def rlinput(prompt, prefill='', oneline=False, ctxkey=''): """ Get user input with readline editing support. """ sentinel = '' if prefill is None: prefill = '' def only_once(text): """ generator for startup hook """ readline.insert_text(text) yield while True: yield savedhist = NamedTemporaryFile() readline.write_history_file( ctxhistname = ".tl" + ctxkey + "history" ctxhistfile = os.path.join(G.ProjectFolder, ctxhistname) try: readline.clear_history() except AttributeError: print "This readline doesn't support clear_history()" raise savedcompleter = readline.get_completer() try: ulines = uniqify(ctxhistfile) readline.read_history_file(ctxhistfile) readline.set_completer(HistoryCompleter(ulines).complete) except IOError: pass readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') saveddelims = readline.get_completer_delims() readline.set_completer_delims('') ## No delims. Complete entire lines. readline.set_completion_display_matches_hook(match_display_hook) gen = only_once(prefill) readline.set_startup_hook( try: if oneline: edited = raw_input(prompt) else: print prompt edited = "\n".join(iter(raw_input, sentinel)) if edited.endswith(r'%%'): ## Invoke external editor edited = external_edit(edited[0:-2]) return edited finally: ## Restore readline state readline.write_history_file(ctxhistfile) readline.clear_history() readline.read_history_file( savedhist.close() readline.set_completer(savedcompleter) readline.set_completer_delims(saveddelims) readline.set_startup_hook()
def __init__(self, name, title, files, stype, cfg, trees, cuts = DEFAULT_TRUE, weights = '1.0', scale = 1.0, lumi = 1.0, channel = '', roottree = 'HWWTree'): assert(type(name) is str) assert(type(title) is str) assert(type(cuts) is str) assert(type(weights) is str) assert(type(scale) is float) self.__root = roottree # << the root tree (all other trees will be friends) self.__trees = None # << list of TChain's controlled by this sample self.__tree_names = utils.uniqify(utils.listify(trees) + [self.__root]) self.__name = name # << name of the sample self.__title = title # << title (used in legends, &c.) self.__cuts = cuts.replace(' ','') # << cuts that define sample selection self.__cuts_base = self.__cuts self.__applied_cuts = None self.__weights = weights.replace(' ','') # << event weights self.__weights_base = self.__weights self.__scale = scale # << product of scale factors self.__counters = {} # << counters maintained by this sample self.__histograms = {} # << histograms produced by this sample self.__internals = [] # << other internal objects to keep self.__locked = False # << whether the sample is mutable (ie., can produce histograms) self.__selections = {} # << named selections of this sample self.__uid = utils.uuid() samplebase.__init__(self, files, lumi, stype, cfg, channel, title)
def searchPhone(self, message_number): print 'processing message num: ' + str(message_number) try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(message_number, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])') except: print "Exception in HEADER" return False raw_message = message_data[0][1] # message_data, the data structure returned by imaplib, encodes some data re: the request type header = HeaderParser().parsestr(raw_message) if header['Content-Type'] is not None and 'multipart' in header['Content-Type']: print "INcorrect content type" return False # right now we're just skipping any multipart messages. this needs to be rewritten to parse the text parts of said messgs. try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(message_number, '(BODY.PEEK[TEXT])') except: print "Exception in TEXT" return False text_payload = message_data[0][1] found_digits = number_re.findall(text_payload) if found_digits != []: print "Message %d has numbers." % num(message_number) print found_digits ### need to cast the Date header into a MySQL object. ts = header['Date'] print 'header date: ' + str(ts) if rfc822.parsedate_tz(ts) is not None: #making sure the date header is not empty ts_tuple = rfc822.parsedate_tz(ts) #perhaps in the future we can intead set the ts_tuple to (0,0,0,0,0,0,0) and interpret it in the UI as 'no date header'. assuming that is actually the problem. #otherwise, we're setting it to the date of the most recently received email... and this could get awkward. #TODO: fix this once the UI is ready. ts_python_datetime = datetime.datetime(*(ts_tuple[0:6])) ts_mysql_datetime = ts_python_datetime.isoformat(' ') print 'about to insert into the database' ### sometimes it fails due to unicode issues print 'about to parse name and email from header' print 'header: ' + str(header['From']) try: name, email = email_re.match(header['From']).groups()[1:3] except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False print 'parsing name and email from FROM header: ' + str(name) + ', ' + str(email) try: m = Message( sender=header['From'][:255], recipient=header['To'][:255], sender_name=str(name)[:255], sender_email=email[:255], subject=header['Subject'][:255], date=ts_mysql_datetime, payload=str(text_payload[:65534]) ) except: return False pure_digits = uniqify(map(''.join, found_digits)) # the phone number regexp will create lists like ['','650','555','1212']. this collapses the list into a string. print 'We found pure digits: ' + str(pure_digits) for phone_number in pure_digits: if len(str(phone_number)) > 7: # for now, we want numbers with area codes only. print phone_number PhoneNumber(value=phone_number, message=m).save()
def primeFactorsStd(n): primes = primeFactors(n) return map(lambda x : (x,primes.count(x)) , uniqify(primes))
def search_phone(self): print 'processing message num: ' + str(self.number) try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(self.number, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])') except: print "Exception in HEADER" return False raw_message = message_data[0][1] # message_data, the data structure returned by imaplib, encodes some data re: the request type header = HeaderParser().parsestr(raw_message) if header['Content-Type'] is not None and 'multipart' in header['Content-Type']: print "INcorrect content type" return False # right now we're just skipping any multipart messages. this needs to be rewritten to parse the text parts of said messgs. try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(self.number, '(BODY.PEEK[TEXT])') except: print "Exception in TEXT" return False text_payload = message_data[0][1] found_digits = number_re.findall(text_payload) found_digits += number_re.findall(header['Subject']) if len(found_digits) > 0: print "Message %d has numbers." % num(self.number) print found_digits ### need to cast the Date header into a MySQL object. ts = header['Date'] print 'header date: ' + str(ts) if parse(ts) is not None: #making sure the date header is not empty date = parse(ts) print 'about to insert into the database' ### sometimes it fails due to unicode issues print 'about to parse name and email from header' print 'header: ' + str(header['From']) try: name, email = email_re.match(header['From']).groups()[1:3] except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False print 'parsing name and email from FROM header: ' + str(name) + ', ' + str(email) try: m = Message( user=self.user, sender=header['From'][:255], recipient=header['To'][:255], sender_name=str(name)[:255], sender_email=email[:255], subject=header['Subject'][:255], date_add=date, payload=str(text_payload[:65534]) ) except Exception as e: print "Can't save", "test", e pure_digits = uniqify(map(''.join, found_digits)) # the phone number regexp will create lists like ['','650','555','1212']. this collapses the list into a string. print 'We found pure digits: ' + str(pure_digits) for phone_number in pure_digits: if len(str(phone_number)) > 7: # for now, we want numbers with area codes only. print phone_number PhoneNumber(value=phone_number, message=m, user=self.user, mailbox=self.mailbox).save() self.found_phones += 1
def searchPhone(self, message_number): print 'processing message num: ' + str(message_number) try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(message_number, '(BODY.PEEK[HEADER])') except: print "Exception in HEADER" return False raw_message = message_data[0][ 1] # message_data, the data structure returned by imaplib, encodes some data re: the request type header = HeaderParser().parsestr(raw_message) if header['Content-Type'] is not None and 'multipart' in header[ 'Content-Type']: print "INcorrect content type" return False # right now we're just skipping any multipart messages. this needs to be rewritten to parse the text parts of said messgs. try: response, message_data = self.imap.fetch(message_number, '(BODY.PEEK[TEXT])') except: print "Exception in TEXT" return False text_payload = message_data[0][1] found_digits = number_re.findall(text_payload) if found_digits != []: print "Message %d has numbers." % num(message_number) print found_digits ### need to cast the Date header into a MySQL object. ts = header['Date'] print 'header date: ' + str(ts) if rfc822.parsedate_tz( ts) is not None: #making sure the date header is not empty ts_tuple = rfc822.parsedate_tz(ts) #perhaps in the future we can intead set the ts_tuple to (0,0,0,0,0,0,0) and interpret it in the UI as 'no date header'. assuming that is actually the problem. #otherwise, we're setting it to the date of the most recently received email... and this could get awkward. #TODO: fix this once the UI is ready. ts_python_datetime = datetime.datetime(*(ts_tuple[0:6])) ts_mysql_datetime = ts_python_datetime.isoformat(' ') print 'about to insert into the database' ### sometimes it fails due to unicode issues print 'about to parse name and email from header' print 'header: ' + str(header['From']) try: name, email = email_re.match(header['From']).groups()[1:3] except: print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] return False print 'parsing name and email from FROM header: ' + str( name) + ', ' + str(email) try: m = Message(sender=header['From'][:255], recipient=header['To'][:255], sender_name=str(name)[:255], sender_email=email[:255], subject=header['Subject'][:255], date=ts_mysql_datetime, payload=str(text_payload[:65534])) except: return False pure_digits = uniqify( map(''.join, found_digits) ) # the phone number regexp will create lists like ['','650','555','1212']. this collapses the list into a string. print 'We found pure digits: ' + str(pure_digits) for phone_number in pure_digits: if len(str(phone_number) ) > 7: # for now, we want numbers with area codes only. print phone_number PhoneNumber(value=phone_number, message=m).save()