def train_one_epoch(self, criterion, data_loaders, phases=('train', 'test')): epoch_beg = time.time() dataset_sizes = {x: len(data_loaders[x].dataset) for x in phases} batch_sizes = {x: data_loaders[x].batch_size for x in phases} try: m = (1 - self.params_dict['warmup_initial_scale'])/(self.params_dict['warmup_num_epochs'] - 1) c = self.params_dict['warmup_initial_scale'] except ZeroDivisionError: m = 1 c = 0 lr_scale = m * self.elapsed_epochs() + c if self.elapsed_epochs() < self.params_dict['warmup_num_epochs']: self.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] *= lr_scale self.loss_history[str(self.elapsed_epochs())] = {} print('Epoch {}/{} - lr={}'.format(self.elapsed_epochs(), self.params_dict['num_epochs'], self.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']) ) for phase in phases: print('\t{} '.format(phase.title()), end='') phase_beg = time.time() if phase == 'train': self.model.train() else: self.model.eval() running_loss = 0. running_dist_sum = 0. running_count = 0. running_count_per_class = torch.zeros(self.model.num_centroids) for batch_no, batch_data in enumerate(data_loaders[phase]): self.optimizer.zero_grad() data_batch, label_batch, speaker_ids = batch_data data_batch = label_batch = speaker_ids = with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'): encoded = self.model.encoder(data_batch).contiguous() quantized, alignment = self.model.quantize(encoded, return_alignment=True) count_per_class = torch.tensor([(alignment == i).sum() for i in range(self.model.num_centroids)]) running_count_per_class += count_per_class output = self.model.decoder(quantized) predicted_centroids = self.model.centroids[alignment] encoded = encoded.view(-1, encoded.size(-1)) new_length = output.size(1) old_length = label_batch.size(1) # Try to correct slight mismatches from down-sampling and up-sampling. # Be careful in case of down-sampling without up-sampling if old_length > new_length: label_batch = label_batch[:, :new_length] elif new_length > old_length: output = output[:, :old_length] distance_loss = criterion['dis_loss'](encoded, predicted_centroids.detach()) commitment_loss = criterion['com_loss'](predicted_centroids, encoded.detach()) reconstruction_loss = criterion['rec_loss'](output, label_batch) if self.model.use_ma: total_loss = reconstruction_loss + distance_loss else: total_loss = reconstruction_loss + distance_loss + commitment_loss # Not part of the graph, just metrics to be monitored mask = (label_batch != data_loaders[phase].dataset.pad_value).float() numel = 1 # torch.sum(mask).item() running_loss += reconstruction_loss.item() running_dist_sum += distance_loss.item() running_count += numel class0_sum = running_dist_sum / running_count px = running_count_per_class / running_count_per_class.sum() px.clamp_min_(1e-20) entropy = -(px * torch.log2(px)).sum().item() if phase == 'train': total_loss.backward() if self.params_dict['gradient_clip']: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.params_dict['gradient_clip']) self.optimizer.step() phase_elapse = since(phase_beg) eta = int(phase_elapse * (dataset_sizes[phase] // batch_sizes[phase] - batch_no - 1) / (batch_no + 1)) if self.params_dict['verbose']: print('\r\t{} batch: {}/{} batches - ETA: {}s - loss: {:.4f} - dist: {:.4f} - ' 'entropy: {:.4f}'.format(phase.title(), batch_no + 1, dataset_sizes[phase] // batch_sizes[phase] + 1, eta, running_loss/running_count, class0_sum, entropy ), end='') epoch_loss = running_loss/running_count print(" - loss: {:.4f} - dist: {:.4f} - entropy: {:.4f}".format(epoch_loss, class0_sum, entropy)) self.loss_history[str(self.elapsed_epochs() - 1)][phase] = (epoch_loss, class0_sum, entropy, running_count) print('\tTime: {}s'.format(int(since(epoch_beg)))) if self.elapsed_epochs() <= self.params_dict['warmup_num_epochs']: self.optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] /= lr_scale
def test_since_second(): ref = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 35, 15) now = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 35, 16) assert utils.since(now, ref) == '1 second'
def test_since_hour_and_minutes_and_seconds(): ref = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 35, 15) now = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 14, 37, 21) assert utils.since(now, ref) == '1 hour 2 minutes 6 seconds'
def test_since_days_hours_and_minutes_and_seconds(): ref = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 35, 15) now = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 19, 15, 37, 21) assert utils.since(now, ref) == '3 days 2 hours 2 minutes 6 seconds'
def test_since_minute_and_seconds(): ref = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 35, 15) now = datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 16, 13, 36, 21) assert utils.since(now, ref) == '1 minute 6 seconds'