def get(self, shareFile, index=0): with open(shareFile, 'r') as fp: content = try: obj = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except ValueError as e: raise Exception('{} is not valid config file.'.format(shareFile)) if index >= 0 and index < obj['num']: # Get one data = self.create(obj['list'][index]) return JsonResult.succeed(data) # Get all dataList = list() for special in obj.pop('list'): data = self.create(special) if data is not None: dataList.append(data) randomSleep(1, 2) obj['num'] = len(dataList) obj['list'] = dataList return JsonResult.succeed(obj)
def getImageByAnchor(anchor): options = Options() options.add_argument('--headless') tmpDriver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options) # tmpDriver = webdriver.Firefox() tmpDriver.get(anchor) WebDriverWait(tmpDriver, 10).until( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.XPATH, '//button[contains(text(), "Accept")]'))).click() el = tmpDriver.find_elements_by_tag_name('img') image = [i.get_attribute('src') for i in el] print(image[1]) u.randomSleep(3, 5) tmpDriver.close() return image[1]
def isLoginned(uuid): for count in range(10): status = int(itchat.check_login(uuid)) if status is 200: return True if status is 201: print 'Wait for confirm in mobile #', count randomSleep(1, 2) continue print 'Error status:', status return False return False
def explore(self, content): if content is None: return JsonResult.error(-101, 'Empty inputted content') r =, data={'content': content}) if r is None: print 'No result for', content return JsonResult.error(-102, 'No result') try: obj = json.loads(r.content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except ValueError as e: print 'Error (', e, ') of json: "', r.content, '"' return JsonResult.error(-103, 'Parse result error') num = obj['num'] if num is 0: print 'Error content: "', r.content, '"' return JsonResult.error(-104, 'No result') print 'Found', num, 'SKUs with "', content, '"' # Get all dataList = list() for special in obj.pop('list'): data = self.create(special) if data is not None: dataList.append(data) randomSleep(1, 2) obj['num'] = len(dataList) obj['list'] = dataList return JsonResult.succeed(obj)
def plogin(self): def isValidAuthCode(code): if code is None or len(code) != 4: return False for c in code: if c.isdigit(): continue if c.isalpha(): continue # Wrong word return False return True if self.pCookies is not None: return True # # browser = webdriver.Firefox() # browser = webdriver.Chrome() try: # Plogin browser.get(self.ploginUrl) # Login by username and password # Username and password randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(browser.find_element_by_id('username'), randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(browser.find_element_by_id('password'), self.password) # Submit buttonElement = browser.find_element_by_id('loginBtn') # Code codeElement = browser.find_element_by_id('code') imageElement = browser.find_element_by_id('imgCode') times = 0 if codeElement.is_displayed(): while codeElement.is_displayed() and times < 50: times += 1 # Image to text path = OutputPath.getAuthPath( ImageKit.saveCapture(browser, imageElement, path) code = ImageKit.getText(path) codeElement.send_keys(code) if not isValidAuthCode(code): # Refresh auth code randomSleep(0.5, 1) # Wait for updating auth code randomSleep(1, 2) codeElement.clear() continue # Submit randomSleep(1, 2) error = self.getBrowserError(browser) if error is None: print 'Succeed after', times, 'tries.' break if u'验证码' not in error: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}": {}'.format(, error)) randomSleep(1, 2) codeElement.clear() randomSleep(1, 2) else: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}"'.format( else: # Submit randomSleep(1, 2) wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 3) error = self.getBrowserError(browser) if error is not None: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}": {}'.format(, error)) print 'Loginned for', # Redirect to wqs qwsUrl = getProperty(self.configFile, 'cps-qwd-wqs-url') browser.get(qwsUrl) time.sleep(10) # Save as type of cookie for requests self.pCookies = dict() for cookie in browser.get_cookies(): k = cookie['name'] v = cookie['value'] self.pCookies[k] = v except Exception as e: print e finally: browser.quit()
def login(self, screenshotPath=None, inputPath=None, outputPath=None, config='templates/login.json', retries=10): result = JsonResult.error() if config is None: config = 'templates/login.json' with open(config) as fp: content = try: configObj = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except ValueError as e: raise Exception('{} is not valid config file for user {}.'.format( config, self.userId)) obj = configObj.pop('config') driverType = obj.pop('driver') loginUrl = obj.pop('login-url') verificationUrl = obj.pop('verification-url') display = None if screenshotPath is not None: display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)) display.start() if 'firefox' == driverType: # driver = webdriver.Firefox() else: # Chrome # driver = webdriver.Chrome() try: driver.get(loginUrl) driver.set_script_timeout(10) self.saveScreenshot(driver, screenshotPath) # Username and password randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(driver.find_element_by_id('username'), self.username) randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(driver.find_element_by_id('password'), self.password) self.saveScreenshot(driver, screenshotPath) # Submit buttonElement = driver.find_element_by_id('loginBtn') randomSleep(1, 2) authCodeInputter = Inputter('AuthCode', inputPath, outputPath) verificationInputter = Inputter('Verification', inputPath, outputPath) for i in range(retries): if loginUrl != driver.current_url: break time.sleep(1) self.saveScreenshot(driver, screenshotPath) if self.inputAuthCode(driver, authCodeInputter): continue # Need code if self.isPhoneCodeNeeded(driver): continue # Verification if self.verify(driver, verificationInputter): continue error = self.getLoginError(driver) if error is not None: if u'账号或密码不正确' in error: return JsonResult.error(message=error) if u'验证码' not in error: return JsonResult.error(message=error) else: raise Exception('Unable to login for user {} in {}.'.format( self.userId, loginUrl)) codeInputter = Inputter('Code', inputPath, outputPath, 30) for i in range(retries): if verificationUrl != driver.current_url: break time.sleep(1) self.saveScreenshot(driver, screenshotPath) self.inputPhoneCode(driver, codeInputter) else: raise Exception('Unable to login for user {} in {}.'.format( self.userId, verificationUrl)) time.sleep(3) self.updateDb(driver) result = JsonResult.succeed() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print 'Error occurs at', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) result = JsonResult.error(message=e.message) finally: driver.quit() if display is not None: display.stop() time.sleep(1) return result
def _get(self, url, para): res = self._subGet(url, para) while (res.get('ret') != 0): mytools.randomSleep() res = self._subGet(url, para) return res
def plogin(self, retries=0, force=False): def isValidAuthCode(code): if code is None or len(code) != 4: return False for c in code: if c.isdigit(): continue if c.isalpha(): continue # Wrong word return False return True if self.pCookies is not None: return True if force: self.entryCookies = None self.keyCookies = None if retries is 0: pass elif retries is 1: self.keyCookies = None elif retries is 2: self.entryCookies = None else: return False cookies = None if self.entryCookies is not None: try: cookies = json.loads(self.entryCookies.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except ValueError as e: pass if cookies is None: self.dbUpdated = True display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)) display.start() if 'firefox' == self.ploginType: # browser = webdriver.Firefox() else: # Chrome # browser = webdriver.Chrome() try: # Plogin browser.get(self.ploginUrl) # Login by username and password # Username and password randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(browser.find_element_by_id('username'), self.username) randomSleep(1, 2) inputElement(browser.find_element_by_id('password'), self.password) # Submit buttonElement = browser.find_element_by_id('loginBtn') # Code codeElement = browser.find_element_by_id('code') imageElement = browser.find_element_by_id('imgCode') times = 0 if codeElement.is_displayed(): print 'Auth code is needed ...' while codeElement.is_displayed() and times < 50: times += 1 # Image to text path = OutputPath.getAuthPath(self.username) ImageKit.saveCapture(browser, imageElement, path) code = ImageKit.getText(path) codeElement.send_keys(code) if not isValidAuthCode(code): # Refresh auth code randomSleep(0.5, 1) # Wait for updating auth code randomSleep(1, 2) codeElement.clear() continue # Submit randomSleep(1, 2) error = self.getBrowserError(browser) if error is None: print 'Succeed after', times, 'tries.' break if u'验证码' not in error: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}": {}'.format(self.userId, error)) randomSleep(1, 2) codeElement.clear() randomSleep(1, 2) else: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}"'.format(self.userId)) else: # Submit randomSleep(1, 2) wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 3) error = self.getBrowserError(browser) if error is not None: raise Exception('Unable to login for "{}": {}'.format(self.userId, error)) print 'Loginned for user', self.userId, 'with type', self.loginType # Redirect to wqs time.sleep(1) # Save as type of cookie for requests cookies = dict() for cookie in browser.get_cookies(): k = cookie['name'] v = cookie['value'] cookies[k] = v self.entryCookies = reprDict(cookies) except Exception as e: print 'Unable to get entry cookie with an error:\n', e return False finally: browser.quit() if display is not None: display.stop() # Update pCookies self.pCookies = cookies cookies = None if self.keyCookies is not None: try: cookies = json.loads(self.keyCookies.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) except ValueError as e: pass if cookies is None: self.dbUpdated = True try: # Headers headers = {'User-Agent': self.userAgent} params = {'rurl': self.wqsUrl} r = requests.get(self.wqUrl, params=params, cookies=self.pCookies, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) except Exception as e: print 'Unable to get key cookie with an error:\n', e return False cookies = dict() for cookie in r.cookies: cookies[] = cookie.value self.keyCookies = reprDict(cookies) # Update pCookies self.pCookies.update(cookies) return True
def dataPlan(self, g_tk, own_id): res_list = [] cf = self.colloctConf url = cf['campaign_data']['url'] data = { "biz_filter": { "status": 999 }, "rpt_filter": { "time_dimension": 3, "time_range": { "start_date": "20201009", "end_date": "20201009" }, "time_line": 1 }, "order_by": {}, "page": 1, "page_size": 20, "data": ["list"] } self.req.headers = { "accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9", "content-length": "211", "content-type": "application/json", "origin": "", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.135 Safari/537.36 OPR/70.0.3728.154", "x-requested-with": "XMLHttpRequest", } parm = { "g_tk": g_tk, "owner": own_id, "advertiser_id": own_id, # "trace_id": "294e3e58-14ab-ef91-dd0d-0d03b660cf13", # "g_trans_id": "d7629a32-00a0-8d08-3f1f-b9c4a648b19a", # "unicode": "1", # "post_format": "json" } for key in parm: url += str(key) + "=" + str(parm[key]) + "&" for dt in mytools.dateList(): day = dt.strftime('%Y%m%d') day_str = str(dt) data['page'] = 1 # 重新计页 data['rpt_filter']['time_range']['start_date'] = day data['rpt_filter']['time_range']['end_date'] = day data_json_str = json.dumps(data) res = self._post(url, data_json_str) res_list += self.dataDeal(res, day_str) while res['data']['conf']['page'] < res['data']['conf']['total_page']: mytools.randomSleep() data['page'] = data['page'] + 1 # 翻页 data_json_str = json.dumps(data) res = self._post(url, data_json_str) res_list += self.dataDeal(res, day_str) return res_list
def _post(self, url, para): res = self._subPost(url, para) while (res.get('code') != 0) and (res.get('errno') != 0): mytools.randomSleep() res = self._subPost(url, para) return res