def ts10(wspace=None, data=None, snapSb=None, snapB=None, snapfHat=None, verbose=False): wspace.loadSnapshot(snapSb) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) if verbose: print "S+B" print "---" results.Print("v") sbLl = -results.minNll() utils.delete(results) wspace.loadSnapshot(snapB) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) if verbose: print " B " print "---" results.Print("v") bLl = -results.minNll() utils.delete(results) out = -2.0 * (sbLl - bLl) if verbose: print "TS:", out return out
def ntupleOfFitToys(wspace=None, data=None, nToys=None, cutVar=("", ""), cutFunc=None, toyNumberMod=5): results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) wspace.saveSnapshot("snap", wspace.allVars()) obs = collect(wspace, results, extraStructure=True) toys = [] for i, dataSet in enumerate(common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys)): if not (i % toyNumberMod): print "iToy = %d" % i wspace.loadSnapshot("snap") #dataSet.Print("v") results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), dataSet) wspace.allVars().assignValueOnly( dataSet.get() ) #store this toy's observations, needed for (a) computing chi2 in collect(); (b) making "snapA" if all(cutVar) and cutFunc and cutFunc( getattr(wspace, cutVar[0])(cutVar[1]).getVal()): wspace.saveSnapshot("snapA", wspace.allVars()) return obs, results, i toys.append(collect(wspace, results)) utils.delete(results) return obs, toys
def pValue(wspace, data, nToys = 100, note = "", plots = True) : def lMax(results) : return math.exp(-results.minNll()) def indexFraction(item, l) : totalList = sorted(l+[item]) assert totalList.count(item)==1 return totalList.index(item)/(0.0+len(totalList)) results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data) #fit to data #wspace.saveSnapshot("snap", wspace.allVars(), False) #results.Print() lMaxData = lMax(results) dataset = pdf(wspace).generate(wspace.set("obs"), nToys) #make pseudo experiments with final parameter values graph = r.TGraph() lMaxs = [] for i in range(int(dataset.sumEntries())) : argSet = dataset.get(i) pseudoData = r.RooDataSet("pseudoData%d"%i, "title", argSet) data.reset() data.add(argSet) #data.Print("v") #wspace.loadSnapshot("snap") #wspace.var("A").setVal(initialA()) #wspace.var("k").setVal(initialk()) results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data) lMaxs.append(lMax(results)) graph.SetPoint(i, i, indexFraction(lMaxData, lMaxs)) #utils.delete(results) out = indexFraction(lMaxData, lMaxs) if plots : plotting.pValuePlots(pValue = out, lMaxData = lMaxData, lMaxs = lMaxs, graph = graph, note = note) return out
def expectedLimit(dataset, modelConfig, wspace, smOnly, cl, nToys, plusMinus, note = "", makePlots = False) : assert not smOnly #fit to SM-only wspace.var("f").setVal(0.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(True) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), dataset) #generate toys toys = common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys) #restore signal model wspace.var("f").setVal(1.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(False) #save snapshot snapName = "snap" wspace.saveSnapshot(snapName, wspace.allVars()) #fit toys l = limits(wspace, snapName, modelConfig, smOnly, cl, toys) q,hist = quantiles(l, plusMinus, histoName = "upperLimit", histoTitle = ";upper limit on XS factor;toys / bin", histoBins = (50, 1, -1), cutZero = True) #enable auto-range nSuccesses = hist.GetEntries() obsLimit = limits(wspace, snapName, modelConfig, smOnly, cl, [dataset])[0] if makePlots : plotting.expectedLimitPlots(quantiles = q, hist = hist, obsLimit = obsLimit, note = note) return q,nSuccesses
def clsCustom(wspace, data, nToys = 100, smOnly = None, testStatType = None, note = "", plots = True) : assert not smOnly toys = {} for label,f in {"b":0.0, "sb":1.0, "fHat":None}.iteritems() : if f!=None : wspace.var("f").setVal(f) wspace.var("f").setConstant() else : wspace.var("f").setVal(1.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(False) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) wspace.saveSnapshot("snap_%s"%label, wspace.allVars()) toys[label] = common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys) utils.delete(results) args = {"wspace": wspace, "testStatType": testStatType, "snapSb": "snap_sb", "snapB": "snap_b", "snapfHat": "snap_fHat"} obs = ts(data = data, **args) out = {} values = {} for label in ["b", "sb"] : values[label] = [] for toy in toys[label] : values[label].append(ts(data = toy, **args)) out["CL%s"%label] = 1.0-utils.indexFraction(obs, values[label]) if plots : plotting.clsCustomPlots(obs = obs, valuesDict = values, note = "TS%d_%s"%(testStatType, note)) out["CLs"] = out["CLsb"]/out["CLb"] if out["CLb"] else 9.9 return out
def ntupleOfFitToys(wspace = None, data = None, nToys = None, cutVar = ("",""), cutFunc = None ) : results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data) wspace.saveSnapshot("snap", wspace.allVars()) obs = collect(wspace, results, extraStructure = True) toys = [] for i,dataSet in enumerate(pseudoData(wspace, nToys)) : wspace.loadSnapshot("snap") #dataSet.Print("v") results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), dataSet) if all(cutVar) and cutFunc and cutFunc(getattr(wspace,cutVar[0])(cutVar[1]).getVal()) : wspace.allVars().assignValueOnly(dataSet.get()) wspace.saveSnapshot("snapA", wspace.allVars()) return obs,results,i toys.append( collect(wspace, results) ) utils.delete(results) return obs,toys
def ts40(wspace = None, data = None, snapSb = None, snapB = None, snapfHat = None, verbose = False) : wspace.loadSnapshot(snapB) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) if verbose : print " B " print "---" results.Print("v") out = -results.minNll() utils.delete(results) if verbose : print "TS:",out return out
def ntupleOfFitToys(wspace = None, data = None, nToys = None, cutVar = ("",""), cutFunc = None, toyNumberMod = 5) : results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) wspace.saveSnapshot("snap", wspace.allVars()) obs = collect(wspace, results, extraStructure = True) toys = [] for i,dataSet in enumerate(common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys)) : if not (i%toyNumberMod) : print "iToy = %d"%i wspace.loadSnapshot("snap") #dataSet.Print("v") results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), dataSet) wspace.allVars().assignValueOnly(dataSet.get()) #store this toy's observations, needed for (a) computing chi2 in collect(); (b) making "snapA" if all(cutVar) and cutFunc and cutFunc(getattr(wspace,cutVar[0])(cutVar[1]).getVal()) : wspace.saveSnapshot("snapA", wspace.allVars()) return obs,results,i toys.append( collect(wspace, results) ) utils.delete(results) return obs,toys
def ts10(wspace = None, data = None, snapSb = None, snapB = None, snapfHat = None, verbose = False) : wspace.loadSnapshot(snapSb) results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data) if verbose : print "S+B" print "---" results.Print("v") sbLl = -results.minNll() utils.delete(results) wspace.loadSnapshot(snapB) results = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data) if verbose : print " B " print "---" results.Print("v") bLl = -results.minNll() utils.delete(results) out = -2.0*(sbLl-bLl) if verbose : print "TS:",out return out
def bestFit(self, printPages = False) : args = {"wspace": self.wspace, "results": utils.rooFitResults(pdf(self.wspace),, "lumi": self.inputData.lumi(), "htBinLowerEdges": self.inputData.htBinLowerEdges(), "htMaxForPlot": self.inputData.htMaxForPlot(), "smOnly": self.smOnly(), "note": self.note(), "signalExampleToStack": self.signalExampleToStack, "printPages": printPages} for item in ["REwk", "RQcd"] : args[item] = self.likelihoodSpec[item] args["mumuTerms"] = False #temporary args["hadControlLabels"] = [] #temporary plotter = plotting.validationPlotter(args) plotter.inputData = self.inputData plotter.go()
def expectedLimit(dataset, modelConfig, wspace, smOnly, cl, nToys, plusMinus, note="", makePlots=False): assert not smOnly #fit to SM-only wspace.var("f").setVal(0.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(True) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), dataset) #generate toys toys = common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys) #restore signal model wspace.var("f").setVal(1.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(False) #save snapshot snapName = "snap" wspace.saveSnapshot(snapName, wspace.allVars()) #fit toys l = limits(wspace, snapName, modelConfig, smOnly, cl, toys) q, hist = quantiles(l, plusMinus, histoName="upperLimit", histoTitle=";upper limit on XS factor;toys / bin", histoBins=(50, 1, -1), cutZero=True) #enable auto-range nSuccesses = hist.GetEntries() obsLimit = limits(wspace, snapName, modelConfig, smOnly, cl, [dataset])[0] if makePlots: plotting.expectedLimitPlots(quantiles=q, hist=hist, obsLimit=obsLimit, note=note) return q, nSuccesses
def clsCustom(wspace, data, nToys=100, smOnly=None, testStatType=None, note="", plots=True): assert not smOnly toys = {} for label, f in {"b": 0.0, "sb": 1.0, "fHat": None}.iteritems(): if f != None: wspace.var("f").setVal(f) wspace.var("f").setConstant() else: wspace.var("f").setVal(1.0) wspace.var("f").setConstant(False) results = utils.rooFitResults(common.pdf(wspace), data) wspace.saveSnapshot("snap_%s" % label, wspace.allVars()) toys[label] = common.pseudoData(wspace, nToys) utils.delete(results) args = { "wspace": wspace, "testStatType": testStatType, "snapSb": "snap_sb", "snapB": "snap_b", "snapfHat": "snap_fHat" } obs = ts(data=data, **args) out = {} values = {} for label in ["b", "sb"]: values[label] = [] for toy in toys[label]: values[label].append(ts(data=toy, **args)) out["CL%s" % label] = 1.0 - utils.indexFraction(obs, values[label]) if plots: plotting.clsCustomPlots(obs=obs, valuesDict=values, note="TS%d_%s" % (testStatType, note)) out["CLs"] = out["CLsb"] / out["CLb"] if out["CLb"] else 9.9 return out
def debug(self) : self.wspace.Print("v") plotting.writeGraphVizTree(self.wspace) #pars = utils.rooFitResults(pdf(wspace), data).floatParsFinal(); pars.Print("v") utils.rooFitResults(pdf(self.wspace),"v")
def qcdPlot(self): plotting.errorsPlot( self.wspace, utils.rooFitResults(workspace.pdf(self.wspace),, )
def rooFitResults(self): return utils.rooFitResults(workspace.pdf(self.wspace),
def bestFit(self) : plotting.validationPlots(self.wspace, utils.rooFitResults(pdf(self.wspace),, self.inputData, self.REwk, self.RQcd, self.smOnly())
def qcdPlot(self): plotting.errorsPlot(self.wspace, utils.rooFitResults(workspace.pdf(self.wspace),, )