예제 #1
 def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val, hparams):
     x_hat_batch = []
     for i in range(hparams.batch_size):
         y_val = copy.deepcopy(y_batch_val[i])
         x_hat = utils.solve_lasso(A_val, y_val, hparams)
         x_hat = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_hat, 1), 0)
     x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     return x_hat_batch
예제 #2
 def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val, hparams):
     x_hat_batch = []
     W = wavelet_basis()
     WA = np.dot(W, A_val)
     for j in range(hparams.batch_size):
         y_val = y_batch_val[j]
         z_hat = utils.solve_lasso(WA, y_val, hparams)
         x_hat = np.dot(z_hat, W)
         x_hat_max = np.abs(x_hat).max()
         x_hat = x_hat / (1.0 * x_hat_max)
     x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     return x_hat_batch
예제 #3
    def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val, hparams):
        # One can prove that taking 2D DCT of each row of A,
        # then solving usual LASSO, and finally taking 2D ICT gives the correct answer.
        A_new = copy.deepcopy(A_val)
        for i in range(A_val.shape[1]):
            A_new[:, i] = vec([dct2(channel) for channel in devec(A_new[:, i])])

        x_hat_batch = []
        for j in range(hparams.batch_size):
            y_val = y_batch_val[j]
            z_hat = utils.solve_lasso(A_new, y_val, hparams)
            x_hat = vec([idct2(channel) for channel in devec(z_hat)]).T
            x_hat = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_hat, 1), -1)
        return x_hat_batch
예제 #4
    def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val, hparams):
        x_hat_batch = []

        W = wavelet_basis()

        # U, V = utils.RGB_matrix()
        # V = (V/127.5) - 1.0
        # U = U/127.5
        def convert(W):
            # convert W from YCbCr to RGB
            W_ = W.copy()
            V = np.zeros((12288, 1))
            # R
            V[0::3] = ((255.0 / 219.0) * (-16.0)) + ((255.0 * 0.701 / 112.0) *
            W_[:, 0::3] = (255.0 / 219.0) * W[:, 0::3] + (0.0) * W[:, 1::3] + (
                255.0 * 0.701 / 112.0) * W[:, 2::3]
            # G
            V[1::3] = ((255.0 / 219.0) *
                       (-16.0)) - ((0.886 * 0.114 * 255.0 / (112.0 * 0.587)) *
                                   (-128.0)) - ((255.0 * 0.701 * 0.299 /
                                                 (112.0 * 0.587)) * (-128.0))
            W_[:, 1::3] = (255.0 / 219.0) * W[:, 0::3] - (
                0.886 * 0.114 * 255.0 /
                (112.0 * 0.587)) * W[:, 1::3] - (255.0 * 0.701 * 0.299 /
                                                 (112.0 * 0.587)) * W[:, 2::3]
            # B
            V[2::3] = ((255.0 / 219.0) * (-16.0)) + ((0.886 * 255.0 /
                                                      (112.0)) * (-128.0))
            W_[:, 2::3] = (255.0 / 219.0) * W[:, 0::3] + (
                0.886 * 255.0 / (112.0)) * W[:, 1::3] + 0.0 * W[:, 2::3]
            return W_, V

        # WU = np.dot(W, U.T)
        WU, V = convert(W)
        WU = WU / 127.5
        V = (V / 127.5) - 1.0
        WA = np.dot(WU, A_val)
        y_batch_val_temp = y_batch_val - np.dot(V.T, A_val)
        for j in range(hparams.batch_size):
            y_val = y_batch_val_temp[j]
            z_hat = utils.solve_lasso(WA, y_val, hparams)
            x_hat = np.dot(z_hat, WU) + V.ravel()
            x_hat_max = np.abs(x_hat).max()
            x_hat = x_hat / (1.0 * x_hat_max)
        x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
        return x_hat_batch
예제 #5
 def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val,
               hparams):  # (e.g. of estimator: lasso_wavelet)
     x_hat_batch = []
     W = wavelet_basis()
     WA = np.dot(W, A_val)
     for j in range(hparams.batch_size):
         y_val = y_batch_val[j]
         z_hat = utils.solve_lasso(
             WA, y_val, hparams
         )  # min l1-norm(z_hat) s.t. z_hat*w*A = y; z_hat is sparse
         x_hat = np.dot(z_hat, W)  # to compute img
         x_hat_max = np.abs(x_hat).max()
         x_hat = x_hat / (1.0 * x_hat_max)  # normalize
     x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     return x_hat_batch
예제 #6
 def estimator(A_val, y_batch_val, hparams):
     if A_val is None:
         A = np.eye(y_batch_val.shape[1]) #TODO remove idle
         A = A_val.T
     mode = hparams.tv_or_lasso_mode
     y = utils_lasso.get_y(mode,y_batch_val,A)        
     W = utils_lasso.load_W(hparams, A, y)
     x_hat_batch = []
     if W is None:
         AW = A
         if W is None or 'tv-norm' in hparams.model_types:
             AW = None           
             AW = A.dot(W)                
     if 'fista' in mode:
         clf1 = FistaRegressor(penalty='l1')
         gs = GridSearchCV(clf1, {'alpha': np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)})          
         gs.fit(AW, y)
         x_hat_batch = gs.best_estimator_.coef_.dot(W)#.T            
     elif 'cvxpy' in mode:
         maxit = utils_lasso.get_key('reweight',mode,int)
         weight = np.array([])
         errors = []            
         for it in range(maxit):
             if maxit >1:
                 print('Computing reweighting iteration: {}'.format(it+1))
             x_hat_batch,weight = utils_lasso.cvxpy_problem(mode,W,A,AW,y,weight)
             current_error = np.mean(utils.get_l2_loss(np.array(hparams.x),utils_lasso.get_x(mode,x_hat_batch)))#np.mean(np.mean((np.array(hparams.x)-x_hat_batch)**2,axis=1))
             print('Current error: {}'.format(current_error))
         if maxit>1:
             errors = np.array(errors)
             np.save(utils.get_checkpoint_dir(hparams, hparams.model_types[0])+'error_course',errors)            
     elif 'cvxopt' in mode:
         for i in range(hparams.batch_size):
             y_val = y_batch_val[i]
             x_hat = utils_lasso.tv_cvxopt_partial(A_val, y_val,hparams)
             print('Processed {} percent of all images'.format(float(i+1)/hparams.batch_size*100))
         x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     elif 'sklearn' in mode:            
         for i in range(hparams.batch_size):
             y_val = y_batch_val[i]
             x_hat = utils.solve_lasso(A_val, y_val, hparams)
             x_hat = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_hat, 1), 0)
             print('Processed {} percent of all images'.format(float(i+1)/hparams.batch_size*100))
         x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     elif 'bestkTermApprox' in mode:
         for i in range(hparams.batch_size):
             y_val = y_batch_val[i]
             x_hat = utils_lasso.check_bestkTermApprox(mode, W, y_val)
             x_hat = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_hat, 1), 0)
             print('Processed {} percent of all images'.format(float(i+1)/hparams.batch_size*100))
         x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
     elif 'bruteForce' in mode: #slithly redundant to above
         for i in range(hparams.batch_size):
             y_val = y_batch_val[i]
             x_hat = utils_lasso.brute_force(mode, A_val,W,y_val)
             x_hat = np.maximum(np.minimum(x_hat, 1), 0)
             print('Processed {} percent of all images'.format(float(i+1)/hparams.batch_size*100))
         x_hat_batch = np.asarray(x_hat_batch)
         raise NotImplementedError('Mode {} does not exist!'.format(mode))
     return utils_lasso.get_x(mode,x_hat_batch)