예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.subweight_shapes = [
         (16 ,  1     , 5, 5), 
         (16 , 16     , 5, 5),
         (16 , 4*4*16       ), 
         (10 , 16           )
     self.subweight_offsets = [
         sum(prod(shape) for shape in self.subweight_shapes[:depth])
         for depth in range(len(self.subweight_shapes)+1) 
     self.subweight_scales = [
         (shape[0] + prod(shape[1:]))**(-0.5)
         for shape in self.subweight_shapes
     self.weights = torch.cat([
         torch.randn(prod(shape), requires_grad=True)
         for shape in self.subweight_shapes 
     self.get_subweight = lambda depth: ( 
         self.subweight_scales[depth] * 
예제 #2
def compute():
    Start in the top left corner of the matrix
    Go from left to right and (if possible) check 
    products down, right, and diagonally (left and right)
    We don't need to check left, since the right product
    will catch all products which would be caught with
    filename = "p011.txt"
    # convert to list of lists
    with open(filename) as f:
        matrix = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in f]
        max_p = 0
    for r in range(len(matrix) - 4):
        for c in range(len(matrix)):
            down = prod((matrix[r - i][c] for i in range(4)))
            if c >= 3:
                left_diag = prod((matrix[r + i][c - i] for i in range(4)))
            if c <= 16:
                right = prod((matrix[r][c + i] for i in range(4)))
                right_diag = prod((matrix[r + i][c + i] for i in range(4)))
            if c >= 3 and c <= 16:
                m = max((down, left_diag, right, right_diag))
            elif c < 3:
                m = max((down, right, right_diag))
            elif c > 16:
                m = max((down, left_diag))
            if m > max_p:
                max_p = m
    return max_p
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, observations_shape, action_shape):
        super(DQN, self).__init__()
        self.linearised = prod(observations_shape) + prod(action_shape)

        self.lin1 = nn.Linear(self.linearised, self.linearised // 3)
        self.lin2 = nn.Linear(self.linearised // 3, self.linearised // 2)
        self.lin3 = nn.Linear(self.linearised // 2, prod(action_shape))
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, observation_shape, action_shape):
        super(PolicyNet, self).__init__()

        # Calculates the dimension of the shape
        observation_shape = prod(observation_shape)

        self.lin1 = nn.Linear(observation_shape, observation_shape // 3)
        self.lin2 = nn.Linear(observation_shape // 3, observation_shape // 2)
        self.lin3 = nn.Linear(observation_shape // 2, prod(action_shape))
예제 #5
def Dkl(matrix, nu, lamb):
    p_matrix = [normalize([exp(-lamb * ep) for ep in eps]) for eps in matrix]
    term0 = nu * prod(
        sum(exp(ep) * p for ep, p in zip(eps, p_eps))
        for eps, p_eps in zip(matrix, p_matrix))
    term1 = lamb * prod(
        sum(ep * p for ep, p in zip(eps, p_eps))
        for eps, p_eps in zip(matrix, p_matrix))
    L = len(matrix)
    term2 = -log(Zb_from_matrix(matrix, 4**L))
    return term0 + term1 + term2
예제 #6
파일: singh_man.py 프로젝트: namch29/dca
 def __init__(self, pp, logger, frepshape):
     Manual gradients
     self.name = "SinghNet"
     self.grid_inp = pp['singh_grid']
     self.frepshape = frepshape
     if self.grid_inp:
         self.wdim = prod(frepshape) + prod([7, 7, 2 * pp['n_channels']])
         self.wdim = prod(frepshape)
     super().__init__(name=self.name, pp=pp, logger=logger)
def counts_to_cols(counts):
    """return numer of cols associated given counts"""
    N = sum(counts)
    # all_cols = 4**N
    metacounts = Counter(counts)
    counts_to_bases = fac(4) / prod(
        fac(multiplicity) for multiplicity in metacounts.values())
    if N <= 170:
        bases_to_pos = fac(N) / prod(fac(count) for count in counts)
        #print "Warning: possible numerical issues in counts_to_cols"
        bases_to_pos = round(
            exp(log_fac(N) - sum(log_fac(count) for count in counts)))
    return counts_to_bases * bases_to_pos
예제 #8
def crt(xs, ps):
	Given list ps of coprime residues, and list xs where xs[i] is a residue
	mod ps[i], find z (mod prod(ps)) such that z = xs[i] mod ps[i] over all i.
    from utils import prod

    if len(xs) != len(ps):
        raise ValueError(
         'Number of residues different from number of moduli: ' + \
         str(len(xs)) + ', ' + str(len(ps))

        if len(ps) == 1:
            return xs[0] % ps[0]

    if gcd(*ps) != 1: raise ValueError('Moduli not coprime: ' + str(ps))

    n = len(xs)

    # Formally, z lives in Z/PZ.
    P = prod(ps)
    Ns = [P // ps[i] for i in range(n)]

    z = 0
    for (x, p, N) in zip(xs, ps, Ns):
        # rN = 1 mod p
        r = modinv(N, p)
        # if r == None : raise ValueError('ps not coprime: ' + str(ps))

        # By construction, rNx = x mod p and, of course, rNx = 0 mod N
        # which implies rNx = 0 mod p' for all p' != p.
        z += r * N * x

    return z % P
예제 #9
파일: dlogs.py 프로젝트: t-ye/pysha3
def pohlighellman(g: int, p: int, t: int, qfactors: list):
    from ntheory import crt
    from utils import prod

    q = prod(qfactors)
    # Impose an order on factors.
    qfactors = list(qfactors)
    _dlog_check_params(g, p, t, q)

    # Raising g/t to q//qfactor projects g/t to the subgroup of <g> of order
    # qfactor.
    gprojs = [pow(g, q // qfactor, p) for qfactor in qfactors]
    tprojs = [pow(t, q // qfactor, p) for qfactor in qfactors]

    # Choose underlying discrete logarithm algorithm.
    DLOG = babygiantstep

    # Solve dlog_gproj(tproj) = x[i] = x mod qfactor.
    xs = [
        DLOG(gproj, p, tproj, qfactor)
        for (gproj, tproj, qfactor) in zip(gprojs, tprojs, qfactors)

    # <g> is isomorphic to (Z/q, +).
    return crt(xs, qfactors)
예제 #10
파일: models.py 프로젝트: e259f381/RTG
    def __init__(self, output_dims, hidden_features=128):
        :param output_dims: (c,h,w)
        :param hidden_features:

        initial_dims = (64, math.ceil(
            (output_dims[1] + 2) / 8), math.ceil((output_dims[2] + 2) / 8))
        super().__init__(output_dims, initial_dims, hidden_features)

        self.fc = nn.Linear(self.hidden_features,
        self.deconv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(64,
        self.deconv2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(64,
        self.deconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(32,

        print(f" -created default decoder, initial dims {self.initial_dims}")
def fitness(matrix,motif,G):
    """multiplicative fitness of occupancy over all sites"""
    eps = [score_seq(matrix,site) for site in motif]
    fgs = [exp(-ep) for ep in eps]
    Zb = Zb_from_matrix(matrix,G)
    Z = sum(fgs) + Zb
    return prod(fg/Z for fg in fgs)
예제 #12
def fitness(matrix, motif, mu, Ne):
    nu = Ne - 1

    def phat(s):
        ep = score_seq(matrix, s)
        return (1 + exp(ep - mu))**(-nu)

    return prod(map(phat, motif))
예제 #13
파일: newp.py 프로젝트: tjwei/mental_poker
 def Check_Secrets_B(yzw, B_history):
     D0, g0 = B_history[-1]
     if n > 0:
         D, g = B_history[n-1]                        
         Y = prod(yzw[n2][0] for n2 in range(n))
         Z = prod(yzw[n2][1] for n2 in range(n))
         W = [sum(yzw[n2][2][m] for n2 in range(n)) for m in range(M)]
         assert g == g0**Y
         assert all(star((Y,Z,W[m]), D0[m]) == D[m] for m in range(M) )
     Y = prod(yzw[n2][0] for n2 in range(N))
     Z = prod(yzw[n2][1] for n2 in range(N))
     W = [sum(yzw[n2][2][m] for n2 in range(N)) for m in range(M)]
     if n < N-1:
         D, g = B_history[N-1]            
         assert g == g0**Y
         assert all(star((Y,Z,W[m]), D0[m]) == D[m] for m in range(M) )
     return Z
예제 #14
파일: dlogs.py 프로젝트: t-ye/pysha3
def partial_pohlighellman(g, p, t, qfactors, B) :
	from utils import prod

	q = prod(qfactors)

	# Find the smooth part of q: z.
	smoothfactors = {q_**e for q_,e in qfactors.items() if q_**e <= B}
	z = prod(smoothfactors)

	# Do Pohlig-Hellman on the projection of g down to Z/zZ, so that we find a
	# relation V = x mod z. If x < z, then V = x mod n too; otherwise, x = Az +
	# V for some A to be determined.
	V = pohlighellman(pow(g, q//z, p) , p, pow(t, q//z, p), smoothfactors)

	# Hope V = x mod n.
	return V
예제 #15
파일: dlogs.py 프로젝트: t-ye/pysha3
	def q(self) :
		from ntheory import order
		if self._q == None :
			if self._qfactors != None :
				from utils import prod
				self._q = prod(r**e for r,e in self._qfactors.items())
			else :
				self._q = order(self.g, self.p)
		return self._q
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.alpha = self.pp['alpha']
     self.alpha_decay = self.pp['alpha_decay']
     # State-action pair numbers
     self.d = prod(self.dims)
     self.qvals = np.zeros(self.d)
     self.sa_nums = np.arange(self.d).reshape(self.dims)
     self.azap = np.zeros((self.d, self.d))
예제 #17
    def load(self, fpath):
        from exprparser import parse

        with open(os.path.join(config.input_directory, fpath), "rb") as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            lines = skip_comment_cells(strip_rows(reader))
            header = lines.next()
            self.expressions = [parse(s, autovariables=True) for s in header]
            table = []
            for line in lines:
                if any(value == "" for value in line):
                    raise Exception("empty cell found in %s" % fpath)
                table.append([eval(value) for value in line])
        ndim = len(header)
        unique_last_d, dupe_last_d = unique_duplicate(table.pop(0))
        if dupe_last_d:
                "Duplicate column header value(s) (for '%s') in '%s': %s"
                % (header[-1], fpath, ", ".join(str(v) for v in dupe_last_d))
            raise Exception(
                "bad alignment data in '%s': found %d " "duplicate column header value(s)" % (fpath, len(dupe_last_d))

        # strip the ndim-1 first columns
        headers = [[line.pop(0) for line in table] for _ in range(ndim - 1)]

        possible_values = [list(unique(values)) for values in headers]
        if ndim > 1:
            # having duplicate values is normal when there are more than 2
            # dimensions but we need to test whether there are duplicates of
            # combinations.
            dupe_combos = list(duplicates(zip(*headers)))
            if dupe_combos:
                print("Duplicate row header value(s) in '%s':" % fpath)
                raise Exception(
                    "bad alignment data in '%s': found %d " "duplicate row header value(s)" % (fpath, len(dupe_combos))

        self.possible_values = possible_values
        self.probabilities = list(chain.from_iterable(table))
        num_possible_values = prod(len(values) for values in possible_values)
        if len(self.probabilities) != num_possible_values:
            raise Exception(
                "incoherent alignment data in '%s': %d data cells "
                "found while it should be %d based on the number "
                "of possible values in headers (%s)"
                % (
                    " * ".join(str(len(values)) for values in possible_values),
예제 #18
def solution(entries: Iterator[int], number_of_combinations: int):
    combinations_of_numbers: Iterator[Tuple[int, ...]] = combinations(
        entries, number_of_combinations)
    sum_of_combinations: Iterator[Tuple[int, int]] = map(
        lambda x: (sum(x), prod(x)), combinations_of_numbers)
    find_solution: Iterator[Tuple[int,
                                  int]] = dropwhile(lambda x: x[0] != 2020,
    result = next(find_solution)
    return result[1]
예제 #19
파일: mcmc.py 프로젝트: clarle/phylo-mcmc
    def calc_mutation_prob(self, seq1, seq2, t):
        freqs = calc_nuc_sites(seq1, seq2)
        mutate_probs = []

        for change in freqs:
            start_nuc = change[0]
            end_nuc = change[1]
            prob = self.model.matrix[start_nuc][end_nuc](t)

        return prod(mutate_probs)
예제 #20
파일: td_als.py 프로젝트: anapophenic/knb
def khatri_rao(As):
    k = np.shape(As[0])[1]
    total_dims = ut.prod([np.shape(A)[0] for A in As])
    B = np.zeros((total_dims, k))

    for i in range(k):
        b = np.ones(1);
        for A in As:
            b = np.kron(b, A[:,i])
        B[:,i] = b

    return B
예제 #21
파일: dlogs.py 프로젝트: t-ye/pysha3
def partial_pohlighellman(g: int, p: int, t: int, qfactors: list, B: int):
	Solve the discrete logarithm problem for target t to base g, when both are
	projected down to the maximal subgroup of <g> which has B-smooth order.
    from utils import prod

    q = prod(qfactors)

    # Find the smooth part of q: z.
    # smoothfactors = {q_**e for q_,e in qfactors.items() if q_**e <= B}
    smoothfactors = [qfactor for qfactor in qfactors if qfactor <= B]
    z = prod(smoothfactors)

    # Do Pohlig-Hellman on the projection of g down to Z/zZ, so that we find a
    # relation V = x mod z. If x < z, then V = x mod n too; otherwise, x = Az +
    # V for some A to be determined.
    V = pohlighellman(pow(g, q // z, p), p, pow(t, q // z, p), smoothfactors)

    # Hope V = x mod n.
    return V
예제 #22
def solve2():
    """Solve second puzzle"""
    cave_map = np.array(input(convert_fn=lambda r: [int(c) for c in r]))
    # 4 connected components
    kernel = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]])
    # use connected components labeling detection
    labels, ncomp = label(cave_map != 9, kernel)
    basins = []
    for n in range(1, ncomp + 1):
        basins.append(np.count_nonzero(labels == n))

    return prod((sorted(basins, reverse=True)[:3]))
예제 #23
파일: models.py 프로젝트: e259f381/RTG
    def __init__(self, input_dims, out_features=128):
        :param input_dims: intended dims of input, excluding batch size (height, width, channels)
        super().__init__(input_dims, out_features)

        self.final_dims = (64, self.input_dims[1] // 2 // 2 // 2,
                           self.input_dims[2] // 2 // 2 // 2)

        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(self.input_dims[0], 32, kernel_size=3)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

        if out_features is None:
            # setting out_features to none removes the final layer
            print("  (final linear layer is disabled)")
            self.fc = nn.Identity()
            self.out_features = utils.prod(self.final_dims)
            self.fc = nn.Linear(utils.prod(self.final_dims), self.out_features)

        print(f" -created default encoder, final dims {self.final_dims}")
예제 #24
    def build(self):
        self.frep = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, self.frepshape, "feature_reps")
        self.reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [], "rewards")
        self.avg_reward = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [], "avg_reward")
        self.prob_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [1], "act_prob")
        self.act_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [1], "act")

        frep = tf.cast(scale_freps(self.frep), tf.float32)
        if self.grid_inp:
            gridshape = [None, self.rows, self.cols, self.n_channels * 2]
            wdim = prod(self.frepshape[1:]) + prod(gridshape[1:])
            self.grid = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, gridshape, "grid")
            grid = tf.cast(self.grid, tf.float32)
            net_inp = tf.concat([grid, frep], axis=3)
            wdim = prod(self.frepshape[1:])  # Number of parameters in neural net
            net_inp = frep

        net_inp_rv = tf.layers.flatten(net_inp)  # x_t  Row vector
        net_inp_cv = tf.transpose(net_inp_rv)  # Col vector

        hidden = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(wdim, 1)), name="dense")
        dense = tf.matmul(net_inp_rv, hidden)
        self.prob = tf.nn.sigmoid(dense)
        bernoulli = tf.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=self.prob)
        self.act = bernoulli.sample()

        grads = -(self.reward - self.avg_reward) * (
            tf.cast(self.act_ph, tf.float32) - self.prob_ph) * net_inp_cv

        grads_and_vars = [(grads, hidden)]
        trainer, self.lr, global_step = build_default_trainer(
        self.do_train = trainer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=global_step)

        return None, None
예제 #25
 def get_adjacent_sums(x, y):
     """returns the largest adjacent sum given grid coordinates"""
     return c(x, y) * max(
         prod((c(x + 1, y), c(x + 2, y), c(x + 3, y))),  # east
         prod((c(x - 1, y), c(x - 2, y), c(x - 3, y))),  # west
         prod((c(x, y - 1), c(x, y - 2), c(x, y - 3))),  # north
         prod((c(x, y + 1), c(x, y + 2), c(x, y + 3))),  # south
         prod((c(x - 1, y - 1), c(x - 2, y - 2), c(x - 3, y - 3))),
         prod((c(x + 1, y - 1), c(x + 2, y - 2), c(x + 3, y - 3))),
         prod((c(x - 1, y + 1), c(x - 2, y + 2), c(x - 3, y + 3))),
         prod((c(x + 1, y + 1), c(x + 2, y + 2), c(x + 3, y + 3))),
예제 #26
def get_topk_percent(tensor, top_k_percent_pixels):
    Returns the top_k pixels of a tensor.
    Similar to
        tensor: At least 2D.
        top_k_percent_pixels (float): percent of pixels we want to return (between 0 and 1)
    assert len(tensor.shape) >= 2
    num_pixels = prod(tensor[0].shape)
    top_k_pixels = int(top_k_percent_pixels * num_pixels)
    tensor = tensor.view(tensor.shape[0], -1)
    return tensor.topk(top_k_pixels)
예제 #27
파일: kernels.py 프로젝트: teboli/CPCR
def compute_inverse_filter_basic_fft(ker, eps, ps):
    ft (nks, ps, ps)
    nks = ker.shape[0]
    device = ker.device
    inv_ker = []
    for n in range(nks):
        K = psf2otf(ker[n], (ps, ps))
        D = utils.conj(K) / (
            utils.prod(utils.conj(K), K).sum(-1, keepdim=True) + eps)
        d = otf2psf(D, (ps, ps))
    inv_ker = torch.cat(inv_ker)
    return inv_ker
예제 #28
def partial_pohlighellman(g, p, t, qfactors, B) :
	from utils import prod
	# from ntheory import modinv
	# from sage.all import Integers, factor

	# Get information about <g> as a subgroup of Z/pZ.
	#R = Integers(p)
	#g = R(g)
	#n = g.order()
	q = prod(qfactors)

	# Find the smooth part of q, z.
	# fs = dict(factor(n))
	smoothfactors = {q_**e for q_,e in qfactors.items() if q_**e <= B}
	z = prod(smoothfactors)

	# Do Pohlig-Hellman on the projection of g down to Z/zZ, so that we find a
	# relation V = x mod z. If x < z, then V = x mod n too; otherwise, x = Az +
	# V for some A to be determined.
	V = pohlighellman(pow(g, q//z, p) , p, pow(t, q//z, p), smoothfactors)

	# Hope V = x mod n.
	return V
예제 #29
파일: models.py 프로젝트: e259f381/RTG
    def __init__(self, input_dims, out_features=128):
        :param input_dims: intended dims of input, excluding batch size (height, width, channels)
        super().__init__(input_dims, out_features)

        self.final_dims = (64, self.input_dims[1] // 6,
                           self.input_dims[2] // 6)

        # based on nature

        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(self.input_dims[0], 32, kernel_size=3, stride=3)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(32, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(utils.prod(self.final_dims), self.out_features)

        print(f" -created fast encoder, final dims {self.final_dims}")
예제 #30
def generate_p_ch_cartesian(ms):
    ranges = [range(m) for m in ms]
    cp = list(itertools.product(*ranges))
    ps = [generate_p(m) for m in ms]
    r = len(ms)
    m = ut.prod(ms)

    p_ch = np.zeros((r, m));

    print cp

    i = 0;
    for tuples in cp:
        for c in range(r):
            p_ch[c,i] = ps[c][tuples[c]];
        i += 1

    return p_ch
예제 #31
파일: newp.py 프로젝트: tjwei/mental_poker
 def Check_Secrets_B0(uv, alpha_beta):
     if n > 0:
         u = [sum(uv[n2][0][k] for n2 in range(n)) for k in range(K)]
         v = [sum(uv[n2][1][k] for n2 in range(n)) for k in range(K)]            
         a, b = prod(f0[k]**u[k] for k in range(K)), prod(f0[k]**v[k] for k in range(K))
         assert prod(alpha_beta[n2][0] for n2 in range(n)) == a
         assert prod(alpha_beta[n2][1] for n2 in range(n)) == b            
     u = [sum(uv[n2][0][k] for n2 in range(N)) for k in range(K)]
     v = [sum(uv[n2][1][k] for n2 in range(N)) for k in range(K)]    
     if n < N-1:
         a, b = prod(f0[k]**u[k] for k in range(K)), prod(f0[k]**v[k] for k in range(K))
         assert delta == (a,b)            
     return u, v
예제 #32
def solve_second():
    def n_combinations(x):
        if x == 2:
            return 2
        if x == 3:
            return 4
            return n_combinations(x - 1) * 2 - 1

    input_data = prepare_data()
    j_diff = [
        input_data[i + 1] - input_data[i] for i in range(len(input_data) - 1)
    j_diff.insert(0, 3)
    # convert array of differences into string
    diff_str = "".join([str(x) for x in j_diff])
    # extract the 1-difference fields
    one_counts = re.compile('(?=3(1{2,})3)').findall(diff_str)
    return prod([n_combinations(len(c)) for c in one_counts])
예제 #33
def build_conv(arch, img_width, stack=3):
    if arch == "ilya":
        # architecture used in https://github.com/ikostrikov/pytorch-a2c-ppo-acktr-gail
        # by Ilya Kostrikov
        conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.Conv2d(stack * 3, 32, 8, stride=4),
            nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 4, stride=2),
            nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 3),

    elif arch == "ilya_bn":
        conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.BatchNorm2d(stack * 3),
            nn.Conv2d(stack * 3, 32, 8, stride=4),
            nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 4, stride=2),
            nn.Conv2d(32, 32, 3),

    elif arch == "impala":
        conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.Conv2d(stack * 3, 16, 8, stride=4),
            nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 4, stride=2),

    elif arch == "impala_bn":
        conv_layers = nn.ModuleList([
            nn.BatchNorm2d(stack * 3),
            nn.Conv2d(stack * 3, 16, 8, stride=4),
            nn.Conv2d(16, 32, 4, stride=2),

    conv_output_dim = utils.prod(
        utils.conv_list_out_dim(conv_layers, img_width, img_width))
    return conv_layers, conv_output_dim
예제 #34
def euler8():
    s = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934" +\
    "96983520312774506326239578318016984801869478851843" +\
    "85861560789112949495459501737958331952853208805511" +\
    "12540698747158523863050715693290963295227443043557" +\
    "66896648950445244523161731856403098711121722383113" +\
    "62229893423380308135336276614282806444486645238749" +\
    "30358907296290491560440772390713810515859307960866" +\
    "70172427121883998797908792274921901699720888093776" +\
    "65727333001053367881220235421809751254540594752243" +\
    "52584907711670556013604839586446706324415722155397" +\
    "53697817977846174064955149290862569321978468622482" +\
    "83972241375657056057490261407972968652414535100474" +\
    "82166370484403199890008895243450658541227588666881" +\
    "16427171479924442928230863465674813919123162824586" +\
    "17866458359124566529476545682848912883142607690042" +\
    "24219022671055626321111109370544217506941658960408" +\
    "07198403850962455444362981230987879927244284909188" +\
    "84580156166097919133875499200524063689912560717606" +\
    "05886116467109405077541002256983155200055935729725" +\
    #convert to digits
    s = [int(i) for i in s]
    return max([prod(x) for x in window(s, 5)])
예제 #35
파일: newp.py 프로젝트: tjwei/mental_poker
 def Wrap_B0():        
     _u, _v = [H.random_index() for k in range(K)], [H.random_index() for k in range(K)]
     a, b = prod(f0[k]**_u[k] for k in range(K)), prod(f0[k]**_v[k] for k in range(K))        
     alpha_beta = [broadcast((a, b)) if n==n2 else recv(n2) for n2 in range(N)]
     delta = (prod(x[0] for x in alpha_beta), prod(x[1] for x in alpha_beta))        
     return delta, _u, _v, alpha_beta
예제 #36
    L = len(matrix)
    sites = [random_site(L) for _ in xrange(trials)]
    mean_ZS = mean(exp(log_fhat((matrix, mu, Ne), [site])) for site in sites)
    log_ZS = L*log(4) + log(mean_ZS)
    return log_ZS

def log_ZM_empirical((matrix, mu, Ne), N, trials=1000):
    log_ZS = log_ZS_empirical((matrix, mu, Ne),  trials=trials)
    return N * log_ZS

def log_ZM_empirical_ref((matrix, mu, Ne), N, trials=1000):
    L = len(matrix)
    acc = 0
    for i in xrange(trials):
        eps = [score_seq(matrix, random_site(L)) for _ in range(N)]
        acc += prod(1.0/(1+exp(ep-mu))**(Ne-1) for ep in eps)
    est_mean = acc / trials
    log_Zs = N*L*log(4) + log(est_mean)
    return log_Zs

def log_ZM_empirical_ref2(theta, N, trials=1000):
    L = len(theta[0])
    lfhs = [log_fhat(theta, random_motif(L, N)) for _ in xrange(trials)]
    return N*L * log(4) + logsum(lfhs) - log(trials)
def log_ZM_empirical_ref3(theta, N,trials=1000):
    L = len(theta[0])
    lfhs = [log_fhat(theta, random_motif(L, 1)) for _ in xrange(trials)]
    log_avg = logsum(lfhs) - log(trials)
    log_ZS = L*log(4) + log_avg
    log_ZM = N * log_ZS
예제 #37
def align_get_indices_nd(
    assert len(expressions) == len(possible_values)

    if filter_value is not None:
        num_to_align = np.sum(filter_value)
        num_to_align = context_length(context)

    # TODO: allow any temporal variable
    if "period" in [str(e) for e in expressions]:
        period = context["period"]
        expressions, possible_values, probabilities = extract_period(
            period, expressions, possible_values, probabilities

    if expressions:
        assert len(probabilities) == prod(len(pv) for pv in possible_values)

        # retrieve the columns we need to work with
        columns = [expr_eval(expr, context) for expr in expressions]
        if filter_value is not None:
            groups = partition_nd(columns, filter_value, possible_values)
            groups = partition_nd(columns, True, possible_values)
        if filter_value is not None:
            groups = [filter_value.nonzero()[0]]
            groups = [np.arange(num_to_align)]
        assert len(probabilities) == 1

    # the sum is not necessarily equal to len(a), because some individuals
    # might not fit in any group (eg if some alignment data is missing)
    num_aligned = sum(len(g) for g in groups)
    if num_aligned < num_to_align:
        if filter_value is not None:
            to_align = set(filter_value.nonzero()[0])
            to_align = set(xrange(num_to_align))
        aligned = set()
        for member_indices in groups:
            aligned |= set(member_indices)
        unaligned = to_align - aligned
        print("Warning: %d individual(s) do not fit in any alignment category" % len(unaligned))
            PrettyTable([["id"] + expressions] + [[col[row] for col in [context["id"]] + columns] for row in unaligned])

    if filter_value is not None:
        bool_filter_value = filter_value.copy()
        bool_filter_value = True

    maybe_filter = bool_filter_value
    if take_filter is not None:
        # XXX: I wonder if users would prefer if filter_value was taken into
        # account or not. This only impacts what it displayed on the console,
        # but still...
        take = np.sum(take_filter)
        take_indices = (take_filter & bool_filter_value).nonzero()[0]
        maybe_filter &= ~take_filter
        take = 0
        take_indices = None

    if leave_filter is not None:
        leave = np.sum(leave_filter)
        maybe_filter &= ~leave_filter
        leave = 0

    if take_filter is not None or leave_filter is not None:
        maybe_indices = maybe_filter.nonzero()[0]
        maybe_indices = None

    total_underflow = 0
    total_overflow = 0
    total_affected = 0
    total_indices = []
    to_split_indices = []
    to_split_overflow = []
    for group_idx, members_indices, probability in izip(count(), groups, probabilities):
        if len(members_indices):
            if weights is None:
                expected = len(members_indices) * probability
                expected = np.sum(weights[members_indices]) * probability
            affected = int(expected)
            if past_error is not None:
                group_overflow = past_error[group_idx]
                if group_overflow != 0:
                    affected -= group_overflow
                past_error[group_idx] = 0

            if random.random() < expected - affected:
                affected += 1
            total_affected += affected

            if take_indices is not None:
                group_always = np.intersect1d(members_indices, take_indices, assume_unique=True)
                if weights is None:
                    num_always = len(group_always)
                    num_always = np.sum(weights[group_always])
                num_always = 0
            #            pdb.set_trace()
            if affected > num_always:
                if maybe_indices is not None:
                    group_maybe_indices = np.intersect1d(members_indices, maybe_indices, assume_unique=True)
                    group_maybe_indices = members_indices
                if isinstance(score, np.ndarray):
                    maybe_members_rank_value = score[group_maybe_indices]
                    if method == "default":
                        sorted_local_indices = np.argsort(maybe_members_rank_value)
                        sorted_global_indices = group_maybe_indices[sorted_local_indices]
                    elif method == "walk":
                        sorted_local_indices = np.random.permutation(group_maybe_indices)
                        sorted_global_indices = group_maybe_indices[sorted_local_indices]
                        raise Exception("If not default, method option should be walk")

                    assert isinstance(score, (bool, int, float))
                    # if the score expression is a constant, we don't need to
                    # sort indices. In that case, the alignment will take
                    # the last individuals created first (highest id).
                    sorted_global_indices = group_maybe_indices

                # maybe_to_take is always > 0
                maybe_to_take = affected - num_always
                if method == "default":
                    if weights is None:
                        # take the last X individuals (ie those with the highest
                        # score)
                        indices_to_take = sorted_global_indices[-maybe_to_take:]
                        maybe_weights = weights[sorted_global_indices]

                        # we need to invert the order because members are sorted
                        # on score ascendingly and we need to take those with
                        # highest score.

                        weight_sums = np.cumsum(maybe_weights[::-1])
                        threshold_idx = np.searchsorted(weight_sums, maybe_to_take)
                        if threshold_idx < len(weight_sums):
                            num_to_take = threshold_idx + 1
                            # if there is enough weight to reach "maybe_to_take"
                            overflow = weight_sums[threshold_idx] - maybe_to_take
                            if overflow > 0:
                                # the next individual has too much weight, so we
                                # need to split it.
                                id_to_split = sorted_global_indices[threshold_idx]
                                past_error[group_idx] = overflow
                                # we got exactly the number we wanted
                                assert overflow == 0
                            # we can't reach our target number of individuals
                            # (probably because of a "leave" filter), so we
                            # take all the ones we have
                            # XXX: should we add *this* underflow to the past_error
                            # too? It would probably accumulate!
                            num_to_take = len(weight_sums)
                        indices_to_take = sorted_global_indices[-num_to_take:]
                if method == "walk":
                    # U draws a random number and then makes mybe_to_take step of length 1
                    U = random.random() + np.arange(min(maybe_to_take, len(sorted_global_indices)))
                    # if the weoghted case maybe_to_take should be bigger than len(sorted_global_indices,
                    # we limit to a vector of size len(sorted_global_indices), and we cut later to have the goo
                    # weighted value the last indice should then occurs many times at the end of infices_to_take

                    # on the random sample, score are cumulated and then, we extract indices
                    # of each value before each value of U
                    indices_to_take = np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(score[sorted_local_indices]), U)
                    indices_to_take = sorted_local_indices[indices_to_take]
                    # we apply the same sidewalke method and keeping
                    # on peut donc enlever ça, si on ne fait plus de weight
                    if weights is not None:
                        # TODO: test that case
                        maybe_weights = weights[indices_to_take]
                        weight_sums = np.cumsum(maybe_weights[::-1])
                        threshold_idx = np.searchsorted(weight_sums, maybe_to_take)
                        indices_to_take = indices_to_take[: (threshold_idx + 1)]

                underflow = maybe_to_take - len(indices_to_take)
                if underflow > 0:
                    total_underflow += underflow
            elif affected < num_always:
                total_overflow += num_always - affected
    # this assertion is only valid in the non weighted case
    #    assert len(total_indices) == \
    #           total_affected + total_overflow - total_underflow
    print(" %d/%d" % (len(total_indices), num_aligned), end=" ")
    if (take_filter is not None) or (leave_filter is not None):
        print("[take %d, leave %d]" % (take, leave), end=" ")
    if total_underflow:
        print("UNDERFLOW: %d" % total_underflow, end=" ")
    if total_overflow:
        print("OVERFLOW: %d" % total_overflow, end=" ")

    if to_split_indices:
        return total_indices, (to_split_indices, to_split_overflow)
        return total_indices, None
예제 #38
    def evaluate(self, context):
        expressions = self.expressions
        columns = [expr_eval(e, context) for e in expressions]
        if self.filter is not None:
            filter_value = expr_eval(self.filter, context)
            # TODO: make a function out of this, I think we have this pattern
            # in several places
            filtered_columns = [
                col[filter_value] if isinstance(col, np.ndarray) and col.shape else [col] for col in columns
            filtered_columns = columns

        possible_values = [np.unique(col) for col in filtered_columns]
        groups = partition_nd(filtered_columns, True, possible_values)

        # TODO: use group_indices_nd directly to avoid using np.unique
        # this is twice as fast (unique is very slow) but breaks because
        # the rest of the code assumes all combinations are present
        #        if self.filter is not None:
        #            filter_value = expr_eval(self.filter, context)
        #        else:
        #            filter_value = True
        #        d = group_indices_nd(columns, filter_value)
        #        pvalues = sorted(d.keys())
        #        ndim = len(columns)
        #        possible_values = [[pv[i] for pv in pvalues]
        #                           for i in range(ndim)]
        #        groups = [d[k] for k in pvalues]

        # groups is a (flat) list of list.
        # the first variable is the outer-most "loop",
        # the last one the inner most.

        # add total for each row
        folded_exprs = len(expressions) - 1
        len_pvalues = [len(vals) for vals in possible_values]
        width = len_pvalues[-1]
        height = prod(len_pvalues[:-1])

        def xy_to_idx(x, y):
            # divide by the prod of possible values of expressions to its
            # right, mod by its own number of possible values
            offsets = [(y / prod(len_pvalues[v + 1 : folded_exprs])) % len_pvalues[v] for v in range(folded_exprs)]
            return sum(v * prod(len_pvalues[i + 1 :]) for i, v in enumerate(offsets)) + x

        groups_wh_totals = []
        for y in range(height):
            line_indices = []
            for x in range(width):
                member_indices = groups[xy_to_idx(x, y)]

        # width just increased because of totals
        width += 1

        # add total for each column (including the "total per row" one)
        for x in range(width):
            column_indices = []
            for y in range(height):
                column_indices.extend(groups_wh_totals[y * width + x])

        # evaluate the expression on each group
        expr = self.expr
        used_variables = expr.collect_variables(context)

        data = []
        for member_indices in groups_wh_totals:
            local_context = context_subset(context, member_indices, used_variables)
            data.append(expr_eval(expr, local_context))

        if self.percent:
            # convert to np.float64 to get +-inf if total_value is int(0)
            # instead of Python's built-in behavior of raising an exception.
            # This can happen at least when using the default expr (grpcount())
            # and the filter yields empty groups
            total_value = np.float64(data[-1])
            data = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in data]

        #        if self.by or self.percent:
        #            if self.percent:
        #                total_value = data[-1]
        #                divisors = [total_value for _ in data]
        #            else:
        #                num_by = len(self.by)
        #                inc = prod(len_pvalues[-num_by:])
        #                num_groups = len(groups)
        #                num_categories = prod(len_pvalues[:-num_by])
        #                categories_groups_idx = [range(cat_idx, num_groups, inc)
        #                                         for cat_idx in range(num_categories)]
        #                divisors = ...
        #            data = [100.0 * value / divisor
        #                    for value, divisor in izip(data, divisors)]

        # gender | False | True | total
        #        |    20 |   16 |    35

        # gender | False | True |
        #   dead |       |      | total
        #  False |    20 |   15 |    35
        #   True |     0 |    1 |     1
        #  total |    20 |   16 |    36

        #          |   dead | False | True |
        # agegroup | gender |       |      | total
        #        5 |  False |    20 |   15 |    xx
        #        5 |   True |     0 |    1 |    xx
        #       10 |  False |    25 |   10 |    xx
        #       10 |   True |     1 |    1 |    xx
        #          |  total |    xx |   xx |    xx

        # add headers
        labels = [str(e) for e in expressions]
        if folded_exprs:
            result = [
                [""] * (folded_exprs - 1) + [labels[-1]] + list(possible_values[-1]) + [""],
                # 2nd line
                labels[:-1] + [""] * len(possible_values[-1]) + ["total"],
            categ_values = list(product(*possible_values[:-1]))
            last_line = [""] * (folded_exprs - 1) + ["total"]
            height += 1
            # if there is only one expression, the headers are different
            result = [[labels[-1]] + list(possible_values[-1]) + ["total"]]
            categ_values = [[""]]

        for y in range(height):
            result.append(list(categ_values[y]) + data[y * width : (y + 1) * width])

        return PrettyTable(result)
예제 #39
    mean_ZS = mean(exp(log_fhat((matrix, mu, Ne), [site])) for site in sites)
    log_ZS = L * log(4) + log(mean_ZS)
    return log_ZS

def log_ZM_empirical((matrix, mu, Ne), N, trials=1000):
    log_ZS = log_ZS_empirical((matrix, mu, Ne), trials=trials)
    return N * log_ZS

def log_ZM_empirical_ref((matrix, mu, Ne), N, trials=1000):
    L = len(matrix)
    acc = 0
    for i in xrange(trials):
        eps = [score_seq(matrix, random_site(L)) for _ in range(N)]
        acc += prod(1.0 / (1 + exp(ep - mu))**(Ne - 1) for ep in eps)
    est_mean = acc / trials
    log_Zs = N * L * log(4) + log(est_mean)
    return log_Zs

def log_ZM_empirical_ref2(theta, N, trials=1000):
    L = len(theta[0])
    lfhs = [log_fhat(theta, random_motif(L, N)) for _ in xrange(trials)]
    return N * L * log(4) + logsum(lfhs) - log(trials)

def log_ZM_empirical_ref3(theta, N, trials=1000):
    L = len(theta[0])
    lfhs = [log_fhat(theta, random_motif(L, 1)) for _ in xrange(trials)]
    log_avg = logsum(lfhs) - log(trials)
예제 #40
 def w(eps):
     """number of ways to """
     return (fac(L)**len(eps))/prod(fac(ep)*fac(L-ep) for ep in eps)*3**sum(eps)
예제 #41
def load_ndarray(fpath, celltype=None):
    print(" - reading", fpath)
    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        line_stream = skip_comment_cells(strip_rows(reader))
        header = line_stream.next()
        str_table = []
        for line in line_stream:
            if any(value == '' for value in line):
                raise Exception("empty cell found in %s" % fpath)
    ndim = len(header)

    # handle last dimension header (horizontal values)
    last_d_header = str_table.pop(0)
    # auto-detect type of values for the last d and convert them
    last_d_pvalues = convert_1darray(last_d_header)

    unique_last_d, dupe_last_d = unique_duplicate(last_d_pvalues)
    if dupe_last_d:
        print(("Duplicate column header value(s) (for '%s') in '%s': %s"
              % (header[-1], fpath,
                 ", ".join(str(v) for v in dupe_last_d))))
        raise Exception("bad data in '%s': found %d "
                        "duplicate column header value(s)"
                        % (fpath, len(dupe_last_d)))

    # handle other dimensions header

    # strip the ndim-1 first columns
    headers = [[line.pop(0) for line in str_table]
               for _ in range(ndim - 1)]
    headers = [convert_1darray(pvalues_str) for pvalues_str in headers]
    if ndim > 1:
        # having duplicate values is normal when there are more than 2
        # dimensions but we need to test whether there are duplicates of
        # combinations.
        dupe_combos = list(duplicates(zip(*headers)))
        if dupe_combos:
            print(("Duplicate row header value(s) in '%s':" % fpath))
            raise Exception("bad alignment data in '%s': found %d "
                            "duplicate row header value(s)"
                            % (fpath, len(dupe_combos)))

    possible_values = [np.array(list(unique(pvalues))) for pvalues in headers]

    shape = tuple(len(values) for values in possible_values)
    num_possible_values = prod(shape)

    # transform the 2d table into a 1d list
    str_table = list(chain.from_iterable(str_table))
    if len(str_table) != num_possible_values:
        raise Exception("incoherent data in '%s': %d data cells "
                        "found while it should be %d based on the number "
                        "of possible values in headers (%s)"
                        % (fpath,
                           ' * '.join(str(len(values))
                                      for values in possible_values)))

    #TODO: compare time with numpy built-in conversion:
    # if dtype is None, numpy tries to detect the best type itself
    # which it does a good job of if the values are already numeric values
    # if dtype is provided, numpy does a good job to convert from string
    # values.
    if celltype is None:
        celltype = detect_column_type(str_table)
    data = convert_1darray(str_table, celltype)
    array = np.array(data, dtype=celltype)
    return LabeledArray(array.reshape(shape), header, possible_values)
def linear_prob_site(site, psfm):
    return prod([col["ACGT".index(b)] for col, b in zip(psfm, site)])
예제 #43
 def xy_to_idx(x, y):
     # divide by the prod of possible values of expressions to its
     # right, mod by its own number of possible values
     offsets = [(y / prod(len_pvalues[v + 1 : folded_exprs])) % len_pvalues[v] for v in range(folded_exprs)]
     return sum(v * prod(len_pvalues[i + 1 :]) for i, v in enumerate(offsets)) + x
예제 #44
 def generic(shape, dtype=float, *_, **__):
     if not isinstance(shape, tuple):
         shape = (shape,)
     dt = np.dtype(dtype)
     return prod(shape) * dt.itemsize
 def dQ(s):
     ds = prod([ps["ACGT".index(sj)]/float(sum(ps)) # not quite right but...
                for ps, sj in zip(pss,s)])
     return ds
 def dLdqij(qss,i,j):
     term0 = alpha*exp(matrix[i][j])/sum(qij*exp(epij)
                                     for qij,epij in zip(qss[i],matrix[i]))
     expectation = prod([sum(qij*exp(epij) for qij,epij in zip(qsi,epsi))
                         for qsi,epsi in zip(qss,matrix)])
     return term0*expectation + log(qss[i][j]) + 1
 def dQ(s):
     ds = prod([qs["ACGT".index(sj)] # not quite right but...
                for qs, sj in zip(qss,s)])
     return ds
예제 #48
 def multiplicities(eps):
     metacounts = Counter(eps)
     substitutions = fac(n)/prod(fac(multiplicity) for multiplicity in metacounts.values())
     return substitutions
예제 #49
파일: kernels.py 프로젝트: teboli/CPCR
def compute_inverse_filter_fft_penalized(ker, eps, ps, betas):
    fts (len(betas), 3, ps, ps)
    nks, hks, wks = ker.shape

    if wks < 3 or hks < 3:
        hei = max(3, hks)
        wid = max(3, wks)
        ker2 = torch.zeros(nks, hei, wid, device=ker.device)
        ker2[:, hei // 2 - hks // 2:hei // 2 + hks // 2 + 1,
             wid // 2 - wks // 2:wid // 2 + wks // 2 + 1] = ker
        ker = ker2
        _, hks, wks = ker.shape
    centx = wks // 2
    centy = hks // 2
    hps = wks // 2

    grad_y = torch.zeros(1, 3, 3, device=ker.device)
    grad_y[0, 1, 0] = -1
    grad_y[0, 1, 1] = 1
    grad_x = grad_y.transpose(1, 2)

    grad = torch.zeros(2, hks, wks, device=ker.device)
    grad[0, centx - 1:centx + 2, centy - 1:centy + 2] = grad_y
    grad[1, centx - 1:centx + 2, centy - 1:centy + 2] = grad_x

    # compute denom
    otfks = []
    for n in range(nks):
        otfks.append(psf2otf(ker[n], (ps, ps)))
    otfks.append(psf2otf(grad_y[0], (ps, ps)))
    otfks.append(psf2otf(grad_x[0], (ps, ps)))

    mod2_otfks = []
    for n in range(nks + 2):
        K = otfks[n]
        mod2_otfks.append(utils.prod(utils.conj(K), K))
    sum_mod2 = torch.stack(mod2_otfks).sum(0)

    inv_filters = {'beta': [], 'ker': [], 'fts': []}
    inv_filters['beta'] = betas
    inv_filters['ker'] = torch.cat([ker, grad])

    for beta in betas:
        denom = sum_mod2.mul(beta) + eps
        ft = torch.zeros(nks, 3, ps, ps, device=ker.device)
        for n in range(nks):
            K = otfks[n]
            D = utils.conj(K) / denom
            d = otf2psf(D, (ps, ps))
            ft[n, 0] = d
            K = otfks[-2]
            D = utils.conj(K) / denom
            d = otf2psf(D, (ps, ps))
            ft[n, 1] = d
            K = otfks[-1]
            D = utils.conj(K) / denom
            d = otf2psf(D, (ps, ps))
            ft[n, 2] = d
    inv_filters['fts'] = torch.cat(inv_filters['fts'])
    return inv_filters
예제 #50
파일: newp.py 프로젝트: tjwei/mental_poker
        uv = [broadcast((_u, _v)) if n2==n else recv(n2) for n2 in range(N-1,-1,-1)]
        lmbd = [broadcast(_lmbd) if n2==n else recv(n2) for n2 in range(N-1,-1,-1)]
        l = Check_Secrets_A(lmbd, D_0, A_history)
        u,v = Check_Secrets_B0(uv, B0_history)
        Z = Check_Secrets_B(yzw, B_history)
        return l, u, v, Z

    def Unwrap_A((a,b,e), gp, l):
        assert a**l[0] * b**l[1] * gp == e
        return (a,b)
    def Unwrap_B( ((a,ab,b,e), f), Zi, u, v):
        Ui = prod(f[k]**u[k] for k in range(K)).invert()
        V = prod(f[k]**v[k] for k in range(K))
        ra, rb = a**Ui, b**Zi
        assert (ra*rb)**V == ab
        return (ra,rb,e)
    def Unwrap_Check_Deck( (DB, g), Z, u, v, l):
        Zi = Z.invert() # Zi is Z^-1
        DA = [Unwrap_B(d, Zi, u,v) for d in DB]
        # check 'e elements' are distinct
        assert len(set(d[2].v for d in DA)) == len(DA) 
        gp = g**l[2]
        return [Unwrap_A(d, gp, l) for d in DA]
    while True:
        act = cmd.recv()        
예제 #51
def compute():
    s = str(NUMBER)
    strs = [s[i:i + 13] for i in range(len(s) - 13)]
    return max([prod([int(i) for i in j]) for j in strs])
예제 #52
파일: groupby.py 프로젝트: AnneDy/Til-Liam
    def evaluate(self, context):
        expr = self.expr
        expr_vars = collect_variables(expr, context)

        expressions = self.expressions
        labels = [str(e) for e in expressions]
        columns = [expr_eval(e, context) for e in expressions]
        if self.filter is not None:
            filter_value = expr_eval(self.filter, context)
            #TODO: make a function out of this, I think we have this pattern
            # in several places
            filtered_columns = [col[filter_value]
                                   if isinstance(col, np.ndarray) and col.shape
                                   else [col]
                                for col in columns]
            filtered_context = context_subset(context, filter_value, expr_vars)
            filtered_columns = columns
            filtered_context = context

        possible_values = self.pvalues
        if possible_values is None:
            possible_values = [np.unique(col) for col in filtered_columns]

        # We pre-filtered columns instead of passing the filter to partition_nd
        # because it is a bit faster this way. The indices are still correct,
        # because we use them on a filtered_context.
        groups = partition_nd(filtered_columns, True, possible_values)
        if not groups:
            return LabeledArray([], labels, possible_values)

        # evaluate the expression on each group
        data = [expr_eval(expr, context_subset(filtered_context, indices,
                for indices in groups]

        #TODO: use group_indices_nd directly to avoid using np.unique
        # this is twice as fast (unique is very slow) but breaks because
        # the rest of the code assumes all combinations are present
#        if self.filter is not None:
#            filter_value = expr_eval(self.filter, context)
#        else:
#            filter_value = True
#        d = group_indices_nd(columns, filter_value)
#        pvalues = sorted(d.keys())
#        ndim = len(columns)
#        possible_values = [[pv[i] for pv in pvalues]
#                           for i in range(ndim)]
#        groups = [d[k] for k in pvalues]

        # groups is a (flat) list of list.
        # the first variable is the outer-most "loop",
        # the last one the inner most.

        # add total for each row
        len_pvalues = [len(vals) for vals in possible_values]
        width = len_pvalues[-1]
        height = prod(len_pvalues[:-1])

        rows_indices = [np.concatenate([groups[y * width + x]
                                        for x in range(width)])
                        for y in range(height)]
        cols_indices = [np.concatenate([groups[y * width + x]
                                        for y in range(height)])
                        for x in range(width)]

        # evaluate the expression on each "combined" group (ie compute totals)
        row_totals = [expr_eval(expr, context_subset(filtered_context, inds,
                      for inds in rows_indices]
        col_totals = [expr_eval(expr, context_subset(filtered_context, inds,
                      for inds in cols_indices]

        if self.percent:
            # convert to np.float64 to get +-inf if total_value is int(0)
            # instead of Python's built-in behaviour of raising an exception.
            # This can happen at least when using the default expr (count())
            # and the filter yields empty groups
            total_value = np.float64(col_totals[-1])
            data = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in data]
            row_totals = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in row_totals]
            col_totals = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in col_totals]

#        if self.by or self.percent:
#            if self.percent:
#                total_value = data[-1]
#                divisors = [total_value for _ in data]
#            else:
#                num_by = len(self.by)
#                inc = prod(len_pvalues[-num_by:])
#                num_groups = len(groups)
#                num_categories = prod(len_pvalues[:-num_by])
#                categories_groups_idx = [range(cat_idx, num_groups, inc)
#                                         for cat_idx in range(num_categories)]
#                divisors = ...
#            data = [100.0 * value / divisor
#                    for value, divisor in izip(data, divisors)]

        # convert to a 1d array. We don't simply use data = np.array(data),
        # because if data is a list of ndarray (for example if we use
        # groupby(a, expr=id), *and* all the ndarrays have the same length,
        # the result is a 2d array instead of an array of ndarrays like we
        # need (at this point).
        arr = np.empty(len(data), dtype=type(data[0]))
        arr[:] = data
        data = arr

        # and reshape it
        data = data.reshape(len_pvalues)
        return LabeledArray(data, labels, possible_values,
                            row_totals, col_totals)
예제 #53
파일: groupby.py 프로젝트: benjello/liam2
    def compute(self, context, *expressions, **kwargs):
        if not expressions:
            raise TypeError("groupby() takes at least 1 argument")

        # TODO: allow lists/tuples of arguments to group by the combinations
        # of keys
        for expr in expressions:
            if isinstance(expr, (bool, int, float)):
                raise TypeError("groupby() does not work with constant "
            if isinstance(expr, (tuple, list)):
                raise TypeError("groupby() takes expressions as arguments, "
                                "not a list of expressions")

        # On python 3, we could clean up this code (keyword only arguments).
        expr = kwargs.pop('expr', None)
        if expr is None:
            expr = Count()

#        by = kwargs.pop('by', None)
        filter_value = kwargs.pop('filter', None)
        percent = kwargs.pop('percent', False)
        possible_values = kwargs.pop('pvalues', None)
        totals = kwargs.pop('totals', True)

        expr_vars = [v.name for v in collect_variables(expr)]
        labels = [str(e) for e in expressions]
        columns = [expr_eval(e, context) for e in expressions]
        columns = [expand(c, context_length(context)) for c in columns]

        if filter_value is not None:
            filtered_columns = [col[filter_value] for col in columns]
            # FIXME: use the actual filter_expr instead of not_hashable
            filtered_context = context.subset(filter_value, expr_vars,
            filtered_columns = columns
            filtered_context = context

        if possible_values is None:
            possible_values = [np.unique(col) for col in filtered_columns]

        # We pre-filtered columns instead of passing the filter to partition_nd
        # because it is a bit faster this way. The indices are still correct,
        # because we use them on a filtered_context.
        groups = partition_nd(filtered_columns, True, possible_values)
        if not groups:
            return LabeledArray([], labels, possible_values)

        # evaluate the expression on each group
        # we use not_hashable to avoid storing the subset in the cache
        contexts = [filtered_context.subset(indices, expr_vars, not_hashable)
                    for indices in groups]
        data = [expr_eval(expr, c) for c in contexts]

        # TODO: use group_indices_nd directly to avoid using np.unique
        # this is twice as fast (unique is very slow) but breaks because
        # the rest of the code assumes all combinations are present
#        if self.filter is not None:
#            filter_value = expr_eval(self.filter, context)
#        else:
#            filter_value = True
#        d = group_indices_nd(columns, filter_value)
#        pvalues = sorted(d.keys())
#        ndim = len(columns)
#        possible_values = [[pv[i] for pv in pvalues]
#                           for i in range(ndim)]
#        groups = [d[k] for k in pvalues]

        # groups is a (flat) list of list.
        # the first variable is the outer-most "loop",
        # the last one the inner most.

        # add total for each row
        len_pvalues = [len(vals) for vals in possible_values]

        if percent:
            totals = True

        if totals:
            width = len_pvalues[-1]
            height = prod(len_pvalues[:-1])
            rows_indices = [np.concatenate([groups[y * width + x]
                                            for x in range(width)])
                            for y in range(height)]
            cols_indices = [np.concatenate([groups[y * width + x]
                                            for y in range(height)])
                            for x in range(width)]

            # evaluate the expression on each "combined" group (ie compute totals)
            row_ctxs = [filtered_context.subset(indices, expr_vars, not_hashable)
                        for indices in rows_indices]
            row_totals = [expr_eval(expr, ctx) for ctx in row_ctxs]
            col_ctxs = [filtered_context.subset(indices, expr_vars, not_hashable)
                        for indices in cols_indices]
            col_totals = [expr_eval(expr, ctx) for ctx in col_ctxs]
            row_totals = None
            col_totals = None

        if percent:
            # convert to np.float64 to get +-inf if total_value is int(0)
            # instead of Python's built-in behaviour of raising an exception.
            # This can happen at least when using the default expr (count())
            # and the filter yields empty groups
            total_value = np.float64(col_totals[-1])
            data = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in data]
            row_totals = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in row_totals]
            col_totals = [100.0 * value / total_value for value in col_totals]

#        if self.by or self.percent:
#            if self.percent:
#                total_value = data[-1]
#                divisors = [total_value for _ in data]
#            else:
#                num_by = len(self.by)
#                inc = prod(len_pvalues[-num_by:])
#                num_groups = len(groups)
#                num_categories = prod(len_pvalues[:-num_by])
#                categories_groups_idx = [range(cat_idx, num_groups, inc)
#                                         for cat_idx in range(num_categories)]
#                divisors = ...
#            data = [100.0 * value / divisor
#                    for value, divisor in izip(data, divisors)]

        # convert to a 1d array. We don't simply use data = np.array(data),
        # because if data is a list of ndarray (for example if we use
        # groupby(a, expr=id), *and* all the ndarrays have the same length,
        # the result is a 2d array instead of an array of ndarrays like we
        # need (at this point).
        arr = np.empty(len(data), dtype=type(data[0]))
        arr[:] = data
        data = arr

        # and reshape it
        data = data.reshape(len_pvalues)
        return LabeledArray(data, labels, possible_values,
                            row_totals, col_totals)