예제 #1
파일: IO.py 프로젝트: afcarl/self_dot
def video():
    import cv2

    cv2.namedWindow('Output', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
    camera = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    context = zmq.Context()
    publisher = context.socket(zmq.PUB)

    projector = context.socket(zmq.PULL)
    eventQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    eventQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(eventQ, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(projector, zmq.POLLIN)

    while True:
        events = dict(poller.poll(timeout=0))

        if eventQ in events:
            pushbutton = eventQ.recv_json()
            if 'display2' in pushbutton:
                cv2.moveWindow('Output', 2000, 100)
            if 'fullscreen' in pushbutton:
                cv2.setWindowProperty('Output', cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.cv.CV_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)

        if projector in events:
            cv2.imshow('Output', cv2.resize(recv_array(projector), FRAME_SIZE))
            cv2.imshow('Output', np.zeros(FRAME_SIZE[::-1]))
        _, frame = camera.read()
        frame = cv2.resize(frame, FRAME_SIZE)
        send_array(publisher, frame)

예제 #2
파일: AI.py 프로젝트: axeltidemann/self_dot
def live(audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host):
    import Oger

    me = mp.current_process()
    print me.name, 'PID', me.pid

    context = zmq.Context()
    mic = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    mic.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, MIC))
    mic.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    speaker = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    speaker.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SPEAKER)) 

    camera = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    camera.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, CAMERA))
    camera.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    projector = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    projector.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, PROJECTOR)) 

    stateQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    stateQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, STATE))
    stateQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') 

    eventQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    eventQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EVENT))
    eventQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') 

    snapshot = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
    snapshot.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SNAPSHOT))
    snapshot.send(b'Send me the state, please')
    state = snapshot.recv_json()

    sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    sender.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EXTERNAL))
    sender.send_json('register {}'.format(me.name))

    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(mic, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(camera, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(stateQ, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(eventQ, zmq.POLLIN)

    previous_prediction = []
    # Approximately 10 seconds of audio/video
    error = deque(maxlen=3400)
    audio = deque(maxlen=3400)
    video = deque(maxlen=80)
    while True:
        events = dict(poller.poll())

        if stateQ in events:
            state = stateQ.recv_json()

        if mic in events:
            new_audio = np.atleast_2d(recv_array(mic))
            if state['record']:
                scaled_signals = scaler.transform(new_audio)
                if len(previous_prediction):
                    error.append(scaled_signals[:,idxs].flatten() - previous_prediction.flatten())
                previous_prediction = audio_recognizer(scaled_signals[:,idxs]) # This would not be necessary in a centralized recognizer

        if camera in events:
            new_video = recv_array(camera)
            if state['record']:

        if eventQ in events:
            pushbutton = eventQ.recv_json()
            if 'reset' in pushbutton:
                previous_prediction = []

            if 'rmse' in pushbutton:
                rmse = np.sqrt((np.array(list(error)).flatten() ** 2).mean())
                sender.send_json('{} RMSE {}'.format(me.name, rmse))
            if 'respond' in pushbutton and pushbutton['respond'] == me.name:
                audio_data = np.array(list(audio))
                video_data = np.array(list(video))

                print '{} chosen to respond. Audio data: {} Video data: {}'.format(me.name, audio_data.shape, video_data.shape)

                if audio_data.size == 0 and video_data.size == 0:
                    print '*** Audio data and video data arrays are empty. Aborting the response. ***'

                row_diff = audio_data.shape[0] - audio_producer.length
                if row_diff < 0:
                    audio_data = np.vstack([ audio_data, np.zeros((-row_diff, audio_data.shape[1])) ])
                    audio_data = audio_data[:audio_producer.length]

                sound = audio_producer(audio_data)
                stride = audio_producer.length/audio2video.length
                projection = audio2video(audio_data[audio_data.shape[0] - stride*audio2video.length::stride])

                # DREAM MODE: You can train a network with zero audio input -> video output, and use this
                # to recreate the original training sequence with scary accuracy...

                for row in projection:
                    send_array(projector, row)

                for row in scaler.inverse_transform(sound):
                    send_array(speaker, row)

            if 'save' in pushbutton:
                filename = '{}.{}'.format(pushbutton['save'], me.name)
                pickle.dump((audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host), file(filename, 'w'))
                print '{} saved as file {} ({})'.format(me.name, filename, filesize(filename))
예제 #3
파일: AI.py 프로젝트: afcarl/self_dot
def live(audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video, scaler, host):
    import Oger

    me = mp.current_process()
    print me.name, 'PID', me.pid

    context = zmq.Context()
    mic = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    mic.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, MIC))
    mic.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    speaker = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    speaker.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SPEAKER))

    camera = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    camera.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, CAMERA))
    camera.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    projector = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    projector.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, PROJECTOR))

    stateQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    stateQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, STATE))
    stateQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    eventQ = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    eventQ.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EVENT))
    eventQ.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')

    snapshot = context.socket(zmq.REQ)
    snapshot.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, SNAPSHOT))
    snapshot.send(b'Send me the state, please')
    state = snapshot.recv_json()

    sender = context.socket(zmq.PUSH)
    sender.connect('tcp://{}:{}'.format(host, EXTERNAL))
    sender.send_json('register {}'.format(me.name))

    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(mic, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(camera, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(stateQ, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(eventQ, zmq.POLLIN)

    previous_prediction = []
    # Approximately 10 seconds of audio/video
    error = deque(maxlen=3400)
    audio = deque(maxlen=3400)
    video = deque(maxlen=80)
    while True:
        events = dict(poller.poll())

        if stateQ in events:
            state = stateQ.recv_json()

        if mic in events:
            new_audio = np.atleast_2d(recv_array(mic))
            if state['record']:
                scaled_signals = scaler.transform(new_audio)
                if len(previous_prediction):
                    error.append(scaled_signals[:, idxs].flatten() -
                previous_prediction = audio_recognizer(
                    scaled_signals[:, idxs]
                )  # This would not be necessary in a centralized recognizer

        if camera in events:
            new_video = recv_array(camera)
            if state['record']:

        if eventQ in events:
            pushbutton = eventQ.recv_json()
            if 'reset' in pushbutton:
                previous_prediction = []

            if 'rmse' in pushbutton:
                rmse = np.sqrt((np.array(list(error)).flatten()**2).mean())
                sender.send_json('{} RMSE {}'.format(me.name, rmse))

            if 'respond' in pushbutton and pushbutton['respond'] == me.name:
                audio_data = np.array(list(audio))
                video_data = np.array(list(video))

                print '{} chosen to respond. Audio data: {} Video data: {}'.format(
                    me.name, audio_data.shape, video_data.shape)

                if audio_data.size == 0 and video_data.size == 0:
                    print '*** Audio data and video data arrays are empty. Aborting the response. ***'

                row_diff = audio_data.shape[0] - audio_producer.length
                if row_diff < 0:
                    audio_data = np.vstack([
                        np.zeros((-row_diff, audio_data.shape[1]))
                    audio_data = audio_data[:audio_producer.length]

                sound = audio_producer(audio_data)

                stride = audio_producer.length / audio2video.length
                projection = audio2video(
                    audio_data[audio_data.shape[0] -
                               stride * audio2video.length::stride])

                # DREAM MODE: You can train a network with zero audio input -> video output, and use this
                # to recreate the original training sequence with scary accuracy...

                for row in projection:
                    send_array(projector, row)

                for row in scaler.inverse_transform(sound):
                    send_array(speaker, row)

            if 'save' in pushbutton:
                filename = '{}.{}'.format(pushbutton['save'], me.name)
                pickle.dump((audio_recognizer, audio_producer, audio2video,
                             scaler, host), file(filename, 'w'))
                print '{} saved as file {} ({})'.format(
                    me.name, filename, filesize(filename))