the fraction of (surviving) tracks that are fakes averageFakeRate = nFakesPt2 / (nFakesPt2 + nTruesPt2) # Average efficiency is fraction of true tracks surviving nTrueOriginalPt2 = float(trackInfo["TrueOriginal"]["Pt2"]) averageEfficiency = nTruesPt2 / nTrueOriginalPt2 print '{0} \t {1:.4f} \t {2:.4f}'.format( cut, averageEfficiency, 1 - averageFakeRate) theGraphs[spacing].SetPoint(counter, averageEfficiency, 1 - averageFakeRate) counter += 1 #___________________________________________________________ mg = TMultiGraph() for spacing in spacings: mg.Add(theGraphs[spacing], 'lp') if BDTMode: mg.SetTitle( "BDT pileup={0};Average efficiency;1 - Fake Rate".format( PILEUP)) if DeltaKappaMode: mg.SetTitle( "|#Delta#kappa| pileup={0};Average efficiency;1 - Fake Rate". format(PILEUP)) mg.Draw('a') leg.Draw() if BDTMode: can.SaveAs("BDT_ROC_pu{0}.pdf".format(PILEUP)) if DeltaKappaMode: can.SaveAs("Dk_ROC_pu{0}.pdf".format(PILEUP))