def test_4_timeinterval(self): self.assertEqual( time_interval('1/17/2016 03:30:15 AM', '1/17/2016 03:31:45 AM', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 1.5) self.assertEqual( time_interval('1/17/2016 03:30:15 AM', '1/17/2016 03:31:45 PM', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 721.5) self.assertEqual( time_interval('1/aa/2016 03:30:15 AM', '', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 0.0)
def test_4_timeinterval(self): self.assertEqual(time_interval('1/17/2016 03:30:15 AM', '1/17/2016 03:31:45 AM', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 1.5) self.assertEqual(time_interval('1/17/2016 03:30:15 AM', '1/17/2016 03:31:45 PM', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 721.5) self.assertEqual(time_interval('1/aa/2016 03:30:15 AM', '', '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'), 0.0)
def all_docs(): with open(filename, newline='') as doc_file: fields = get_fieldnames(doc_file) dict_reader = csv.DictReader(doc_file, fieldnames=fields) if 'ticket' in doc_type: fields.append("ticket_time") echo('Using the following ' + str(len(fields)) + ' fields:', quiet) for field in fields: echo(field, quiet) i = 0 for row in dict_reader: # Prepare meta info for each indexed document. meta = { 'index': idx_name, 'type': doc_type, } if id_field_idx is not None: meta['id'] = row[fields[int(id_field_idx)]] # Convert tim inteval to an integer in minutes. for k, v in row.items(): if isinstance(v, str) and isperiod(v): row[k] = t2i(v) if 'ticket' in doc_type: row['ticket_time'] = time_interval(row['create_time'], row['close_time'], '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p') i += 1 echo('Sending item %s to ES ...' % i, quiet) yield index_op(row, meta)
def which_video(directory, t0, target_start, target_duration=None, target_end=None): """Take a directory of videos and a desired range of time (relative to t0). Return a video that spans that time and when to start relative to the timeline of the video.""" if target_duration: target_end = target_start + target_duration table = {} for filename in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): filepath = os.path.join(directory, filename) info = video_info(filepath) if not (info['creation'] and info['duration']): continue video_duration = time_interval( info['duration']) # TO DO: Do this in video_info() start = info['creation'] - t0 table[filepath] = (start, start + video_duration) for filepath, age_range in table.iteritems(): start, end = age_range if start < target_start and end > target_start: # This video covers the beginning of our target range. if end > target_end: # This video also covers the end. vstart = target_start - start"Matched video file: %s", filepath) return filepath, vstart return None
def _maybe_cast_time(time_or_string): if type(time_or_string) is str: return time_interval(time_or_string) else: return time_or_string