def _log_im(self, xs: np.ndarray, ys: np.ndarray, dist_ys: np.ndarray, pred_ys: np.ndarray): b = self.hps.patch_border s = self.hps.patch_inner border = np.zeros([b * 2 + s, b * 2 + s, 3], dtype=np.float32) border[b, b:-b, :] = border[-b, b:-b, :] = 1 border[b:-b, b, :] = border[b:-b, -b, :] = 1 border[-b, -b, :] = 1 for i, (x, y, p) in enumerate(zip(xs, ys, pred_ys)): fname = lambda s: str(self.logdir / ('{:0>3}_{}.png'.format(i, s))) x = utils.scale_percentile(x.transpose(1, 2, 0)) channels = [x[:, :, :3]] # RGB if x.shape[-1] == 12: channels.extend([ x[:, :, 4:7], # M x[:, :, 3:4], # P (will be shown below RGB) # 7 and 8 from M are skipped x[:, :, 9:12], # M ]) elif x.shape[-1] == 20: channels.extend([ x[:, :, 4:7], # M x[:, :, 6:9], # M (overlap) x[:, :, 9:12], # M x[:, :, 3:4], # P (will be shown below RGB) x[:, :, 12:15], # A (overlap) x[:, :, 14:17], # A x[:, :, 17:], # A ]) channels = [np.maximum(border, ch) for ch in channels] if len(channels) >= 4: n = len(channels) // 2 img = np.concatenate([ np.concatenate(channels[:n], 1), np.concatenate(channels[n:], 1) ], 0) else: img = np.concatenate(channels, axis=1) cv2.imwrite(fname('-x'), img * 255) for j, (cls, c_y, c_p) in enumerate(zip(self.hps.classes, y, p)): cv2.imwrite(fname('{}-y'.format(cls)), c_y * 255) cv2.imwrite(fname('{}-z'.format(cls)), c_p * 255) if dist_ys.shape[0]: cv2.imwrite(fname('{}-d'.format(cls)), dist_ys[i, j] * 255)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('output', help='output director') args = parser.parse_args() output = Path(args.output) output.mkdir(exist_ok=True) poly_stats = {} for im_id in sorted(utils.get_wkt_data()): print(im_id) im_data = utils.load_image(im_id, rgb_only=True) im_data = utils.scale_percentile(im_data) cv2.imwrite(str(output.joinpath('{}.jpg'.format(im_id))), 255 * im_data) im_size = im_data.shape[:2] poly_by_type = utils.load_polygons(im_id, im_size) for poly_type, poly in sorted(poly_by_type.items()): cls = poly_type - 1 mask = utils.mask_for_polygons(im_size, poly) cv2.imwrite( str(output.joinpath('{}_mask_{}.png'.format(im_id, cls))), 255 * mask) poly_stats.setdefault(im_id, {})[cls] = { 'area': poly.area / (im_size[0] * im_size[1]), 'perimeter': int(poly.length), 'number': len(poly), } output.joinpath('stats.json').write_text(json.dumps(poly_stats)) for key in ['number', 'perimeter', 'area']: if key == 'area': fmt = '{:.4%}'.format else: fmt = lambda x: x print('\n{}'.format(key)) print( tabulate.tabulate( [[im_id] + [fmt(s[cls][key]) for cls in range(10)] for im_id, s in sorted(poly_stats.items())], headers=['im_id'] + list(range(10))))
def get_poly_data(im_id, *, store: Path, classes: List[int], epsilon: float, min_area: float, min_small_area: float, validation: str, to_fix: Set[str], hps: HyperParams, valid_polygons: bool, buffer: float): train_polygons = utils.get_wkt_data().get(im_id) jaccard_stats = [] path = mask_path(store, im_id) if path.exists(): with, 'rb') as f: try: masks = np.load(f) # type: np.ndarray except Exception: logger.error('Error loading mask {}'.format(path)) raise if validation == 'square': masks = square(masks, hps) rows = [] if validation: im_data = utils.load_image(im_id, rgb_only=True) im_size = im_data.shape[:2] if validation == 'square': im_data = square(im_data, hps) cv2.imwrite(str(store / '{}_image.png'.format(im_id)), 255 * utils.scale_percentile(im_data)) for cls, mask in zip(classes, masks): poly_type = cls + 1 if train_polygons and not validation: rows.append((im_id, str(poly_type), 'MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY')) else: unscaled, pred_poly = get_polygons( im_id, mask, epsilon, min_area=min_small_area if cls in {1, 8, 9} else min_area, fix='{}_{}'.format(im_id, poly_type) in to_fix, buffer=buffer, ) rows.append((im_id, str(poly_type), shapely.wkt.dumps(pred_poly, rounding_precision=8))) if validation: poly_mask = utils.mask_for_polygons(mask.shape, unscaled) train_poly = shapely.wkt.loads(train_polygons[poly_type]) scaled_train_poly = utils.scale_to_mask( im_id, im_size, train_poly) true_mask = utils.mask_for_polygons( im_size, scaled_train_poly) if validation == 'square': true_mask = square(true_mask, hps) write_mask = lambda m, name: cv2.imwrite( str(store / '{}_{}_{}.png'.format(im_id, cls, name)), 255 * m) write_mask(true_mask, 'true_mask') write_mask(mask, 'pixel_mask') write_mask(poly_mask, 'poly_mask') jaccard_stats.append( log_jaccard(im_id, cls, true_mask, mask, poly_mask, scaled_train_poly, unscaled, valid_polygons=valid_polygons)) else:'{} empty'.format(im_id)) rows = [(im_id, str(cls + 1), 'MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY') for cls in classes] return rows, jaccard_stats