def __init__(self): super(VGG16, self).__init__() self.model = tvm.vgg16(pretrained=True) self.features = self.classifier = self.model.classifier[:4].to(utils.torch_device()) utils.disable_gradients(self.features.parameters()) utils.disable_gradients(self.classifier.parameters())
def __init__(self, emb_size): super(Squeezenet, self).__init__() self.emb_size = emb_size self.model = tvm.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True) self.features = self.classifier = nn.Sequential( *list(self.model.classifier.children())[:4]).to( utils.torch_device())
def __init__(self): super(Squeezenet, self).__init__() self.model = tvm.squeezenet1_1(pretrained=True) self.features = nn.Sequential(*list(self.model.children())[:-3]).to( utils.torch_device())
def __init__(self): super(Resnet152, self).__init__() self.model = tvm.resnet152(pretrained=True) self.features = nn.Sequential(*list(self.model.children())[:-1]).to( utils.torch_device())
def run(model_name, output_dir, dataname, data_dir='./data', batch_size=16, test_run=-1): data_path = '%s/%s' % (data_dir, dataname)'Load data from %s' % data_path)'Using model=%s' % model_name) ds = ImageDataset(data_path) model = models.get_model(model_name) data_loader = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=batch_size) features_list = [] count = 0 iterator = tqdm(data_loader) for batch in iterator: output = model.forward_pass( features_list.append(output.cpu().detach().numpy()) if test_run != -1 and count > test_run: iterator.close() break count = count + 1 features = np.vstack(features_list) output_path = '%s/%s-%s--%s' % (output_dir, model_name, dataname, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')), features)'save data at %s' % output_path)
def main( expt, model_name, device, gpu_id, optimizer, arch, num_layers, n_classes, img_size, batch_size, test_batch_size, subset, init_w, ckpt_g, n_epochs, lr_clfs, weight_decays, milestones, gamma, ): device = torch_device(device, gpu_id[0]) num_clfs = len([_ for _ in n_classes if _ > 0]) if arch == 'resnet': print('Using resnet') Net = get_resnet(num_layers) else: print('Using {}'.format(arch)) Net = get_network(arch, num_layers) net_G = define_G(cfg.num_channels[expt], cfg.num_channels[expt], 64, gpu_id=device) clfs = [ Net(num_channels=cfg.num_channels[expt], num_classes=_).to(device) for _ in n_classes if _ > 0 ] if len(gpu_id) > 1: net_G = nn.DataParallel(net_G, device_ids=gpu_id) clfs = [nn.DataParallel(clf, device_ids=gpu_id) for clf in clfs] assert len(clfs) == num_clfs print("Loading weights...\n{}".format(ckpt_g)) net_G.load_state_dict(torch.load(ckpt_g)) if init_w: print("Init weights...") for clf in clfs: clf.apply(weights_init) scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR if optimizer == 'sgd': opt_clfs = [ torch.optim.SGD(clf.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=weight_decays[0]) for lr, clf in zip(lr_clfs, clfs) ] elif optimizer == 'adam': opt_clfs = [ torch.optim.SGD(clf.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decays[0]) for lr, clf in zip(lr_clfs, clfs) ] sch_clfs = [ scheduler(optim, milestones, gamma=gamma) for optim in opt_clfs ] assert len(opt_clfs) == num_clfs criterionNLL = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) train_loader = get_loader(expt, batch_size, True, img_size=img_size, subset=subset) valid_loader = get_loader(expt, test_batch_size, False, img_size=img_size, subset=subset) template = '{}'.format(model_name) loss_history = defaultdict(list) acc_history = defaultdict(list) for epoch in range(n_epochs): "Train Epoch " + ' '.join(["\t Clf: {}".format(_) for _ in range(num_clfs)])) for iteration, (image, labels) in enumerate(train_loader, 1): real = with torch.no_grad(): X = net_G(real) ys = [ for _ in labels] [opt.zero_grad() for opt in opt_clfs] ys_hat = [clf(X) for clf in clfs] loss = [criterionNLL(y_hat, y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys)] ys_hat = [_.argmax(1, keepdim=True) for _ in ys_hat] acc = [ y_hat.eq(y.view_as(y_hat)).sum().item() / len(y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys) ] [l.backward() for l in loss] [opt.step() for opt in opt_clfs] iloss = [l.item() for l in loss] assert len(iloss) == num_clfs'[{}]({}/{}) '.format( epoch, iteration, len(train_loader), ) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l, a) for l, a in zip(iloss, acc) ])) loss_history['train_epoch'].append(epoch) acc_history['train_epoch'].append(epoch) for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(iloss, acc)): loss_history['train_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(l) acc_history['train_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(a) "Valid Epoch " + ' '.join(["\t Clf: {}".format(_) for _ in range(num_clfs)])) loss_m_batch = [0 for _ in range(num_clfs)] acc_m_batch = [0 for _ in range(num_clfs)] for iteration, (image, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader, 1): X = net_G( ys = [ for _ in labels] ys_hat = [clf(X) for clf in clfs] loss = [criterionNLL(y_hat, y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys)] ys_hat = [_.argmax(1, keepdim=True) for _ in ys_hat] acc = [ y_hat.eq(y.view_as(y_hat)).sum().item() / len(y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys) ] iloss = [l.item() for l in loss] for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(iloss, acc)): loss_m_batch[idx] += l acc_m_batch[idx] += a'[{}]({}/{}) '.format( epoch, iteration, len(valid_loader), ) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l, a) for l, a in zip(iloss, acc) ])) num_samples = len(valid_loader)'[{}](batch) '.format(epoch, ) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l / num_samples, a / num_samples) for l, a in zip(loss_m_batch, acc_m_batch) ])) num_samples = len(valid_loader) loss_history['valid_epoch'].append(epoch) acc_history['valid_epoch'].append(epoch) for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(loss_m_batch, acc_m_batch)): loss_history['valid_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(l / num_samples) acc_history['valid_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(a / num_samples) [sch.step() for sch in sch_clfs] train_loss_keys = [ _ for _ in loss_history if 'train' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] valid_loss_keys = [ _ for _ in loss_history if 'valid' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] train_acc_keys = [ _ for _ in acc_history if 'train' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] valid_acc_keys = [ _ for _ in acc_history if 'valid' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] cols = 5 rows = len(train_loss_keys) // cols + 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7 * cols, 5 * rows)) base = cols * 100 + rows * 10 for idx, (tr_l, val_l) in enumerate(zip(train_loss_keys, valid_loss_keys)): ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, idx + 1) ax.plot(loss_history['train_epoch'], loss_history[tr_l], 'b.:') ax.plot(loss_history['valid_epoch'], loss_history[val_l], 'bs-.') ax.set_xlabel('epochs') ax.set_ylabel('loss') ax.set_title(tr_l[6:]) ax.grid() if tr_l in acc_history: ax2 = plt.twinx() ax2.plot(acc_history['train_epoch'], acc_history[tr_l], 'r.:') ax2.plot(acc_history['valid_epoch'], acc_history[val_l], 'rs-.') ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3) plt_ckpt = '{}/{}/plots/{}.jpg'.format(cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name)'Plot: {}'.format(plt_ckpt)) plt.savefig(plt_ckpt, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=80) hist_ckpt = '{}/{}/history/{}.pkl'.format(cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name)'History: {}'.format(hist_ckpt)) pkl.dump((loss_history, acc_history), open(hist_ckpt, 'wb')) for idx, clf in enumerate(clfs): model_ckpt = '{}/{}/models/{}_clf_{}.stop'.format( cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name, idx)'Model: {}'.format(model_ckpt)), model_ckpt)
def __init__(self): super(Densenet, self).__init__() self.model = tvm.densenet201(pretrained=True) self.features =
def main( expt, model_name, device, gpu_id, optimizer, num_layers, n_classes, img_size, batch_size, test_batch_size, subset, init_w, load_w, ckpt_g, ckpt_clfs, n_epochs, lr_g, lr_clfs, ei_array, weight_decays, milestones, save_ckpts, gamma, ): device = torch_device(device, gpu_id[0]) num_clfs = len([_ for _ in n_classes if _ > 0]) Net = get_resnet(num_layers) net_G = define_G(cfg.num_channels[expt], cfg.num_channels[expt], 64, gpu_id=device) clfs = [ Net(num_channels=cfg.num_channels[expt], num_classes=_).to(device) for _ in n_classes if _ > 0 ] if len(gpu_id) > 1: net_G = nn.DataParallel(net_G, device_ids=gpu_id) clfs = [nn.DataParallel(clf, device_ids=gpu_id) for clf in clfs] assert len(clfs) == num_clfs if load_w: print("Loading weights...\n{}".format(ckpt_g)) net_G.load_state_dict(torch.load(ckpt_g)) for clf, ckpt in zip(clfs, ckpt_clfs): print(ckpt) clf.load_state_dict(torch.load(ckpt)) elif init_w: print("Init weights...") net_G.apply(weights_init) for clf in clfs: clf.apply(weights_init) if optimizer == 'sgd': optim = torch.optim.SGD elif optimizer == 'adam': optim = torch.optim.Adam scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR opt_G = torch.optim.Adam(net_G.parameters(), lr=lr_g, weight_decay=weight_decays[0]) opt_clfs = [ optim(clf.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decays[1]) for lr, clf in zip(lr_clfs, clfs) ] sch_clfs = [ scheduler(optim, milestones, gamma=gamma) for optim in opt_clfs ] assert len(opt_clfs) == num_clfs criterionGAN = eigan_loss criterionNLL = nn.CrossEntropyLoss().to(device) train_loader = get_loader(expt, batch_size, True, img_size=img_size, subset=subset) valid_loader = get_loader(expt, test_batch_size, False, img_size=img_size, subset=subset) template = '{}'.format(model_name) loss_history = defaultdict(list) acc_history = defaultdict(list) for epoch in range(n_epochs): "Train Epoch \t Loss_G " + ' '.join(["\t Clf: {}".format(_) for _ in range(num_clfs)])) for iteration, (image, labels) in enumerate(train_loader, 1): real = ys = [ for _, num_c in zip(labels, n_classes) if num_c > 0 ] with torch.no_grad(): X = net_G(real) [opt.zero_grad() for opt in opt_clfs] ys_hat = [clf(X) for clf in clfs] loss = [criterionNLL(y_hat, y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys)] ys_hat = [_.argmax(1, keepdim=True) for _ in ys_hat] acc = [ y_hat.eq(y.view_as(y_hat)).sum().item() / len(y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys) ] [l.backward() for l in loss] [opt.step() for opt in opt_clfs] iloss = [l.item() for l in loss] assert len(iloss) == num_clfs X = net_G(real) ys_hat = [clf(X) for clf in clfs] loss = [criterionNLL(y_hat, y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys)] opt_G.zero_grad() loss_g = eigan_loss(loss, ei_array) loss_g.backward() opt_G.step()'[{}]({}/{}) \t {:.4f} '.format( epoch, iteration, len(train_loader), loss_g.item()) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l, a) for l, a in zip(iloss, acc) ])) loss_history['train_epoch'].append(epoch) loss_history['train_G'].append(loss_g.item()) acc_history['train_epoch'].append(epoch) for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(iloss, acc)): loss_history['train_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(l) acc_history['train_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(a) "Valid Epoch \t Loss_G " + ' '.join(["\t Clf: {}".format(_) for _ in range(num_clfs)])) loss_g_batch = 0 loss_m_batch = [0 for _ in range(num_clfs)] acc_m_batch = [0 for _ in range(num_clfs)] for iteration, (image, labels) in enumerate(valid_loader, 1): real = fake = net_G(real) ys = [ for _, num_c in zip(labels, n_classes) if num_c > 0 ] ys_hat = [clf(fake) for clf in clfs] loss = [criterionNLL(y_hat, y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys)] ys_hat = [_.argmax(1, keepdim=True) for _ in ys_hat] acc = [ y_hat.eq(y.view_as(y_hat)).sum().item() / len(y) for y_hat, y in zip(ys_hat, ys) ] iloss = [l.item() for l in loss] for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(iloss, acc)): loss_m_batch[idx] += l acc_m_batch[idx] += a real = fake = net_G(real) loss_g = eigan_loss(iloss, ei_array) loss_g_batch += loss_g'[{}]({}/{}) \t {:.4f} '.format( epoch, iteration, len(valid_loader), loss_g) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l, a) for l, a in zip(iloss, acc) ])) num_samples = len(valid_loader)'[{}](batch) \t {:.4f} '.format( epoch, loss_g_batch / num_samples) + ' '.join([ '\t {:.4f} ({:.2f})'.format(l / num_samples, a / num_samples) for l, a in zip(loss_m_batch, acc_m_batch) ])) loss_history['valid_epoch'].append(epoch) loss_history['valid_G'].append(loss_g_batch / num_samples) acc_history['valid_epoch'].append(epoch) for idx, (l, a) in enumerate(zip(loss_m_batch, acc_m_batch)): loss_history['valid_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(l / num_samples) acc_history['valid_M_{}'.format(idx)].append(a / num_samples) for i in range(image.shape[0]): j = np.random.randint(0, image.shape[0]) sample = image[j] label = [str(int(_[j])) for _ in labels] ax = plt.subplot(2, 4, i + 1) ax.axis('off') sample = sample.permute(1, 2, 0) plt.imshow(sample.squeeze().numpy()) plt.savefig('{}/{}/validation/tmp.jpg'.format( cfg.ckpt_folder, expt)) ax = plt.subplot(2, 4, 5 + i) ax.axis('off') ax.set_title(" ".join(label)) sample_G = net_G(sample.clone().permute( 2, 0, 1).unsqueeze_(0).to(device)) sample_G = sample_G.cpu().detach().squeeze() if sample_G.shape[0] == 3: sample_G = sample_G.permute(1, 2, 0) plt.imshow(sample_G.numpy()) if i == 3: validation_plt = '{}/{}/validation/{}_{}.jpg'.format( cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name, epoch) print('Saving: {}'.format(validation_plt)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(validation_plt) break if epoch in save_ckpts: model_ckpt = '{}/{}/models/{}_g_{}.stop'.format( cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name, epoch)'Model: {}'.format(model_ckpt)), model_ckpt) [sch.step() for sch in sch_clfs] train_loss_keys = [ _ for _ in loss_history if 'train' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] valid_loss_keys = [ _ for _ in loss_history if 'valid' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] train_acc_keys = [ _ for _ in acc_history if 'train' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] valid_acc_keys = [ _ for _ in acc_history if 'valid' in _ and 'epoch' not in _ ] cols = 5 rows = len(train_loss_keys) // cols + 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7 * cols, 5 * rows)) base = cols * 100 + rows * 10 for idx, (tr_l, val_l) in enumerate(zip(train_loss_keys, valid_loss_keys)): ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, idx + 1) ax.plot(loss_history['train_epoch'], loss_history[tr_l], 'b.:') ax.plot(loss_history['valid_epoch'], loss_history[val_l], 'bs-.') ax.set_xlabel('epochs') ax.set_ylabel('loss') ax.set_title(tr_l[6:]) ax.grid() if tr_l in acc_history: ax2 = plt.twinx() ax2.plot(acc_history['train_epoch'], acc_history[tr_l], 'r.:') ax2.plot(acc_history['valid_epoch'], acc_history[val_l], 'rs-.') ax2.set_ylabel('accuracy') fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.3) plt_ckpt = '{}/{}/plots/{}.jpg'.format(cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name)'Plot: {}'.format(plt_ckpt)) plt.savefig(plt_ckpt, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=80) hist_ckpt = '{}/{}/history/{}.pkl'.format(cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name)'History: {}'.format(hist_ckpt)) pkl.dump((loss_history, acc_history), open(hist_ckpt, 'wb')) model_ckpt = '{}/{}/models/{}_g.stop'.format(cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name)'Model: {}'.format(model_ckpt)), model_ckpt) for idx, clf in enumerate(clfs): model_ckpt = '{}/{}/models/{}_clf_{}.stop'.format( cfg.ckpt_folder, expt, model_name, idx)'Model: {}'.format(model_ckpt)), model_ckpt)