예제 #1
def exo5_exec():
        num = int(app.getEntry("five_num"))
        result = utils.toBinary(num)
        app.setLabel("five_result", str(num) + " en binaire fait " + result)
    except TypeError:
        app.setLabel("five_result", "Un champ est vide!")
예제 #2
def getslant(img):
    BiImg = utils.toBinary(img)

    slantFeature = features.slantFeature(BiImg)
    sorted_slant = sorted(slantFeature.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    slantness = sorted_slant[len(sorted_slant)-1]
    slant = slantness[0]
    return slant
	def popBytesToBitsCache(self, bytesToPop):
		if len(self.remainingBytes) < bytesToPop:
			raise RuntimeError("not enough bytes for popToBits operation")

		for x in range(bytesToPop):
			byte = self.remainingBytes.pop(0)
			bits = utils.toBinary(byte, 8)
			self.firstBitsCache = self.firstBitsCache + bits
예제 #4
	def popBytesToBitsCache(self, bytesToPop):
		if len(self.remainingBytes) < bytesToPop:
			raise RuntimeError("not enough bytes for popToBits operation")

		for x in range(bytesToPop):
			byte = self.remainingBytes.pop(0)
			bits = utils.toBinary(byte, 8)
			self.firstBitsCache = self.firstBitsCache + bits
def main():
	import utils
	inputFolder = '../data/normalized/'
	inputFile = '012012_001.png'

	img = cv.LoadImageM(inputFolder+inputFile)
	BiImg = utils.toBinary(img)

	# Pv = verticalProjection(BiImg)
	# print "Vertical Projection"
	# print Pv

	# Ph = horizontalProjection(BiImg)
	# print "Horizontal Projection"
	# print Ph

	Vc = verticalCenter(BiImg)
	Hc = horizontalCenter(BiImg)

	# cv.Circle(BiImg, (Hc, Vc), 2, cv.RGB(200,0,0), thickness=2)
	Pv = verticalProjection(BiImg)
	(the_y, the_value) = globalBaseLine(BiImg)
	UP = upperLimit(BiImg, (the_y, the_value), Pv)
	LL = lowerLimit(BiImg, (the_y, the_value), Pv)

	# print LL, the_y, UP
	# cv.Line(BiImg, (0, the_y), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, the_y), cv.RGB(200,0,0))
	# cv.Line(BiImg, (0, LL), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, LL), cv.RGB(200,0,0))
	# cv.Line(BiImg, (0, UP), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, UP), cv.RGB(200,0,0))

	smooth = utils.enhanceImage(BiImg)
	smoothb = utils.toBinary(smooth)
	thin = thinning(BiImg)

	cv.ShowImage("input", img)
	cv.ShowImage("Biinput", BiImg)
	cv.ShowImage("smooth", smoothb)
	cv.ShowImage("Thin", thin)

	slant = slantFeature(BiImg)
	sorted_slant = sorted(slant.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
	print sorted_slant
예제 #6
    def test_toBinary(self):
        """Teste le fonctionnement de la fonction 'utils.toBinary'."""
        self.assertEqual(utils.toBinary(42), "101010")
        self.assertEqual(utils.toBinary(-5), "-101")

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            utils.toBinary(5, 2)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
예제 #7
def main():
    import utils
    inputFolder = '../data/normalized/'
    inputFile = '012012_001.png'

    img = cv.LoadImageM(inputFolder + inputFile)
    BiImg = utils.toBinary(img)

    # Pv = verticalProjection(BiImg)
    # print "Vertical Projection"
    # print Pv

    # Ph = horizontalProjection(BiImg)
    # print "Horizontal Projection"
    # print Ph

    Vc = verticalCenter(BiImg)
    Hc = horizontalCenter(BiImg)

    # cv.Circle(BiImg, (Hc, Vc), 2, cv.RGB(200,0,0), thickness=2)
    Pv = verticalProjection(BiImg)
    (the_y, the_value) = globalBaseLine(BiImg)
    UP = upperLimit(BiImg, (the_y, the_value), Pv)
    LL = lowerLimit(BiImg, (the_y, the_value), Pv)

    # print LL, the_y, UP
    # cv.Line(BiImg, (0, the_y), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, the_y), cv.RGB(200,0,0))
    # cv.Line(BiImg, (0, LL), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, LL), cv.RGB(200,0,0))
    # cv.Line(BiImg, (0, UP), (cv.GetSize(img)[0]-1, UP), cv.RGB(200,0,0))

    smooth = utils.enhanceImage(BiImg)
    smoothb = utils.toBinary(smooth)
    thin = thinning(BiImg)

    cv.ShowImage("input", img)
    cv.ShowImage("Biinput", BiImg)
    cv.ShowImage("smooth", smoothb)
    cv.ShowImage("Thin", thin)

    slant = slantFeature(BiImg)
    sorted_slant = sorted(slant.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    print sorted_slant
예제 #8
def getslant(img):
    BiImg = utils.toBinary(img)
    # enhancedImage = utils.enhanceImage(BiImg)
    # cv.ShowImage("enhancedImage", enhancedImage)
    # enhancedBinaryImage = utils.toBinary(enhancedImage)
    # cv.ShowImage("enhancedBinaryImage", enhancedBinaryImage)

    slantFeature = features.slantFeature(BiImg)
    sorted_slant = sorted(slantFeature.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    slantness = sorted_slant[len(sorted_slant) - 1]
    slant = slantness[0]
    return slant
def getslant(img):
	BiImg = utils.toBinary(img)
	# enhancedImage = utils.enhanceImage(BiImg)
	# cv.ShowImage("enhancedImage", enhancedImage)
	# enhancedBinaryImage = utils.toBinary(enhancedImage)
	# cv.ShowImage("enhancedBinaryImage", enhancedBinaryImage)

	slantFeature = features.slantFeature(BiImg)
	sorted_slant = sorted(slantFeature.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
	slantness = sorted_slant[len(sorted_slant)-1]
	slant = slantness[0]
	return slant
예제 #10
print("2: 10 premiers diviseurs d'un nombre")
print("3: Liste des nombres pairs inferieurs à 100")
print("4: 10 premiers termes d'une suite géométrique")
print("5: Convertisseur de décimal à binaire")
exo = 0
while exo < 1 or exo > 5:
    exo = int(input("Choisissez un exercice (1-5) : "))

if (exo == 1):
    num1 = int(input("Nombre 1 : "))
    num2 = int(input("Nombre 2 : "))
    if (utils.divisible(num1, num2)):
        print(num1, "est divisible par", num2)
        print(num1, "n'est pas divisible par", num2)
elif (exo == 2):
    num = int(input("Nombre : "))
    result = utils.arrayToStr(utils.divisors(num))
    print("Les diviseurs de", num, "sont", result)
elif (exo == 3):
    result = utils.arrayToStr(utils.evenNumbers())
    print("Les nombres pairs inférieurs à 100 sont", result)
elif (exo == 4):
    u = int(input("u(0) : "))
    q = int(input("q : "))
    result = utils.arrayToStr(utils.geometricSuite(u, q))
    print("Les dix premiers termes de cette suite sont", result)
    num = int(input("Nombre : "))
    print(num, "en binaire fait", utils.toBinary(num))