예제 #1
파일: messages.py 프로젝트: zenverak/NFLRef
def processMessageDefaultChew(body):
    log.debug("Processing default chew message")
    threadIds = re.findall('(?: )([\da-z]{6})', body)
    if len(threadIds) < 1:
        log.debug("Couldn't find a thread id in message")
        return "Couldn't find a thread id in message"
    log.debug("Found thread id: {}".format(threadIds[0]))

    game = utils.loadGameObject(threadIds[0])
    if game is None:
        return "Game not found: {}".format(threadIds[0])

    if "normal" in body:
        game.forceChew = False
        result = "Game changed to normal plays by default: {}".format(
        game.forceChew = True
        result = "Game changed to chew the clock plays by default: {}".format(


    return result
예제 #2
def processMessageAcceptGame(dataTable, author):
    log.debug("Processing accept game message")
    if 'opponent' not in dataTable:
        log.warning("Couldn't find opponent in datatable")
        return False, "I couldn't figure out which opponent you were accepting. This shouldn't happen, please let /u/Watchful1 know"

    coachNum, result = utils.verifyCoaches([author, dataTable['opponent']])
    if coachNum != -1:
        log.debug("Coaches not verified, {} : {}".format(coachNum, result))
        return False, "Something went wrong, someone is no longer an acceptable coach. Please try to start the game again"

    homeTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(dataTable['opponent'].lower())
    awayTeam = wiki.getTeamByCoach(author.lower())
    for team in [homeTeam, awayTeam]:
        team['yardsPassing'] = 0
        team['yardsRushing'] = 0
        team['yardsTotal'] = 0
        team['turnoverInterceptions'] = 0
        team['turnoverFumble'] = 0
        team['fieldGoalsScored'] = 0
        team['fieldGoalsAttempted'] = 0
        team['posTime'] = 0

    game = utils.newGameObject(homeTeam, awayTeam)

    gameThread = utils.getGameThreadText(game)
    gameTitle = "[GAME THREAD] {} @ {}".format(game['away']['name'],

    threadID = str(
        reddit.submitSelfPost(globals.SUBREDDIT, gameTitle, gameThread))
    game['thread'] = threadID
    log.debug("Game thread created: {}".format(threadID))

    gameID = database.createNewGame(threadID)
    game['dataID'] = gameID
    log.debug("Game database record created: {}".format(gameID))

    for user in game['home']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, True)
        log.debug("Coach added to home: {}".format(user))
    for user in game['away']['coaches']:
        database.addCoach(gameID, user, False)
        log.debug("Coach added to away: {}".format(user))

    log.debug("Game started, posting coin toss comment")
    message = "The game has started! {}, you're away, call **heads** or **tails** in the air.".format(
        utils.getCoachString(game, 'away'))
    comment = utils.sendGameComment(game, message, {'action': 'coin'})
    game['waitingId'] = comment.fullname
    log.debug("Comment posted, now waiting on: {}".format(game['waitingId']))

    log.debug("Returning game started message")
    return True, "Game started. Find it [here]({}).".format(
예제 #3
def processMessageAbandonGame(body):
	log.debug("Processing abandon game message")
	threadIds = re.findall('(?: )([\da-z]{6})', body)
	if len(threadIds) < 1:
		log.debug("Couldn't find a thread id in message")
		return "Couldn't find a thread id in message"
	log.debug("Found thread id: {}".format(threadIds[0]))

	game = file_utils.loadGameObject(threadIds[0])
	if game is None:
		return "Game not found: {}".format(threadIds[0])

	utils.endGame(game, "Abandoned", False)

	return "Game {} abandoned".format(threadIds[0])
예제 #4
파일: state.py 프로젝트: zenverak/CBBRef
def tipResults(game, homeaway,number):
	tipKey = '{}Tip'.format(homeaway)
	if not game['tip'][tipKey]:
		success = database.saveTipNumber(game['dataID'],number, tipKey)
		if success:
			game['tip'][tipKey] = True
			return 'could not save this number', False
		return 'Already sent a number', False
	log.debug('hometip is {} and awaytip is {}'.format(game['tip']['homeTip'], game['tip']['awayTip']))
	if game['tip']['homeTip'] and game['tip']['awayTip']:
		log.debug('Setting dirty to True')
		game['dirty'] = True
		log.debug('game dirty is {} right after update'.format(game['dirty']))
		return 'You sent {}'.format(number), True
	log.debug('game is dirty is {}. this is after updating game thread'.format(game['dirty']))
	return 'result time', True
예제 #5
파일: main.py 프로젝트: nwithan8/CFBRef
					log.debug("Waiting on defense, touchdown")
					if utils.isGameOvertime(game):
						state.forceTouchdown(game, game.status.possession)
						resultMessage = state.overtimeTurnover(game)
						if game.status.waitingAction != Action.END:
						state.forceTouchdown(game, game.status.possession)
						state.setStateTouchback(game, game.status.possession.negate())
						resultMessage = "Automatic 7 point touchdown, {} has the ball.".format(string_utils.flair(game.team(game.status.waitingOn)))

				utils.sendGameComment(game, "{}\n\n{}".format(penaltyMessage, resultMessage), None, False)


			for game in index.getGamesPastPlayclockWarning():
				warningText = "This is a warning that your [game]({}) is waiting on a reply from you to " \
								"this {}. You have 12 hours until a delay of game penalty."\
				                        string_utils.getLinkFromGameThing(game.thread, utils.getPrimaryWaitingId(game.status.waitingId)))
				results = reddit.sendMessage(recipients=game.team(game.status.waitingOn).coaches,
									subject="{} vs {} 12 hour warning".format(game.away.name, game.home.name),
				log.debug("12 hour warning sent to {} for game {}: {}"
							string_utils.getCoachString(game, game.status.waitingOn),
예제 #6
def processMessage(message, force=False):
	if isinstance(message, praw.models.Message):
		isMessage = True
		log.debug("Processing a message from /u/{} : {}".format(str(message.author), message.id))
		isMessage = False
		log.debug("Processing a comment from /u/{} : {}".format(str(message.author), message.id))

	response = None
	success = None
	updateWaiting = True
	dataTable = None

	if message.parent_id is not None and (message.parent_id.startswith("t1") or message.parent_id.startswith("t4")):
		if isMessage:
			parent = reddit.getMessage(message.parent_id[3:])
			parent = reddit.getComment(message.parent_id[3:])

		if parent is not None and str(parent.author).lower() == globals.ACCOUNT_NAME:
			dataTable = string_utils.extractTableFromMessage(parent.body)
			if dataTable is not None:
				if 'action' not in dataTable or 'thread' not in dataTable:
					dataTable = None
					dataTable['source'] = parent.fullname
					log.debug("Found a valid datatable in parent message: {}".format(str(dataTable)))

	body = message.body.lower()
	author = str(message.author)
	game = None
	appendMessageId = False
	if dataTable is not None:
		game = index.reloadAndReturn(dataTable['thread'])
		if game is not None:
			utils.cycleStatus(game, message.fullname)
			utils.setLogGameID(game.thread, game)

			waitingOn = utils.isGameWaitingOn(game, author, dataTable['action'], dataTable['source'], force)
			if waitingOn is not None:
				response = waitingOn
				success = False
				updateWaiting = False

			elif game.errored:
				log.debug("Game is errored, skipping")
				response = "This game is currently in an error state, /u/{} has been contacted to take a look".format(
				success = False
				updateWaiting = False

				if dataTable['action'] == Action.COIN and not isMessage:
					keywords = ["heads", "tails"]
					keyword = utils.findKeywordInMessage(keywords, body)
					if keyword == "heads":
						success, response = processMessageCoin(game, True, author)
					elif keyword == "tails":
						success, response = processMessageCoin(game, False, author)
					elif keyword == "mult":
						success = False
						response = "I found both {} in your message. Please reply with just one of them.".format(
							' and '.join(keywords))

				elif dataTable['action'] == Action.DEFER and not isMessage:
					if utils.isGameOvertime(game):
						keywords = ["defend", "attack"]
						keywords = ["defer", "receive"]
					keyword = utils.findKeywordInMessage(keywords, body)
					if keyword == "defer" or keyword == "defend":
						success, response = processMessageDefer(game, True, author)
					elif keyword == "receive" or keyword == "attack":
						success, response = processMessageDefer(game, False, author)
					elif keyword == "mult":
						success = False
						response = "I found both {} in your message. Please reply with just one of them.".format(
							' and '.join(keywords))

				elif dataTable['action'] in classes.playActions and isMessage:
					success, response = processMessageDefenseNumber(game, body, author)
					appendMessageId = not success

				elif dataTable['action'] in classes.playActions and not isMessage:
					success, response = processMessageOffensePlay(game, body, author)
			log.debug("Couldn't get a game for /u/{}".format(author))
		log.debug("Parsing non-datatable message")
		if isMessage and str(message.author).lower() in wiki.admins:
			if body.startswith("newgame"):
				response = processMessageNewGame(message.body, str(message.author))
			elif body.startswith("kick"):
				response = processMessageKickGame(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("pause"):
				response = processMessagePauseGame(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("abandon"):
				response = processMessageAbandonGame(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("status"):
				response = processMessageGameStatus(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("reindex"):
				response = processMessageReindex(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("chew"):
				response = processMessageDefaultChew(message.body)
			elif body.startswith("gamelist"):
				response = processMessageGameList(message.body)

	if response is not None:
		if success is not None and not success and dataTable is not None and string_utils.extractTableFromMessage(
				response) is None:
			log.debug("Embedding datatable in reply on failure")
			response = string_utils.embedTableInMessage(response, dataTable)
			if updateWaiting and game is not None:
				if appendMessageId:
					utils.addWaitingId(game, 'return')
					utils.setWaitingId(game, 'return')
		resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message, response)
		if resultMessage is None:
			log.warning("Could not send message")

		elif game is not None and 'return' in game.status.waitingId:
			if appendMessageId:
				utils.addWaitingId(game, resultMessage.fullname)
				utils.setWaitingId(game, resultMessage.fullname)
			game.dirty = True
			log.debug("Message/comment replied, now waiting on: {}".format(game.status.waitingId))
		if isMessage:
			log.debug("Couldn't understand message")
			resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message,
												"I couldn't understand your message, please try again or message /u/Watchful1 if you need help.")
			if resultMessage is None:
				log.warning("Could not send message")

	if game is not None and game.dirty:
		log.debug("Game is dirty, updating thread")
예제 #7
def processMessage(message):
    if isinstance(message, praw.models.Message):
        isMessage = True
        log.debug("Processing a message from /u/{} : {}".format(
            str(message.author), message.id))
        isMessage = False
        log.debug("Processing a comment from /u/{} : {}".format(
            str(message.author), message.id))

    response = None
    success = None
    updateWaiting = True
    dataTable = None

    if message.parent_id is not None and (message.parent_id.startswith("t1") or
        if isMessage:
            parent = reddit.getMessage(message.parent_id[3:])
            parent = reddit.getComment(message.parent_id[3:])

        if parent is not None and str(
                parent.author).lower() == globals.ACCOUNT_NAME:
            dataTable = utils.extractTableFromMessage(parent.body)
            if dataTable is not None:
                if 'action' not in dataTable:
                    dataTable = None
                    dataTable['source'] = parent.fullname
                        "Found a valid datatable in parent message: {}".format(

    body = message.body.lower()
    author = str(message.author)
    game = None
    if dataTable is not None:
        if dataTable['action'] == 'newgame' and isMessage:
            keywords = ['accept', 'reject']
            keyword = utils.findKeywordInMessage(keywords, body)
            if keyword == "accept":
                success, response = processMessageAcceptGame(
                    dataTable, str(message.author))
            elif keyword == "reject":
                success, response = processMessageRejectGame(
                    dataTable, str(message.author))
            elif keyword == 'mult':
                success = False
                response = "I found both {} in your message. Please reply with just one of them.".format(
                    ' and '.join(keywords))

            game = utils.getGameByUser(author)
            if game is not None:
                utils.setLogGameID(game['thread'], game['dataID'])

                waitingOn = utils.isGameWaitingOn(game, author,
                if waitingOn is not None:
                    response = waitingOn
                    success = False
                    updateWaiting = False

                elif game['errored']:
                    log.debug("Game is errored, skipping")
                    response = "This game is currently in an error state, /u/{} has been contacted to take a look".format(
                    success = False
                    updateWaiting = False

                    if dataTable['action'] == 'coin' and not isMessage:
                        keywords = ['heads', 'tails']
                        keyword = utils.findKeywordInMessage(keywords, body)
                        if keyword == "heads":
                            success, response = processMessageCoin(
                                game, True, str(message.author))
                        elif keyword == "tails":
                            success, response = processMessageCoin(
                                game, False, str(message.author))
                        elif keyword == 'mult':
                            success = False
                            response = "I found both {} in your message. Please reply with just one of them.".format(
                                ' and '.join(keywords))

                    elif dataTable['action'] == 'defer' and not isMessage:
                        keywords = ['defer', 'receive']
                        keyword = utils.findKeywordInMessage(keywords, body)
                        if keyword == "defer":
                            success, response = processMessageDefer(
                                game, True, str(message.author))
                        elif keyword == "receive":
                            success, response = processMessageDefer(
                                game, False, str(message.author))
                        elif keyword == 'mult':
                            success = False
                            response = "I found both {} in your message. Please reply with just one of them.".format(
                                ' and '.join(keywords))

                    elif dataTable['action'] == 'play' and isMessage:
                        success, response = processMessageDefenseNumber(
                            game, body, str(message.author))

                    elif dataTable['action'] == 'play' and not isMessage:
                        success, response = processMessageOffensePlay(
                            game, body, str(message.author))
                log.debug("Couldn't get a game for /u/{}".format(author))
        log.debug("Parsing non-datatable message")
        if "newgame" in body and isMessage:
            response = processMessageNewGame(body, str(message.author))
        if "kick" in body and isMessage and str(
                message.author).lower() == globals.OWNER:
            response = processMessageKickGame(body)

    if response is not None:
        if success is not None and not success and dataTable is not None and utils.extractTableFromMessage(
                response) is None:
            log.debug("Embedding datatable in reply on failure")
            response = utils.embedTableInMessage(response, dataTable)
            if updateWaiting and game is not None:
                game['waitingId'] = 'return'
        resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message, response)
        if game is not None and game['waitingId'] == 'return':
            game['waitingId'] = resultMessage.fullname
            game['dirty'] = True
            log.debug("Message/comment replied, now waiting on: {}".format(
        if isMessage:
            log.debug("Couldn't understand message")
                "I couldn't understand your message, please try again or message /u/Watchful1 if you need help."

    if game is not None and game['dirty']:
        log.debug("Game is dirty, updating thread")
예제 #8
파일: messages.py 프로젝트: zenverak/CBBRef
def processMessage(message):
	## Determine if comment or dm

	if isinstance(message, praw.models.Message):
		isMessage = True
		isMessage = False
	log.debug("Processing a comment from /u/{} with id {} and body {}".format(str(message.author), message.id,message.body))

	response = None
	success = None
	updateWaiting = True
	dataTable = None
	resultMessage = None
	tipped = False

	if message.parent_id is not None and (message.parent_id.startswith("t1") or message.parent_id.startswith("t4")):
		if isMessage:
			parent = reddit.getMessage(message.parent_id[3:])
			parent = reddit.getComment(message.parent_id[3:])

		if parent is not None and str(parent.author).lower() == globals.ACCOUNT_NAME:

			dataTable = utils.extractTableFromMessage(parent.body)
			if dataTable is not None:
				if 'action' not in dataTable:
					dataTable = None
					dataTable['source'] = parent.fullname
					log.debug("Found a valid datatable in parent message: {}".format(str(dataTable)))

	body = message.body.lower()
	author = str(message.author)
	game = None
	if dataTable is not None:
		game = utils.getGameByUser(author)
		log.debug('game is {}'.format(game))
		if game is not None:
			utils.setLogGameID(game['thread'], game['dataID'])
			print('the action is {}'.format(dataTable['action']))

			waitingOn = utils.isGameWaitingOn(game, author, dataTable['action'], dataTable['source'])
			log.debug("waitingOn is {}".format(waitingOn))
			if waitingOn is not None:
				response = waitingOn
				success = False
				updateWaiting = False

			elif game['errored']:
				log.debug("Game is errored, skipping")
				response = "This game is currently in an error state, /u/{} has been contacted to take a look".format(globals.OWNER)
				success = False
				updateWaiting = False

				log.debug('Trying to process tip, offense, or defense')
				##this is where we start the game basically
				if dataTable['action'] == 'tip' and isMessage:
					log.debug('About to process tip message from {}'.format(str(message.author)))
					success, response = processMessageTip(game, message)
					if success:
						game['dirty'] = True
					log.debug("The tip message's success was {} and the message's content reads {}".format(success, response))

				elif dataTable['action'] == 'play' and isMessage:
					success, response = processMessageDefenseNumber(game, body, str(message.author))

				elif dataTable['action'] == 'play' and not isMessage:
					pos = game['status']['possession']
					success, response = processMessageOffensePlay(game, body, str(message.author))
					utils.sendPlayResultMessage(utils.reverseHomeAway(pos),game, response)

			log.debug("Couldn't get a game for /u/{}".format(author))
		log.debug("Parsing non-datatable message with body {} from author {}".format(body, str(message.author).lower()))
		if "newgame" in body and isMessage:
			response = processMessageNewGame(message.body, str(message.author))
		if "kick" in body and isMessage and str(message.author).lower() == globals.OWNER:
			response = processMessageKickGame(message.body)
		if "pause" in body and isMessage and str(message.author).lower() in wiki.admins:
			response = processMessagePauseGame(message.body)
		if "abandon" in body and isMessage and str(message.author).lower() in wiki.admins:
			log.debug('Going to abandon a game')
			response = processMessageAbandonGame(message.body)
		if "refresh" in body and isMessage and str(message.author).lower() in wiki.admins:
			response = utils.processRefresh()
	if response is not None:
		if success is not None and not success and dataTable is not None and utils.extractTableFromMessage(response) is None:
			log.debug("Embedding datatable in reply on failure")
			response = utils.embedTableInMessage(response, dataTable)
			if updateWaiting and game is not None:
				game['waitingId'] = 'return'
		log.debug("About to send reply Message")

		if game is not None:
			log.debug("game is not none")
			if game['tip']['justTipped']:
				log.debug('sending the winning tip message to the game thread')
				##send the tip update to the game thread instead of to the last
				## person who sent a tip number
				resultMessage = utils.sendGameCommentAfterTip(game, response)
				game['tip']['justTipped'] =  False
				game['tip']['tipped'] = True
				resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message, response)
			resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message, response)
		log.debug("result of sending reply message was {}".format(resultMessage))
		if resultMessage is None:
			log.warning("Could not send message")
		elif game is not None and game['waitingId'] == 'return':
			game['waitingId'] = resultMessage.fullname
			log.debug('About to send. WaitingID is {} when waitingID was return'.format(game['waitingId']))
			game['dirty'] = True
			log.debug("Message/comment replied, now waiting on: {}".format(game['waitingId']))
		if isMessage:
			log.debug("Couldn't understand message")
			resultMessage = reddit.replyMessage(message,
								"Could not understand you. Please try again or message /u/zenverak if you need help.")
		if resultMessage is None:
			log.warning("Could not send message")
	if game is not None:
		if game['status']['sendDef']:
			game['status']['sendDef'] = False
	if game is not None and game['dirty']:
		log.debug("Game is dirty, updating thread")