def crop(img, illumination): if img is None: return None img = img[start_x:start_x + s, start_y:start_y + s] img = rotate_and_crop(img, angle) img = cv2.resize(img, (FLAGS.img_size, FLAGS.img_size)) if FLAGS.AUGMENTATION_FLIP_LEFTRIGHT and flip_lr: img = img[:, ::-1] if FLAGS.AUGMENTATION_FLIP_TOPDOWN and flip_td: img = img[::-1, :] img = img.astype(np.float32) new_illum = np.zeros_like(illumination) # RGB -> BGR illumination = illumination[::-1] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): new_illum[i] += illumination[j] * color_aug[i, j] if FLAGS.AUGMENTATION_COLOR_OFFDIAG > 0: # Matrix mul, slower new_image = np.zeros_like(img) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): new_image[:, :, i] += img[:, :, j] * color_aug[i, j] else: img *= np.array( [[[color_aug[0][0], color_aug[1][1], color_aug[2][2]]]], dtype=np.float32) new_image = img new_image = np.clip(new_image, 0, 65535) def apply_nonlinearity(image): if FLAGS.AUGMENTATION_GAMMA != 0 or FLAGS.USE_CURVE: res = 1024 image = np.clip(image * (res * 1.0 / 65536), 0, res - 1) gamma = 1.0 + (random.random() - 0.5) * FLAGS.AUGMENTATION_GAMMA if USE_CURVE: curve = get_random_curve() else: curve = lambda x: x mapping = create_lut(lambda x: curve(x)**gamma * 65535.0, res) return mapping(image) else: return image if FLAGS.SPATIALLY_VARIANT: split = new_image.shape[1] / 2 new_image[:, :split] = apply_nonlinearity(new_image[:, :split]) new_image[:, split:] = apply_nonlinearity(new_image[:, split:]) else: new_image = apply_nonlinearity(new_image) new_illum = np.clip(new_illum, 0.01, 100) return new_image, new_illum[::-1]
def crop(img): if img is None: return None img = img[start_x:start_x + s, start_y:start_y + s] img = rotate_and_crop(img, angle) img = cv2.resize(img, (self.input_size[1], self.input_size[0])) img = img.astype(np.float32) new_image = img new_image = np.clip(new_image, 0, 255.0) #plt.imshow(new_image); return new_image
def crop(img, illumination): if img is None: return None img = img[start_x:start_x + s, start_y:start_y + s] img = rotate_and_crop(img, angle) img = cv2.resize(img, (FCN_INPUT_SIZE, FCN_INPUT_SIZE)) if flip_lr: img = img[:, ::-1] img = img.astype(np.float32) new_illum = np.zeros_like(illumination) # RGB -> BGR illumination = illumination[::-1] for i in range(3): for j in range(3): new_illum[i] += illumination[j] * color_aug[i, j] img *= np.array( [[[color_aug[0][0], color_aug[1][1], color_aug[2][2]]]], dtype=np.float32) new_image = img new_image = np.clip(new_image, 0, 65535) new_illum = np.clip(new_illum, 0.01, 100) return new_image, new_illum[::-1]