예제 #1
class _SortedResults:
    "_SortedResults(iterable column, desc) -> _SortedResults"

    __slots__ = slots("iter column direction")

    def __init__(self, iterable, column, desc):
        """Initializes sorting adapter with given data."""
        self.__iter = iterable
        self.__column = column
        self.__direction = desc

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterates over internal data in the order requested."""
        title, *rows = tuple(self.__iter)
        index = title.index(self.__column)
        yield title
        for row in sorted(rows, key=ROW[index], reverse=self.__direction):
            yield row

    def order_by(self, column, desc=False):
        """Returns results that are sorted on an additional level."""
        return type(self)(self, column, desc)

    def table(self):
        """Converts the sorted results into a table object."""
        return Table.from_iter(self)
예제 #2
class _View:
    """_View(database, query, *name_changes) -> _View"""

    __slots__ = slots("database query name_changes")

    def __init__(self, database, query, *name_changes):
        """Initializes _View instance with details of saved query."""
        self.__database = database
        self.__query = query
        self.__name_changes = name_changes

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Returns everything needed to pickle _View instance."""
        return self.__database, self.__query.__code__, self.__name_changes

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Sets the state of the _View instance when unpickled."""
        database, query, name_changes = state
        self.__database = database
        self.__query = types.LambdaType(query, sys.modules, "", (), ())
        self.__name_changes = name_changes

    def value(self):
        """Calculates and returns the value of view's query."""
        data = self.__query(self.__database)
        table = data if isinstance(data, Table) else Table.from_iter(data)
        for old, new in self.__name_changes:
            table.alter_name(old, new)
        return table
예제 #3
class _Lock:
    """_Lock(immediate=False, silent=False) -> _Lock"""

    __slots__ = slots("lock verbose")

    def __init__(self, immediate=False, silent=False):
        """Initializes _Lock instance with internal mechanism."""
        self.__lock = _thread.allocate_lock()
        self.__verbose = silent
        if immediate:

    def acquire(self, wait=True):
        """Acquires lock with an optional wait."""
        return self.__lock.acquire(wait)

    def release(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
        """Release lock if locked or possibly throws error."""
        except _thread.error:
            if self.__verbose:

    __enter__ = acquire

    __exit__ = release

    def locked(self):
        """Returns whether or not lock is currently locked."""
        return self.__lock.locked()
예제 #4
class Like(NotLike):
    "Like(column, pattern, flags=IGNORECASE, advanced=False) -> Like"

    __slots__ = slots()

    def __call__(self, row):
        """Reverses the result from calling a NotLike instance."""
        return not super().__call__(row)
예제 #5
class _Where:
    """_Where(mode, condition) -> _Where"""

    __slots__ = slots("call rows")

    def __init__(self, mode, condition):
        """Initializes _Where support object for simple selections."""
        self.__call = {"and": all, "or": any}[mode]
        self.__rows = condition

    def __call__(self, row):
        """Runs test on given row and validates against condition."""
        return self.__call(row[k] == v for k, v in self.__rows.items())
예제 #6
class NotLike:
    """NotLike(column, pattern, flags=IGNORECASE, advanced=False) -> NotLike"""

    __slots__ = slots("column method")

    def __init__(self, column, pattern, flags=re.IGNORECASE, advanced=False):
        "Initializes comparison object for specified column."
        self.__column = column
        if not advanced:
            pattern = "^" + pattern + "$"
        self.__method = re.compile(pattern, flags).search

    def __call__(self, row):
        "Tests if column in row was like the given pattern."
        return self.__method(row[self.__column]) is None
예제 #7
class RowAdapter:
    """RowAdapter(row, column_map=None) -> RowAdapter"""

    __slots__ = slots("row map")

    def __init__(self, row, column_map=None):
        """Initializes RowAdapter with data and mapping information."""
        self.__row = row
        self.__map = column_map

    def __getattr__(self, column):
        """Returns a column from the row this instance in adapting."""
        if self.__map is None:
            return self.__unmapped(column)
        if column in self.__map:
            return self.__row[self.__map[column]]
        new_map = {}
        column += "."
        for name in self.__map:
            if name.startswith(column):
                new_map[name[len(column):]] = self.__map[name]
        assert new_map, "Name did not match any known column: " + repr(column)
        return type(self)(self.__row, new_map)

    __getitem__ = __getattr__

    def __unmapped(self, column):
        """Processes a row with column names already filled in."""
        if column in self.__row:
            return self.__row[column]
        row = {}
        column += "."
        for name in self.__row:
            if name.startswith(column):
                row[name[len(column):]] = self.__row[name]
        assert row, "Name did not match any known column: " + repr(column)
        return type(self)(row)
예제 #8
class Table:
    """Table(*columns) -> Table"""

    def from_iter(cls, iterator):
        """Generates a table from a column / rows iterator."""
        title, test_row, *rows = iterator
        table = cls(*zip(title, map(type, test_row)))
        for row in rows:
        return table

    __slots__ = slots("columns data_area row_index")

    def __init__(self, *columns):
        """Initializes Table with columns and row storage area."""
        self.__columns = _Columns(columns)
        self.__data_area = {}
        self.__row_index = 1

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of rows in the table."""
        return len(self.__data_area)

    def __repr__(self):
        """Creates a complete representation of the table."""
        buffer = [
                    ["ROW_ID"] + [name for index, name, data_type in self.__columns],
        width = [0] * len(buffer[0])
        for row in sorted(self.__data_area):
                        + [
                            for index, name, data_type in self.__columns
        for row in buffer:
            for index, string in enumerate(row):
                width[index] = max(width[index], len(string))
        string = ""
        for index, value in enumerate(buffer[0]):
            string += value.ljust(width[index]) + " | "
        string = string[:-3] + "\n"
        for index in range(len(buffer[0])):
            string += "-" * width[index] + "-+-"
        string = string[:-3] + "\n"
        for row in buffer[1:]:
            for index, value in enumerate(row):
                string += value.ljust(width[index]) + " | "
            string = string[:-3] + "\n"
        return string[:-1]

    def __str__(self):
        names, *rows = self
        columns = {name: [] for name in names}
        for row in rows:
            for key, value in zip(names, row):
        lengths = tuple(
            max(len(str(value)) for value in columns[key] + [key]) for key in names
        template = " ".join(map("{{:{}}}".format, lengths))
        lines = [
            template.format(*map(str.upper, names)),
            " ".join(map("-".__mul__, lengths)),
        for row in zip(*map(columns.__getitem__, names)):
        return "\n".join(lines)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Returns an iterator over the table's columns."""
        return self(*self.columns)

    def __call__(self, *columns):
        """Returns an iterator over the specified columns."""
        indexes = tuple(self.__columns[name][1] for name in columns)
        yield columns
        for row in sorted(self.__data_area):
            yield tuple(self.__data_area[row][index] for index in indexes)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return str(self) == str(other)

    def first(self, column=None):
        """Returns the first row or column of specified row."""
        return self.__get_location(min, column)

    def last(self, column=None):
        """Returns the last row or column of specified row."""
        return self.__get_location(max, column)

    def print(self, end="\n\n", file=None):
        """Provides a convenient way of printing representation of the table."""
        print(repr(self), end=end, file=sys.stdout if file is None else file)

    def top(self, amount):
        """Iterates over the top rows specified by amount."""
        if amount == -1:
            amount = len(self.__data_area)
        elif 0 <= amount < 1:
            amount = round(amount * len(self.__data_area))
        assert isinstance(amount, int), "Amount was not understood!"
        for row, count in zip(self, range(amount + 1)):
            yield row

    def insert(self, *values, **columns):
        """Inserts provided data into a new row of the database."""
        if values:
            assert len(values) == len(self.__columns), "Bad number of columns!"
            assert not columns, "Mixed syntax is not accepted!"
            row = self.__insert_across(values)
            assert columns, "There is nothing to insert!"
            row = self.__insert_select(columns)
        self.__data_area[self.__row_index] = row
        self.__row_index += 1

    def alter_add(self, name, data_type):
        """Adds a column to the table and populates it."""
        index = self.__columns.add(name, data_type)
        started = False
            for row in self.__data_area.values():
                row[index] = data_type()
                started = True
        except TypeError:
            if started:
            for row in self.__data_area.values():
                row[index] = data_type

    def alter_drop(self, name):
        """Removes a column from the table and frees memory."""
        index = self.__columns.drop(name)
        for row in self.__data_area.values():
            del row[index]

    def alter_column(self, name, data_type):
        """Changes the data-type of a column and refreshes it."""
        index = self.__columns.alter(name, data_type)
        for row in self.__data_area.values():
            row[index] = data_type()

    def alter_name(self, old, new):
        """Renames a column without altering the rows."""
        self.__columns.rename(old, new)

    def as_(self, *pairs):
        """Changes the name of multiple columns at a time."""
        for old, new in pairs:
            self.alter_name(old, new)
        return self

    def copy(self):
        """Copies a table while sharing cell instances."""
        copy = type(self)()
        copy.__columns = self.__columns.copy()
        copy.__data_area = {}
        for key, value in self.__data_area.items():
            copy.__data_area[key] = value.copy()
        copy.__row_index = self.__row_index
        return copy

    def select(self, *column_names):
        """Select columns and process them with any given functions."""
        if not column_names:
            return self
        columns, functions = [], []
        for item in column_names:
            if isinstance(item, str):
            elif isinstance(item, tuple):
                raise TypeError(type(item))
        original = {name for index, name, data_type in self.__columns}
        excess = original - set(columns)
        if functions:
            return self.__select_with_function(excess, functions)
        copy = type(self)()
        copy.__columns = self.__columns.copy()
        copy.__data_area = self.__data_area
        copy.__row_index = self.__row_index
        for column in excess:
        return copy

    def distinct(self):
        """Return copy of table having only distinct rows."""
        copy = type(self)()
        copy.__columns = self.__columns
        copy.__data_area = self.__data_area.copy()
        copy.__row_index = self.__row_index
        valid_indexs = set()
        distinct_rows = set()
        for row in copy.__data_area:
            array = pickle.dumps(
                    for index, name, data_type in self.__columns
            if array not in distinct_rows:
        for row in tuple(copy.__data_area):
            if row not in valid_indexs:
                del copy.__data_area[row]
        return copy

    def update(self, **assignments):
        """Changes all present rows with given assignments."""
        assign = []
        for name, value in assignments.items():
            data_type, index = self.__columns[name]
            assert isinstance(
                value, data_type
            ), "Wrong datatype: {} ({!r}, {!r})".format(name, value, data_type)
            assign.append((index, value))
        for row in self.__data_area.values():
            for index, value in assign:
                row[index] = value

    def where(self, test="and", **kw):
        """Select rows that fit criteria given by the test."""
        test = self.__process_test(test, kw)
        copy = type(self)()
        copy.__columns = self.__columns
        copy.__data_area = self.__data_area.copy()
        copy.__row_index = self.__row_index
        self.__remove(copy.__data_area, False, test)
        return copy

    def delete(self, test="and", **kw):
        """Delete rows that fit criteria given by the test."""
        test = self.__process_test(test, kw)
        self.__remove(self.__data_area, True, test)
        return self

    def truncate(self):
        """Deletes all of the rows in the table."""
        return self

    def order_by(self, column, desc=False):
        """Returns a sorted result of the table."""
        return _SortedResults(self, column, desc)

    def into(self, table):
        """Inserts external table into this table by column name."""
        self_iter = iter(self)
        self_colu = next(self_iter)
        for row in self_iter:
            table.insert(**{name: data for name, data in zip(self_colu, row)})

    def left_join(self, table, name, test):
        """Returns result of a left join on the given table using test."""
        return left_join(self, (table, name), test)

    def sum_(self, column):
        """Adds up all of the cells in a particular column of the table."""
        data_type, index = self.__columns[column]
        total = data_type()
        for row in self.__data_area:
            total += self.__data_area[row][index]
        return total

    def avg(self, column):
        """Averages the cells in the given column of the table."""
        size = len(self.__data_area)
        return self.sum_(column) / size if size else size

    def max_(self, column):
        """Finds the largest cell value from the column in the table."""
        index = self.__columns[column][1]
        return max(map(ROW[index], self.__data_area.values()))

    def min_(self, column):
        """Finds the smallest cell value from the column in the table."""
        index = self.__columns[column][1]
        return min(map(ROW[index], self.__data_area.values()))

    def count(self, column=None):
        """Counts the total number of 'non-null' cells in the given column."""
        if column is None:
            return len(self.__data_area)
        data_type, index = self.__columns[column]
        null, total = data_type(), 0
        for row in self.__data_area.values():
            if row[index] != null:
                total += 1
        return total

    def group_by(self, *columns):
        """Creates new tables from this table on matching columns."""
        column_map = {name: index for index, name, data_type in self.__columns}
        index_list = tuple(sorted(column_map.values()))
        schema = list(self.schema)
        tables = {}
        first = True
        for row_dict in self.__data_area.values():
            interest = []
            row = list(row_dict[index] for index in index_list)
            for name in columns:
                if isinstance(name, str):
                    interest.append(name(RowAdapter(row_dict, column_map)))
                    name = name.name
                    if name is not None:
                        data = interest[-1]
                        if first:
                            signature = name, type(data)
                            if signature not in schema:
            first = False
            key = tuple(interest)
            if key not in tables:
                tables[key] = type(self)(*schema)
        return tables.values()

    def __get_location(self, function, column):
        """Returns a row or cell based on function and column."""
        row = self.__data_area[function(self.__data_area)]
        if column is None:
            return tuple(row[index] for index in sorted(row))
        return row[self.__columns[column][1]]

    def __insert_across(self, values):
        """Inserts values into new row while checking data types."""
        row = {}
        for value, (index, name, data_type) in zip(values, self.__columns):
            assert isinstance(
                value, data_type
            ), "Wrong datatype: {} ({!r}, {!r})".format(name, value, data_type)
            row[index] = value
        return row

    def __insert_select(self, values):
        """Inserts values into new row and fills in blank cells."""
        row = {}
        for name, value in values.items():
            data_type, index = self.__columns[name]
            assert isinstance(
                value, data_type
            ), "Wrong datatype: {} ({!r}, {!r})".format(name, value, data_type)
            row[index] = value
        for index, name, data_type in self.__columns:
            if index not in row:
                row[index] = data_type()
        return row

    def __remove(self, data_area, delete, test):
        """Removes rows from data area according to criteria."""
        column_map = {name: index for index, name, data_type in self.__columns}
        for row in tuple(data_area):
            value = test(RowAdapter(data_area[row], column_map))
            assert not isinstance(value, RowAdapter), "Test improperly formed!"
            if bool(value) == delete:
                del data_area[row]

    def __select_with_function(self, excess, functions):
        """Creates virtual rows formed by calling functions on columns."""
        table = self.copy()
        for code, data in functions:
            if data in table.__columns:
                data_name = "{}({})".format(code.__name__, data)
                data_type = type(code(next(rows(table(data)))[0]))
                table.alter_add(data_name, data_type)
                dest = table.__columns[data_name][1]
                sour = table.__columns[data][1]
                for row in table.__data_area.values():
                    row[dest] = code(row[sour])
                sour = code()
                table.alter_add(data, type(sour))
                dest = table.__columns[data][1]
                for row in table.__data_area.values():
                    row[dest] = copy.deepcopy(sour)
        for column in excess:
        return table

    def __process_test(test, kw):
        """Ensures that test has been properly formed as necessary."""
        if kw:
            test = _Where(test, kw)
            assert callable(test), "Test must be callable!"
        return test

    def columns(self):
        """Returns a list of column names from the table."""
        columns = sorted(self.__columns, key=lambda info: info[0])
        return tuple(map(lambda info: info[1], columns))

    def schema(self):
        """Returns table's schema that can be used to create another table."""
        return tuple((name, self.__columns[name][0]) for name in self.columns)
예제 #9
class _Columns:
    """_Columns(columns) -> _Columns"""

    __slots__ = slots("column_index column_names")

    def __init__(self, columns):
        """Initializes Columns instance with names and data types."""
        self.__column_index = 1
        self.__column_names = UniqueDict()
        for name, data_type in columns:
            self.add(name, data_type)

    def __contains__(self, name):
        """Checks if the named column already exists."""
        return name in self.__column_names

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of columns recognizes."""
        return len(self.__column_names)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterates over columns in sorted order."""
        cache = []
        for name, (data_type, index) in self.__column_names.items():
            cache.append((index, name, data_type))
        for item in sorted(cache):
            yield item

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Returns requested information on the given column name."""
        return self.__column_names[name]

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Provides support for class instances to be pickled."""
        return self.__column_index, self.__column_names

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Sets the state while object in being unpickled."""
        self.__column_index, self.__column_names = state

    def copy(self):
        """Creates a copy of the known columns."""
        copy = type(self)([])
        copy.__column_index = self.__column_index
        copy.__column_names = self.__column_names.copy()
        return copy

    def add(self, name, data_type):
        """Adds a column name with data type and assigns an index."""
        index = self.__column_index
        self.__column_names[name] = data_type, index
        self.__column_index += 1
        return index

    def drop(self, name):
        """Removes all information regarding the named column."""
        index = self.__column_names[name][1]
        del self.__column_names[name]
        return index

    def alter(self, name, data_type):
        """Changes the data type of the named column."""
        index = self.__column_names[name][1]
        self.__column_names.replace(name, (data_type, index))
        return index

    def rename(self, old, new):
        """Renames a column from old name to new name."""
        self.__column_names[new] = self.__column_names[old]
        del self.__column_names[old]
예제 #10
class Database:
    __slots__ = slots("path data type view")

    def load(cls, path):
        """Loads database from path and tests identity."""
        with open(path, "rb") as file:
            obj = pickle.loads(bz2.decompress(file.read()))
        assert isinstance(obj, cls), "Could not load a database object!"
        obj.__path = path
        return obj

    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes database object void of tables or views."""
        self.__path = None
            Table(("name", str), ("type", type), ("data", (Table, _View))))

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns the representation of the database."""
        return repr(self.__view.value)

    def __iter__(self):
        """Iterates over the names of the tables and views in the database."""
        for row in rows(self.__data("name")):
            yield self[row[0]]

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Allows getting table or view via attribute lookup or index notation."""
        t = tuple(self.__data.where(ROW.name == name)("data"))
        assert len(t) < 3, "Name is ambiguous!"
        assert len(t) > 1, "Object was not found!"
        data = t[1][0]
        if isinstance(data, _View):
            return data.value
        return data

    __getitem__ = __getattr__

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Provides support for pickling and saving the database."""
        return self.__data

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Helps with unpickling and adding needed instance variables."""
        self.__data = state
        self.__type = Table(("type", type), ("name", str))
        self.__type.insert(Table, "table")
        self.__type.insert(_View, "view")
        self.__view = _View(
            lambda _: left_join(
                self.__type, "Types", ROW.type == ROW.Types.type).select(
                        lambda obj: float(
                            len(obj) if isinstance(obj, Table) else "nan"),
            ("Types.name", "type"),
            ("<lambda>(data)", "size"),

    def save(self, path=None):
        """Saves the database to path or most recently known path."""
        if path is None:
            assert self.__path is not None, "Path must be provided!"
            path = self.__path
        with open(path, "wb") as file:
        self.__path = path

    def create(self, name, schema_or_table_or_query, *name_changes):
        """Creates either a table or view for use in the database."""
        assert not self.__data.where(
            ROW.name ==
            name), "Name is already used and may not be overloaded!"
        if isinstance(schema_or_table_or_query, (tuple, list)):
            assert not name_changes, "Name changes not allowed with schema!"
            data = Table(*schema_or_table_or_query)
        elif isinstance(schema_or_table_or_query, Table):
            assert not name_changes, "Name changes not allowed with table!"
            data = schema_or_table_or_query
            data = _View(self, schema_or_table_or_query, *name_changes)
        self.__data.insert(name=name, type=type(data), data=data)
        return data

    def drop(self, name):
        """Deletes a table or view from the database."""
        self.__data.delete(ROW.name == name)

    def print(self, end="\n\n", file=None):
        """Provides a simple way of showing a representation of the database."""
        self.__view.value.print(end, file)

    def create_or_replace(self, name, schema_or_table_or_query, *name_changes):
        """Drops table or view before creating one with the same name."""
        self.create(name, schema_or_table_or_query, *name_changes)

    def inner_join(self, table_a, table_b, test):
        """Inner joins tables and views by name using test."""
        return inner_join(test, **{
            table_a: self[table_a],
            table_b: self[table_b]

    def full_join(self, table_a, table_b, test):
        """Full joins tables and views by name using test."""
        return full_join(test, **{
            table_a: self[table_a],
            table_b: self[table_b]
예제 #11
class TransactionalDatabase(Database):
    def upgrade(cls, db_old):
        """Upgrades the base version of a database into the child version."""
        assert isinstance(db_old,
                          cls.__base__), "Can only upgrade Database objects!"
        db_new = cls()
        return db_new

    __slots__ = slots("lock locked view")

    def __repr__(self):
        """Returns an updated representation of the database."""
        return repr(self.__view.value)

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Sets up remaining attributes and prepares for transactions."""

    def __getstate__(self):
        """Reduces internal table to required columns and returns copy."""
        data = self.__data.copy()
        return data

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Allows contents to be accessed only if not in transaction."""
        table = self.__data.where(name=name)
        assert len(table) < 2, "Name is abmiguous!"
        assert len(table) > 0, "Object was not found!"
        assert not table.first("lock").locked, "A transaction is in place!"
        if table.first("type") is _View:
            return table.first("data").value
        return table.first("data")

    __getitem__ = __getattr__

    def begin_transaction(self, table, wait=False):
        """Locks and copies table while optionally waiting for unlock."""
        table = self.__data.where(name=table)
        assert table.first("type") is not _View, "Views are not supported!"
        lock = table.first("lock")
        if wait:
            with self.__lock:  # Protects Critical Section
                data = table.first("data")
            with self.__lock:
                assert lock.acquire(False), "Table is locked in a transaction!"
                data = table.first("data")
        return data

    def commit_transaction(self, table):
        """Deletes reserve copy and unlocks the table."""
        self.__close_transaction(table, self.__commit)

    def rollback_transaction(self, table):
        """Restores table with copy, removes copy, and unlocks the table."""
        self.__close_transaction(table, self.__rollback)

    def __add_transaction_support(self):
        """Add attributes so database can support transactions."""
        self.__lock = _thread.allocate_lock()
        self.__locked = _View(
            lambda _: self.__data.select("name", (
                lambda lock: lock.locked, "lock")).as_(
                    ("<lambda>(lock)", "locked")),
        self.__view = _View(
            lambda _: left_join(self.__locked.value, "Lock", ROW.name
                                == ROW.Lock.name).select(
                                    "name", "type", "size", "Lock.locked"),
            ("Lock.locked", "locked"),

    def __extend_data(self):
        """Adds columns to internal table as necessary."""
        if ("type", type) not in self.__data.schema:
            self.__data.alter_add("type", type)
            for name, data in rows(self.__data("name", "data")):
        self.__data.alter_add("lock", _Lock)
        self.__data.alter_add("copy", object)

    def __del_transaction_support(self):
        """Ensures no pending transactions and removes unsaved columns."""
        assert not self.__locked.value.where(
            locked=True), "You must commit all transactions before pickling!"

    def __close_transaction(self, table, action):
        """Finishes taking care of a transaction's end."""
        table = self.__data.where(name=table)
        assert table.first("type") is not _View, "Views are not supported!"
        lock = table.first("lock")
        # Begin Critical Section
        with self.__lock:
            except _thread.error:
                raise ValueError("Table was not in a transaction!")
        # End Critical Section

    def __commit(table):
        """Deletes the reserve copy of a table."""

    def __rollback(table):
        """Restores table from copy and deletes the copy."""
        table.update(data=table.first("copy"), copy=object())

    def __data(self):
        """Aliases internal table from Database class."""
        return self._Database__data