def test_multi_char_keys(): file = tmpfile(["ls a","ls /OD."]) script = Script(file) assert script.current_char() == 'l' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == 's' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == ' ' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == 'a' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == '' script.seek_next_col() script.seek_next_line() assert script.current_char() == 'l' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == 's' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == ' ' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == '/' script.seek_next_col() assert script.current_char() == '' assert script.current_key() == '' script.add_multi_char_key('OD') assert script.current_char() == '' assert script.current_key() == 'OD'
def test_script_rendering(): file = tmpfile(["x%{var1}x","%{HOME}/tmp"]) script = Script(file) script.render({"var1":"val1"}) assert script.lines[0] == "xval1x" assert script.lines[1] == "%{HOME}/tmp" script.render(os.environ) assert script.lines[0] == "xval1x" assert script.lines[1] == f"{os.environ['HOME']}/tmp"
def post(self): """ Return the data for the comparisons. :returns: error: With a error, data: with data. :rtype: json """ args = get_options(['token', 'file', 'benchmark_id', 'alg_name']) checks = ['token', 'benchmark_id'] alg_name = args['alg_name'] bench = None error = '' new_algs = [] result = {} for check in checks: if not args[check] and not error: error = 'User not authenticated' if not error: user = validate_by_token(app.config['SECRET_KEY'], args['token']) if user is None: error = 'User not authenticated' else: bench = get_benchmark(args['benchmark_id']) if bench is None: error = 'Benchmark not known' if not error: fname = tmpfile(args['file']) data_local, error = read_benchmark_data(alg_name, fname, bench) new_algs = data_local['alg'].unique().tolist() error = write_proposal_data(data_local, user, bench) if not error: cache.clear() result.update({ 'error': error, 'new_algs': new_algs, 'new_algs_str': ",".join(new_algs) }) return result
def post(self): """ Return the data for the comparisons. :returns: error: With a error, data: with data. :rtype: json """ args = get_options([ 'file', 'benchmark_id', 'algs', 'alg_name', 'report', 'dimension', 'mobile' ]) error = is_error_in_args(args) data = {} result = {} benchmark_id = args['benchmark_id'] dimension = args['dimension'] old_algs = set() new_algs = set() report_module, error = get_report(args['report'], benchmark_id) if not error: bench = get_benchmark(benchmark_id) if args['algs'] and not error: data, error = read_data_alg(benchmark_id, args['algs']) old_algs = set(data['alg'].tolist()) if args['file'] and not error: fname = tmpfile(args['file']) alg_name = args['alg_name'] data_local, error = read_benchmark_data(alg_name, fname, bench) if not error: new_algs = set(data_local['alg'].tolist()) common_alg = new_algs.intersection(old_algs) if common_alg: error = 'Algorithms \'{}\' were already in the database'.format( ", ".join(common_alg)) if not error: data = concat_df(data, data_local) if not args['file'] and not args['algs']: error = 'Error: without reference algorithms the file is mandatory' if not error: # Sort by categories categories = sorted(bench['categories'], key=lambda cat: cat.position) milestones = bench['milestones_required'] dimension = args['dimension'] tables_idx, tables_titles, tables_df = report_module.create_tables( data, categories, milestones, dimension) tables = { 'idx': tables_idx, 'titles': tables_titles, 'tables': tables_df } figures_json = report_module.create_figures(data, categories, milestones, dimension, mobile=args['mobile']) error = figures_json['error'] divs = figures_json['divs'] js = figures_json['js'] result.update({'tables': tables, 'js': js, 'divs': divs}) result.update({'error': error}) return result
def simple_script(): file = tmpfile(["ls","pwd","date"]) return Script(file)
def try_to_merge_hard(driver_repo, driver_branch, kernel_repo, kernel_branch, commit): ref = commit['ref'] fp = git_popen(kernel_repo, "diff %s~1..%s" % (ref, ref)) rlines, addfiles, rmfiles = analyze_diff(fp) fp.close() patchfile = tmpfile('alsa-kmirror-patch') fp = open(patchfile, 'w+') fp.write(''.join(rlines)) fp.close() curdir = getcwd() chdir(git_repo(driver_repo)) lines = git_popen(driver_repo, "apply -v --check %s 2>&1" % patchfile).readlines() patch = plines = None for line in lines: if line.startswith('Checking patch '): patch = line[15:-4] plines = None elif line == 'error: while searching for:\n': plines = [] elif line.startswith('error: '): if patch and plines is not None: break patch = plines = None else: if plines is not None: plines.append(line) if not patch and not plines: return False chdir(git_repo(kernel_repo)) lines = git_popen(kernel_repo, "annotate %s %s" % (to_kernel_file(patch), ref)).readlines() start = end = None idx = -1 missing = plines[:] missingrefs = [] for line in lines: idx += 1 pos = line.find('\t') if pos < 0: continue hash = line[:pos] pos = line.find(')') if pos < 0: continue code = line[pos + 1:] if code in missing: missing.remove(code) if start is None: start = idx end = idx elif start is not None: missing.append(code) if start is None: return False for idx in range(max(0, start - 1), min(len(lines), end + 2)): line = lines[idx] pos = line.find('\t') if pos < 0: continue hash = line[:pos] if hash == ref[:8]: continue pos = line.find(')') if pos < 0: continue code = line[pos + 1:] for m in missing: if code == m: if not hash in missingrefs: missingrefs.append(hash) chdir(curdir) ok = False for mref in missingrefs: commits = git_read_commits(kernel_repo, mref + "~1", mref) if commits and try_to_merge(driver_repo, driver_branch, kernel_repo, commits[0]): ok = True return ok
def try_to_merge(driver_repo, driver_branch, src_repo, commit, filecheck=is_alsa_file, fileconv=to_alsa_file2, do_checkout=True): comment = commit['comment'].splitlines() ref = commit['ref'] print 'Merging %s %s' % (ref[:7], comment[0]) #fp = git_popen(src_repo, "diff --binary %s~1..%s" % (ref, ref)) root = '' if 'root_flag' in commit and commit['root_flag']: root = '--root ' fp = git_popen(src_repo, "diff-tree -p --binary %s%s" % (root, ref)) rlines, addfiles, rmfiles = analyze_diff(fp, filecheck=filecheck, fileconv=fileconv) fp.close() patchfile = tmpfile('alsa-merge-patch') fp = open(patchfile, 'w+') fp.write(''.join(rlines)) fp.close() commentfile = tmpfile('alsa-merge-comment') fp = open(commentfile, 'w+') fp.write(''.join(commit['comment'])) fp.close() elems = re.compile('(.*?)\s+<(.*)>').match(commit['Author']) exports = 'export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="%s" ; ' % commit['AuthorDate'] elems = re.compile('(.*?)\s+<(.*)>').match(commit['Commit']) exports += 'export GIT_COMMITER_NAME="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_COMMITER_EMAIL="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_COMMITER_DATE="%s" ; ' % commit['CommitDate'] exports += 'export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="%s" ; ' % exports += 'export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="%s"' % commit['CommitDate'] curdir = getcwd() if do_checkout and git_system(driver_repo, "checkout -q %s" % driver_branch): raise ValueError, 'git checkout' chdir(git_repo(driver_repo)) lines = popen("LANG=C patch -f -p 1 --dry-run --reject-file=%s < %s" % (tmpfile("rejects"), patchfile)).readlines() print ''.join(lines) failed = fuzz = succeed = 0 for line in lines: if line.find('FAILED') >= 0: failed += 1 if line.find('succeed') >= 0: if line.find('fuzz') >= 0: fuzz += 1 else: succeed += 1 if failed: print 'Merge skipped %s %s (%s failed)' % (ref[:7], comment[0], failed) chdir(curdir) if do_checkout and \ ref[:7] in ['bdb527e', 'fc5b15f', '82b1d73', \ '02a237b', 'ef8d60f', 'c0fa6c8', \ '1605282', '3946860', 'd70f363', \ '6539799', '152a3a7', '79980d9']: print ' It is probably OK...' return False raise ValueError return False if git_system( driver_repo, "apply --check --binary --allow-binary-replacement %s" % patchfile): print 'Merge skipped %s %s (apply check)' % (ref[:7], comment[0]) chdir(curdir) if not do_checkout: raise ValueError return False if git_system(driver_repo, "apply --binary --allow-binary-replacement %s" % patchfile): chdir(curdir) raise ValueError, 'git apply' if addfiles and git_system(driver_repo, "add %s" % ' '.join(addfiles)): chdir(curdir) raise ValueError, 'git add' if rmfiles and git_system(driver_repo, "rm %s" % ' '.join(rmfiles)): chdir(curdir) raise ValueError, 'git rm' if git_system(driver_repo, "commit -F %s" % commentfile, exports=exports): chdir(curdir) raise ValueError, 'git commit' chdir(curdir) print 'Merge complete %s %s (%s fuzz)' % (ref[:7], comment[0], fuzz) return True
def simple_script(): file = tmpfile(["echo hi"]) return file