예제 #1
    def __init__(self, seqfname, joinfnames, datadir):  # <seqfname>: input to joinsolver, <joinfname> output from joinsolver (I only need both because they don't seem to put the full query seq in the output)
        self.debug = 0
        self.n_max_queries = -1
        self.queries = []

        self.germline_seqs = utils.read_glfo(datadir, remove_N_nukes=False)['seqs']
        assert os.path.exists(os.getenv('www'))
        self.perfplotter = PerformancePlotter(self.germline_seqs, os.getenv('www') + '/partis/joinsolver_performance', 'js')

        # get info that was passed to joinsolver
        self.seqinfo = {}
        with opener('r')(seqfname) as seqfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(seqfile)
            iline = 0
            for line in reader:
                if len(self.queries) > 0 and line['unique_id'] not in self.queries:
                self.seqinfo[line['unique_id']] = line
                iline += 1
                if self.n_max_queries > 0 and iline >= self.n_max_queries:

        self.n_failed, self.n_total = 0, 0
        for joinfname in joinfnames:

        print 'failed: %d / %d = %f' % (self.n_failed, self.n_total, float(self.n_failed) / self.n_total)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

        self.germline_seqs = utils.read_glfo(self.args.datadir, remove_N_nukes=True)['seqs']
        self.perfplotter = PerformancePlotter(self.germline_seqs, self.args.plotdir, 'ihhhmmm')

        self.details = OrderedDict()
        self.failtails = {}
        self.n_partially_failed = 0

        # get sequence info that was passed to ihhhmmm
        self.siminfo = OrderedDict()
        self.sim_need = []  # list of queries that we still need to find
        with opener('r')(self.args.simfname) as seqfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(seqfile)
            iline = 0
            for line in reader:
                if self.args.queries != None and line['unique_id'] not in self.args.queries:
                self.siminfo[line['unique_id']] = line
                iline += 1
                if args.n_queries > 0 and iline >= args.n_queries:

        fostream_names = glob.glob(self.args.indir + '/*.fostream')
        if len(fostream_names) == 0:
            raise Exception('no fostreams found in %s' % args.indir)
        fostream_names.sort()  # maybe already sorted?
        for infname in fostream_names:
            if len(self.sim_need) == 0:

            # try to get whatever you can for the failures
            unique_ids = self.find_partial_failures(infname)  # returns list of unique ids in this file

            with opener('r')(infname) as infile:
                self.parse_file(infile, unique_ids)

        # now check that we got results for all the queries we wanted
        n_failed = 0
        for unique_id in self.siminfo:
            if unique_id not in self.details and unique_id not in self.failtails:
                print '%-20s  no info' % unique_id
                n_failed += 1

        print ''
        print 'partially failed: %d / %d = %.2f' % (self.n_partially_failed, len(self.siminfo), float(self.n_partially_failed) / len(self.siminfo))
        print 'failed:           %d / %d = %.2f' % (n_failed, len(self.siminfo), float(n_failed) / len(self.siminfo))
        print ''

예제 #3
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

        self.germline_seqs = utils.read_glfo(self.args.datadir, remove_N_nukes=True)['seqs']

        self.perfplotter = PerformancePlotter(self.germline_seqs, self.args.plotdir, 'igblast')
        self.n_total, self.n_partially_failed, self.n_skipped = 0, 0, 0

        # get sequence info that was passed to igblast
        self.seqinfo = {}
        with opener('r')(self.args.simfname) as simfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(simfile)
            iline = 0
            for line in reader:
                if self.args.n_queries > 0 and iline >= self.args.n_queries:
                iline += 1
                if self.args.queries != None and int(line['unique_id']) not in self.args.queries:
                if len(re.findall('_[FP]', line['j_gene'])) > 0:
                    line['j_gene'] = line['j_gene'].replace(re.findall('_[FP]', line['j_gene'])[0], '')
                self.seqinfo[int(line['unique_id'])] = line

        print 'reading', self.args.infname

        get_genes_to_skip(self.args.infname, self.germline_seqs, method='igblast', debug=False)

        paragraphs = None
        info = {}
        with opener('r')(self.args.infname) as infile:
            line = infile.readline()
            # first find the start of the next query's section
            while line.find('<b>Query=') != 0:
                line = infile.readline()
            # then keep going till eof
            iquery = 0
            while line != '':
                if self.args.n_queries > 0 and iquery >= self.args.n_queries:
                # first find the query name
                query_name = int(line.split()[1])
                # and collect the lines for this query
                query_lines = []
                line = infile.readline()
                while line.find('<b>Query=') != 0:
                    line = infile.readline()
                    if line == '':
                iquery += 1
                # then see if we want this query
                if self.args.queries != None and query_name not in self.args.queries:
                if query_name not in self.seqinfo:
                    print 'ERROR %d not in reco info' % query_name
                if self.args.debug:
                    print query_name
                # and finally add the query to <info[query_name]>
                info[query_name] = {'unique_id':query_name}
                self.n_total += 1
                self.process_query(info[query_name], query_name, query_lines)

        print 'partially failed: %d / %d = %f' % (self.n_partially_failed, self.n_total, float(self.n_partially_failed) / self.n_total)
        print 'skipped: %d / %d = %f' % (self.n_skipped, self.n_total, float(self.n_skipped) / self.n_total)
        for g, n in genes_actually_skipped.items():
            print '  %d %s' % (n, utils.color_gene(g))
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.args = args

        self.germline_seqs = utils.read_glfo(self.args.datadir)['seqs']

        perfplotter = PerformancePlotter(self.germline_seqs, self.args.plotdir, 'imgt')

        # get sequence info that was passed to imgt
        self.seqinfo = {}
        with opener('r')(self.args.simfname) as simfile:
            reader = csv.DictReader(simfile)
            iline = 0
            for line in reader:
                if self.args.queries != None and line['unique_id'] not in self.args.queries:
                if len(re.findall('_[FP]', line['j_gene'])) > 0:
                    line['j_gene'] = line['j_gene'].replace(re.findall('_[FP]', line['j_gene'])[0], '')
                self.seqinfo[line['unique_id']] = line
                iline += 1
                if self.args.n_queries > 0 and iline >= self.args.n_queries:

        paragraphs, csv_info = None, None
        if self.args.infname != None and '.html' in self.args.infname:
            print 'reading', self.args.infname
            with opener('r')(self.args.infname) as infile:
                soup = BeautifulSoup(infile)
                paragraphs = soup.find_all('pre')

        summarydir = self.args.indir[ : self.args.indir.rfind('/')]  # one directoy up from <indir>, which has the detailed per-sequence files
        summary_fname = glob.glob(summarydir + '/1_Summary_*.txt')
        assert len(summary_fname) == 1
        summary_fname = summary_fname[0]
        get_genes_to_skip(summary_fname, self.germline_seqs)

        n_failed, n_skipped, n_total, n_not_found, n_found = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
        for unique_id in self.seqinfo:
            if self.args.debug:
                print unique_id,
            imgtinfo = []
            # print 'true'
            # utils.print_reco_event(self.germline_seqs, self.seqinfo[unique_id])
            if self.args.infname != None and '.html' in self.args.infname:
                for pre in paragraphs:  # NOTE this loops over everything an awful lot of times. Shouldn't really matter for now, though
                    if unique_id in pre.text:
                n_total += 1
                assert self.args.infname == None
                infnames = glob.glob(self.args.indir + '/' + unique_id + '*')
                assert len(infnames) <= 1
                if len(infnames) != 1:
                    if self.args.debug:
                        print ' couldn\'t find it'
                    n_not_found += 1
                n_found += 1
                with opener('r')(infnames[0]) as infile:
                    full_text = infile.read()
                    if len(re.findall('[123]. Alignment for [VDJ]-GENE', full_text)) < 3:
                        failregions = re.findall('No [VDJ]-GENE has been identified', full_text)
                        if self.args.debug and len(failregions) > 0:
                            print '    ', failregions
                        n_failed += 1

                    # loop over the paragraphs I want
                    position = full_text.find(unique_id)  # don't need this one
                    for ir in range(4):
                        position = full_text.find(unique_id, position+1)
                        pgraph = full_text[position : full_text.find('\n\n', position+1)]
                        if 'insertion(s) and/or deletion(s) which are not dealt in this release' in pgraph:
                            ir -= 1
                        imgtinfo.append(pgraph)  # query seq paragraph

            if len(imgtinfo) == 0:
                print '%s no info' % unique_id
                if self.args.debug:
                    print ''
            line = self.parse_query_text(unique_id, imgtinfo)
            if 'skip_gene' in line:
                # assert self.args.skip_missing_genes
                n_skipped += 1
                assert 'failed' not in line
                joinparser.add_insertions(line, debug=self.args.debug)
                joinparser.resolve_overlapping_matches(line, debug=False, germlines=self.germline_seqs)
            except (AssertionError, KeyError):
                print '    giving up'
                n_failed += 1
                perfplotter.add_partial_fail(self.seqinfo[unique_id], line)
                # print '    perfplotter: not sure what to do with a fail'
            perfplotter.evaluate(self.seqinfo[unique_id], line)
            if self.args.debug:
                utils.print_reco_event(self.germline_seqs, self.seqinfo[unique_id], label='true:')
                utils.print_reco_event(self.germline_seqs, line, label='inferred:')

        print 'failed: %d / %d = %f' % (n_failed, n_total, float(n_failed) / n_total)
        print 'skipped: %d / %d = %f' % (n_skipped, n_total, float(n_skipped) / n_total)
        print '    ',
        for g, n in genes_actually_skipped.items():
            print '  %d %s' % (n, utils.color_gene(g))
        print ''
        if n_not_found > 0:
            print '  not found: %d / %d = %f' % (n_not_found, n_not_found + n_found, n_not_found / float(n_not_found + n_found))