def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ utils.set_rand_seed() psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "Merges parsed experiment files into unified training, validation, " "and test data.")) psr.add_argument( "--data-dir", help="The path to a directory containing the experiment files.", required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument( "--train-split", default=50, help="Training data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument( "--val-split", default=20, help="Validation data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument( "--test-split", default=30, help="Test data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_sample_percent(*cl_args.add_out( *cl_args.add_warmup(*cl_args.add_num_exps(psr)))) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) split_fracs = { "train": args.train_split / 100, "val": args.val_split / 100, "test": args.test_split / 100} tot_split = sum(split_fracs.values()) assert tot_split == 1, \ ("The sum of the training, validation, and test splits must equal 100, " f"not {tot_split * 100}") tim_srt_s = time.time() # Determine the experiment filepaths. exps_dir = args.data_dir exp_flps = [ path.join(exps_dir, fln) for fln in os.listdir(exps_dir) if not fln.startswith(defaults.DATA_PREFIX) and fln.endswith(".npz")] random.shuffle(exp_flps) num_exps = len(exp_flps) if args.num_exps is None else args.num_exps exp_flps = exp_flps[:num_exps] print(f"Selected {num_exps} experiments") warmup_frac = args.warmup_percent / 100 sample_frac = args.sample_percent / 100 exp_flps, num_pkts, dtype = survey(exp_flps, warmup_frac) print( f"Total packets: {num_pkts}\nFeatures ({len(dtype.names)}):\n\t" + "\n\t".join(sorted(dtype.names))) # Create the merged training, validation, and test files. merge( exp_flps, args.out_dir, num_pkts, dtype, split_fracs, warmup_frac, sample_frac) print(f"Finished - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") return 0
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Parses the output of") psr.add_argument( "--exp-dir", help=("The directory in which the experiment results are stored " "(required)."), required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--random-order", action="store_true", help="Parse the simulations in a random order.") psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) exp_dir = args.exp_dir out_dir = args.out_dir # Find all simulations. pcaps = [(path.join(exp_dir, sim), out_dir) for sim in sorted(os.listdir(exp_dir))] if args.random_order: # Set the random seed so that multiple instances of this # script see the same random order. utils.set_rand_seed() random.shuffle(pcaps) print(f"Num files: {len(pcaps)}") tim_srt_s = time.time() if defaults.SYNC: for pcap in pcaps: parse_pcap(*pcap) else: with multiprocessing.Pool() as pol: pol.starmap(parse_pcap, pcaps) print(f"Done parsing - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds")
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ # Parse command line arguments. psr = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Evaluates feature correlation.") psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_training(psr) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) # Train models. # all_fets = sorted(models.MODELS[args.model].in_spc) all_fets = ALL_FETS # x-axis features. fets_x = list(reversed(all_fets)) # y-axis features. fets_y = all_fets out_dir = args.out_dir dat_flp = path.join(out_dir, "correlation.npz") if path.exists(dat_flp): # Load existing results. print(f"Found existing data: {dat_flp}") with np.load(dat_flp) as fil: accs_ratios = fil[fil.files[0]] else: # Create the list of simulations here instead of letting the # training script do it so that all runs use the same # simulations. dat_dir = args.data_dir sims = [path.join(dat_dir, sim) for sim in os.listdir(dat_dir)] if train.SHUFFLE: # Set the random seed so that multiple instances of this # script see the same random order. utils.set_rand_seed() random.shuffle(sims) num_sims = args.num_sims if num_sims is not None: num_sims_actual = len(sims) assert num_sims_actual >= num_sims, \ (f"Insufficient simulations. Requested {num_sims}, but only " f"{num_sims_actual} available.") sims = sims[:num_sims] # Train models. accs_single = run_cnfs([[fet] for fet in all_fets], args, sims) accs_pairs = run_cnfs( [ [fet1, fet2] for i, fet1 in enumerate(all_fets) for j, fet2 in enumerate(all_fets) # Do not consider pairs of the same feature. if i != j ], args, sims) # Calculate the accuracy ratios. accs_ratios = np.array([[ (accs_pairs[(fet1, fet2)] / accs_single[(fet1, )] if (fet1, fet2) in accs_pairs else 0) for fet2 in fets_x ] for fet1 in fets_y]) # Save results. np.savez_compressed(dat_flp, accs_ratios=accs_ratios) print(f"Saving results: {dat_flp}") # Graph results. plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 7)) with sns.axes_style("white"): sns.heatmap(accs_ratios, linewidth=0.5, center=1, xticklabels=fets_x, yticklabels=fets_y, square=True, annot=True, fmt=".2f", annot_kws={"fontsize": 8}) plt.tight_layout() out_flp = path.join(out_dir, "correlation.pdf") print(f"Saving graph: {out_flp}") plt.savefig(out_flp)
def run_trials(args): """ Runs args["conf_trials"] trials and survives args["max_attempts"] failed attempts. """ print(f"Arguments: {args}") if args["no_rand"]: utils.set_rand_seed() # Prepare the output directory. out_dir = args["out_dir"] if not path.isdir(out_dir): print(f"Output directory does not exist. Creating it: {out_dir}") os.makedirs(out_dir) # Create a temporary model to use during the data preparation # process. Another model will be created for the actual training. net_tmp = models.MODELS[args["model"]]() # Verify that the necessary supplemental parameters are present. for param in net_tmp.params: assert param in args, f"\"{param}\" not in args: {args}" # Assemble the output filepath. out_flp = path.join( args["out_dir"], defaults.MODEL_PREFIX + utils.args_to_str( args, order=sorted(defaults.DEFAULTS.keys()), which="model") + ( # Determine the proper extension based on the type of model. ".pickle" if isinstance(net_tmp, models.SvmSklearnWrapper) else ".pth")) # If custom features are specified, then overwrite the model's # default features. fets = args["features"] if fets: net_tmp.in_spc = tuple(fets) else: args["features"] = net_tmp.in_spc # Load the training, validation, and test data. ldrs = data.get_dataloaders(args, net_tmp) # TODO: Parallelize attempts. trls = args["conf_trials"] apts = 0 apts_max = args["max_attempts"] ress = [] while trls > 0 and apts < apts_max: apts += 1 res = (run_sklearn if isinstance(net_tmp, models.SvmSklearnWrapper) else run_torch)(args, out_dir, out_flp, ldrs) if res[0] == 100: print(( f"Training failed (attempt {apts}/{apts_max}). Trying again!")) else: ress.append(res) trls -= 1 if ress: print(("Resulting accuracies: " f"{', '.join([f'{acc:.2f}' for acc, _ in ress])}")) max_acc, tim_s = max(ress, key=lambda p: p[0]) print(f"Maximum accuracy: {max_acc:.2f}") # Return the minimum error instead of the maximum accuracy. return 1 - max_acc, tim_s print(f"Model cannot be trained with args: {args}") return float("NaN"), float("NaN")
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ utils.set_rand_seed() psr = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=( "Merges parsed simulation files into unified training, validation, " "and test data.")) psr.add_argument( "--data-dir", help="The path to a directory containing the simulation files.", required=True, type=str) psr.add_argument("--train-split", default=50, help="Training data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument("--val-split", default=20, help="Validation data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr.add_argument("--test-split", default=30, help="Test data fraction", required=False, type=float) psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_out(*cl_args.add_warmup( *cl_args.add_num_sims(psr))) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) split_prcs = { "train": args.train_split, "val": args.val_split, "test": args.test_split } tot_split = sum(split_prcs.values()) assert tot_split == 100, \ ("The sum of the training, validation, and test splits must equal 100, " f"not {tot_split}") tim_srt_s = time.time() # Determine the simulation filepaths. sims_dir = args.data_dir sim_flns = os.listdir(sims_dir) random.shuffle(sim_flns) num_sims = args.num_sims num_sims = len(sim_flns) if num_sims is None else num_sims print(f"Selected {num_sims} simulations") sim_flps = [ path.join(sims_dir, sim_fln) for sim_fln in sim_flns[:num_sims] ] warmup_frac = args.warmup_percent / 100 num_pkts, dtype = survey(sim_flps, warmup_frac) fets = dtype.names print(f"Total packets: {num_pkts}\nFeatures:\n " + "\n ".join(sorted(fets))) # Create the merged training, validation, and test files. merge(sim_flps, args.out_dir, num_pkts, dtype, split_prcs, warmup_frac) print(f"Finished - time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") return 0
def run_trials(args): """ Run args["conf_trials"] trials and survive args["max_attempts"] failed attempts. """ print(f"Arguments: {args}") if args["no_rand"]: utils.set_rand_seed() out_dir = args["out_dir"] if not path.isdir(out_dir): print(f"Output directory does not exist. Creating it: {out_dir}") os.makedirs(out_dir) net_tmp = models.MODELS[args["model"]]() # Verify that the necessary supplemental parameters are present. for param in net_tmp.params: assert param in args, f"\"{param}\" not in args: {args}" # Assemble the output filepath. out_flp = path.join( args["out_dir"], (utils.args_to_str(args, order=sorted(defaults.DEFAULTS.keys()))) + ( # Determine the proper extension based on the type of # model. ".pickle" if isinstance(net_tmp, models.SvmSklearnWrapper) else ".pth")) # If custom features are specified, then overwrite the model's # default features. fets = args["features"] if fets: net_tmp.in_spc = fets else: assert "arrival time us" not in args["features"] args["features"] = net_tmp.in_spc # If a trained model file already exists, then delete it. if path.exists(out_flp): os.remove(out_flp) # Load or geenrate training data. dat_flp = path.join(out_dir, "data.npz") scl_prms_flp = path.join(out_dir, "scale_params.json") # Check for the presence of both the data and the scaling # parameters because the resulting model is useless without the # proper scaling parameters. if (not args["regen_data"] and path.exists(dat_flp) and path.exists(scl_prms_flp)): print("Found existing data!") dat_in, dat_out, dat_out_raw, dat_out_oracle, num_flws = utils.load( dat_flp) dat_in_shape = dat_in.shape dat_out_shape = dat_out.shape assert dat_in_shape[0] == dat_out_shape[0], \ f"Data has invalid shapes! in: {dat_in_shape}, out: {dat_out_shape}" else: print("Regenerating data...") dat_in, dat_out, dat_out_raw, dat_out_oracle, num_flws = (gen_data( net_tmp, args, dat_flp, scl_prms_flp)) print(f"Number of input features: {len(dat_in.dtype.names)}") # Visualaize the ground truth data. utils.visualize_classes(net_tmp, dat_out) # TODO: Parallelize attempts. trls = args["conf_trials"] apts = 0 apts_max = args["max_attempts"] ress = [] while trls > 0 and apts < apts_max: apts += 1 res = (run_sklearn if isinstance(net_tmp, models.SvmSklearnWrapper) else run_torch)(args, dat_in, dat_out, dat_out_raw, dat_out_oracle, num_flws, out_dir, out_flp) if res[0] == 100: print(( f"Training failed (attempt {apts}/{apts_max}). Trying again!")) else: ress.append(res) trls -= 1 if ress: print(("Resulting accuracies: " f"{', '.join([f'{acc:.2f}' for acc, _ in ress])}")) max_acc, tim_s = max(ress, key=lambda p: p[0]) print(f"Maximum accuracy: {max_acc:.2f}") # Return the minimum error instead of the maximum accuracy. return 1 - max_acc, tim_s print(f"Model cannot be trained with args: {args}") return float("NaN"), float("NaN")
def make_datasets(net, args, dat=None): """ Parses the simulation files in data_dir and transforms them (e.g., by scaling) into the correct format for the network. If num_sims is not None, then this function selects the first num_sims simulations only. If shuffle is True, then the simulations will be parsed in sorted order. Use num_sims and shuffle=True together to simplify debugging. """ if dat is None: # Find simulations. sims = args["sims"] if not sims: dat_dir = args["data_dir"] sims = [ path.join(dat_dir, sim) for sim in sorted(os.listdir(dat_dir)) ] if SHUFFLE: # Set the random seed so that multiple parallel instances of # this script see the same random order. utils.set_rand_seed() random.shuffle(sims) num_sims = args["num_sims"] if num_sims is not None: num_sims_actual = len(sims) assert num_sims_actual >= num_sims, \ (f"Insufficient simulations. Requested {num_sims}, but only " f"{num_sims_actual} available.") sims = sims[:num_sims] tot_sims = len(sims) print(f"Found {tot_sims} simulations.") # Prepare temporary output directory. The output of parsing each # simulation it written to disk instead of being transfered # between processes because sometimes the data is too large for # Python to send between processes. tmp_dir = args["tmp_dir"] if tmp_dir is None: tmp_dir = args["out_dir"] if not path.isdir(tmp_dir): print( f"Temporary directory does not exist. Creating it: {tmp_dir}") os.makedirs(tmp_dir) # Parse simulations. sims_args = [(idx, tot_sims, net, sim, tmp_dir, args["warmup_percent"], args["keep_percent"]) for idx, sim in enumerate(sims)] if defaults.SYNC or args["sync"]: dat_all = [process_sim(*sim_args) for sim_args in sims_args] else: with multiprocessing.Pool() as pol: # Each element of dat_all corresponds to a single simulation. dat_all = pol.starmap(process_sim, sims_args) # Throw away results from simulations that could not be parsed. dat_all = [dat for dat in dat_all if dat is not None] print(f"Discarded {tot_sims - len(dat_all)} simulations!") assert dat_all, "No valid simulations found!" dat_all, sims = zip(*dat_all) dat_all = [utils.load_tmp_file(flp) for flp in dat_all] else: dat_all, sims = dat # Validate data. dim_in = None dtype_in = None dim_out = None dtype_out = None scl_grps = None for dat_in, dat_out, _, _, scl_grps_cur in dat_all: dim_in_cur = len(dat_in.dtype.names) dim_out_cur = len(dat_out.dtype.names) dtype_in_cur = dat_in.dtype dtype_out_cur = dat_out.dtype if dim_in is None: dim_in = dim_in_cur if dim_out is None: dim_out = dim_out_cur if dtype_in is None: dtype_in = dtype_in_cur if dtype_out is None: dtype_out = dtype_out_cur if scl_grps is None: scl_grps = scl_grps_cur assert dim_in_cur == dim_in, \ f"Invalid input feature dim: {dim_in_cur} != {dim_in}" assert dim_out_cur == dim_out, \ f"Invalid output feature dim: {dim_out_cur} != {dim_out}" assert dtype_in_cur == dtype_in, \ f"Invalud input dtype: {dtype_in_cur} != {dtype_in}" assert dtype_out_cur == dtype_out, \ f"Invalid output dtype: {dtype_out_cur} != {dtype_out}" assert (scl_grps_cur == scl_grps).all(), \ f"Invalid scaling groups: {scl_grps_cur} != {scl_grps}" assert dim_in is not None, "Unable to compute input feature dim!" assert dim_out is not None, "Unable to compute output feature dim!" assert dtype_in is not None, "Unable to compute input dtype!" assert dtype_out is not None, "Unable to compute output dtype!" assert scl_grps is not None, "Unable to compte scaling groups!" # Build combined feature lists. dat_in_all, dat_out_all, dat_out_all_raw, dat_out_all_oracle, _ = zip( *dat_all) # Determine the number of flows in each example. num_flws = [sim.unfair_flws + sim.fair_flws for sim in sims] num_flws = [ np.array([num_flws_] * dat_in.shape[0], dtype=[("num_flws", "int")]) for num_flws_, dat_in in zip(num_flws, dat_in_all) ] num_flws = np.concatenate(num_flws, axis=0) # Stack the arrays. dat_in_all = np.concatenate(dat_in_all, axis=0) dat_out_all = np.concatenate(dat_out_all, axis=0) dat_out_all_raw = np.concatenate(dat_out_all_raw, axis=0) dat_out_all_oracle = np.concatenate(dat_out_all_oracle, axis=0) # Convert all instances of -1 (feature value unknown) to the mean # for that feature. bad_fets = [] for fet in dat_in_all.dtype.names: fet_values = dat_in_all[fet] if (fet_values == -1).all(): bad_fets.append(fet) continue dat_in_all[fet] = np.where(fet_values == -1, np.mean(fet_values), fet_values) assert (dat_in_all[fet] != -1).all(), f"Found \"-1\" in feature: {fet}" assert not bad_fets, f"Features contain only \"-1\": {bad_fets}" # Scale input features. Do this here instead of in process_sim() # because all of the features must be scaled using the same # parameters. dat_in_all, prms_in = scale_fets(dat_in_all, scl_grps, args["standardize"]) # # Check if any of the data is malformed and discard features if # # necessary. # fets = [] # for fet in dat_in_all.dtype.names: # fet_values = dat_in_all[fet] # if ((not np.isnan(fet_values).any()) and # (not np.isinf(fet_values).any())): # fets.append(fet) # else: # print(f"Discarding: {fet}") # dat_in_all = dat_in_all[fets] return (dat_in_all, dat_out_all, dat_out_all_raw, dat_out_all_oracle, num_flws, prms_in)
def main(): """ This program's entrypoint. """ psr = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Visualize sklearn training parameters.") psr, psr_verify = cl_args.add_training(psr) psr.add_argument( "--graph-results", action="store_true", help=("Look through the output directory for completed experiments, " "and graph them.")) args = psr_verify(psr.parse_args()) args = train.prepare_args(vars(args)) tim_srt_s = time.time() out_dir = args["out_dir"] # Assemble the configurations to test. Sort them based on the # product of their hyper-parameters, which is a heuristic of how # long they will take to run. cnfs = sorted( [train.prepare_args({ "warmup_percent": args["warmup_percent"], "model": args["model"], "kernel": args["kernel"], "degree": args["degree"], "penalty": args["penalty"], "standardize": args["standardize"], "no_rand": args["no_rand"], "max_iter": max_iter, "keep_percent": prc, "num_sims": num_sims, "out_dir": path.join(out_dir, f"{num_sims}_{prc}_{max_iter}") }) for num_sims, prc, max_iter in set( # Fix number of iterations and number of # simulations. Vary percent of each simulation. list(itertools.product( NUMS_SIMS, range(PRC_MIN, PRC_MAX + 1, PRC_DELTA), NUMS_ITERS)) + # Fix percent of each simulation and number of # simulations. Vary number of iterations. list(itertools.product( NUMS_SIMS, KEEP_PRCS, range(NUM_ITERS_MIN, NUM_ITERS_MAX + 1, NUM_ITERS_DELTA))))], key=lambda cnf: [cnf["num_sims"], cnf["keep_percent"], cnf["max_iter"]])) print(f"Will test {len(cnfs)} configurations.") if args["graph_results"]: graph_partial_results(cnfs, out_dir) return # For each possible configuration of number of simulations and # percentage of each simulation, create a temporary file # containing the parsed data for that configuration. all_prcs = list(set( KEEP_PRCS + list(range(PRC_MIN, PRC_MAX + 1, PRC_DELTA)))) tmp_dat = {} for num_sims, prc in itertools.product(NUMS_SIMS, all_prcs): base_dir = path.join(out_dir, f"{num_sims}_{prc}") if not path.exists(base_dir): os.makedirs(base_dir) tmp_dat_flp = path.join(base_dir, "data.npz") tmp_scl_prms_flp = path.join(base_dir, "scale_params.json") # Record the paths to the data and scale parameters files. tmp_dat[(num_sims, prc)] = (tmp_dat_flp, tmp_scl_prms_flp) # Look up to the location of the data corresponding to each # configuration and make a mapping from this temporary data to # where it should be copied in the configuration's output # directory (where it will be read automatically). src_dst = [] for cnf in cnfs: cnf_out_dir = cnf["out_dir"] if not path.exists(cnf_out_dir): os.makedirs(cnf_out_dir) tmp_dat_flp, tmp_scl_prms_flp = tmp_dat[ (cnf["num_sims"], cnf["keep_percent"])] src_dst.append(( (tmp_dat_flp, path.join(cnf_out_dir, path.basename(tmp_dat_flp))), (tmp_scl_prms_flp, path.join(cnf_out_dir, path.basename(tmp_scl_prms_flp))))) # Check if any of the data has not been generated yet. If any of # the data has not been generated yet, then we must regenerate all # of the data. if np.array([ path.exists(dat_dst) and path.exists(scl_prms_dst) for (_, dat_dst), (_, scl_prms_dst) in src_dst]).all(): print("All data already generated.") else: print("Generating all new data.") # The data processing here is tricky. Our goal is to have # the configurations all process the same data to make the # comparison as "apples-to-apples" as possible. To that # end, all of the configurations will process subsets of # the same set of simulations. The high-level strategy is # to manually load and process the data and then place it # strategically so that the training process reads it in # automatically. The process is as follows: # 1) Determine the greatest number of simulations that any # configuration will require and parse them. # 2) For each configuration, pick a subset of these simulations. # When picking which simulations to use, always pick from the # front. This means that configurations with more simulations # will process the same simulations as those with fewer # simulations, plus some extra. When picking which datapoints # to use from within a simulation, choose them randomly. # 3) For each configuration, copy its data into its output # directory so that it will be automatically detected and read # in. # Load the required number of simulations. dat_dir = args["data_dir"] sims = [path.join(dat_dir, sim) for sim in os.listdir(dat_dir)] if train.SHUFFLE: # Set the random seed so that multiple instances of this # script see the same random order. utils.set_rand_seed() random.shuffle(sims) num_sims_actual = len(sims) max_sims = max(NUMS_SIMS) assert num_sims_actual >= max_sims, \ (f"Insufficient simulations. Requested {max_sims}, but only " f"{num_sims_actual} available.") sims = sims[:max_sims] net = models.MODELS[args["model"]]() sim_args = [ (idx, max_sims, net, sim_flp, out_dir, args["warmup_percent"], 100) for idx, sim_flp in enumerate(sims)] if defaults.SYNC: dat_all = [train.process_sim(*sim_args_) for sim_args_ in sim_args] else: with multiprocessing.Pool() as pol: dat_all = pol.starmap(train.process_sim, sim_args) # Verify that we were able to parse all # simulations. Normally, we would allow the training # process to proceed even if some simulations failed to # parse, but since in this case we are looking at specific # trends, we need to make sure that we are training on the # number of simulations that we intend. for dat in dat_all: assert dat is not None, \ "Error processing at least one simulation. Check logs (above)." # Unpack the data. dat_all, sims = zip(*dat_all) dat_all = [utils.load_tmp_file(flp) for flp in dat_all] dat_in, dat_out, dat_out_raw, dat_out_oracle, scl_grps = zip(*dat_all) dat_in = list(dat_in) dat_out = list(dat_out) dat_out_raw = list(dat_out_raw) dat_out_oracle = list(dat_out_oracle) scl_grps = list(scl_grps) # Generate temporary data. for (num_sims, prc), (tmp_dat_flp, tmp_scl_prms_flp) in tmp_dat.items(): # Select the data corresponding to this number of # simulations and percent of each simulation. dat_all = list(zip(*utils.filt( dat_in, dat_out, dat_out_raw, dat_out_oracle, scl_grps, num_sims, prc))) # Finish processesing the data and save it in a form that # can be read by the training process. ignore = train.gen_data( net, args, dat_flp=tmp_dat_flp, scl_prms_flp=tmp_scl_prms_flp, dat=(dat_all, sims), save_data=True) del ignore # Copy temporary data to configuration output directories. for (dat_src, dat_dst), (scl_prms_src, scl_prms_dst) in src_dst: shutil.copyfile(dat_src, dat_dst) shutil.copyfile(scl_prms_src, scl_prms_dst) # Remove temporary data files. for num_sims, prc in itertools.product(NUMS_SIMS, all_prcs): tmp_dir = path.join(out_dir, f"{num_sims}_{prc}") print(f"Removing: {tmp_dir}") shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) # Train models. train.run_cnfs( cnfs, defaults.SYNC, maybe_run_cnf, cleanup_combine_and_save_results) # # Remove real data files. # for cnf in cnfs: # print(f"Removing: {cnf['out_dir']}") # shutil.rmtree(cnf["out_dir"]) graph_partial_results(cnfs, out_dir) print(f"Total time: {time.time() - tim_srt_s:.2f} seconds") return