예제 #1
def generate_test_transform_treasuries_data():
    data = data_loader.download_csv(data_loader.treasuries_config['TREASURIES_URL'])
    nb_rows = len(data)
    test_data = data[:10] + data[nb_rows - 10:]
    utils.serialise_obj(test_data, 'testdata/test_transform_treasuries_data.data.py')
예제 #2
def generate_test_transform_google_timeseries():
    symbol = 'GOOG'
    start = datetime.datetime(2013, 10, 11)
    end = datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11)
    data = data_loader.download_google_timeseries_raw(symbol, start, end)
    utils.serialise_obj(data, 'testdata/test_transform_google_timeseries.data.py')
    utils.serialise_obj(data_loader.transform_google_timeseries(data, symbol), 'testdata/test_transform_google_timeseries.result.py')
예제 #3
def get_time_series(loader, loader_args):
    Interrogate the cache for the requested series
    If it doesn't exit, call the loader function from the data_loader module
    with the dictionary args and add it to the cache

    # Get the time series from the cache/db
    # For now we just get back from the cache based on whether the exact
    # same call has been made before
    # TODO add support to interrogate a db for whether the data can be found
    # in the cache
    id = get_id(loader, loader_args)

    def get_ts():
        if id is not None:
            return get_from_cache(id)
        return None

    ts = get_ts()

    # If the time series is not in the cache/db, load it using the loader 
    # function
    if not ts:
        ts = getattr(data_loader, loader)(**loader_args)

        # Add the time series to the cache/db
        # Ticky logic here while we transition to mongo...
        # If the id is none, we're using the db but the series is not in
        # the db. Therefore create a record for it in the db and pass the
        # newly created id onto the file cache
        # There's definite scope here for synchronisation between the file 
        # cache and db meta data to cause compilications. Perhaps the time
        # series should be put in the db too... 
        if id is None:
            db_client = get_db()
            if db_client is None:
                raise Exception('id not set in db mode {0}'.format(config.DB))
            id = db_client.insert(loader, loader_args)
            # If the db as added an object id, remove it, for now
            if loader_args.has_key(db.OBJECT_ID):
                del loader_args[db.OBJECT_ID]
        utils.serialise_obj(ts, get_cache_filename(id))

    return ts
예제 #4
 def test_serialise_deserialise_obj(self):
     This tests the round trip: serialise an object then deserialise
     it and check we get back what we started with
     It's intended as a test for the two functions: 
     data = {
             'a': [5.97, 2.97, 8.2502, 4],
             'b': 'hello',
             'c': True
     fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.py')
         utils.serialise_obj(data, tmpfile)
         result = utils.deserialise_obj(tmpfile)
     self.assertEqual(data, result)
예제 #5
        METADATA: {
            'symbol': symbol,
            'start': start,
            'end': end


if __name__ == '__main__':
    import utils
    # utils.serialise_obj(
    #         download_yahoo_timeseries_raw(
    #             'IBM', 
    #             datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 11), 
    #             datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11)), 
    #         'cache/yahoo_data.py')

                datetime.datetime(2012, 11, 11), 
                datetime.datetime(2013, 11, 11)), 

    # utils.serialise_obj(download_treasuries(), 'cache/treasuries_data.py')
