def get_html_files():
    if not os.path.isdir('html/preprints'):
    for filename in os.listdir('recipes'):
        print ('preparing {} '.format (filename))
        path = 'recipes/' + filename
        file_contents = utils.read_bibtex_file(path)
        #returns a list of dictionaries for all bibtex entries in file
        parsed_file = bibtexparser.loads(file_contents)
        for entry in parsed_file.entries:
            template = Template(template_string)
            if utils.check_valid_connection(entry['repo']):
                with open('html/preprints/%s.html'%filename, 'wt') as f:
                    f.write(template.render(bibtex_entry = entry, path = path,
                    citation = file_contents))
예제 #2
def make_index():
    recipes_list = []
    filenames = {}
    for filename in os.listdir('recipes'):
        path = 'recipes/' + filename
        file_contents = utils.read_bibtex_file(path)
        #returns a list of dictionaries for all bibtex entries in file
        parsed_file = bibtexparser.loads(file_contents)
        for entry in parsed_file.entries:
            if utils.check_valid_connection(entry['repo']):
                filenames[entry['repo']] = filename
    template = Template(template_string)
    with open('html/index.html', 'wt') as f:
        f.write(template.render(recipes = recipes_list, filenames = filenames))