예제 #1
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(4, 1, 2), 2)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), -1)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2, 5, 2), (-1 / 2, -2))
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
         utils.roots("a", 2, "c")
예제 #2
def _find_z(a, b, c):
    result_root = None
    candidate_roots = roots(a, b, c)
    for candidate_root in candidate_roots:
        if candidate_root >= 0 and candidate_root <= 1:
            result_root = candidate_root
    return result_root
예제 #3
def _find_z(a, b, c):
    result_root = None
    candidate_roots = roots(a, b, c)
    for candidate_root in candidate_roots:
        if candidate_root >= 0 and candidate_root <= 1:
            result_root = candidate_root
    return result_root
예제 #4
def postroots():
    rootsa= int(request.forms.get('roots-a'))
    rootsb= int(request.forms.get('roots-b'))
    rootsc= int(request.forms.get('roots-c'))
    roots= utils.roots(rootsa, rootsb, rootsc)
    return '''
           the results: {}<br /><br />
           <a href= https://boiling-beach-99041.herokuapp.com>Home</a>
def roots_page():
	decoded = request.forms.decode("utf-8")

		a = int(decoded.get("a"))
		b = int(decoded.get("b"))
		c = int(decoded.get("c"))
	except ValueError:
		return "<h1> Please enter a <strong>valid</strong> number</h1>"

	return "The root(s) of {}x² + {}x + {} = 0 is/are {}".format(a,b,c, roots(a,b,c))
예제 #6
    def Answer_roots(self, number_a, number_b, number_c):
            a = int(number_a)
            b = int(number_b)
            c = int(number_c)

            x1, x2 = utils.roots(a, b, c)

            root1 = str(x1)
            root2 = str(x2)

            return {"x1": root1, "x2": root2}

def plot_roots():
    l = roots(f, 0.1, V0)
    ls = np.linspace(0, V0, 1000)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
    ax.plot(ls, f(ls, V0), label="$f(x)$")
    ax.set_title("${}$ roots".format((len(l))))
    ax.plot(ls, np.zeros_like(ls), "--k", lw=1)
    ax.set_xlabel("$x / [2mL/\hbar^2]$")
    for a in l:
        leg = ax.plot(a, 0, "xk", ms=12)
    plt.legend((leg), ("roots", ))
    plt.savefig(FIG_PATH + "roots.pdf")
def plot_error(Ns):
    l = roots(f, 0.1, V0)
    nev = len(l)
    n = np.arange(1, nev + 1)
    m = len(Ns)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4))
    for i in range(m):
        N = Ns[i]
        l2, v = get_eig(N, V, nev)
                abs((l - l2) / l[0]),
    plt.savefig(FIG_PATH + "roots_error.pdf")
예제 #9
 def test_roots(self):
예제 #10
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(-1, 0, 1), (-1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -4, 4), (2))
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 0, 0), (-1, 1) or (1, -1))
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(4,0,-4), (1,-1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0,4,0), (0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0,0,4), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1,2,5), ())
예제 #13
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 0, -1), (-1, 1))
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0,0,1), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0,1,0), (0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2,0,2), (1, -1))
예제 #15
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(4, -4, -24), (3, -2))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         utils.roots(1, 0, 1)
예제 #16
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(-1, 0, 1), (-1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -4, 4), (2))
예제 #17
    def execute(self):
        # assign all varibles
        gravity = self.gravity
        air_density = self.air_density
        water_density = self.water_density
        water_depth = self.water_depth
        load_condition = self.load_condition
        significant_wave_height = self.significant_wave_height
        significant_wave_period = self.significant_wave_period
        if significant_wave_height != 0:
            significant_wave_height = 1.86 * significant_wave_height
            significant_wave_period = 0.71 * significant_wave_period
            WAVEL = gravity * significant_wave_period**2 / (2 * pi)
            WAVEN = 2 * pi / WAVEL
        wind_reference_speed = self.wind_reference_speed
        wind_reference_height = self.wind_reference_height
        alpha = self.alpha
        material_density = self.material_density
        E = self.E
        nu = self.nu
        yield_stress = self.yield_stress
        permanent_ballast_height = self.permanent_ballast_height
        permanent_ballast_density = self.permanent_ballast_density
        fixed_ballast_height = self.fixed_ballast_height
        fixed_ballast_density = self.fixed_ballast_density
        RNA_mass = self.RNA_mass
        RNA_kell_to_CG = self.RNA_keel_to_CG
        tower_mass = self.tower_mass
        tower_center_of_gravity = self.tower_center_of_gravity
        tower_wind_force = self.tower_wind_force
        RNA_wind_force = self.RNA_wind_force
        RNA_center_of_gravity_x = self.RNA_center_of_gravity_x
        mooring_vertical_load = self.mooring_vertical_load
        mooring_horizontal_stiffness = self.mooring_horizontal_stiffness
        mooring_vertical_stiffness = self.mooring_vertical_stiffness
        mooring_keel_to_CG = self.mooring_keel_to_CG
        outer_diameter_array = array(self.outer_diameter)
        base_outer_diameters = outer_diameter_array[-1]  # base outer diameter
        wall_thickness_array = array(self.wall_thickness)
        end_elevation = array(self.elevations[1:])  # end elevation
        ELS = array(self.elevations[0:-1])  # start elevation
        NSEC = self.number_of_sections
        for i in range(0, NSEC + 1):
            if self.elevations[i] > 0:
                ODTW = outer_diameter_array[i + 1]
        LB = ELS - end_elevation  # lengths of each section
        DRAFT = abs(min(end_elevation))
        FB = ELS[0]  # freeboard
        BH = self.bulk_head
        N = array(self.number_of_rings)
        if self.stiffener_curve_fit:  # curve fits
            YNA = self.neutral_axis
            D = 0.0029 + 1.3345977 * YNA
            IR = 0.051 * YNA**3.7452
            TW = exp(0.88132868 + 1.0261134 * log(IR) - 3.117086 * log(YNA))
            AR = exp(4.6980391 + 0.36049717 * YNA**0.5 - 2.2503113 / (TW**0.5))
            TFM = 1.2122528 * YNA**0.13430232 * YNA**1.069737
            BF = (0.96105249 * TW**-0.59795001 * AR**0.73163096)
            IR = 0.47602202 * TW**0.99500847 * YNA**2.9938134
        else:  # discrete, actual stiffener
            allStiffeners = full_stiffeners_table()
            stiffener = allStiffeners[self.stiffener_index]
            stiffenerName = stiffener[0]
            AR = convert_units(stiffener[1], 'inch**2', 'm**2')
            D = convert_units(stiffener[2], 'inch', 'm')
            TW = convert_units(stiffener[3], 'inch', 'm')
            BF = convert_units(stiffener[4], 'inch', 'm')
            TFM = convert_units(stiffener[5], 'inch', 'm')
            YNA = convert_units(stiffener[6], 'inch', 'm')
            self.neutral_axis = YNA
            IR = convert_units(stiffener[7], 'inch**4', 'm**4')
        HW = D - TFM  # web height
        SHM, RGM, BHM, SHB, SWF, SWM, SCF, SCM, KCG, KCB = calculateWindCurrentForces(
            0., 0., N, AR, BH, outer_diameter_array, NSEC,
            wall_thickness_array, LB, material_density, DRAFT, end_elevation,
            ELS, water_density, air_density, gravity, significant_wave_height,
            significant_wave_period, water_depth, wind_reference_speed,
            wind_reference_height, alpha)
        SHBUOY = sum(SHB)  # shell buoyancy
        SHMASS = sum(SHM) * self.shell_mass_factor  # shell mass - VALUE
        BHMASS = sum(BHM) * self.bulkhead_mass_factor  # bulkhead mass - VALUE
        RGMASS = sum(RGM) * self.ring_mass_factor  # ring mass - VALUE
        SHRMASS = SHMASS + BHMASS + RGMASS  # shell and bulkhead and ring mass - VALUE
        SHRM = array(SHM) + array(BHM) + array(
            RGM)  # # shell and bulkhead and ring mass - ARRAY
        percent_shell_mass = RGMASS / SHMASS * 100.
        outfitting_mass = SHRMASS * self.outfitting_factor
        SMASS = SHRMASS * self.spar_mass_factor + outfitting_mass
        KCG = dot(SHRM, array(KCG)) / SHRMASS  # keel to center of gravity
        KB = dot(array(SHB), array(KCB)) / SHBUOY  # keel to center of buoyancy
        BM = ((pi / 64) * ODTW**4) / (SHBUOY / water_density)
        SWFORCE = sum(SWF)  # shell wind force
        SCFORCE = sum(
        )  # shell current force - NOTE: inaccurate; setting an initial value and reruns later
        BVL = pi / 4. * (base_outer_diameters - 2 * wall_thickness_array[-1]
                         )**2.  # ballast volume per length
        KGPB = (permanent_ballast_height / 2.) + wall_thickness_array[-1]
        PBM = BVL * permanent_ballast_height * permanent_ballast_density  # permanent ballast mass
        KGFB = (fixed_ballast_height /
                2.) + permanent_ballast_height + wall_thickness_array[-1]
        FBM = BVL * fixed_ballast_height * fixed_ballast_density  # fixed ballast mass
        WPA = pi / 4 * (ODTW)**2
        KGT = tower_center_of_gravity + FB + DRAFT  # keel to center of gravity of tower
        WBM = SHBUOY - SMASS - RNA_mass - tower_mass - mooring_vertical_load / gravity - FBM - PBM  # water ballast mass
        WBH = WBM / (water_density * BVL)  # water ballast height
        KGWB = WBH / 2. + permanent_ballast_height + fixed_ballast_height + wall_thickness_array[
        KGB = (SMASS * KCG + WBM * KGWB + FBM * KGFB + PBM * KGPB +
               tower_mass * KGT + RNA_mass * RNA_kell_to_CG) / (
                   SMASS + WBM + FBM + PBM + tower_mass + RNA_mass)
        KG = (SMASS * KCG + WBM * KGWB + FBM * KGFB + PBM * KGPB +
              tower_mass * KGT + RNA_mass * RNA_kell_to_CG +
              mooring_vertical_load / gravity * mooring_keel_to_CG) / SHBUOY
        GM = KB + BM - KG
        self.platform_stability_check = KG / KB
        total_mass = SMASS + RNA_mass + tower_mass + WBM + FBM + PBM
        VD = (RNA_wind_force + tower_wind_force + SWFORCE +
              SCFORCE) / (SMASS + RNA_mass + tower_mass + FBM + PBM + WBM)
        SHM, RGM, BHM, SHB, SWF, SWM, SCF, SCM, KCG, KCB = calculateWindCurrentForces(
            KG, VD, N, AR, BH, outer_diameter_array, NSEC,
            wall_thickness_array, LB, material_density, DRAFT, end_elevation,
            ELS, water_density, air_density, gravity, significant_wave_height,
            significant_wave_period, water_depth, wind_reference_speed,
            wind_reference_height, alpha)
        SCFORCE = sum(SCF)
        # calculate moments
        RWM = RNA_wind_force * (RNA_kell_to_CG - KG)
        TWM = tower_wind_force * (KGT - KG)
        # costs
        columns_mass = sum(SHM[1::2]) + sum(RGM[1::2]) + sum(BHM[1::2])
        tapered_mass = sum(SHM[0::2]) + sum(RGM[0::2]) + sum(BHM[0::2])
        COSTCOL = self.straight_col_cost
        COSTTAP = self.tapered_col_cost
        COSTOUT = self.outfitting_cost
        COSTBAL = self.ballast_cost
        self.spar_cost = COSTCOL * columns_mass / 1000. + COSTTAP * tapered_mass / 1000.
        self.outfit_cost = COSTOUT * outfitting_mass / 1000.
        self.ballasts_cost = COSTBAL * (FBM + PBM) / 1000.
        self.total_cost = self.spar_cost + self.outfit_cost + self.ballasts_cost + self.mooring_total_cost

        ##### SIZING TAB #####
        # [TOP MASS(RNA+TOWER)]
        top_mass = RNA_mass + tower_mass
        KG_top = (RNA_mass * RNA_kell_to_CG + tower_mass * KGT)
        I_top_loc = (1. / 12.) * top_mass * KG_top**2
        I_hull_loc = (1. / 12.) * SMASS * (DRAFT + FB)**2
        I_WB_loc = (1. / 12.) * WBM * WBH**2
        I_FB_loc = (1. / 12.) * FBM * fixed_ballast_height**2
        I_PB_loc = (1. / 12.) * PBM * permanent_ballast_height**2
        I_top_sys = I_top_loc + top_mass * (KG_top - KG)**2
        I_hull_sys = I_hull_loc + SMASS * (KCG - KG)**2
        I_WB_sys = I_WB_loc + WBM * (KGWB - KGB)**2
        I_FB_sys = I_FB_loc + FBM * (KGFB - KGB)**2
        I_PB_sys = I_PB_loc + PBM * (KGPB - KGB)**2
        I_total = I_top_sys + I_hull_sys + I_WB_sys + I_FB_sys + I_PB_sys
        I_yaw = total_mass * (base_outer_diameters / 2.)**2
        # [ADDED MASS]
        surge = (pi / 4.) * base_outer_diameters**2 * DRAFT * water_density
        heave = (1 / 6.) * water_density * base_outer_diameters**3
        pitch = (surge * ((KG - DRAFT) -
                          (KB - DRAFT))**2 + surge * DRAFT**2 / 12.) * I_total
        r_gyration = (I_total / total_mass)**0.5
        CM = (SMASS * KCG + WBM * KGWB + FBM * KGFB +
              PBM * KGPB) / (SMASS + WBM + FBM + PBM)
        surge_period = 2 * pi * (
            (total_mass + surge) / mooring_horizontal_stiffness)**0.5
        K33 = water_density * gravity * (
            pi / 4.)**ODTW**2 + mooring_vertical_stiffness  #heave
        K44 = abs(water_density * gravity *
                  ((pi / 4.) * (ODTW / 2.)**4 -
                   (KB - KG) * SHBUOY / water_density))  #roll
        K55 = abs(water_density * gravity *
                  ((pi / 4.) * (ODTW / 2.)**4 -
                   (KB - KG) * SHBUOY / water_density))  #pitch
        # [PERIOD]
        T_surge = 2 * pi * (
            (total_mass + surge) / mooring_horizontal_stiffness)**0.5
        T_heave = 2 * pi * ((total_mass + heave) / K33)**0.5
        K_pitch = GM * SHBUOY * gravity
        T_pitch = 2 * pi * (pitch / K_pitch)**0.5
        F_total = RNA_wind_force + tower_wind_force + sum(SWF) + sum(SCF)
        sum_FX = self.sum_forces_x
        X_Offset = self.offset_x
        if np.isnan(sum_FX).any() or sum_FX[-1] > (-F_total / 1000.):
            self.max_offset_unity = 10.
            self.min_offset_unity = 10.
            for j in range(1, len(sum_FX)):
                if sum_FX[j] < (-F_total / 1000.):
                    X2 = sum_FX[j]
                    X1 = sum_FX[j - 1]
                    Y2 = X_Offset[j]
                    Y1 = X_Offset[j - 1]
            max_offset = (Y1 + (-F_total / 1000. - X1) * (Y2 - Y1) /
                          (X2 - X1)) * self.offset_amplification_factor
            i = 0
            while sum_FX[i] > (F_total / 1000.):
                i += 1
            min_offset = (
                X_Offset[i - 1] + (F_total / 1000. - sum_FX[i - 1]) *
                (X_Offset[i] - X_Offset[i - 1]) /
                (sum_FX[i] - sum_FX[i - 1])) * self.offset_amplification_factor
            # unity checks!
            if self.load_condition == 'E':
                self.max_offset_unity = max_offset / self.damaged_mooring[1]
                self.min_offset_unity = min_offset / self.damaged_mooring[0]
            elif self.load_condition == 'N':
                self.max_offset_unity = max_offset / self.intact_mooring[1]
                self.min_offset_unity = min_offset / self.intact_mooring[0]
        M_total = RWM + TWM + sum(SWM) + sum(SCM) + (
            -F_total * (mooring_keel_to_CG - KG)) + (RNA_mass * gravity *
        self.heel_angle = (M_total / K_pitch) * 180. / pi
        ##### API BULLETIN #####
        # shell data
        RO = outer_diameter_array / 2.  # outer radius
        R = RO - wall_thickness_array / 2.  # radius to centerline of wall/mid fiber radius
        # ring data
        LR = LB / (N + 1.)  # number of ring spacing
        #shell and ring data
        RF = RO - HW  # radius to flange
        MX = LR / (R * wall_thickness_array)**0.5  # geometry parameter
        # effective width of shell plate in longitudinal direction
        LE = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            if MX[i] <= 1.56:
                LE[i] = LR[i]
                LE = 1.1 * (2 * R * wall_thickness_array)**0.5 + TW
        # ring properties with effective shell plate
        AER = AR + LE * wall_thickness_array  # cross sectional area with effective shell
        YENA = (LE * wall_thickness_array * wall_thickness_array / 2 +
                HW * TW * (HW / 2 + wall_thickness_array) + TFM * BF *
                (TFM / 2 + HW + wall_thickness_array)) / AER
        IER = IR + AR * (
            YNA + wall_thickness_array / 2.
        )**2 * LE * wall_thickness_array / AER + LE * wall_thickness_array**3 / 12.  # moment of inertia
        RC = RO - YENA - wall_thickness_array / 2.  # radius to centroid of ring stiffener
        # set loads (0 mass loads for external pressure)
        MBALLAST = PBM + FBM + WBM  # sum of all ballast masses
        W = (RNA_mass + tower_mass + MBALLAST + SMASS) * gravity
        P = water_density * gravity * abs(
            end_elevation)  # hydrostatic pressure at depth of section bottom
        if significant_wave_height != 0:  # dynamic head
            DH = significant_wave_height / 2 * (
                np.cosh(WAVEN * (water_depth - abs(end_elevation))) /
                np.cosh(WAVEN * water_depth))
            DH = 0
        P = P + water_density * gravity * DH  # hydrostatic pressure + dynamic head
        GF = self.gust_factor
        self.flange_compactness = (0.5 * BF / TFM) / (0.375 *
                                                      (E / yield_stress)**0.5)
        self.web_compactness = (HW / TW) / ((E / yield_stress)**0.5)
        #-----PLATE AND RING STRESS (SECTION 11)-----#
        # shell hoop stress at ring midway
        Dc = E * wall_thickness_array**3 / (12 * (1 - nu**2))  # parameter D
        BETAc = (E * wall_thickness_array /
                 (4 * RO**2 * Dc))**0.25  # parameter beta
        TWS = AR / HW
        dum1 = BETAc * LR
        KT = 8 * BETAc**3 * Dc * (np.cosh(dum1) - np.cos(dum1)) / (
            np.sinh(dum1) + np.sin(dum1))
        KD = E * TWS * (RO**2 - RF**2) / (RO * ((1 + nu) * RO**2 +
                                                (1 - nu) * RF**2))
        dum = dum1 / 2.
        PSIK = 2 * (np.sin(dum) * np.cosh(dum) + np.cos(dum) *
                    np.sinh(dum)) / (np.sinh(dum1) + np.sin(dum1))
        PSIK = PSIK.clip(
            min=0)  # psik >= 0; set all negative values of psik to zero
        SIGMAXA = -W / (2 * pi * R * wall_thickness_array)
        PSIGMA = P + (nu * SIGMAXA * wall_thickness_array) / RO
        PSIGMA = np.minimum(PSIGMA, P)  # PSIGMA has to be <= P
        dum = KD / (KD + KT)
        KTHETAL = 1 - PSIK * PSIGMA / P * dum
        FTHETAS = KTHETAL * P * RO / wall_thickness_array
        # shell hoop stress at ring
        KTHETAG = 1 - (PSIGMA / P * dum)
        FTHETAR = KTHETAG * P * RO / wall_thickness_array
        #-----LOCAL BUCKLING (SECTION 4)-----#
        # axial compression and bending
        ALPHAXL = 9 / (300 + (2 * R) / wall_thickness_array)**0.4
        CXL = (1 + (150 / ((2 * R) / wall_thickness_array)) * (ALPHAXL**2) *
        FXEL = CXL * (pi**2 * E / (12 * (1 - nu**2))) * (wall_thickness_array /
                                                         LR)**2  # elastic
        FXCL = np.array(NSEC * [0.])
        for i in range(0, len(FXEL)):
            FXCL[i] = plasticityRF(FXEL[i], yield_stress)  # inelastic
        # external pressure
        BETA = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        ALPHATHETAL = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        global ZM
        ZM = 12 * (MX**2 * (1 - nu**2)**.5)**2 / pi**4
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            f = lambda x: x**2 * (1 + x**2)**4 / (2 + 3 * x**2) - ZM[i]
            ans = roots(f, 0., 15.)
            ans_array = np.asarray(ans)
            is_scalar = False if ans_array.ndim > 0 else True
            if is_scalar:
                BETA[i] = ans
                BETA[i] = float(min(ans_array))
            if MX[i] < 5:
                ALPHATHETAL[i] = 1
            elif MX[i] >= 5:
                ALPHATHETAL[i] = 0.8
        n = np.round(BETA * pi * R / LR)  # solve for smallest whole number n
        BETA = LR / (pi * R / n)
        left = (1 + BETA**2)**2 / (0.5 + BETA**2)
        right = 0.112 * MX**4 / ((1 + BETA**2)**2 * (0.5 + BETA**2))
        CTHETAL = (left + right) * ALPHATHETAL
        FREL = CTHETAL * pi**2 * E * (wall_thickness_array / LR)**2 / (
            12 * (1 - nu**2))  # elastic
        FRCL = np.array(NSEC * [0.])
        for i in range(0, len(FREL)):
            FRCL[i] = plasticityRF(FREL[i], yield_stress)  # inelastic
        #-----GENERAL INSTABILITY (SECTION 4)-----#
        # axial compression and bending
        AC = AR / (LR * wall_thickness_array)  # Ar bar
        ALPHAX = 0.85 / (1 + 0.0025 *
                         (outer_diameter_array / wall_thickness_array))
        ALPHAXG = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            if AC[i] >= 0.2:
                ALPHAXG[i] = 0.72
            elif AC[i] > 0.06 and AC[i] < 0.2:
                ALPHAXG[i] = (3.6 - 0.5 * ALPHAX[i]) * AC[i] + ALPHAX[i]
                ALPHAXG[i] = ALPHAX[i]
        FXEG = ALPHAXG * 0.605 * E * wall_thickness_array / R * (
            1 + AC)**0.5  # elastic
        FXCG = np.array(NSEC * [0.])
        for i in range(0, len(FXEG)):
            FXCG[i] = plasticityRF(FXEG[i], yield_stress)  # inelastic
        # external pressure
        ALPHATHETAG = 0.8
        LAMBDAG = pi * R / LB
        k = 0.5
        PEG = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            t = wall_thickness_array[i]
            r = R[i]
            lambdag = LAMBDAG[i]
            ier = IER[i]
            rc = RC[i]
            ro = RO[i]
            lr = LR[i]

            def f(x, E, t, r, lambdag, k, ier, rc, ro, lr):
                return E * (t / r) * lambdag**4 / (
                    (x**2 + k * lambdag**2 - 1) *
                    (x**2 + lambdag**2)**2) + E * ier * (x**2 -
                                                         1) / (lr * rc**2 * ro)

            x0 = [2]
            m = float(
                     args=(E, t, r, lambdag, k, ier, rc, ro,
                           lr)))  # solve for n that gives minimum P_eG
            PEG[i] = f(m, E, t, r, lambdag, k, ier, rc, ro, lr)
        ALPHATHETAG = 0.8  #adequate for ring stiffeners
        FREG = ALPHATHETAG * PEG * RO * KTHETAG / wall_thickness_array  # elastic
        FRCG = np.array(NSEC * [0.])
        for i in range(0, len(FREG)):
            FRCG[i] = plasticityRF(FREG[i], yield_stress)  # inelastic
        # General Load Case
        NPHI = W / (2 * pi * R)
        NTHETA = P * RO
        K = NPHI / NTHETA
        #-----Local Buckling (SECTION 6) - Axial Compression and bending-----#
        C = (FXCL + FRCL) / yield_stress - 1
        KPHIL = 1
        CST = K * KPHIL / KTHETAL
        FTHETACL = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        bnds = (0, None)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            cst = CST[i]
            fxcl = FXCL[i]
            frcl = FRCL[i]
            c = C[i]
            x = Symbol('x')
            ans = solve((cst * x / fxcl)**2 - c * (cst * x / fxcl) *
                        (x / frcl) + (x / frcl)**2 - 1, x)
            FTHETACL[i] = float(min([a for a in ans if a > 0]))
        #-----General Instability (SECTION 6) - Axial Compression and bending-----#
        C = (FXCG + FRCG) / yield_stress - 1
        KPHIG = 1
        CST = K * KPHIG / KTHETAG
        FTHETACG = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            cst = CST[i]
            fxcg = FXCG[i]
            frcg = FRCG[i]
            c = C[i]
            x = Symbol('x', real=True)
            ans = solve((cst * x / fxcg)**2 - c * (cst * x / fxcg) *
                        (x / frcg) + (x / frcg)**2 - 1, x)
            FTHETACG[i] = float(min([a for a in ans if a > 0]))
        #-----Allowable Stresses-----#
        # factor of safety
        FOS = 1.25
        if load_condition == 'N' or load_condition == 'n':
            FOS = 1.65
        FAL = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        F*G = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        FEL = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        FEG = np.array([0.] * NSEC)
        for i in range(0, NSEC):
            # axial load
            FAL[i] = FPHICL[i] / (FOS * calcPsi(FPHICL[i], yield_stress))
            F*G[i] = FPHICG[i] / (FOS * calcPsi(FPHICG[i], yield_stress))
            # external pressure
            FEL[i] = FTHETACL[i] / (FOS * calcPsi(FTHETACL[i], yield_stress))
            FEG[i] = FTHETACG[i] / (FOS * calcPsi(FTHETACG[i], yield_stress))
        # unity check
        self.VAL = abs(SIGMAXA / FAL)
        self.VAG = abs(SIGMAXA / F*G)
        self.VEL = abs(FTHETAS / FEL)
        self.VEG = abs(FTHETAS / FEG)
        self.water_ballast_height = WBH

        print 'surge period: ', T_surge
        print 'heave period: ', T_heave
        print 'pitch stiffness: ', K_pitch
        print 'pitch period: ', T_pitch
        print 'YNA: ', YNA
        print 'number of stiffeners: ', self.number_of_rings
        print 'wall thickness: ', self.wall_thickness
        print 'VAL: ', self.VAL
        print 'VAG: ', self.VAG
        print 'VEL: ', self.VEL
        print 'VEG: ', self.VEG
        print 'web compactness: ', self.web_compactness
        print 'flange compactness: ', self.flange_compactness
        print 'heel angle: ', self.heel_angle
        print 'outer diameters: ', self.outer_diameter
        self.spar_mass = SHRMASS
        self.ballast_mass = PBM + FBM + WBM
        self.system_total_mass = SHRMASS + PBM + FBM + WBM + self.mooring_mass
        self.shell_mass = SHMASS
        self.bulkhead_mass = BHMASS
        self.stiffener_mass = RGMASS
        print 'spar mass: ', self.spar_mass
        print 'shell mass: ', self.shell_mass
        print 'bulkhead mass: ', self.bulkhead_mass
        print 'stiffener mass: ', self.stiffener_mass

예제 #18
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2,1,-1), (0.5,-1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(4,2,-2), (0.5,-1))
예제 #19
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1.0, ))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1.0, ))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1.0, ))
예제 #20
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 5, 4), -1, -4)
     with self.assertRaise(ValueError):
         utils.roots(1, 4, 6)
예제 #21
	def test_roots(self):
		self.assertEqual(tuple(), utils.roots(0,0,4))
		self.assertEqual((1), utils.roots(0,1,-1))
		self.assertEqual((1,-1), utils.roots(1,0,-1))
예제 #22
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2, 3, 4),
                      (-2.9999999999999996 + 5.5677643628300215j,
                       -3.0000000000000004 - 5.5677643628300215j))
예제 #23
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 0, 0), (0, 0))
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 4, 6), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 4, 4), (-2))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 8, 12), (-2,-6))
예제 #25
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.assertEqual(type(utils.roots(1, 0, 6)), tuple)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1, ))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -4, 3), (3, 1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(20, 1, 3), ())
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), [-1])
예제 #27
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), (-1.0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 1, 1), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -1, -6), (3.0, -2.0))
예제 #28
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 6, 5), (-1, -5))
     self.assertEqual(type(utils.roots(1, 1, 1)), tuple)
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0, 0, 1), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0, 1, 0), (0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2, 0, -2), (-1, 1))
     self.assertNotEqual(utils.roots(0, 5, 0), (2))
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), (-1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 0, 1), ())
예제 #31
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -4, 3), (1, 3))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0, 4, -16), (4))
예제 #32
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 3, 2), (-1.0, -2.0))
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         utils.roots(1, 0, -1)
예제 #33
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(3, 4, 1), (-1, -0.3333333333333333))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(10, 2, 1), (0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), (-1))
 def test_roots(self):
     with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
예제 #35
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2, 4, 0), (0, -2))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(-1, 0, 1), (-1, 1))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -4, 4), (2))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 3), ())
예제 #36
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertIs(utils.roots(1, 0, 1), ())
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -3, 4), ())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(-4, 12, -9), (3 / 2))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2, -11, 5), (5.0, 0.5))
예제 #38
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 3, 2), (1, 2))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 5, 6), (2, 3))
 def test_roots (self):
     self.assertEqual (utils.roots (1,3,-4), (1.0,-4.0))
     self.assertEqual (utils.roots (2,0,0), (0.0,))
예제 #40
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0,0,1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(2,0,2), ())
예제 #41
def roots(a,b,c) :
    result = utils.roots(int(a),int(b),int(c))
    if result == None :
        return "Il n'y a pas de racines réelles pour ce polynomes"
    else :
        return template('La ou les racines de {{a}}x² + {{b}}x + {{c}} = 0 est/sont {{res}}', a=a, b=b,c=c,res=result)
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (0, 0))
     self.assertEqual(type(utils.roots(1, -2, 1)), tuple)
예제 #43
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, -2, 1), (1.0))
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(4, -4, 1), (0.5))
예제 #44
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 2, 1), 1)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 1, 1), 0)
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 5, 1), 2)
 def test_roots(self):
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0, 0, 0), tuple())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(1, 0, 1), tuple())
     self.assertEqual(utils.roots(0, 0, 1), tuple())
예제 #46
 def test_roots(self):
예제 #47
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
예제 #48
 def test_roots(self):
     # À compléter...
     self.asserEqual(utils.roots(0,0,0), (0,0))
     with self.assertRaises(valuerError):