예제 #1
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def execute(s, drone):
        if s.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:
            if drone.controller is None:
                drone.controller = GK_Control(drone, goal_pos*team_sign(s.team))
            if drone.controller is None:
                drone.controller = GK_Control(drone, goal_pos*team_sign(s.team))

        if drone.controller is not None:
예제 #2
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def execute(s, drone):
        drone.role.timer += s.dt

        if s.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:
            distance = np.linalg.norm(drone.pos - s.ball.pos)
            time_to_hit = distance / np.linalg.norm(drone.vel)

            if time_to_hit <= KO_DODGE_TIME:
                drone.controller = Dodge(drone, local(drone.orient_m, drone.pos, s.ball.pos))
                drone.role.timer = 0

            if drone.controller is None:
                if drone.kickoff == 'r_back' or drone.kickoff == 'l_back':
                    drone.controller = AB_Control(drone, a3l([0.0, -2816.0, 70.0])*team_sign(s.team))
                    drone.role.timer = 0
                    #drone.controller = LINE_PD_Control(drone, a3l([0,-6000,0])*team_sign(s.team), s.ball.pos)
                    drone.controller = AB_Control(drone, s.ball.pos)

            elif isinstance(drone.controller,AB_Control):
                if drone.role.timer >= KO_PAD_TIME:
                    AB_Control(drone, s.ball.pos)

            drone.controller = AB_Control(drone, s.ball.pos)

        if drone.controller is not None:
            if isinstance(drone.controller,Dodge):
예제 #3
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def execute(s, drone):
        if s.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:
            if drone.controller is None:
                drone.controller = AB_Control(drone, best_boost[drone.kickoff]*team_sign(s.team))

        if drone.controller is not None:
예제 #4
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
    def execute(self, hive, drone):

        if hive.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:
            # Find estimated time to hit the ball.
            distance = np.linalg.norm(drone.pos - hive.ball.pos)
            time_to_hit = distance / np.linalg.norm(
                drone.vel) if np.linalg.norm(drone.vel) > 0 else 10

            # If the estimated time to hit is small, dodge.
            if time_to_hit <= self.KO_DODGE_TIME:
                drone.controller = Dodge()

            # Use AngleBased controller if none is set.
            if drone.controller is None:
                drone.controller = AngleBased()

            # If using AngleBased controller.
            elif isinstance(drone.controller, AngleBased):
                # Drive towards the pad on r_left or l_left kickoffs.
                if drone.kickoff in (
                        'l_back') and drone.role.timer <= self.KO_PAD_TIME:
                        hive, drone,
                        a3l([0.0, -2816.0, 70.0]) * team_sign(hive.team))
                # Drive towards the ball.
                    drone.controller.run(hive, drone, hive.ball.pos)

            # If using Dodge controller.
            elif isinstance(drone.controller, Dodge):
                drone.controller.run(hive, drone, hive.ball.pos)

            # Else
            if drone.controller is None:
                drone.controller = TargetShot()

            elif isinstance(drone.controller, TargetShot):
                drone.controller.run(hive, drone,
                                     goal_pos * team_sign((hive.team + 1) % 2))

예제 #5
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
def think(s):
    if s.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:
        # exit condition.
        if not s.ko_pause:
            print("KICKOFF END")
            s.strategy = None

    elif s.strategy == Strategy.DEFENCE:
        # exit condition.
        if s.ball.pos[1]*team_sign(s.team) > 0:
            print("DEFENCE END")
            s.strategy = None

    elif s.strategy == Strategy.OFFENCE:
        # exit condition.
        if s.ball.pos[1]*team_sign(s.team) < 0:
            print("OFFENCE END")
            s.strategy = None

    if s.strategy is None:

        # Kickoff.
        if s.r_active and s.ko_pause:
            print("KICKOFF START")
            s.strategy = Strategy.KICKOFF

            for drone in s.drones:
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None

                closest = 'r_corner'
                for pos in kickoff_positions:
                    current = np.linalg.norm(kickoff_positions[closest]*team_sign(s.team) - drone.pos)
                    new = np.linalg.norm(kickoff_positions[pos]*team_sign(s.team) - drone.pos)
                    if new < current:
                        closest = pos
                drone.kickoff = closest

            for pos in kickoff_positions:
                if any([isinstance(drone.role,Attacker) for drone in s.drones]):
                for drone in s.drones:
                    if drone.kickoff == pos and drone.role is None:
                        drone.role = Attacker()

            for pos in goalie_positions:
                if any([isinstance(drone.role,Goalie) for drone in s.drones]):
                for drone in s.drones:
                    if drone.kickoff == pos and drone.role is None:
                        drone.role = Goalie()
            for drone in s.drones:
                if drone.role is None:
                    drone.role = Support()

        # Defence.
        elif s.ball.pos[1]*team_sign(s.team) < 0:
            s.strategy = Strategy.DEFENCE
            print("DEFENCE START")

            potential_goalie = s.drones[0]
            for drone in s.drones:
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None
                if np.linalg.norm(potential_goalie.pos - goal_pos*team_sign(s.team)) > np.linalg.norm(drone.pos - goal_pos*team_sign(s.team)):
                    potential_goalie = drone
            potential_goalie.role = Goalie()

            for drone in s.drones:
                if drone.role is None:
                        drone.role = Attacker()

        # Offence.
        elif s.ball.pos[1]*team_sign(s.team) > 0:
            s.strategy = Strategy.OFFENCE
            print("OFFENCE START")

            for drone in s.drones:
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None

                drone.role = Attacker()
예제 #6
파일: brain.py 프로젝트: sout12/RLBot
def plan(hive):
    """Decides on strategy for the hivemind and assigns drones to roles.
        hive {BotHelperProcess (self)} -- The hivemind.

    if hive.strategy == Strategy.KICKOFF:

        # End this strategy if ball has moved and the kickoff pause has ended.
        if not hive.ko_pause and np.any(hive.ball.pos[:2] != np.array([0, 0])):
            hive.logger.info("KICKOFF END")
            hive.strategy = None

    elif hive.strategy == Strategy.DEFENCE:

        # End this strategy if ball goes on their side.
        if hive.ball.pos[1] * team_sign(hive.team) > 0 or hive.ko_pause:
            hive.logger.info("DEFENCE END")
            hive.strategy = None

    elif hive.strategy == Strategy.OFFENCE:

        # End this strategy if ball goes on our side.
        if hive.ball.pos[1] * team_sign(hive.team) < 0 or hive.ko_pause:
            hive.logger.info("OFFENCE END")
            hive.strategy = None

    # Pick a strategy
        # KICKOFF: At start of kickoff.
        if hive.r_active and hive.ko_pause:
            hive.logger.info("KICKOFF START")
            hive.strategy = Strategy.KICKOFF

            # Finds drones' kickoff positions.
            for drone in hive.drones:
                # Resets roles and controllers.
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None

                # Looks for closest match in kickoff positions.
                drone.kickoff = 'r_corner'
                for pos in kickoff_positions:
                    if np.linalg.norm(drone.pos - kickoff_positions[pos] *
                                      team_sign(hive.team)) < 100:
                        drone.kickoff = pos

                print("Drone index {} on kickoff {} position.".format(
                    drone.index, drone.kickoff))

            # Assigning Attacker role, i.e. who takes the kickoff.
            for pos in kickoff_positions:
                if any([
                        isinstance(drone.role, Attacker)
                        for drone in hive.drones
                for drone in hive.drones:
                    if drone.kickoff == pos and drone.role is None:
                        drone.role = Attacker()

            # Assigning Goalie role.
            for pos in goalie_positions:
                if any(
                    [isinstance(drone.role, Goalie) for drone in hive.drones]):
                for drone in hive.drones:
                    if drone.kickoff == pos and drone.role is None:
                        drone.role = Goalie()

            # The rest are assigned as Support.
            for drone in hive.drones:
                if drone.role is None:
                    drone.role = Support()

        # TODO Find better definitions for OFFENCE and DEFENCE
        # TODO Pick roles more intelligently.

        # DEFENCE: When the ball is on our half.
        elif hive.ball.pos[1] * team_sign(hive.team) < 0:
            hive.logger.info("DEFENCE START")
            hive.strategy = Strategy.DEFENCE

            # Assigns Goalie role to closest drone to goal.
            potential_goalie = hive.drones[0]
            for drone in hive.drones:
                # Resets roles and controllers.
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None

                # Checks if drone is closer to goal than the previous potential goalie.
                if np.linalg.norm(potential_goalie.pos - goal_pos *
                                  team_sign(hive.team)) > np.linalg.norm(
                                      drone.pos -
                                      goal_pos * team_sign(hive.team)):
                    potential_goalie = drone

            potential_goalie.role = Goalie()

            # The rest are assigned as Attacker.
            for drone in hive.drones:
                if drone.role is None:
                    drone.role = Attacker()

        # OFFENCE: When the ball in on their half.
        elif hive.ball.pos[1] * team_sign(hive.team) > 0:
            hive.logger.info("OFFENCE START")
            hive.strategy = Strategy.OFFENCE

            # Assigns all drones to Attackers.
            for drone in hive.drones:
                # Resets roles and controllers.
                drone.role = None
                drone.controller = None
                drone.role = Attacker()